EL-' " f franklin times _J i F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager . II T11S, - - *1.00 ?1X MONTHS, . '?, 06 THKM MONTHS, - -H6 FHinAT. April 22 1910. W? can't help bnt believe that Si?n.t?r? Aldriah anil Hale thought H best to get out before they would have to. The best thing that will happea ie a Dumber of reara fir the governmeut is the possible resignation of Seaators Aldrich and Hale. Tim news of Aldrich and Hale's possible* resignations as United States Senators was welcomely received by many uf the oitizens of the United Slaws. $|The only impreveinent open the action as seen br the laboring people, ie that Aldrieb's =? resignation did a at uks affect bajlow <bs present tariff bill was formed. V V And now a Kepabliean plurality f 6,000 is converted into t Demo ratio majority of aboat 4,000. at fio haeter, N.' Y. Gesrge W. Aldxidge, the loeal Republican Boss and a legislative boodler, doubtless contributed something to thiajresult by running as the republican candidate bat the ebief influences must have been natienal. Else, why has every by-election for seme, time shown the same powerful Democratic tendency? ?Charlotte Observer. ALDRIDGE IS REJECTED By a majority of 6,000 votes Jaaass S.. Havens, Democrat, lawyer f marked ability and man of unimpeachable character, was elected to Oengress from Moiirse county, N. Y.. yesterday, over George W. Aldrilge, Republics*, bcea of tbe Monroe county machine, who is mere or leas involved in the fire inauranoir * f scandal at Albany. )' i , That majority of 5,000 should pell the growing demand for pnbli< oflicials of high character wb* will serve the' poople faithfully. The victory of Havens, a Democrat, may have read into it the ?gn that this is the day of the Democrats. More rightly can it be taken aa tbe protest of the people against unworthy candidates who are thrust apon them. A striking contrast is furnished between this Democratic maisritv and the great Repebltcan victories of the lale James B. Parkins, of Roabeatar. Parkins was reelected to the Kixty-first Congress by a vote.of S3,025 rates to the 22,858 east for die Demoeratie candidate, having a majority of more than 7,000 of all votes east for the different candidates. * r? The 6,000 majority for Havens was made np at Republican at well ?as Dcmsosalie votes.?Aldrtdtte sa letted himself as a candidate, and the principal part of his campaign consisted in demands for the parI / nrnt of pelitiual debt*. It is probable that such Republicans and auch i Democrats as owed debts to A.ld... - -> - . ridge paid him back with their rotes. Tbe majority of voters, hewever, proved their independence by voting for Uavetia. The voters are the only besses ... whose power is certain..?Waahingten Pott. t (M-yT ? ' ' " " ' Cedar Rock Items it t- nave nad plenty ( rain on the Rock. Our farmers are resting up now?going to town. J. B. Fulgbura and J. O. Sledge i are at home again, atter (pending aeveral week* organising tbe Farm' en TTntoh ia this Suite. " J. J. Lancaster and wife of Looisburg, speitt Saturday night and Sonday with Mra. J. W. Sledge. Owing ti the weather we had no i* Saturday and Son^iiy with Wa are gtad^to^tiuar that Mr*. '1 (. 1 ." Sunday and Monday cm tbe Rock. Mima Lana Stalling!, of Cast alia, High School, apant - Saturday and Sunday at homa. <; Quite an enjoyable aramng waa apant Monday, April, 18th, at the home of Mr. Ben Sturdivant in honar of Mr. Tom May Thoaa preterit were^ Misaea Zephyr and Mattie Evane, Nanie Parriah, Maaiie Cooka, - Ira fcjullpepper, Nalhe Sledge and Myrtle Stallinga. Meaara R. T. H , and Jaaae May, W- R- and E. 8. Fulghum, F. J. Parriah, J. O. Sledge, Walter Collina, Charlie Cooke, Harry Swaneon and W. A. Stallinga Among the alo married peopla wka did not enter the parlar ware J. J. May and wife, E. W. Gupten and wife, J. O. May and wife, J. B. Falgbuia. Tbe gueate were entertained by the muaie and aingiag af the phenograph and a' portion af the Cedar Rook atring band. A hoot ten-thirty they departed expreaaing. their enjoyment, and wishing . that Mr. May, would come oftener. With maay_ good wiihee th tbe Editor and the good old FnxNKlis Times. "VioxEra." The old fashioned way of dosing a weak stomach, or stimulating the Heartipr Kidneys is all wrong. Dr. i Shoop lint potnted out this error. (Thin is \wrhy hisl prescription?l)r. Shoop s ReqtorativeVo directed entirely to the caiW> of tJese ailments?the weak inside oK coatrclling nerrcs. It isn't so sifficuKkJ&ys Dr Shoop, to strengthen a weukStomach. Heart, or Kidneys, if oneArww at it correctly. Each inside ormn haKits contro ling or inside nerre/When these nerves fail, then those Wbgans musN surely falter. These vitjn truths are leading druggists everywhere to dispense and recommend I>r. Shoop s Restorative. Test j it a few days, and see! Improvement j will promptly and surely follow. Sold I by F. Reid Pleasants. Louisburg, T. C. j Joyner. Franklinton. j ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby annotuice m*4elf a candi| date for the nt nrVnatioo of Constable j for Louisburr towntoipT subject to the 1 action of the Democratic primaries . and convention. ^ ^ W. F. Davih. SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Nstice is hereby given that on Monday the 2nd day of Day 1910 at 12 o'clock m., ai the coort house door of Franklin county in the town cf Loaisburg. 1 will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, Innds named below to. satisfy the taxes remaining unpaid thereon, as provided in chapter?58. haws 1901 and Laws of 1909. The owners of the-lands or the persons "in 1 whose names they are listed, the townships in which tbey are located, the lands to be I sold, the taxee and costs remaining nnpaiu thereon are as follows: CYPKES8 CREEK TOWNSHIP i Mra Sarah Todd, 40a, gay 2 70 i J A Stalling*. 75a. home 4 03 1 DUNNS TOWNSHIP. 1J J Perry. 37a, Moccasin Cre*k 3 56 W G Pettiford, 75a, Contentna Creek 4 46 HARRIS TOWNSHIP Haywood Ellis. 2a Bi?* Rp*w^k * << > | H'f Freeman, 186a, Crookec Creak 9 81 YODN08V1LLE TOWNSHIP ! (ioldir Foliar. 1 lot 8 Younflsville 3 93 ! John Patterson. 1 lot Main street ? 6 28 J N Rav, 1 lo* Nassae Street - 3 25 ' J B Young, 1 lot College Street 5 35 FRANK LINTON TOWNSHIP MS Cook. Hot 1199 I Jackson Fuller. 1 lot . 13 88 I N Y Golley, 500 acres ? " " L lot residence, 1908 and '09 168.24 N Y Gaily, balance 404.00 ! Lee Hawkins, 2 Iota 4 lo Mit-ir Joyoer. 1 lot 8 40 , H S'Lowerv 1 dwelling, 1 store 88 10 I T J Leviater, 4a 3 40 Leo Mitchell. 1 lot 2 80 William Smith, 1114a H 48 Jo*ft Williamson, Est., 1 lot 7 00 Josb Williamson, 1 lot 7 00 HA>EHV LLE TOWNSHIP 1 L A Fuller. 50a. Lynches Creek 8 69 SANDY CREEK TOWNSHIP Hr. p 1 ? i G W Gnpton, 84a, Sandy Creek 4 08 CEDAR BOCK TOWN8HIP H R Griffin and others 33 2-3a. Rd Bd 2 82 LOU1HBURG TOWNSHIP. W L Beaeley 2 lots Baker lota 2 97 John Bullock la Brick yard 7 94 Chas. Brodie, 4a Tarboro road 4 49 John Clack, 2a. W H A1 tens land 2 45 Ed Day 1 lot Halifax road 10 84 John Dickens la Slab town 9 14 Alger Davis 1 lot Halifax road 8 61 Washington Davis 1 Jot Ken mo re are 9 14 June Davis 1 lot Mineral Spgs 9 84 Geo. Egerton 1 lot Umberlake 9 14 Cfaainey Egerton 1 lot 8 40 Thomas Foot 12a Warrenton road 8 04 Joe Foot la Warrenton road 5 68 Cbavi a Foster 4a Warrenton road 8 18 Alhertia Qraap 1 9 Tarhnrn road 8 20 I Betsy Green 4a rr 5 55 John Green 1 lot Slab town, 1 lot home 1 lqt Mineral springe * , lu 94 Austin Green 1 lot, Mineral springs 6 68 John E Hughes 1 lotCftnrch and Nash 22 95 Geo. Hart 1 lot River road 8 81 John H a tie wood 1 lot near rr *1/88 Heno Hactewodi l lot Newport road y 1 lot MiMTSMMiga 1\ 37 1 Caswell Hayes 6 18 A D Lewis / 8 88 Rant Harris 1 lot Tarboro road, lAot Main .trot \ JT. a*^? Bwtay Jooa* 1 lot aaa\rr / 2 ?r, Andrew Johnaon 2 acrk Warrop road 4 10 8im Kaarnay 1 lotBjwAon / V 58 > Haywood Lewla.2a ? LYImSia 7 dd Iwb Sl.rrHfl lot B.IW I 74 KqjtcaJtfarrltA1 lot BafcJ ^174 A?bwrt M Itrbail M * PjXtSu 11 A7 I'npbray McD?HI 1 Jbt 8la\ town 7 78 JoaNtnl 1 wK L Ha/rlm \ tea A T IImi 1 lot lUfatrMt. ra\ lot Mnio airaet, Toodf 1 lot, abop Spin tr-nt / \ 41 08 lira. Too Owao*l lot railroad \ 182 Mr, E C I'rrrjfl lot Noble atnwt \ 38 M lUrnard Parry I lot I'ox 8waa.p \ lu oa BSlEglT" 1U Ctdim. Rnflli. 1 X ??-w - > Hum Roan 1 lot Hlab town 0?S F-Mt WmOT**' t1, ii?1 C^*r ,H-*Q E?HjW?fd,l? T.rboro roojl 247 s2^w Wm?22^. '?1SP" ,tr*" 1? 9* ii is Oollfo Wiiluuia 1 lot Ctdsr road I m 1 p.?.YT^ra'hL87, ? 3 PUw. Tntboto.^ - rd^W ' ipnl -?d3 i?io . . ' ..J J? Shoe |j i Buying! 1 < \ ' ' -N \ | I We have built uj> a big trade I oa 8hoes %y selling only i the beet in a ken. i Ll i ' , i r * iShoeS Merks Shoes i As we are g\ing out of busi- d ncss we have cVt the prices oh / I all Men's ShoesVhothin heavy / | and light, high amd low cuty' I and we have all sVles and t/a , snit you. \ " Zieafgr Shoes We will receive this week an- ! other lot 01 Ziegler Strap San- | dals.that are beauties. Also a , full line of Godman's in Ladies and Childrens. They are the best shoes sold fer the money. 1 I * ' t : < \ Dress Goods We are effering many bargains I in dress good, suitings in all { the new weaves, white goods I waistiage, laces in match sets and many novelties that will please yon. . ' ' t ? | ' ? I ? , Millinery We have ordered Millinery I fouT times since our return I from the North. Another lot , this week. Miss Clara has had great success in pleaafcig all our customers. We - ean suit you. Bargain Counter j We have many bargains on 1 this counter in remnants, job t' lota and adds and ends. , V* : Tor Sale A good second-hand four seated Hurry in gaod repair, cheap for eaah or a good note. Call i . to aee us. ' r ' : e* '.-ry - i F N 0 7 Piiortna N ; - ?i, 1-5vi iuii Looisburg, M. C 1! * v vt - . V** ' ' w . , . 1 * *? " '? ?. V 'W t.w , {.MANY m Would like to keep an accot - -m K / tures if some one would r JWhV W Open a bank aocount with ] ohanta Bank and ' ,' * itself, with no expense. IwAr Your checks are alwaft evid I ^1, . bjprsement and yjur de I your receipts/ I Many oPpSnr frienfl? and n C %/j. . . WHYNNOT KOU? I I \ v 'W amount ortaca, either cepted. ItsVndv con' ' y the hiuiiiess laai^x., , The farmers t Mc r LOUISBURQ, N I CB CHEATHAM, President 1 UNDER SUPERVISION OF THE STAT |. r - ^ ; 1 = I We Have : i ' I J ?-u i = JFo the WiustdB^Building *L i have you to caW a THE ALSTON ( ' . * 4 ' ? ?=wt 1 Have not been out o f Fe son and don't expi 1 McKINNE BROT LOUISBURG, Nortl 1 11 r -V ; . T* ^MERsTjl int of their reoeipte and expendi- Z 1 keep it for tlieniv . ' t _ rhe FormarM and Mer- [you wjli find the account keeps A lence of date and amount of all di?posit book shown date and amount eichbors liavp anroimtA with us. )..n't wait for a big start?any A v lar^e or anaall, is cheerfully ae- A lenience to the fartiAtr as well aa A > :rchants Bank | B If McAPEN, flashier . E OF NORTH CAROLINA ? . ^^mmm* ? Mm/dH 1 If IV VIU | nd will be glad to 2 ? md see us Z COMPANY I t /A -m ??L. * " rtilizer this sea- f ect to be. I# - r * H?m_ i_ ' Carolina f _ . W" | * _ ^ rjt*-. j -

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