- I ~ M Vv. . " ? . . ' ' ? "* ' r * t ' - " * ! * * A iMMMMMMWMMWMMMMMI j The Louisl i ? - R? This i^tHe tftle of the oomp | v. | 1 i I REAL ESTATE If you wish to buy a f I Jirao to pay for it. - If you wUh^o Mil yqur fa , RENTING PROPERTY AND COLLE j tenant. Wo will also collect your renta far yc I LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE Wot* I Are. An Insurance policy on your life will nc I Your sarins* and accumulations of a life tim< 1 MONEY If you wish to borrow money, < I absolutely silt odse security, and charse you I on silt eds* security, whether only a fewdel j I vices and the services of our attorney^wlio hi 1 * WECAN OIVE YOUR SOND Wean I your bind, instead of askhyr'your friends to si We have enumerated in the foresolns sol \ a number of other ways and we offer our serv ' IDR S P BURT \PRESIDENT R G At X TRE ASIDE FlN, DR S P BURT FRANKUi^"flMES>! A. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager.; Friday, April 151910. . foi 1bdkx to lfSW advrrtihu?nt? ra| J. J. Barrow?Notice, ?? E. A. Rogers?Notice. T. L. Cannady?Notice. ric R. B. White?Executor's Notice. wj 1 w. Pay your poll p? tax before the 1st S of May or you can't vote ^in the ca coming election. " ' tii TAR DROPS. 2 ? ??? w ?Poll tax. . ' 1 Pl ?Pay your poll tax.ai ?Have yes paid year poll tax? ?Court convenes next Monday. ?Ii. P. Hicks hat a change of ad . ? - -? m: in Htia issue. m ? ?Pay yosr poll tax by May lit ev or yeu cannot vote. . ? ~ ?Read all the changes""d^ads in thia issue it will pay you. ' J? 1 fo ?Le*. every Democrat in Frank- fA lin county who has not already done ae, pay his poll tax at once. ?The attention of our readers is called to the .^haiige of >ad of P. 15. ia tfc K. K. Allen in this issue. es ?We are requested 10 state that wi the primaries at Saady Creek, will er be held at Laurel, commeacing at ggg 2 o'clock p. m., on May 14th 1010. ? ?T*?t. ?il good Desaoorats begin to prepare to attend the primaries. you do not it will be your fault if yotw^choice is not nominated and you wuLhaye no one else to blame but yourself." ^ ?Mr. C. A. RoghnJ of Warrenton, has moved to Looistfocg and openea a tinners shop in the bimding on Nash street just below the' dTiji->pensary building. We welcome Mr. ?Report all items of interest to this office. They will be appreciated snd eaeh item wilt help to make the paper that much more interesting. We oan not get all the news but by yOnf help we can get the lion'B share and that is what we wish to do. We want all the news that's news. ?L? the winter is passed.the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the ainging of birda ia come-and singing of hesrts as well, fsT It is the turn} of sonny skies, murmuring brooks a.id fragrany woodlands. So thou, likewise, deaf reader* banish' yoer "winter ef. di. content" and bear wreaths of siretfes, aiug praissa of Joy aad 1st good cheer blossom and make fagraet and s/nny your life. < ?Where is the man se happy as ^ the one who applies himself to man- p>| oal labor? Where ia the home to el ? ? t ) .V V". * <; t .. ^ * ' r " : r*" ************ ****** burg Guara AND = :al1y Compaq any jufet established in Lou what We can ?To for you. Rrm, we wiUlroy it fo# you, end pssist you in n xm or -exchange it fo# another, we can assist yo CTING REffTS R you wish to rent your pn iu if you deeirA andfkeep the property insured i ill also insure life against death, and we w It cost much, btt/lt would mean much to ibur a may be des^rdALd in a few minutes by flm, ?A we willaSsiitt ybvi to borrow it. If yo? have mot npfrli cent. Mo matter what amount you may < lars. or larg^ amounts, we will place it for you is made a s AcisltA>f looking up real estate titi \ also prenpod to give bond of certain chsractei gn your Ipnd. \ * ne of tab services ou A company can render if de ices taAhc public. begin business Fcbruar / L P MICKS f VICE-PRESIDENT .LEN \ J A TU IER V 8ECRE ANCE COMMITT J M ALLEN WVAVVVWVVWiWf1 ppy as ths one where eaoh memr of the household feels, at the >se of the day, that they have per rmed eorae at least of the many itiea devolving upon them? There ly be a clash some day between pilal and labor, Shoald this pek] ever come, ibe hope is that labor th the oonqaering tread_pf a hero, 11 trample beneath. ita heel the wer that haa to a conaiderable exit, made labor laborious. We are laborers in our little oity. To The Public All communications concerning ndidateh for the nomination for ty State or County office must be companied by the usual adverting price of 10 cents per line? lea usually averaere from live to I words?and the name of the riter for publication. This is not >ne so much for a matter of ofit but that each man may have i eqeulehow at the nomination.? Editor: The Dc^oornhji^jfxcouUTe CoiaenHfg^ttrif^^fejl9*0 at 2 lock Dj EWuurch. Chmn. SEED COjfe FOp'SALE 10 busftele Cox^KraKticSaed Com r sale at $1.50 fjjr bushel at my 1 m or Stokes akMfjpu\, 1 ? /U| k. Chk*thaii. Having qualifie?^jf ajecutor under e will of Mrs. J. HfjCtnley, deceased, te of Franklin couqfy, this is te aotiall parties having Ani ma against said tate to present sank, or this notice ill be pleaded in/t| of their recov. y. April 12th, MfOl IfRjf 'White, Ex. - ' * I ^ - " i ' * " ' Aj iredded Wheal Biyuita, Cream of 'heat, Grape NVty Ptosis, Corn fakee,Potato# ohM, Small herirnga lL. P. Hicks. /\ i ^ L ij r ^uk' TT i TnaTMilf Tir W T . i ^ " * . . . ? . v vr < V - r - -f -W ? T * " * MUVHMMM ftifiift iTn??^r>Jii8?^9rF;' i \ - ' ? . i ?" i . .> . | 3 THING v-:r .*< FIR8T coming w X ' v 8ISC01 ? ey you ?a \W - x HI It I banking i | FIRST UNDER SUPERS \ JUST f| A FRESH ASSORTMENT 2 ONAL BISCUIT COMP 0 EATABLES * ' V I carry a full assort-f ment of Sun Bearo W brand of Canned Goods The_lest in Teas; Cof- ( J fees, Spices, etc. Jj Flour, ' Meal, Shi Jj Meat, Lard, \lolass ft Corn and Hay. * ===== f * CALL- / Mf 0 | Clifton- Corner f ff * = 1 House Old Dutch Cleanser, i nickle plated, window A ery. Bonatni, Bapolii ?hand soap will romoi hands and leaves the glycerine soap for yoi 1 SH A Whittemores G>lt Edj A - Pink, Blue, Red, Gun Bally shine shoe polir A Just received a big si A cuspidors, beans pots I g L- n ON THE CORM t.-.-S' - '' -. . * ' vJf' ,". ' V; xr-. -^ - ifc ------ rl""_ STO REM ( " . " - '?-.. . * ? ?paving money k the surest wav of fD?The only safapliwe to keep the i ve iajin a bank. V-J * )?Our bunk ofleran oa the very bei service and accomijnidation. NATIONAL LOlilSBURG, M. C /ISlpN OF U. S. ^ RECE OF NATI- Nabisco, Ginger Wat ANY'S Cheese Sandwich, M \ Lemon Snaps, Grab C^REAi^ Of ^ll/Kinds *3 St-lltf, Gall for anything 3G8, QfttS always get I / fresl PHONE NC . T. TERRELL / Keepers I shasea dirt^cleans enamel j^are,bath tu '8, sinks, wpod work, floors, oil ?nd ru ?, electrio iilcoi), batjf bricke, lvorj >n ink, flraaka, dirt, painta, v.. hands soft Id smroothe. Try I.it^c I ur bath and louyfill be pleased. IOE /Friends ge, Baby Jmte,musRstt, Velvet Polish Metal./' La veneer, 2 In one shoe pel ih wiUr make old cracked box oalf a! ;ock/6f flower lots and sauotrs, po ayr tea pots. 1 =>- HICI IER PHppiB42 LOUISE n- - ;.^r "4.. , v -X ataJitLiiili > . 1 . . 1 ? ?I BANK | - GOVERNMENT J IVED \ ' J ers^Fig Newton, Honey Blocks J ilk Btfceuit, Social Teas, Zu Zu, J am Wafers, etc. - i . A good assortment of jl ? Staple Dry Goods,shoes notions,beayy and shelf } , hardware, tinware, 1$ ( crockery, harness, etc^ JP ; you want, and you will the lowest prices for J# 1 clean stuff. 4k K 80 \* ssss?J | Louisburg, N. C. | ^ V S w w w w^^^ Tiends | ib?, eopper, brass st from mnehin r soap. Dutch A nish from your Rose transparent J , Quick Whits, X ish Whitteraore hoss look sew. ^ nltry f ountains,