' ' ' -v ' - V ' ' "V* rjr\ Mapleville flt?ra?. Ob the nice muooi and bow mueh batter it makee'V-our bard land plough. Evervthing in?Mture t?TIi ~ua springtime ia bar* and farmere ara In ^ boatla. i Rev u. M. Duka baa Ifcen epending apme time in Hendaraan. lliai Beaaie Strange, who haa been upending seme time with rela tivea in Lewisburg,-Teno., and Bagatt, Os . has returned .heme.? ? Mr. Prioa wbo ia connected ^jitb the Diokersen-Price Lumber C?.,mC(I who bat beau visiting Mr. W. Diok era on. baa returned to his borne in Maryland. Leonard Bros.,who have pure baaed a lot of timber from Mrs. R. Y. Yarboro, are now cutting same. They have one of the moat up-to-date mills the writer bas ever seen. . , Tbe Leuiaburg, Lumber Ce., haa purchased a lot of timber of Messrs. J. W. and J H. Sledge amd expect ~ te move tbeir machinery in tha near fntnre. "' . R. H. Bobbitt baa tpurobaaed , tbe old A. W. Letter-mitt?property?on Cypress Creek and expeota to rebuild sL. ?ill - -a uja mui on tne oia die in tne near future. . 1 i Our young friend.and merchant of Louisbnrg, Mr. J. E. Perry, has purchased the Mrs. Sherred Sledge . 1 farm and will build a nioe bonae on same. He will oome bank and go to tilliDg the aoil again. Plain Fahusb. "IN A BAD" WAY" \ 1 i - ' Many a Lpuisburg Header Will ' Feel Grateful for This InformatialQ. When yoar back tavea out; Becomes lame, y<vk or aohing; When uriaary traibles set in, Your kidneys ai? tin a bad way." ^ Doan's Kidney/Pills will cure you. Here is good ab\ ienoe iorprov? it. D. S. Fuller,/bi >?d Street, Oitord, N. C., elds: 'For a long time I knew that r/j ki< neys were disor dered, this fut beii g plainly proven by the unnMural c< ndttion ef the secretions film the e organs. -They were too Sequent o passage, obliging me jp rise m ny times daring the night I had ] all backaches and | There! y tn TP** n w ol J. | than An The mere materials to oh sis requires ' knowledge. 1 of a fertilizer 1 source from / plant food isr.< . H Each ingr Royster goods with a \d w of the plaint fron I Until Warvest. R V is n/t overfe tim/ and stai other. v T w e a U y/ars experienc y rery ^a2* B TftAM M, N M - Smiiti Sold by reliable dec D - F. S. Royster -Q , NORFOLI - . 1 .v- ' . -rs K.^-^agafc..._ ' J I ?em?? iharp pains through my loioa that nede tt almost impossible for me to- . toop or liit* Hakring about Doen'e l tidney Pills anc \<viaaf favorably J mpressed, I pro* irmy a box and t hrough their^ui i'Yl wee oared. 1 They not only dil (Bsed of the bask- c iehe, btrtetreuu^ aoad tnjkidneye j ind benelittedybt in every way. I lan rtoummtn I Dan's Kidney Pill* isthe bea^kidn y remedy I ever ised.'- / t Foi idTe by all lealera. Prioe 60 ) lanla.^Foetor M Ihnrn ("V., KuffaU, J Hew^oth, eole i genta for the^Jlam" * id i&iUw. " t Remember the name?Doan'a? J ind take no other. c ???? I Stable Manure the Cheapest , Fertilizers- , j The eoonoaiy ot feeding a great Hurt of the orope grow en the land , o lire aiook, ef getting the fall feed- 1 ng value of tbaae oropa and then of , eturmng from two-tbirda to three- > berths of the fertilizing elemente in hem t# the aeil in a readily available ind permanently helpful form, matt >e apparent to any one. Than when j t it remembered that oeltivaticm alvays haa a tendency to reduoe the 1 lumus supply in the soil, that this ispply must be kept up if this prolacing ability of the lgnd is o be maintained or increased, and ;hat commercial fertilisers do praa I lioally nothing toward keeping up .hie supply, the felly of soy ene'e i ingaging in general farming withem | raying due attention to both the pro- 1 luoiion -and the care'ef stable ma- J lures would aeem la Oe too vidcnt to 1 le overlooker ? Raleigh (N. C.) ] Progressive Farmer and Qazette. < Quaker Oats is the worltT^Food Eaten inlytvery c .ten Djr infants, ?\ hletes, young And old, , Recog*jjze< as the grflbt/ str :ngth : / build :r. Delicious and economical. 1 Packed in regular aize packatea. and In bee- 1 meticaUf waled lina lot hot dlmatea. 52 ] ? "i smore \ rtllizcr jj lalyses l\ I >, . / . s < lmixing of / t .{ai^Saty- - no /special , 'hfe value f? lies in the ' which the * . attained. ?- f ; efaient in 1 ! I is selected ; Supplying ; r j 1 iprouting > The plant . Ll d at one . i 1 rv id at ann ty-f ive ) l :e joes with . h' ? f < * . i Milt k> j jPM *A' f' ^ t lie rs throughout / i ' m. ? A k 1 Guano Co. E ; t, va. ^ ^ J| . r - iMBafVT : ? < C. wmwwi T mt private preemption or II lereonal advice >lan. lb beet eflort it aurelj I rorth your tlmp ireqaidC I I-will bene m honett ana trustworthy draw Qi jUttojehomyo ceil conveniently *o for the ? V But flrrt, e I km for the order, for ell drat- H due are not eat orieed to rive the SO day teet, I 80 write 1 r now and rare ell delaya. Re- II nember thatemr neve^ctenot. Addreet II USSiLSllkL-r 1 'fnf ,:,h Having this day gsalifiedf as ad m t n itwtoroHlmlW fcrtsseftl, deeaased, ? ale af Franklin cuu\ty/thi? it to noli- pi > all paraane holdianr claims against aid estate to preacnuRham on or-be- * bra Ma rah 4th, 191 l/kr this notice will ai e plead is bar of tne* recersry. All icraons indebted Ao laid estate will * :one forward and/nakel settlement at tl >ne?. This maraa xth,\911. -iX-A. GRIi^QM, Admr. x ' TRUSTEE'S S AE. gl By virtue of a dead of trust executed < >y Edwin C. Perry and wife, Kuia Par- . y on the 19th day of March 1907, and acorded in Register of Deeds office in * Vanklln county in book 119, page 166, lafgult Having beat made m the pay- ~ nentof the note thlrein Secured and at ? he request ef the lholdqn thereof, 1 hall sell fur cash be putJfc auction to iha highest bidder A tM Court House loor in Louisburg, frefiklin oounty on donday the 2na <i Jyof May 1910, at L2 o'clock m, the jEllowing described iroperty. BerinnuA at an.oek jnst on (< he edge of Noble/jlset 4be corner pi . iatbodiat churej/lotl thence along said ol itreet in an easterly Vlirectios 182 faet ? :e a pott on Bjpd strekt, the-.ee at right ingle to sal/ street 1104 feet to a post ni lira, i'ernel* line, ttfcnce in a wester. a| y dirictionn>aralel tollirst line 182 feet iu a corner in the linaof the Methodist 91 ihurch \A thence inla jJJrect line 104 0; 'eet Uf the beginnilg. This March 81st 19Wh tl R. S. McCoin, Trustee. n ' b (forth Carolina 1 j n J In the SuperiorLCourt It Franklin County) ' - j. HcVa Littlejohn 1 w \ vs * NOTICE . .Ios\Littleiohn 1 O The defendanVabov^named will taka ^ notice that an ftcbonAi titled as above 11 lias been commeked in the Superior Jourbof Frankliit n>uuty for divorce frem the bonds oflpatsicoay aad the aid defendant wiR further take notice y that he is requlrdSI to appear at the -i term of the sup^ioi court of said eounly to be held omhelfith Monday after p the fiist klondafr in March, 1910, at the r> sourt hoqse iysaid lpounty in Leuis>urg, N. C. nd annrer ar demur to ^ lha complain whichmas been filed ia aid actiau fr the plaktiff will apply to the court \<A the relfcf demanded in laid eompffiiat. ThislMarcb 9th. 1910. ' J, J. BAlfcoW, C. o. C. 1 3. B. Maasenburg, Atftr. for Plaintiff, p - X; o ICE THE 1 - ] .-d.-wT L YbAK ?Ut)NU \ JNO. . jtING p buys everything awl sells every-, v thing. MOT! Ct? Best goods, ^ lowest prices, qu fkest delivery in town. I ,: . . SPECIAL, BA/C AINS FOR NEXT - 1 (AYS IN P^CNT JED CLOTH c Special Jrargain in shoes, m^ns Ireas spirts anl underwjatr, all kinds it garden! seed, /<fll kinds Eruit fiid vegetables^*!! kinds oerealt/such aa genuine oat meal in bullp, eat flakssfqostntj, Saratoga :hips, grejtr variety of. canned (o<rU, fiiili'roe, oysters, June peaB, riaha.sausage, homa-ir ad* tomatoes in^snaps, large tans 10 cents. PreSh line of fine undies just rs- I seived. Yours t-aplease, ? JOHN W.\ KIN9 Tell Some/ Sick Opfe It la Free/if It Falls. Will you do an aa of Humanity? / Will you tell soml sick friend of jbls. my remarkable offer? I / Tell blm or her, Jhnt yon hare learned of a Medicine ?o certain tfat its maker dare say to the sick, "It is abeomtely and unhfodltfonally jf tree if it fails." | / And you. no roubt, already know of Dr. Jhoop's Restore tlvo md its popuhfrity. For 20 years it las been the standard remtdy for Stomach, Mdney and Heart ailments jvery where in Amoifea. / When the "inmde" or controlling nerves of hese vital organs bfcin to Mil, it Is Dr. 6hoop's les to rati ve that hi fqulckly vitalised, and streng- jj hened. and brought thjee nerves and organs lack to health again. / I do not dose ftha/Btomach, nor stimulate he Heart or Kidneys-Vior that is all wrong. I Dr. Bhoop's Ogforetivo goes direct to the HUSe of these alfients?the falling, faltering. || nslde or controller nerves. And herein lies the } ceynote to my hmmi. When thegB Jervee are again made well and itrong.then tlyftf the certain end of all suoh U . TorooXii i imt *at Infection that I am II .ne onrr pi#Ricia ablo to ar to the tufferln* 11 to*. Tmjp roj D secriptlon lor hill 80 day*, and U ' H t^jfk to N > you. the entire expense it H fhentoh should the rick' take any 11 ihame on at f other medicine. who** Turner dare t >t bark it just u$ J dp 63/ Mm remarket, le offer t telp, no per" pr active plen. Bwldeo. TO ore tm to consult mo last ot M ?? "ou'd tout mmpttrteton. Mt edvico end he took bolow I e Toon?ond wlthOliroesL ? I Peehopeo ordortwo Irora me will cleor H ip some seriodn Intent. I hoTehelped&oateiida H ^ To Make OottonCheaplY W hy a#I tjy ? npujbunt in 4. repering part of your oottwn land ery thoroughly, fertilise broad out ad plaat on^the level? Then rua weeder aver the groand before la coiten ia up tw break the eraat, id aa aooD aa it ia fairly up ran the aader again Both war*. Tod ban ~ #' over vary faat and will looaea tha >il right alongside tha planta and op the graaa jaat garaainating, and ill not hart half aa many planta aa iu will have to take out any way. o??an uea tha weeder till.una to top-to a aland. - . Than do net eomptain about tha larcity of labor whaa you put a an angfa mala to every, oultivator>or ? reep, bet pat one man with a pafr | ! mulea and a riding oultivator to do lore and better work than three an earn do with plows. There ia a waata al human labor in ia South, and it ia time to make a < tiaoge. Make a phange net only is to implements uaad.bat in the man , er of ealtivation. Keep tbe twootaa aultivater going ahallowly and ever allow a oruat to alay as tha ind. Kaueciallj in dry weather, eep stirring an iaoh or two and eep the dust blanket on the soil te ] heck evaporation. ? i'ref. W. F. | laasey, in Ralaigh (X. C.) Progrssive Farmer and Gaaatte. ? Preventica?those jKady Cold Cure ablate?will safejg^and quickly check ii coins ana tneAifip. Try them ones ad see! 4808c. Sold " by F. Reid leaaants, Jfciuisb irg, T. 0. Joyner, raakHnta^T IMPORTANT I will be in Louiaburg about ths Oth or 12tn"*bf^.giy for the pu"-ose of oastratinlf stallions or any ther veterinary k/rice. Parties deiring my Servian will write me at Irinkteyville, if. fc? and I will go > their ttottniw?- I ST L. D|)ik, V. S. & D. I PWINSTON. lys he is at p^xen^uilding on Nash ^ treet and takes up most of his time raking after tlm^ork going on, but if ou want any snxls he will quit the / >b as long ayfoL want to buy clothing' hoe, matthfg, ladies gowns, ladtfis kirts, coarouitsl 1000 mens shivts for 5c to f l.Sn, one Hogshead fuJPof susenders./It you and my atdre closed ou may know I km laying brick on J lash'sfteet. 1 yf P. WINSTON A E. MILLER j Louisburg/N. ?. With a nice well selected stock of Jyl elry I attain position Jo satisfy most any ene desi ing anything in my lUfe. ; : Also D > Repairing ofJWATCH: IS and JEWEf.RY and i ill give you ;?w>e- very he? . of wnrlr / Very truly D E MILLER DARNELL & THOMAS 1 MXJ8IC HOUSE 1 Raleigh. iyC < SiSMBSHIli M Veil tht best ^ pi V:N"OS/ " Asa 1/Xit Laass Tamsma ^ uii VKry Ld>y icrius | and af prices below which no deak? manafacmirer or mail or- -a der/obae dun, quality con- ~ aiddred. Wk are! an old eatab- ? liued house with! many years of rrfiutation far squire dealing to far credit and whAi we tell you A r 6eom" J Scad teday tkr Catalogue, Tenet aad Prices a? (yea will ctttaialy sync C /"?*? ?. * "~^T7 ivr ' ' * 5 " < T ^ *" * J." ? v* ,v ; " c-.V ; Stomach Blood afi(? Much sickness starts with walk stom2h*jgirf poor, impoverished blood. Nenrouv tod puft' good, rich, red blood: Tbein tor, sfter ail, a maa oan be naafronger, than b A remedy that makes the spinach strong ma active, makes rich fed bloyO and overcomes oat disease produoing hsojiri i sad f,nrrta 1 tude ol diseases. f , ^ Get rid of yomrJltomi eb Weakness Ltfr Lax! arm/ by U ftlatf, m coura Dr. P/erce'aJColdma led lea I Dlmco -the araat Atom met iaatoratlra, L Inwi&oratow mm* Bio >4 Clam boar. You can't apord to accep Iny medicine'< ww>wW?s aj^ia substitute fei "noldsn Mfdji ery," whict/is a medioine op Wnown com posh a completWlist of ingredients In plain English tie-wrapper, same being attested as correct ' Dr. PUrta'a Ptrmxnnt Prllria rtfrniato aa4r jsvfr The Choicest; ' I My stock of Heavy and Fancy Q I choice and select lot I couldle^t; I lines 1 eerry. When in negS'of I 8< e me before buying. RAlsttil I burg steel plows, the bey wide. M. C./M_4> NMMMNMh NOT I - ~ You don't knqw the rai metal roof until Wou htw out then you sat yoar me to cover your nfxt I slate, metal tils.Mri shii other metal roofj; Gun at ing. Kepairingrlld noft new again . /f*v\ merit t isfied no ch^rgespHvbe i .?E. A. R0GERS, ? Shop Strieklam^fcuildini MACHINERY . Dealers i^i Ma J^ery Stable and am prepared to * At All Times. i? a and guarantee satisfaction. Safe ?-' Jler ?r SING and? IRON - ; - v 0 _ ' 1 * . # - |v I* J heat Separators, Cotton Gins^Sawl^ Belti c. Eclipse Engines and Saw Mills carried cck. Write fur catalogue, priced and terr ,-'..1 ' . < | Ladies Trimir i Ik . ' V-u A I liare just received u aauijVe wi I - Hat* ?mm pi 44. A ^ Hats and lots of other thiiJFs 1 A come and see ftjr yourself^A f w. BALE AND* f have decided to run again a Sale \\l We the public with " .4 . V Hrst Class Teapfs ill be glad to havo a liberal sharc^f patrons ams and polite and accommodating drivers. R. W. FU L 'or = r 9 VIONUM^ ^OMBSXOJTES./iuRl ENCING Wpfteto uffolK Me Works A people lack ryrj ^<fajvy lH mad 11 '^^^1^' ~m mi lifflSB ^^S?52??S wrr m *i==S*^^^ fc" ^ |tS|| rat T^iaro v l^,1!! "" ion, havinf (MIL^^JJLa : on itt bol- %J1, Wider oath. ^L " 1 orate Stomach, Llvtr sad Bo WW Is. - Groceries f is the most ^a a* are all the other ^k ...... "**' anything in mj line A ber I carry the Lynoh te VSANTS ce 6 vmlae of a/ e been burped mistaken/Get roof wiui tin, iff la*; op, any ajHock repalri?make them rial if not eatnade. ^ * * VC'* . .sTt The Tinner l next to v D Hill 8t SUPPLY CO. ichinery We have theTellowing second hand machinery for sale:' ? * \ 1 40 h p Ettinger engine $200 1 40 h p Erie City Boiler 200 1 5n li p Stationary Boiler almost new i 330 . 1 35 h p tieiser Portable boiler, good 25?r 1 15 hp Eclipse Engine and and boiler 300 \ 1 12 hp Talbot Engine and boiler 150 I 1 Eclipse Saw tlill bio. 0 150 1 Eclipse Saw Mill No. 0 100 1 Talbot Saw Mill 45 1 Chisel Tooth Saw, 44 "Hoe" , 45 .* 1 Solid Disston Saw, 39 f 15 ,n f,r. ns. jtife..;, led Hate. I ie of Ladies Trimmed A e line Shoes. Straw I ! OitUT1 llieiilion,?Sn y >OKE rUfVERV

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