? <? -J __ _ _ I - __ - _ " r\r .' ... * - , ... f ? mammmm 1 BUYIf m 1 T ~ I flg[| ? I Write I r?i I Catal 'Si One person in fifty kno J3 bay a Piano is to select y ' B ' order for what ever price E 1 a'l going to make a profit I We Hand ' I; Style <2? 9' our different agencies. * ^ i money, all we aak is to g I X i you give to some strangi I Sj, ^ prove to you that we will i. J. W. LOCALS. A ?Quite a number of our people are attending 'court- at Loaiabnrg this week. ?Rev. W. W. Roee expects to commence a aeriee ef meeting at the Methediat ehnrah Sand a v Mav 1st ?If yon want to have a good time cams eat to the ikating rink Tuesday and Friday nigbta at tbt arm try. ?The colored ball game between 1-ouisbur > and Vranklinton on lasl Wednesday resulted in a score of ( to 10 in Loniabnrg'a faver. ?Eraakiinton haa added anothn automobile to her number?makini five now here. Mrs. S. C. Venn hai which is up-to-date in every reepecl ?L. B. Mitchell reports the catct last week, of a fish in tar river aboa three miles from here, weighing 1 """ pounds. It meaiured two feet an waven inches. There were eeveri in the party. ?The lawn party in the armer for the benefit of the fund to get Baas Ball team organised here tbi summer, we understand, was a sa< ' oses. Qmite a neat little amount In - lag rained. . ?While attempting to cross -creek on Col. W. L. MoGhee's fari -?? ?nn/laft lent Tina m e ft f bad th? misfortune of drowning liora? aid narrowly etc*peri birnsel The creek waa up a great deal mo: . than waa expected. ?The Graded School boys we: again vietorion* laet Friday dtfta rug the KittreU bate ball team ( - their ground, the score being 16 8. It waa a vary alow game and itl Franklinton boy* bad the advantaf from the start, making 13 runs dp (I irat inning. Underwood for tl FrankHoton taain pitchsd a *i ~ good gima and P?Wi vtm rig there to hold him. Qoite a lar| otmbsr from Fraaklinton weat or to aee the game, aspeoislly were t ladiaa and school girl* well rap .."MV"" - : ' ..V- ' ?-j : i r R A N K l_ slG PI ? TE We now h loads. Wt from a Chi ' ^ You can d at our < xp* % . i=3fer-~? ^ 6 re oresOfi[llC Wexoaw goons w?* n ^ from home ws anything about a Piano, the way our man to buy from, give him yc von \* ant to pay and trust bim, we i He 100 Differei ^ of Pianos. \ if yon want to buy at bom* and si ivi lis half-the chance to_ ??H yon tl ?r or mail , o der bouse. If we do > save you money we^wont ask you to t HOLUNGS at- ?The Military Company hat juat received a long raage target ? tbe same as those used on the range at Morebead City?and wilHravs it put in place at once. They will have some epen air shoe's at long range before Camp, at home una year. ?Mr. Geerge Crews, of Middle lex, is spending a few days with hit people here. George says he and , Carl T. Harper, another Frankliatoe boy, barely escaped being burni ed to death in the Are at Middlesex . last week, ft seems thst George ; was ons of tbe firm who owned the drag stere in which he and Carl r worked and that they roomed over I the at ore. As tbe bonaes in eaatarn a Northern Garolina are nearly all light wood the building was ready to , 1 eollapae when they diseovered it was , Jen fire. Thsv escaped bnt did not t j save even their clethes. The drng - firm earned seme insurance bnt not j near enough to corar tbeir loes. J ?And 'he kid bate ball team hsi not ,beeu hasten yet.' They chnjc y very; near it though last .Monday a when they went up against Louis burg. Although it auded with ttu - aoora 10 to 6 in tbe Fraoklintbi i- teams favor it stood until the las< ~ inning 4 te 5, Ihs home tetfn making a five runs in their last inniag. "Kid' n Williama pitched for the home tean ir and "Kid" has never lost a garni a and .has baen pitching for threi If. seasons. Sham Cooke ie one ef tb re btst hid oatobera in the State to' Lonisburg had a pitcher no kid tear ra need be ashamed of in Hart. H t- was right there and it he had bee in given tbe proper support wool to have won hi* game. Allan fa le Looiabarg caught well. The kU [e alwaja play aart-ral game* *vei i* aeaaen and in ISM and 1809 oerc be -u?t hover looting s game. Kid Wi nr liama laat aeaaon pitched a doub! te *ht in both game*. r v, _ ??.?? . he Penonkla r*' W. J. Ballard want to Raleij Monday. * r '* a ' : - . I N T O N WEDNESDAY* Al IANOS * 4 . ; _?i You fan lind with nx Pi? ?ve agencies at Raleigh, Durham. Oi > aru prepared to make \j?u any 'acool cago house you would etui ?om? ouj o this with us. Wri'e us what prioe mse and-yon pav no freights nor anyi WE HAVE PIANO ent factories at Richmond, Iud., Fall' appreciate it if you wilt just try us. are andVay tLtvfrrtght and *50 tuoi p\ 0 tl y n \ y - ^irinos y/ but Sheet iWORTH, ' | J. F. Miichwll. of Raleigh, ?}??nt Sunday in town. * Mis. Mary Clegx visited in Durham the poet week. E. A. Long, of Oxford, yr*a ift town Tuesday. Hot. W. W. Row end wife wafft to Raleigh Monday. R. C. Underwood, of Youngsvills, waa in town Friday. Miaa Sarah Wiggins, of Youngayille, is visiting B. J. Ulsoklev. Ilisa Ella Harris, of Yoangaville, anient Sunday with Miss Eula Mitohiner. Mrs. J. S. Morris and little daughter, Bertha, visited in Clayton the past week. Mr. Dick Conway left last week far Franklin, Vs., ve take a position with the railroad. C. E. Winston, of YonngaviUe, was in lewn Friday attending to the loading of a lot of cotton seed. ' Rev. W. W Rose and Mr. J. H, 1 Ceeke attsedfcd the district confer ence at Oaferd the |.aat week. Capt. R. I. Chertham, of Norfolk ( Va., spent a few days with bii ^ brother, Capt. E. J. Cheatham th? j past week ? K. W. Morris, who ia with tlx , Agricultural Departmsnt as inapse ( tor of gsanoe etc., spent Saturday e and Sunday with hit people here. a - ? ? t a Prankllnton Graded School e The eloaing Axercises of th n Franclinten Graded School wn d lake place on Thursday and Frida T April 28th and 29th. la (Tn Thursday evening at 8 o'vloo j will he the music molted by tho pi is pile of the music class 1- Friday luerniog, April 29tb, i is 11 o'clock wDl ho the closing ru ~-<smaagt' * The publis is sordiaMy invited I attend all of these sxercieee and th ;b I pitnxn f? ? p?omUj urged |<> a tend. Lt 'V- , ?- ___ ./ . J / , "V... ' 'j/ -I*'- / ? - ?' j , J """ . '-** - ' ..' . '/ "' . _ . -. V:--' v D E P A R T fV L 13 ?191Q. : 'j * J * ' V IS VEF aohjit^lrai^ ,? BUTT YOTT [ford, Rocky Mount and Wilson, buying in car usuodati?n You desire. If you were to order mey au<l tell them what prioe Piano to ship you!" you want to pay, we will place it in your home thing else until you see what you have. S AT ALL PRICES -'T River, Mass., Chicago, III., add New York City. Nine times out often you will buy the same re than \ye ask, if you buy from strangers away, 0 0 0 0 0 V When a etrai Ur gans * **"* liere for ?ny Si our own biMinc aft to buy from _ _ know and ho"i Music ;;:'rr: K&Jeigh, Uurh - - - - Loi ?1^'LL I Now Fo > i\_ We Arc Ready I " JMC, ^ p Carrying a full line ofWter K. C*AirtA and Fimim \ll/ ^ V_VF1??^> UIIU l^UI C Vf T ' J- '~~Makk I ,. H owabout your Guano? We haD^ltfthe ' jV) goods. None better for >{ohac<x>, o I Our Pri< P. NEAL ? < \ - -?r"' . , ? P. 8. Messrs. J. H. Best and i. N. I . t 3 friends come to see them. ~ II j Til IT CaVSTSL BALL. A > A i Fairyland Entertainment in y f* three act* will be gireo Friday even- A ^ ing, April 20th, at 8 o'oloek. There A ?- will he one hundred and fifty pupils A ' in the plar with elaborate ceetnmee. ^ 1 0?Mal sdmiMion 1ft i?nu. n? A r" ??rv?d utu 86 oeats. Ticket* on X T< ?1 OVe**flt ~Ej-_ * ..J**1? P?to?> or BI X ot " |*,n*'')pp?d ikarminatM tun, with X f* eromoj>,ss p*lo trttato. 8m _ , 4 j_'. " ^ * * *. - . , . ' Tl . , ? . ~ ; ! ' a IE NT". -. ^ EAS?=fe II ' . Terms -f " I- . " Very ' | - I Ld?y | igor abuses goods be doesn't sell and firms he ugj or, you hod better distrust him, there is no abuse '' flS rm or ludjvidaal, it tabes all our time to attend to 33 L ss. The only thing we beg is for you to ' 1 S ' at Home and Save ||| Your Money ^ <|| foil# you don't knew and whose -goods you don't I i a'lt seen. We are here with the goods, we- need I a? , Call at some of our stores and give us a call. | ? l em. Rocky Mount, Wilson and Oxford. s M uisburg, N. C J|M g * r Business 1 Vj 5 c1 and Prepared to doa % BUSINESS ; I nl Merchandise. Feed Stuffs, Guano, Etc. C\ ith Us^ We Know We Caiv lj jMrtferesting ~ |T~ Jfredmont, Mt. Airy Co's.and Nayassa Guano Company's )? tiun and eorn, in fact special analysis for all crops. rf :ek Are Right & CQJ louisburg, N.C? | ? )Ais are with tie and. will be pleaned to have their IlAcIig?' &" POWELL i * HORsWZd MULES | *2vhM*> Wi" I w djf. V8"* hon^ ?nd to ?rrir? in ? X I ' 0> ,;."'*^H

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