* , < - '' ' E' ^ ' ; THE HOME Cll Pleasant Evening Revi ^eated^ts Tired Mo the Home Gircle CRUDE THOUGHTS FRO] We Lev* neves-yet seen a fussy, oalviah, hardwerkiug mother who was Dot repaid (or all her toil aod care and aexiety by a let of as aelf; ish, ehildrea as erer lived. A Mother who really has the good ot her children at heart, will teach them as soon as they can *ajk on'7 to themselves, butto help others. She will not bring them up under the impression that they ire unhedged angels, but dear^wrilfuj, little morula who must learft- they came to ssrve and net to rule. Self sacrifice is a geod quality in a motherk-JtiUt it ia possible to earay that Bpirit too far; it b possible to make sacrifices which are not only uncalled for and not neeesaarr, but .Really harmful in their <> effects. , >1, . e * e TRI LITISt^llOOM. The living room is dhL-One room in id* Dona* wnicrvy above all otber should be hright and chearfnl. if any room mast he neglected, let it not he the living roem. Have bare refined pictures, plentyot b^oka and current literature. Thia is the plac* for the piano, the moat comfortable chairs ,.' and' coty go&ierav Within the prey --J-?--?||ibts of such room ene may ahnt oat the world and forget that there are any troubles; to bear. The character of a room depends upon its wall decoration, its carpets, its pictures and its curtains, h'e, shoulJ be careful r ? to have these of the right kind as all others are mere aeceesories. "We could not afford expensive things," said a newly-married couple, "so we ehoee the comfortable ones," and this idea "comfort" is the secret ot sll furnishing. e a GATES JUAR. The toncbing pathos of childhood is shoWn in the following: The death - <**-. ef a ,well-known gentleman had tailed forth many expressions, of a - sympathy from friends in the way et a profusion of flowers in beautiful designs. After they had been placed . areond him as be lay in the casket, hi#Dttle daughter Alioeut four years, V ' Was led by ber mamma into the room Jo look upon the face of her dead papa -WfHle was naturally attracted?by the fijjwers and by the design of "The Jintee Ajar." Her mamma told ber that "the beautiful gate" Kkd^epened , and papa bad passed through" and would never come back to them again. The child looked steadily at her papa's face for a few moments, ~ then climbed np so she could reach over and kiss bis cold lips saying: ? "Papa.?dear, speak to me and say you will ecu to 'tlio beautiful gate' and meet your little Alice there some - day." , ' > * THE GAIN or SUNDAY BEST ^?meannun a man will not produce more in a week by working aeveo daya then by working six days. Bat we very roach doubt whether, at the end of a year he will generally produce more by working six daya in a week. The na >, tural difirenoe between Campania and ^ Spitsbergen ip trifling when compare* with the differenoe between a country inhabited by men fall of bodily an< mental vigor and a country inhabits by men rank in bodily and raenta decrepitude. Therefore it ia tliat w< are not poorer bat riober, becaaseWt have through many ages reated fren ... ..per labora one day in aevan. The day wnot loot, while indnatry ia aaapendec while the plow lies in'the farrow while the exchange ia ailent, while nc emoke amende from the factory, i prooesn is going on quite as impcrun to the wealth of the' nation as ia th work which is performed on mom busy daya. Man?the machine machine*?the maohine compared ?t the Wntti and Arkwrigbta art op, sa thaCher returns to bia labors 01 Monday with dearer intelligbnataM h ( 1 ' v",v *r -X e. . >"#V <- -l by local Application* mm they Awnot reoeh r the dimtM porUdfcr ul the Mr Tim N only oie mmw to e?W do?f?ffc. mm4 thit Is by cooeUtvttoBhl \reui*<Ji|4 b??fne?e U . c?.oeed by on liflooM coMition of the sicoat lit) eg of lt? WftMpt? Nfce, *bte, i ihl. tab* U iiltmlwlmn a mMJ pound or l?>?Hnl m/h, mmt etna It 1 eatlrrl rlorod, DutJi io I bo MM .eel aalrat tbr it??attjlfraa W tafea ae^ipH thip tub* nvtofvi to A ppfOtl wtvHjtt htarUe win to toalror fcf tofwtfT. alar atata oat ultnua iijfcirt MCtWmt. rUA It t hat ? )l<?y?iuillllin ef tto 1 UonriarJ Dotlara tor Ml . in of Ihiliit (ntatpd jrr oatorrb) that cutot bo imi bj Bam Caunt Cart. Brau for rimltn. /rot. \ f.l. CHENEY 4 V?- ToUdo a Bold b/DrontfttP. TV. I f Toko ptU'i nailr Piilt ar eotetlpatloa f . ; i I wiah to uj \to Jfre people of I Franklin Countvllb&t I arid be pre. pared to furniehjfail kinds pf cabbage, oollard, wttiatoe and celery ' plants in seaabil Only the best rarietiea. / Vl W. HOLMES RCLE COLUMN. i 1 in 3riBs.~A Column Deditfrers as They Join at Evening Tide I THE EDITORIAL PEN I livelier spirits, witfi renewed uoipotj sal vigor. . " . e I r.iRi.s who hark rooR wtvns. We never see a petted, pampered ; girl who is yielded to in every whim by eervantt end parents that we do J not sigh with pity fer the man who | will seme day be her husband. It is ' the worshipped daughter who has been taught that her whims and wishes are supreme in a household who makes marrige a failure all her lite. She hae-ha<! ber way in things great and- ansall; and when she desired dresses, pleaaerae or journeys which were beyond the faaily puree, she carried the day with tears or sulks, or posing na n martyr. The pnreets saerifioed tor her sake, hoping finally to see her well married. They carefully hide her faelts from her suitors whs seek ker hand and she is ever ready with smiles and allurements to win the hearts of men, sad the average men ta as blind to the faults ef a pretty girl as a newly hatohed bird is blind to the warms npoa the trees aboat hits. He thinks her little pettish ways are mere girlish moods; bet when the becomes his wife and reveals her selfish end crnel natare he is greived sad hurt to think fate his been so unkind to him. aimless girls _ Poor,indescribably poer,is that girl whs has gifts, s cleer mind and settee, bands, and who has net been taught hew to use them, wandering^imlesely throughly lite, atedioere in everything, withoat definite aim seeking vainly far occupations to amass #r | distract, deforming her bedy to gratily | ignoreni vanity, injuring herself by late bears and bad food, sparkling dimly is the a tritely for a wealthy baeband, and then as a wife realizing ber weakness and lack of worth; aa mother, weepiag bluer stinging tears as she sees the results ef ber miserable life asagnibed in her children, and ; wailing piteooaly for help and strength when it is teo late. No aareasm this; this ecientifio wan turns to hie werk with a heavy heart aftsr studying sacb a case. But object teaching is nature'* teaching, and many rtp6tioas ar* necessary before people will take the leaaea and ita fall msaning to heart ' v Coughs that are tight or distressing tickling coughs; get quick and certain help from Dr. Shoopw Cough Remedy. On this account Dra*iata everywhere ere fevering By. Sheews Cough Remedy. The tender leery at s harmless hug healing mouncawous shrub give to Dr. Shoop's CosghJlamedy ita surative properties. Those jleaves haye the - powee t? ealw /the meet danetdaa cough, sad to sofithc and heal the most sensitive breadnial | membranes: Test it onee yourgoJT, aei seel 8old by T. Rcid riessen^H Iou(aborg, T. C. Joy' oer Krmnkliston. Sorry to See It Empty Wife?"Charlie I was astonished and as sorry (o see so many empty whiskey bottles in yonr room thie morning." Madam, yon are apt half aa sorry aa I am to aee them Em ft v." : f . D?lfn??? Cinnnf ka Pjieasf . f ANNOUNCEMENT. , ! To the Voters of franfcKnACounty I hereby mnouM myself as a candidal- for the Democratic uomination for Treasurec/of Franklin dovnty, subject teJoelaction of the Democratic primaries! J. Efr#AKP|rHQlY1AS ~Tacard To Democratic Voters I hereby announce nrfyaelf a candidate for Register yf Deeds fer Franklin County, sn 5jeot to the at thin of the I'emoa/i tie ricnvention. I -will appreoiatjrar) j help from my friends / W H. MACON. fK CARD To The Democratic?V^Tnaa of ' Frank nix Couwty: \y ' I hereby announcomiyself a candidate for the oRegister of Deeds of Frankl^rCeunty, subject to the Demoe^ttio Ifrimary and Correction, f Yerjrtrulr >S. /? 8. H. BOONE. ANNDCNQEMEVT To the Democratic yotenfof Franklin County: , fx/ ' N I hereby announce rnjjaelf a candidate for the House of Itenresehtatires from Franklin county sijneCt U) the action of the Democrati^filinaries" irmi. C?nyention. 1 am ^rot al candidate urgStt by my friends^ln ruJbut am running^ because 1 waalthe once and if the party will honor me witll the nomination 1 will aenythem and lthe State to tlie u?t ui iwy wuiiuy. iwapKlluiij, 7 Ia. TUR.vEK. A CARD To The Democratic Vothrs of FRANKLIN COUNT!: \I herewith aniouncV myself a candidate for the Vftioa of Register of Deads of FrankKn^Ouaty, subject to the action (drthe Democratic 1 primaries and conplntion. If nominated and eleotsgl II promise the people of the aRunta faithful and accurate serace. thanking you in advsnce ?pr any wing you may do in my h^alf I an i f Kespectfilly, ' ?-/ R. P. TAYLOR J A CARD J To The Democratic Volfts of . Franklin fiountvf With the kindest of Vednigg toward J every man in Franklin noHntv and with no criticism to make oflniy ene, I wish I to anaonnte myself ad candidate for 1 Clerk of Superior CqaA of Franklin ( County subject to tare taction of the- -I Democratic Primary ami convention. . I will state that I ma in no SJmbiue with any other conwdate er candidates . because when I a/c you te support ine I have gone aa fag as propriety will al- I low and I know/eu are an capable of j selecting the /ther nomkees of the " party aa I am/ I ( Should rouAee fit to nonhnate me I shall endear/ to execute tLe duties of the office to/the best of my lability and shall see that everybody lis treated alike. Yours -Respectfully, " SAM. P. BODP1E ANNOUNCEMENT To my Den ocratic Friends: , I am taking this method of informing my friends throughout the county, that lama candidate for renomiuation It the hands off my wty?f"- 'H rt<Kjfa of _ Clerk of the Superior court/ My duties as Clerl, compel mrf constant attendance at ray office in Louisburg.for tne properjflischarge of the business of thu/people is more important! than /any man's candidacy, and tney h/va a right to xpect to find ma in my office when they come to towla if transact business with the clerk/ I am, therefor^ deprived on the pleasure ,of visiting the peopllf at their homes, ** T ehoold **VW' Tilfe to do. to solicit their support in my behalf, and. am compel/dko rely upon my friends to lookinftar my interests at the Democrat/ primaries. By my friends, I mtm theiwhole body of Democratic /oters,] for they have shown thei/frienddiip in the past, and I beli/e will I continiie it in the futnreJfor I am unconscious of having d/ne ought I to forfeit the > oonfiden/a of any firmer friend. T have endeavored to 1 show my apprcciat/on of thafsvmra shown me,by WlM WMlteB to tip duties of my office/and bv courtesy and accomo dsti/i to all, having! badness with it, /d if re-elected, j shall contin WW av uoTUM IU Y UCBVMUUril H) 1(19 as/< leu of the people. /With deep gralii ids for past Brora, with the Wil d nt of feeliugg /owards all, and with a determination to always.{aitbf ly discharge vary trust oonfided to me, I submit my olefin* to-the people of Franklin county. Respectful I v, J. J. BARROW. . ..ANNOUNCEMENT.. I wish to announce tV the public . generally and eiqb-ouflly to Loeia. burg that I harell jgreo good bar- . hen- aad am rwfiy tf eerr* my oestemere a-d /rhnrts quick and up-to-date. \y< karp sharp razors eleen towele dhd ml every wey gire the meat oolite Aid satisfactory egmee pomftMe., Y*u wiU find my | "4our? to seAre, j jBCAR T. 8TEOAIX ' - - j "-; . . a. . .) - . a. V ?* * " . "K ' * i* , . . / m --- : - - _ Fj THOSE!! Arc on Sale Age In this lot thore are something: or-r UK ten to eighteen dollars that we'are goin spring weight and real good colors. Cos fore they are picked over. _ r We have about t\v = K- ' -V A those $1.50 pants le s ' * \ ' A Oxfords received andy style and size now7 * We have S-full line of everything in out anything thntVe carry, Coj/e in and s I see what we hare and whajrehrap prices may need. Thanking ybyffor post favoi I P. S/& K. Thorses ai 50 young, sound and from 800 to 11C .- J? , \ T 40 young, son | At My SI ^ _ 1. ' . Ja AnH T7nv WoIA m. vi waic X oy For 11 A Come to see j(em before the X don't want te boy, a* I will g W one pen. flSoroe and take a 1 j ^ K. ^ ^ iv^rW a...-. .... , ** - ,_. - >5 SUITS j >in at Our Store jj| i hundred real gomd suite worth from g to close out regardless of cost. At) ns quick and e^t your choice fsr |5 beoy^undred pairs of ifW New lot ladies can give you any 4 l I ee u?. lAlways glad for our customers to i we haw to make you on anything yon lOALLEN'S I i ? V? miTiS*S MULEST ?a/ ?* broke Mules weighing T , Eito^aoh I rses, all now Y ?isbi?g.i . "'J 1 Easy Terms T b Price. X ' X - \ Come ta> lee them if you i fine and yourg mules in ^ I \Mr'\ LL ' ' _ /^* I

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