'rwi|?|p^jj v j ? ' ^r.- - .11 Whlppowllt Ifnw? As I haveir't seen any Mil from this Motion lately, willaead in mjew , items. I The farmer* aroupd here are quite c busy planting oern end getting ready to plant ootten. L Glnd te note th*t_I4ttie?WittilS7 j *rm_et_Mr^r^T-finrrny, who has Gsen tick, i* rapidly improring; = Sorry to say thill Mrs. Hale* Patterson, who baa beau sick for seme time, is no- batter. f; Rev. Schols will preach at Schloea ^ ^yiohool honse, the first Sunday in _f ? May; in the atternooa at three o'clock. Let every body come and hear him, he will tell you some c thing that will do you- good, a , Mr. Willie Tharrington, and sis- a ter, Miss Mary Etta, spent last sec- J ond Saturday ana Sunday with their Aunt, Mrs. E. N. Harris, of Meul- * ton. , d A- I Beat wishes to the- editor and the H dear old Fhanklin Times. Little Roskbuc, . == % s Rochelle Fla NewsAb I h AT* nnt ?nnn onu nawo in I yeur paper from "The Land of Flow re" J will write a few lines. a Spring has uoine and all tbe trees d f are very beautiful with their green ? foliage. 0 The orauge trees are in fall bloem I now and the air is fragrant with titer 8 perfume. ? " c The cloeing exercises of the Mar- t tha Perry Institute School at Roch-' a elle on March tbe 22nd, were qaite ' \ o a success. ~ , , u Prof. Crpetwaite gave quite an b interesting lecture at tfie eobodl j' house on Thuraday night March ' 24th. He is a humemat and impersonatnr. j Last Friday a crowd went. tor_ Prairie Creek and bad a fiah fry. Speckled perch and brims were plentiful. All reported having a a jolly good time. d Easter was very quite here. f Rev. B. T. Rape, paator of the 8 Methodist church, will fill his regu- j. lar appointment Sunday April third. r The farmers dfe very busy plant- p 40 K their crops. = ( With best wishes to the Tinas. ?? I J W illiE Bum 1 I b Cross Road Items- t f \ g J. W Hall is epeuding thia week with Miss Sallie Medling and releLives near Pocoinoke.' I. W.jWilliams and Elvia Evans f sptntjSunday afternoon with Simon ] 1 Evans. L. A. Evans has just fluiahed his ohimney Friday and the big rain ( Sunday eaueed it to fall down. i George Ball-spent Sunday after- ] noon Wjth Gallia AyeBCue near J I Alert. D R Ayeseue was in Louiaburg f Tuesday on businlss. Harry Hall spent Snnday with K. , 8. Smith. , Best wiahe* to the Timbb. ^ , W. ' , ? J Graded Roads Items. 1 We will soon have our good roads \ completed. ^ J. W. Ball has returned from a i visit at Yonngsviile. .* *' J I. N. Williame spent Saterday 1 night with C, R. Ball. Misses Willie and Ojjje.Ball spent -t | Monday with their aistfr, Mrs. C. C. \ ATWW? . ' I f Meaare jewie and Valtorr Wilson | [ pent Saturday night and Sunday 1 with relativee near here. t There was a party given at Mr. ? _ Kaleigh Purguson on Saturday g night last in honor of Wllmore '? |g? Jenkins. \ Auburn fowler, af Fraaklintoa, j ?at Saturday nigFt and Sunday 1 h relatires at Wilton. ? C. R. Ball Spent Monday 16 Louie- | barg on baainess. "O. J. Evaot-flpent Sunday in Ral ? ' *,gb- I Beat wiat to theTmee^ <j __ W? ana Bad. Boys * - Shredded Wheat Biaouita, Cream of * 1 Wheat, G'aVe Kuu, Poatoaia, Cera ; Flakes,PotatWohipa, Small herirnga v ^t L P. BiclU. . -V Hkj' ? y fry ' . > ~ .V ' ' -X.: a I ' V" ' r , ; f ^ Brnporuuvy' The Democratic KnBeutive Com nittee of Gold Mina/^towmhip wil neet at OenUbviU* on; Satdrdai i ventng April yird, 1910 at 5 i'#look W. IjmUfohbbch. Chain ~ BEEP OOkN FORyfeltje?^ 00 bu?^fil?_(3o^rt*ro5floS??d Core drTmleatfll.frO lenroughel at mi ai ra or Stokes stoic. ^ .C'.'B. Ohsatuam. ~ ~ N50ST ' Having qualified as executor under he will of Mrs. JrkL lenley, deceased ite of Franklin counl l this is te noti y all parties having c ihn^against saic state to present sam . orrnia. notice rill be pleaded in ba> of thelrteco* rj\ April 12th, 1910. ? ft. B. WmTE, Ex. To The Public All communications concerning andidates for the nomination foi ny State or County offioe must bi ccompanied by the usual adverising price of 10 oents per line? ines usually average from five t? ix words?and the name of the Titer for publication. This is not lone so muoh for a matter of rofit but that each man mav have >n eq'iulshow at the nomination. i?' Editob IALE OF LAND UNDER MORTGAGE. ' .'j By virtue of- a certain mortgage InnfnmVtar IQrtfv /I XT 'TV--J W>HWV4| *V?W K/J V?. 11. JL/VU1 nd wife to the undersigned and Luly recorded in Boek 142, pag< 58, the undersigned will on Konlay the 9tk day oft May at IS i'deck at the court hpute deor. at .ouisburg, expoee to sale at public ,action tOsthe highest ^bidder foi ash, the ltd convened by said mortgage to\h:. Ascertain lot it he town of LoOubu/g on the nortl Me of Halifax ro>tf containing one i*lf an acre, beinghome place f the said G. N. /Dent and wife, ipon which the mict G^OI. Dent >uilt a house, and being loflOIo. I n the survey offthe Charles ENMa one land.' This March 31st, lii^ 'abskbs and Merchants Bane Mortgagee tiokett A White, Atty's 1 v Notice. "rr This is to give notice that all account! nd debts due J. F. Mnrphy, lately ning business in the town of Louisurg. N. C., have been assigned to me or tne benefit of the creditors of the aid J. F. Murphy by a certain deed oi ssignment executed to jne by said J. K Murphy odoSarch 21st,. 1810, and ecorded in the offlae of the Registei (Deeds of, Franklas dounty, and al ersons owing any obit, note or ac oust to the said J. nk Murphy will ileaae make immediate* payment to me rsuch debts accounts! idAnotes wil ie collected by process!of law Notice is further given to all person! laving claims or demands of any deception against said J. F. Murp by t< lie a sworn statement thereof with mi it once. B. G. HlCKS, Assignee of J F. Murphy. W. H. Yaeborough, Jr., Att'y. NTew Points For Old -I will give new plow points it ixchange for old casAJLron of ani [ind and allow \T?u the top of thi narket Id I1 iring me all theb^rags you have t5 cents pdr lOOjlbaT^my sort. 1 "Ll^ ashington Pest Sunday Edition i cts. a'oopy. $end in your addresi low. LOUI8BCRG NEWS STAND J. Spire, Mgr. iorth Carolina, I In Superior Cour i'ranklin County. J Before the Clerk . H. Kearney, Adm'r of innie M. Fuller deceased v* " ?~ acob W. Arriagton, Eli- Notice of a I'rake, James Drake Summons it al heirs at law of Annie 4; Fuller deceased. To Eliza Drake and James Drake, defendants above named: htt'an^ac ?ach^titlednoti:M ?een commenced in the Sunprinr Cm,. if Frankln County, North Carolina, by . H. Kearney, administrator of Annie A. Puller, deeaaaed, against yuu ami he other heirs at law of said Annie duller, deceased, for license to sell, fo< he 'purpose ofmaking assets to pa] he debts of said Annie M. Fuller, de eased, a certain lot of land in the own of Franklinton, said County and Itate, situated at the corner of Greet rod Franklin Streets in said town, tounded on the Ndrth by the' lands oi V. L McGhee, on) the East by the olored Baptist dhurch lot; on the louth by Green stipet and on the Weal ty Franklin street containing about me fourth nf^nn-lacre being the lol onveyeel^U AnniaM. Fuller by C H landlmf, ahd^of which ahe died seised nd DOB8eaSed.^"*""??^_ . - ; And you will fewtheft^ke notice that 'ou are required do appetvbefore the llerk of the SupAior court o* Franklic onnty, said atafc,% at hia office In the urt house in U>aisburg, on the 27th lay of June, MUOl and answer or iliunui o the petition n the plaintiff filed is aid actum, or the plaintiff wilt apply o the court for the relief demanded in aid petition. Thie the 15th day o1 Lpril 1910. 'virdJi J. BSHBOW, C B. C. . W'GuHey. > w* - + s* V/. ft. YarboroOgh Jr. >* Alfyaftik Plaintiff.- V-? ' ? ' ' " :*'* . 1 '' i ' i t yeasBBBasBiaegggg^ notice Having this day qualified as admin r istrator of Roastta clrisenwa, dessaeert. lata at Franklin eouiwy, /his ia to notifjr all parsons holding Jflaims against I * saidaataka to prasen?/fcein__an-?r-te^'r fora "Marsh 4th. Jim JtuTlns notim will. _ (in |ilsail lirTiaiiir Ullil recovery. All i persons Indebted yfol said?estate will , come forward andftnaae settlement at T <A GRI88OM, Admr. 8 r TRUSTEE's sale: ' 4 Bv virtue of a dead of trust executed ! by Edwin C. Perry and wife. Eula Per- . ' ry on the 19th day of March 1907, and ". recorded in Register of Deeds office in 1 1 Franklin county in book 119, pace 169, ' default having been made in the pay' ment of the note tfterein secured and at , _ the request ol tfrd bolder Mfcr-of. 1_ shall sell for cleh tty pubUr auction to the highest bidder ht thwCourt House, door in Louisburg, [Eaankliu county on 11 I Monday the 2nd_jKy of May 1910, at 12 o'clock m,Jffe Hollowing described , property. BMinniag at an oak just on o the edge aFrioble Street the corner of Methodist church lot, thence along said I ' street In an aaaterljl direction 182 faet | n i te a poet on said street, thence at right , angle to said street 104 feet to a post Mrs. Pernells line, wience in a wester- n | ly direction paralel td first line 182 feet t a corner tn the line of the Methodist t i church lot thence in a d'ract line 104 feet to the beginning. This March 81st 1910. r R. S. McCotv. Trustee. ' - ? t L North Carolina V ( ! 5 In the Superior Court I Franklin County ) I . Rosa Littlejohn 1. 1 va [ NOTICE 1 Jos. Littlejohn ) , The defendant amove named will take ' notice that an action entitled as above 1 has been commenced in tlic. Superior 1 Courhof Franklis county for divorce 1 . from tlm bonds df matrimony and the I said defendant will further take notice ' that he iroequued to appear at the I term of theemnprior CoUrl of said counl ty to be heltroh the 6tli Monday after , the first MoiuBysjii March, 1910, at the ? court house ia sauf^sminty in Leuis> ' 1 burg, N. C- and'" answer or demur to ' , the complain! which has been filed in I said action el the plaintiff will apply to . the court foil the relief demanded in said oomplaint. t This March 9th, 1910. J, J. BARROW, C. 8. C. . B. B. Massenburg, Atty. fbr Plaintiff. ' V . - ' ICE THE " i _ I YEAR ROUND i ? ? i J || JNQ. . KVNG buys every tiring and/sells every- 1 i thing. MQTTiO-^-JBesb goods, ' lowest priees, noickefit delivery in i | town. I I SPECIAL BA1M5AINS FOR NEXT , y 30 V)iYS IN PLANTED CLOTH j | Speoial bargain An shoes, mens i L dress shirts and yinderwear, all ] kinds of gard/n saed, all .kinds I j fruit and vegetables, all kinds ce, reals, sueh as/genuine\?at meal in , 3 bulks, eat flakes, puaUi.;V saratoja chips, grea_t variety "of canned goods, fish roe, oysters, June peas, viena sausage, home-ii ad- tomatoes and Apaps, lame cans 10 cents. t v JJrasniine of fine candies just 're- I cebved. Yours to please, JOHN W. KING I 3 . X* * ? Don't Rl^k even a penny?until hoaltiv;(et&nxs. \ r" AndI menulustexactlythtrw?, ^mVi. .'is . . I am the one physician who says to the I will, out of my own pocket, pay. for your -medi. cine If It fails to bring >ou help!" And for 20 years Dr. Shoop's medicines have Get Health been used and recommended in every City and J hamlet in America. They are positively stand- - I ard In every community ?and everywhere, t Then Why pay the cash, and at vonr rl<*. fn* t other unwarranted and imcertaln medicines? Thousands upon thousands have in the past successfully used Dr.' Shoop's Restorative. When theBto- mach nerves. I or the Heart mm mm Aor Kidnoy h nerves fail. W w T thecesiekones know how Q quickly I>r. ' Shoop's Re- storativa will i briny them tack to health again. Put best of all. I thay pnaltivelv faltn nn mniwv H?lr Whatovnr They know that when health fails to return Dr. Shoop will himself gladly pay the druggist for I I* that test. And for that tost a full 30 day treatr ment l4.freely granted. 5 . But write me first for an OTder. r This will save delay and disappointment. *? 1 All druggists sell Dr. 8hoop'g Restorative and Dr^.Jhoop'n ?i Rheumatic ItonPWy. but la mm aa all am not authorised to fl O fl gtm th* so f day test. Bo 11 drop me a line t>lease? for I haveappolnt' cd an honest and responsible druggist fn almost > every (omuiunlty. everywhere, to issue my "no >t help, no pay." medicines to the sick. ; Tell me also which book you nded. t Tha books talow will surely open np neyr> and . helpful ideas to those who am not Well. Besides mm mm you are perfects 1 ly fre^ to consult Slilff mo just ah you would your WMJW home physiclan. My advice J and the book below are ydhre?and without cost. Porhapsa wr\d or twq/from Jne Will dear dp 1 some serious aUment. / have helped thousands y upon thoosandV by n/y private prescription or I personal ad"lc\pla*. My beat effort is sure! y Afterwards [ worth your simpfc luqAat. Bo "uw whfie you have it free* In mHM. for tomorrow never comes. Dr. Shopp, Box 1\ Racine, Wis. imi iMt Stall T te4 Th? No. 1 On Dyspepsia No. 4 For Women No. 2 On the Heart No. 6 For Men , ~ * - -v V> i ??> ' ,' *> -'. , - j --. ^> . ' t ; . . ygi ^y W. *s?awgr<S* T' * . " ' . I r- . ^ ' ; , . * f . . ' Strong Healthy Wom< If a woman is strong nod healthy In a womanly i erhood means to her but little suffering. The t in the (act that the many women suffer from we disease of the distinctly feminine organism and I lor motherhood. This oan be remedied,/ Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pr/scripl Cores the weaknesses and disorders of wi U sets directly.-war the delicate/and Imp organs conccrat^u mothcrhodu, making healthy? strong* vstoroost viale and e .. 4'Favorite Prescription" ranishe* tpe indispositi period oT-expectancy and n^kea Baby's adven almost paialbsg. It quiokeoAui vitalizes the orgins^ and insures a healthy a\t robust baby testified to its marVc^ous meritaX It Makes UVak Woman It M Honest druggists do notofTer substitutes, and as good." Accept no see ret Rostrum iiN^lace contains not a' drop of aldohol and not a grain drugs. Is a pure glyoeric extract chjcding/Vf |i? The Choicest * - .-T??.. l_v - ???3?: * L?I* i ? . Ray nor Item*. W? ?r? 8'RMiTing_ati4-lravrT$6etl laying -*u...nrruT"w?iithe r. The farmer, are very busy plowng an<l |>laniiiiV their ?ropm.' Mr., a. J. Cooke visited Mrs. S. 8. llriuklaui ,fanrt~WMkr? Miss Ueuiah Woodlief is viaiting ??k Meter Mrs. I). V. Vhrtrtm. , Mia. Blanche Sykes, of Buna, isited" Hiss Ernestine Strickland a*t week;? . Mrs. D. V. Chesses, who has heen tfr)' g'"k, is improving slow It. B. F. Wilder and family have" no red to there new home. Messrs J. K. Timboriake and W'l~ Isr Bros, are doing a tt0od business. Wilder Bros /will soon have their lew gin completed. Mies Moselle Timberlake spent Thursday night with Mi* Ernestine Urickland. We are glad that Mrs. a. F. Haris has leoovered from pneumonia. The lumber oompatiy is hauling iway S. S. Strickland's timber very sat. * There have been several big tires Toaod-horo lately.-. Miss Willie Tompson spent Senlav with Miu Mamie Timberlake. bi.uk bjell. This contractor got results. Some .years ago a contractor build*2* ?1r*.,'ro*d id a warm /Emate waa troubled a great deal py sickness among thAlaborera. j ^ . thrir? f!23 kJft ??entj6n at once to ??g5, V"1 found Aat they were SffitfuUiVtiona of/Seat and ZV.t drinking watqr fronyf stream near by. He issued oMej/to cut down the amount of meatVnff to increase greatly the quantity of dtaker Oats fed to thi men. A\ He also tWjledNouaker Oats and thrirdnW/ " oa\ne.al w?t?r with Si e[.^lmost instantly all signs of stomach disorders passed a"d_^f showed a d Aided improveSrlff"8 aDd spi?K Thiscont had experience thattaught him value of good oatmeal. 53 '^Packed in regular size packages, and in hermetically sealed tins forhot climates. . .Preventies-^hose Qandy Cold Cure rablea^tviUrsafely and quickly check ill coldalhulthe Grip. - Try them once ind 'eeyam^c. Sold by F. Reid .v a?a"Z' LouStmrg. T. C Joyner, trankljliton. ? important I will be in Liiiisliurg about th. 10th or 1V h of J May for. the puoose of ci\g\rtiijJ[g stallions or sn\ ither veteriVj^r service. Parties denring my seritcea will write me ai Brinhlevvillftf M C? and 1 will go to their hotyes. S L. Ditgis, V. S. & J P WINSTON ?aya he is at present building on Nash street and tkkes up nrfost of his time ooking aftembewonc going on. but if rou want anyyoods/he will quit the lob as long as \ou vufent to buy clothing shoe, matting,\layies- gowns, ladies 5alI"U'coat suitA/lOOO mens shirts for ?c U> $1.2o, one Hbgshead full of suspenders. It your fold my atore closed you may know/I An laying brick on Naah street. J. P. WINSTON ""DARNELL & THOMAS ] M I SIC 1 lOVs'K | Raleigh, N. C. Sell, the best PIATsTOS made , On Very Easjy Terms and at priehs beldw which no dealer, manuacturfr or mail order house o&asgol quality Considered. We ate /an old established house with/many years of reputation-for sqAre dealing to our credit and wleran tell you L we can meet altf kindaof com-| j petition prices we will da it. Send today far CMalegoe, Term} and Prices and yon Will certainly agree with as. ' pi T J i - My stock of Heavy aibi^Fancy Gri A choice and select lot I-ooHU get, a A lines 1 earry. When in neeKLof I A R' e me before buying. Remsmu A burg steel plows, the best rn&def | M. C. PI-WA v N OT.I < - ' YocWdon't know thf real metal floof until you Vhave out theiK you eee your m ' me to'covv your hixUroi slate, metal tils, tin! siting other rnetal\oof- Uun and ing. . Kepairiifk ol?/rtofs? new again .^iSnmfae a trij isfied no chirks yiil be inj E. A. ROGERS, j Shop in the Strickland building i TATE MACHINERY & Dealers in Mac _ LITTLETON, N S.' " V'heat Separators, Cotton Gins, Saws, Beitinc &c. Eclipse Engines and Saw Mills carried ii stock. Write for catalogue, prices and terms ?i J Ladses^lrimm< A I have jast received a sXm^le line Hats from 50c to $4. jW sample W Hate and lots of other Alf?ri{{a I ^4 corne and si-''" Tor J uui/i'lf.V ' w. B. co' sale: and \ . \ ? x \ I have decided to run again a Sale fc|Lh serve the public with \ First C'hss Teams ^ ?- / >v ' Will be glad to have a liberal share of p&tronagi teams and polite and accommodating drivers. R. r. FUL For? MONUiiE TOMBSTONES, OTRB FENCING wtitcrto? Suffdfk Warble porks, Watjbh This * ' 1 ' * r ' ' ' V sray, moth- ~ W] I rouble ^Ues . ? Drtant """", , " L~ I them "?an WNST luetic. Bn^ ions of the 1I / t easy end ? feminine . Thousands of wooden have nfcc? Slcit IViww W?tt ? I urge them upon you as "fust , >* of this MOM'secret remedy. It of habit-fortning or injurious . ive American roots. ? *to efies I u/'ricH ie the moat J are all tbe other A ' [nythiDg in mj line A ' r 1 carry the Lynch A SAISJTS I V, . . .. . f 'i LI _ - vaiuc 01 a been burned iBtake. Ciet of with tin, les, or any ? lock repairmake them il if not sattde. She Tinner nert to ? 1) Hill j SUPPLY CO. ihinery . c. fNe have the following aec^ /nd hand machinery for sale: ^ , 1 40 h p Ettlnger engine $200 / 1 40 li p Erie City Boiler 200 " 1 50 li p Stationary Boiler almost new . 330 1 85 h p Geiser Portable boiler, good 250 115 hp Eclipse Engine and and boiler 300 1 12 hp Talbot Engine and \ boiler 160 4 Eclipse Saw Mill Mo. 0 150 1 Eclipse Saw Mill No. 0 100 1 Talbot Saw Mill 46 1 Chisel Tooth Saw, 44 "Hoe1* 45 Z 1 Solid Disston Saw, 39 15 i *? -A. A ed Hats. I of Ladies primmed A line Shoes. Straw can't mention. So w OKE 1 LIVERY :_j rery Stable and am prepared to it I All Times. ^ 3 and* guarantee satisfaction. Safe .LER - NTS ING andJIRON Suffolk, Va. ' - N~V. >;,> /. '<V>rg? .

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