"w." 'rf B^BBngrerv*FTj^Tf . < . ^ ^ fra^lin times ; IF. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager ] ???? * YJCAU, - - - ftl.00 .4ir MONTHS, - - 061' I HHBK MONTHS, -H6 ========5 1 'FbID^t, April 15 1010. ' 0 Lets settle our difficulties in the convention. Thehk ire only a tew more weeks betwetn new and the primaries and 1 it is the doty of everybody to begin to think' over who is the best mail J for the place. Wt need a law fer murder that will excuse no man ander any air- i uumetances, sxoept undonbtahle i self defense and until such a lav is 1 established we will reatiane to have 1 trouble. ?- ' I Let all of our Deaiocratie citizens ] torn out at the primaries aad eelsot ] ? gwu inpiw?ui?ii v c uo^jjnuou sv j end to the convention. It w yoar | duty and we remind yen that yen . may be earefnl in whom you pine* yonr tru?:. TsE people of Franklin oeuaty \ know teo well that they owe their | Rood government for the past ten j years to the Democratic party, and J it remains their duty to bear thia in | mind and see-that a good set of men ' are nominated to tiil the offices tha j coming elaatien. ^\^"The time for holding the pri- j raatiee for Franklin county haa been i ' set for the l-Hh of May, and the j convention the^lbth of May. Thia J is a wiae decision artd^jeems to have ; met the approval at everybody. ( The candidates have all done a k?g 1 let of work and by having the pri- , maries and convention aarfy will re- j have them ef a lot of unnecessary i work, J ??1 < Tiie County Demooratic Eieeu- < tive Committee, which met here en | . Saturday, are to he eongratalated 1 upon the action they took in the , plan for holding the primaries. Tbsy j adopted the precinct steeling plan \ which carries with it the moat eom- . mendable Democratic principle?that ] \ of local self-government. Under 1 thia plao any candidate in Franklin < .. county ean have a box for any offioa ' and decide by ballot, aDd thereby determine his strength. .. .i ' I The Supreme Court, ef Tenseaaee, sustained the decision of the lower J court in tke case cf Col. Dunoan 1 Cooper for the killing' of Senator I Carmack, imposing a sentence of SO j years in the penitentiary. Governor j > Patterson immediately pardoned 1 Col. Cooper and tbe preas ot the j country ia very plain in ita expree- , aient of denunciator It begins to look as if it is nseleaa to go to the ox- ( penoo oftsrying a man for murder as j they invariably get out of it on some ^ plea. ] ? j W* hope every Democrat will ' read what that grand old man ex/ 1 ^ Governor Thoe. J. Jarvis has to saw " about harmony ha the DemeeraSe ] party. Let every man work for Bis j friends, but say nothing unkind ' about anybody. It does net leip ( yon to abuse your eppenant sad the j barm it does the party ia ham to J . tacaaare. Tins paper standi lot j v peace in our own ranks. The/whole < nation is getting ready for a I great J Democratic victory. Ml this/ grand eld eounty be ready to lead' in tbe t great fight. I 8 Youngsville Item*. i The Youagaville I.omber Cem- i " paoy are baring the grading 'dene -J - 1-ir a aiding on the eaat aide ef the tl J7" 1 railroad for a loading point. j ' \ Mlu Nellie Winalim returned 1 from a riait to Miaa Rebeeoa Bed- J diagfleld at Neoee iaat week. t I,. W. Jackeen, ef Gary, cemplated | ~~~7~ a tare week* term of Singing Behool c here laet Saturday and we are glad J j PiTf. Jackson will teeeh .nether \ ^ '? I __ A ' ho Rook Hill Poultry fun, U getiag ready for the preaohera tbii lummer. Ha informa us that ha hai 100 batched out and growing fiat. Sao. T. Whitaker retarned M- n lay tram Ripley, Ga., 'where hi raa happily aaarriad on April M la Miea Elisabeth Floyd, one a: Saorgia'a most accomplished yono) ladies. Mr. and Mra. Whitaker wil occupy Mr. Whitkera new home pi Tarhoro Street which he hu^-Jos nompleted, and we ailipFw Mra Whitaker a hearlytrelceme to on town. CarJ.-Whitaker, ef Cardenas, earns down and took charge of the Yaaag rdle Lumber Co., daring Mr. Gee Whitaker'e wedding trip. J. W, Duke haa torn down tb< old weaden building an railroar sarner of Maia atreat and ia harinj two nice stare building* e renter whioh, when ooaaplele, will be ooea pied by E. T. Alferd. 8 C. Patterson has purcbasad i ltee building lot on Cross Street anc a baring lumber placed thereon ti ootid him a modarn and np-to-dati Oenta. W. The old fashioned way of dosing i reek stomach, or Stimulating thi Heart or Kidneys is all wrong. Dr Shoop first pointed oat this error This is why bis prescription?Dr Iboop's Restorettve-Vis directed entirey to the Cause of these ailments?th< weak inside or cultrolling nerres. II sn't so sifflcult. >pays Dr Shoop, t< itrengthen a weeds Stomach. Heart, 01 Sidneys, if ony gkes at it correctly: Each inside organ has its controlling nside nerrey Whin these nervrw fail, than those drgans must surely falter. rhMG vital tmtKa! or- ~ -w (UUUIg umg' fista evenfwbere t< dispense and rec>mmeny F/Reid Plea?an a, I-ouiBburg, T. C. ! oy*r, Frarvklinto*. &le oflakdeor taxes .Notice is hervby given that on Monday be 2nd day of Day. 1010 at 12 o'clock m., il vb? court house door of Franklin county b the town of Lonisbnrg. 1 will sell at pubie auction for cash to the highest bidder, an da named below to satisfy the taxes re aaining unpaid thereon, as provided in sfcapter 558. La wall 901 and Laws of 1909. The owners of the binds or the persons in shoee naves they ire listed, the township* 0 which thsy are lokaied, the lands to b< K>ld, the taxee and losta remaining unpai. hereon are as follows: " .. / CYPRESS CREEK TO W\ SHIP 1 A Stallings. ?5a.(home 4 02 DUNNtt TOWNSHIP. &eh Crndnp la $ 4 21 I J Perry 87a, Mo raein Creek 3 5t W G Pettiiord, 76i , Con ten tea Creek 4 4*1 F H Walker. 9ta. I rhmtt _7~ 2 OS HARK1 \ TOWNSHIP. Bay wood Ellis, 2a Big Branch 0 0C 3 P Freeman, 161 a. Croaked Creek 0 61 YOCNG8V LLE T0WN8HIP loldie Fuller. I lo S YqSnpsville 3 93 Foki Patterson. 1 lot Main street 6 28 1 If Ray* 1 lot Nai u%n Street ' 3 23 T B Young, 1 lot ( ollece Street 5 S3 FRANK LI." TON TOWNSHIP i 8 Cook. 1 lot / 11 9S fiikBir PBlfar, lid 12 *n ? Y Galley, 500 ?/ee " 1 Wt residence, 1908 and '09 / 158.24 IT Gaily, balaaN e 404.0C Ln oil ta 4 Hi Hit* ie Joyner. i I >t 8 4C Louvenia Jeffjpti 1 lot 1 88 1 8 Low err Ida slling, 1 start: 33 10 T J Levister/4a \l 3 40 j*o Mitchell 1 f< t h 2 30 IFiUiam Ssmth, 1 lHa 8 48 lo-h Williamson, Eat., 1 lot ' 7 OC Fosb WilljAmsoD, 1 lot 7 00 BAYESY LLE TOWNSHIP > A Full/r TiOa. .caches Creek 6 GO ANDY C LEEK TOWNSHIP irs. Oimnder 3a id land 1 41 ira. KAte (Jordei . 3a. ha ? laud 1 41 J GOLD 1 INK. TOWNSHIP 3 W flnpton, 84 , Handy Creek 4 08 J CRDAR tOCK TOWNSHIP 'rm 3oaton Allen, 9 , Davis land 6 17 Bnaily Alston 1 i >t Hulil^x road 3 40 If L Bessiej 2 I >u Baker lots 2 97 lohn Bollock 1 Brick yard 7 94 Than. Brodie, 4^ Tarboro road 4 40 io*n i.iacx, 2*.iw H Aliens laud 2 85 Ed Day 1 lor.Billfax road 10 84 lohn Dkkewui Slab town 9 14 Alger Dmrla 1 U t Halifax road 8 51 ViaalB|ton Dan I lot Ksoaoors are V 14 faaa Daria 1 loililner.,1 4pgs 9 84 3co. Efrrton ljlat limberlake 9 14 loalaay Egartt?aertoa\ 9 56 Lmywood Law 3a E L Hiklo 7 d8 baatea Merrill 1 lot Baker \ 1 74 oka Maaafl ? part Joa BrAcfc 18 18 ilaart MltrHail ft a Pleaaaatl 1157 lapbrry MrDoMll 1 lot MaliWova 7 78 oa KaW it M LUUrrtc I 4 82 i T Maai Blot Mkia atraat. raa.V lot Mala afjm, TokL 1 lot. Mop Maia atr.at / f \ 41 18 Irs. To J Ovaaa 1 lot railroad \ 1 81 Ira. E p Parry 1 lot Heblt atraat 28 90 loepardfParrj 1 Ink Fox dwaap \ lo 02 tortky/Prrtr I lotldradrd School 7 89 'atar IVrry 1 a 84*1 town \ 9.88 sgtoaffis.r1 \i& lartkKuBu 1 lot Blab to wo \9 85 Ira. E B Haith, aa?. 1 tot Cadar 8t. [9.80 oka/A data#a 1 lit Halo atraat 1M8 laity Ward 2 a T*boru rood 2 47, Ua., Bccry Wilcox I lot Short atraat 18 9f laidr WiDiaaa 1-2 I FraakHatoa rd 11 V> lanSUiliaaa t lot Aalifax road 10 79 ioiarlWiklkana 1 lotlCedar road 1J?S .1* Tarborough 87 darac Joe Braaak 13 4f| laka Yarhoroaah 8. JWarrenton rd V 89 \ H. 0. f EABBBT, ftbcrlf. *11 tad 1910 y ?. * 7-- - 7. . . .v ' * -V ' > . ZIEGLER. POES! r We have just received a|big lot of t Ziegler 'Brothers ; Shoes, in air the 1 fashionable' low cut styles; strap I sandals,/oxfords, ! pumps lii d in Pa? Leather, VicdKid t and Gun Mdtal at iiTT^T" TO V $3.00 Ziegler. Shoes i need no recommendation, 4hey are known, to be ; the best. ;\A.lso a full line ot\ " ^ IGODMANS! in Highiind Law Cut I Ladies and Children. < We llave \ never sold any I shoes that gave II h e satisfaction that the Godmkn rl AAO fnt* 4-V* r\ Ar* uuvu iui UliC JJX x^c Ladies $1.25 up Big Sales in MILLINERY and new/ lines just received. Flowers/ Hats, R i b b>o\n s and Trimn/ings. Miss Claras is pleasing every one and she is as busy as cstn be. Cckme to see usi ? V. 1 P. N^,& B. Z. EGERTpN. : ' .V I . * /W- f < *? ,--- . y ] | OUR INVI A Once each week we\?v for this space foy X ___ : j^ou once Wain to become Vue 9 The person who\ reads ^ioout * year ought to ^novyus at * better sthan/ii he Wd read better l>e knows i/ai the mori x and/Our busines^r rne\hods. /Your account, large vc small, is iiVgently w | The Farmers ,&\j Z ' ~ / - LOUISBURIG, m C B CHB&.THAM, President \ * UNDER SUPERVISION OF. THE i III tit.: | we nave |X To the Wioston Bulking Z \vy have you/ to opme 11| THE ' ALSTON r? ^ ' \m ' x Have not been out or I ? son and doer t ex 1 1 A . ' . . . fc 1 : / \ * 1? 1 McKINN? BRQ I LOUISBURG, Nor ~ y f r*-;' # TATION |]. 7Z privilege only of inviting III fl >positor of our bank. B. _ ; us fifty-two times a * ; least fiftyJ;wo times of us but once. The x 3 likely he is to like us x olicited and respectfully invited. lerchants Bank i N.C. ft R Y MoADEN, Cashier ft ATE OF NPnTH CAROLINA 1 J Moved j and will be glad to Z ' - ^ , ' I# ) and see us g / A ^B -,- ^B I fertilizer this sea- j pect to be. " " *:' j TMERS CO. | th Carolina ?' I '^F / r f _ . ????i. . *> i . _"* i \mm & Iji.:;.,.. jr. ;. "C..V ?-:? =