Professional Card j^R. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING, ??'?Offlce m Ford Building. Main sod Nash street, Louis burs. N| C. Hours: 9 to 4 80. Phone No. 40. -y , K JJR. n. A. SB WELL, / JPHYaiCiAK I -r Louisburg, N C ~PhAn? No. 1B6 JIRANKLIN PON pOTE(j j aranklintou. N.C. K. A1 Speed, PropnetOT. QootnLiverv in connection w U'1-u 11 ?j?-? DEOTTAL SURGEON L Lisbniy N. C. Office in Hiltti BuiWlug, Sluin Street. ? p_H. COOKO / / attoWey-atlawi LoJLbnrg, N. C.9, Over Cooper AAlpasaaWi Store. Prompt Attention givenAlllegal business entrnnted tcr me / 1 |JR. J. B./tAL(WE PHySICIA^ftDd 8URQEON Offi -e in rdur of Beanler* AIb ton Drug Store. JJR. J P. BURT\ Physician aid 8URGKON \ ? / LovUImiI, N.:c. ^ \ Ojlce orer P. 8, A k\ K. Allen's Store TfL R>P^YABBOR*UOH 7. PHYSrifcH^od MJRGEONJ Looiabnrbr. A C. nVtflce in Yarborough A mekett building. /Night calls answered f:om Y. W- Birkett's / residence, phone.J4. \ D B. MAdSENBURG * \ ZNJ D \ .v-' ATTORNEY AT LMW Louieburg, N. C. \ Will praetfce Id all the courts ol the Stata Office in Egerton Building HAYWOOD BUFF IN \ ATTORNEY! AT ^AWX\ / l,o"inborg, N. C- / Will praciice In all courts of Franklin and ntng eouutiea. also in the Supr^lfce Court and in the United States Di trick and Circuit Cuurt. ..Office oyer^First National ^Anlt \ j fjl B. WILDER / ATTORNEY AT LAW Lo lisburg, N. A. * Office on Main street in Cooper building. ^ gPRUILL A aoLDE.y ATTC RNEI^AT LAW Lc ilsbora, N. C. Will attend the court! of Franklin, Vance, Granville, Wari >?. aad Wake counties, also the Supreme < ont/> ?' North Carolina. Prompt atteoti n given to collections Office an ttpruill boildi jy X T. W. BkketJ R. B. White Ci^isbnrg, SI \ Franklinton. N. C. jgljCKETTL WHITE / N LAWYERS / L misbarg, N. C. Tbe eettJbment t>? estates for exeeutors,|Administrators a d Guardians is made a speelaity, rth'1 *>e onds required by law can be art ui up in ne ?ffi?e. ^. Offifce In Yai lorongh ft .Bfekett building x/r U I'El SON f AT' OBNBT AT LAW / ] ouisburg. N, C. j Practice in all ourts. Office on Main Street j yj- H YA IBOBOUGH, Jr. A' rORNEY AT LAW " . LdBlimiR, ft' C. ; All legal bu> lees intra sled to mil-receive prompt att mtion. Office} in ^ Egerton Building. ^ jy[ * wdv* ^ CON! RACTOR aadjBUII.DER ; Louis burg:, N. C. Trading ag?i t for all kisds of building sup* piles, artisri' Mantios and Tiles, Architectural designs submitted. * ?DF\ Fd^ D PranklintonV N\ 0., COMMISSIONERS tALK OF LAND. Ry virtue of an ordter of resale made by the Superior cokrt of Franklin county in the special nroceedinM entitled R. A. Moore. Adra lof J.W/Moore, dec'd vs Mabel Moore land others,heirs . at law, the underSigneB commissioner a will on Monday the 2n? da/ of May. I 1910, it being the first Mot/ay in said month, at about the hbi# of twelve o'clock, noon, offer forjnle at public auction at the Court Mouse door in Louisburg, N. C., to th/Jugheat bidder foi cask, a certain trdtthr parcel of land aituated in Cypr/ai feraek township, Franklin count#, "NoAh Carolina, adjoining the lands Ml E. IS Mooro, Jv C. Matthews and Stra S.V. Moore, aad containing twenty-five acres, more ^t^uS#a'U?p^1t "of'feeSy^iF cent of hla bid ewe gauarsntfc of good faith pending th# confirmation of the g|]f. \ This the 1st day of April. 1910. X W. H. tab borough, Jr., n. _ .. i, American Be Ths best on the m&rVet..?a)l and b s tin babw'caps just receded. It irill MRS* -ft - ' % GROCI " r :< . r -We hare a nice freah atcck of (J ' % * have you examine before making yc ; r.?p"? -- money on anything in our line. Let Us Show You a We also Qarry General Merchant When in tows gire JU a oall. we s / viait pli ^_Z GEO. H. MAIN H ' t-tOUISBU " <W : - -?l *1,. . .. s J *T ' \ * , . - . E-In Bat *1 had a mishit > at the ag I fix," writes Mrs. Georgia Ushe I was unconsbious for H would have fainting\ spells, c headache, heart palpiution and "I suffered creatl* with ail life and had 3 doctor s\ but the; to try Curdvil ? _ \. 'Since taking Cardai, 1 an all m> housework." \ I Take jQ A I .The WoX Do not allow yoursel0o j I get in So4>ad you woulcMind Better take Cardui/vhile stili in moderately "good/ealth, j and keep you in tip tap condl In this way youytroubles, ually grow, smaller mstead of I I up-grade instead / the dowi arrive at the northr pole of per Get a bottle it your drugg FRESH r? -i UU5llt?l OF ALU To serre on our ICE CREAM, and a ing touch, on this and the rest of % Phone Your Op in Gfui Knd it will be delivered profcptly. where there/is always THE SgQCCI Specia f Racket :'*?' ?" ^ Row line of White Goods, Ginghan s. P< ? / itoel ?nL_Xaces suic I fw A call /Mnlainl . - r ^ ywwfj , * ~ - 'lx I , 1 i _ ; e oM^, which left me in bad three days/arid after that I I lizziness, rfervousnesl, sick H many stnnge feelings, ments dye to the change of | 1 did nafeood, so I concluded I 1 so iWuch bettei and candoj / ??-7? ill in's ionic let into a bad fix. You might I !1 hard to get out there is timer-While you are I hist to consefyft-your strength I whatever they are, will grad- I largeiV-you will be on the I ri?anA by and bye you will I line7 - iruns > /1 'I KINDS ^ /P> "JACK." to put the finish 'eldrinks makes them taste right. bis for Anything ' Line < ftivvd vour' prescriptions filled her. an ew>erienced ORUQ CQ I Sales rhE > /Store jrcale, Madras. Souitins: and a prett i of Embroideries attention to the iauty Corsets am. Sample line of Ladies hits ] be to your interest to see them. M HALtV Eft^ES! i >ceries tjfat we would JJbe glad t r pvnjtbasea. We carl save yoi rid Talk With Yot nice lino of r Lse and Fruits * ill do our "utmpst to make you: u?nt ? % COOPER 'RKKT RQ, N O. .'otiiu'taiJO .&'TiaV , <_<"!. ' ,? *4, '.J ' . I . > +% llHESUTO SCHOOL, LesSPtv IV.?Second Quarter, for April 24, 1910. ,/ * . ? THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES' *-v - Taxt of the Leecon, Mstt. xi, 20-30 Memory Verses. 28-30?Golden Text. Matt, xi, 28?Commentary Prepared by Rev. ?. M. Stearne. * Two of the foundations in the Scrip* lures in*. connection with the great truth that "otlier foundation' can tj?a - ninn Inv thnn* Hint la l-.M q-lileh it _ "Jesus Christ," are that "God J* lovpi-' and He is not willing that any should perish (1 Cor. Ill, 11; John HI. 1(5; 11 ^ I?et. 111. 9). Along with this we need Acts xvil, 30. 31. "God now commands ?tb nil men everywhere to repent, because He hath appointed a day'in the . which He will judge the world In righteousness bjr that man whom He hath ordained, whereof He hath given assurance unto all men In that He lintb raised 111m from the dead." We have seen John and Jesus and the twelve preaching repentance, and when - we turn to Itev; lx, 20?. 21; xvl. 0. 11, and read of the fearful judgments that ? will come upon the earth in the time _"?T the great?trlbulatluu. after?the church shall have been taken away, we leiirn that the object of all will be that men tuny repent. In this connection see Job xxxiii, 29, 30. I He had chdgfcn, Chorazin. Bethsaida . and Capernaum as-centers where He f wrought many mighty works, but they - seemed to be without result, and He tells them of judgment* to couie. when it will be more tolerable fbr other cities which never saw His mighty works. There are three future judg-, ?vmio oi'wndi U1 LiltT JUUgUlBUl SCUl pf Christ for believers only, the Judgment of untious at the begiaiiing of the millennial reign and the Judgment . at thecrent white throne at the end ( " of tHfcThousand years. Our Lord must be speaking here of the second or third of these. Note Ills "1 say unto . you" of verses 22, 24. Remember that ) it Is the Judge Himself who Is speak-, ing. nijd He certainly knows whereof He affirms. The words "more tolerable" suggest different degrees of punishment and suffering, as there will be g n Isold liferent degrees of glory and of rewards for. believers. First it is a question of saved or lost; then for the snrpd there will be reward according 'toHrorks aud for the l<?t punishment according to desert, and the Judge of all the earth will not fail to do right .The .nation being about to reject ? nim. He seetns to turn to Individuals,, to such as. lu the time of Ills rejec" "tlon wlll let Himself be their rest, their all. ne first talks to His Father as the Lord of heaven and earth and therefore ns having a perfect right to do as He. pleases with His own (Ps. cxxxv, G). lie talks to Him as naturally as to people nbodt Him, for He Is iu constant and conscious touch with heaven nud does always those % things that pitpse the Father. Although despised uud rejected. He thanks His ' Father, reminding us that we art In ail things to give thauks (I Thesa. . 18). Some one bus said that he who has learned to say always "Thank God" has the key to constant ^victory. The "Eveu so. Father." iudlcatia. otrfect y submission wltb the most absolute confidence in and satisfaction with the. Father's 4 management. Compare 1 Sam. Ill, 18: Job 1. 21. Our Lord's __ gratitude at this time was In congeethings from the wist In their own* conceit and revealing them to those who are teachable as babes or very little children. The mere natural man hovgev^r wise, cunuoJ;Jcnow tht things of God. for they are foollsbuess to him (1 Cor. 1. il>. "They have rejected the word of the Lord, aUfCMi^at wls, dom is in them?" (Jer. r\l, 9!) As Abraham gave to his only son all that he had. so "the Father lovetb the Son and hath given all thlugs Into His nil the Egyptians and' all other countries had to go to Joseph hi order to obtain corn by which they might live ~ (Gen. xll. r>5-57>. so there is no real life; no life eternal, no knowledge of I God the Father, except through Jesus T Christ (verse 27). ) . fu this sinful. Christ rejectiug age would you find rest? It can be.found only In Him who knew what It was 1q_ , rest In His Father. Would you find the yoke of the Unify life easy nnd the q burden of the dally toll light? It can only 6e by yoking up with Him who a liene so lovingly .Invites us. This Is an' ancient message, for in Isu. xxviil. 12, we read. "This Is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest, and this-tft-lhe refreshing." Rqt there the I prophet had, to add. "Yet they would * not hear." Again, in Isn. xxx. Ifi. we read. "In returning nnd rest shall ye be saved: in quietness and lu confidence shall be your strength." But again It is added. "And ye would-mot." Compare with these Matt. xxtlL 37; % John v. 40. and see how all the dlfflcul> ty Is always on our side, while God i? ever saying: "Come! Return! Whosoever will! Him that coraeth!" Tbere^' r seems to be two "rests" here, one that He gives when we come to Him and the other that we find when we take His yoke upon us. but only the meek and lowly can obtain either. The first is suggestive of salvation nnd the second of service. If we would be saved we must be poor enough in spirit tc plead guilty uud accept jestldasllsu freely by grace. If we would find rest In service It mast be by the consciousness of being yoked with One who knows beat, to .whom we always say a glad "Even so, Father.** - v/? COBIfflanS ARE BTPE PRC HpHEY will not bun^ Will n<\ split or curl like A Will not craek a* roll off likcttlate. Will not ri like plain tin. NepRier will they guttle during hig Thei' never need A pairs and last along as the bull of an, they m&k^the handsomest rwV and are not e M. F. HOUCK, Louisburg, N. Specialties in T > w nen Y ou Drihk Cofi&e . , ' DrinkVhe ^est? _ ^ i havv it There are no better brand Blue Ribbon/ Manhattf Carajar, Society and 1 Try one caia and be\conv B. G. HIC PHONE NO 100 A BIG LOT OF New furniti ?vand /. ' Sewing Melch JUST RECEIVE I And w# can make the price* rijdft. \Come to fee u we liar* a/d be konvinfced that We Are*Selbng the Very niture for/the Money T \Qan/Buy^jn the ^ I also carry a nio^rajid aomplatc line ?f Andertaken ??l{lac[ to aery thosArfko may- be jn dead of my rat a o^ll wheih-in town or in need of a J " . in^mjr lin? W. E. White Furnittre^ Sickness is I Unnecessary I to demonstrate the / k / value of the telephone /1ft 1 in the farm home. v In A 111 I If " any emergency the telephone performs a func- \ tion which no other agettajr" / can equal. The doctor can fcfc / called quicker than the RorseWn be hitched up. Neighboraf can tx instantly. It is invaluable fonrwie com protection of the housewife. / \ <| I^mM^f or^nmt ioi ? f - ?omc lei Telcjri J;. . , i sh ...i iiwilfMI i ^SI^JIJSslS^SSSSS?^SSS^SSS? '-.. ." '.' a') ii.vJalA I. ,' .'ij/lt ,tf?i > , . ..' ' " ',$'Ul ' ' "'< ' V' vry L V "> ' 11 ' ilMlff'' . r~T~ "* . 11 I "'* - 5TAL WBB ?OF . tZ h wind stonps. din*. And last x pensive. * c "~H Coffee Why No > i '. ' 1 ? .... " ' -. s than the tn Blend. Toxaway. inced. srvo ire , t tncs 5 11 ubd look at ' wkat Best Fur Utkif X ou tate. supplies and will b? serrioes. Give nytbing 4 X Company ; summoned I lenience and * auuui uur est manager i . ' . ' N wt , leDboae '

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