K 4 ' . THE HOME CI I - Pleasant. Evening Reut Gated to Tired Mo i_ -ihe Home girole CRUDE THOUGHT8 FROl The gleeful laugh happr cbrildren is the beet heme music, and the graeful figures the best atatury NY e are t-*- all kings and queens in the cradle and each babe is a new marvel; a new mirarite The unaffected lamen. tationa when* he lifts up his voioe Dn . high, or mere beautiful, the Sobbing obild?the face all liquid grief, as he tries to swallow bis vexation?soften all hearts to pity, and to mirthful and clamorous compassion. The small despet asks so little that all reason and all natare is on his side. His ignoranoe is more eharming than all knowledge, and his little sins more bewitching than virtue. His liaah is upl> flesh all alive. - p. ? ?* fKRjjsnr win i She ig, handsome, but >p beauty arising not from features complexion or from shape. She has all three in a high degree, but it is not by these khe touches a tie#") It ii all the v'v sweetness ot temper, benevoleace. innocence and sensibility which a face MQ exprew that f?yfp? her beamy. She has a face that joat raise# your attention at first sight; it grows on you every moment and yen wonder it did 119 m> the goodness of the choice she makes. She does not display it so much in saying or doing things M avoiding such as she oaght sot to say or de. No person of so few years can know the world better; no persen was ever less corrupted by the knowledge. Her politeness flow* rather from a natural disposition to oblige tfiafi froin any rules uu the subject and therefore never fails to strike those whe undsrstand good breeding and those who do not. She has a steady and firm mind which takes no more from the delicacy of tke female character than the solidity of marble does troiu ite polish and luster. She has such virtues as make us value the truly gre~t of our own sex. She has all the winning graces thai make us love even tke faults wa aee in the . . weak and beaatiful in hera. " * t'OCXTXSV IN THIS HOME. It is to be regretted that individual courtesy in the household is at so low an ebb. We treat our guests with favor and bestow anon them very mark of polite attention; bat the minute they are out of the houee we slip baek into the old ruts ' and treat tlioae about u? with an indifference that border# on coDtempt. Not that this ie intentional,rather it ie reanit of carelessness, a failure to realise that the polite attentions, "the little things," count ao much to thoou wo love aa to some outsider Who becomes a memb. r of a family fur a day. if one would ,b? a aucoeasful boat one s^eqld b? a successful parent or brother or aiBter, and courtesy is an inevitable requisite in both cases. The heme life i* a training for the larger life in- vbieh we - meet other men and discuss other interests. If UK home we learn to nay "thank you," and mean it we will not for' get to say it to others'at the proper There in one form sacred in memI ! }::^y ' 1 ^ RCLE COLUMN. 3rtB8.?K Column Dedithers as They Join at Evening TOe ? *y w ? THE EDITORIAL PEN 1 *!-- ?-~r-s??ory'e gallery, one which time can naver erase. It is that of ear mother, the dear, gentle compassionate mother who lered as ere we knew what lore was, and taught us the right ere we knew wrong. She sang us to sletp ia the innocence of childhood, and awoke us with loving kisses on the bright mornings of long ago. Her eves beamed with joy as she blessed as at life's dawning and spoke a tender farewell, as the lifesue went dewa. She watched us to ohool in the summer sen and taught as onr Isssoos by the wintry fireside, From childhood's, morn manhood's hour she was ever ^ hand to eootha and ooneole and when at last we must go forth from the old home and fireside, how tenderly and affeotionately aha oaresssd us and kitted us good-bye?then waited and heped and prayed that all would be wall. fVom first to l?lt her tore Wge thy same?it kneiy no bounds. With cheers for the right, teen for the wrong, she was happy in oar joys, tad in oar sorrows and the wished away oar 'errora in the flooded rivulets of the soul. Her conscience was her guide and her family her greatest joy. 8be loved her home more than glittering fash- i ien Ihd sought bonor in ths consciousness at doing good. Mid tfihctioas, trials and suffering years, she lived fer i. purpose?that we might succeed. We loved ber ae we loved no otlfer and pleasant memories cluster around her peaceful grave. She is gent;. vpew?the kind heart has ceased its tender murmurings and the voioe so full of love and sympathy is hushed in the silence of the wioding-sheet, but floating up before us in the infinite vast we see a form radiant with the splendor of noble virtues, pure snd spotless as the new-fallen snow. It ia facing the throne of the eternal right and as it driws near to that beautiful realm, the glittering luster of Heavenly sbfcen light up the view 'and we behold the sacred form of. our loved and loving mother ? safe iKdast in the peaceful hnme of the eeuL i ~ Coughs that are tight, or distressing tirkbeg gsugjhs; get quick and certain help'fwm-DrAShoop'a Cough Remedy. On this account Druggists everywhere are favoring Dh Sboop's Cough Remedy. The tenderoeaves of a harmless Inag healing mouVaniops shrub give to Dr. Shoop's Coagk Remedy its surative preperties. Thos^f leaves haye the power to calnv/tae moat distressing eough, and toXoothel and heal the most sensitive ljr?chul sjembrance: Test it onse yourself, and ssel Sold by >'. Reid rieseente, Leuiaburg, T. C. Joyner FranklinSon. Pocomoke Item* fM Mrs. Carrie Wright has built a new residence and has settled ia this community. * _ J7H. Harris, one of the oldest members ot Pope's Chapel, has been very sick. Harold Helmea has been shut in for several days with measles. Messrs. Haswell aad Holmes are doing good work ia -the shop at Poeomoke. ? Miss Zelmn ^Hfolmea is vlsiti ng relatives near Louisburg. "v* Mini Pardee Wood lief spentFriday night at Pooomoke. John Pleasant, of Oxford, has been visiting in this section. t Davsl. ??/ Deafness Cannot be Cured br local applications as they cannot reach the dlseasedVportloo of the ear JTbere *n only one wai to care deafness, afTd that is by conscltntfVnn) rstnedics/TWneee ia r used by an Inflamed condition of the micoen lininr of She Eo-taclpkn robe. When this robe is Inflamed yanJk^rm a rambling stand or Impefccet bcnjfbg and wbeh it is entirel closed.aVafnjyg is the result' and on less the it?fla AntiaK .-an be taken ont and this tabs restore!jp its normal condition hearing will be dJPtroTed forarer; Din* eases ont of ten are cdQsed br Ca tar rah, which is nothing bat oMn^an.sd eeodition of the will t\JkO5ie ondred Dollars for' spy sse of HeaJfise* (**deed by catarrh) that cfnnot b/enred by IHaU's (*taxrb Care. Head for cWmlarr. ?fre, V. J. CBB5BT ft CO.. Toledo O. Bold by Dm exists. 75c. Take Hall's FamiJv Filla for constipation " . ec; * . 'i-.\ ' - ..v - ] ' - JL LiH i : 1- . . . T:, i, ' I THOSE: 1 Are on Sale Ag ffi \ - _ Id this lot Uiore are something oY?*r 1 tea to eighteen dollars that we are g< spring weight and real good colors. % fore they are picked over. We have about county, that I am a candidate for rennmination at the hands s>f mv party j for or present office of Clerk of the Superior court. My duties as Clerk, compel my .constant attendance at my office in Louiaburg.for the proper discharge of the business on the people is more important tl an any man's candidacy, and they have a right to ptpect to find me-in roy office when they cpnae to town o transact business xwith\he clerk. I am, therefore, deprived of t is pleasure of visiting the papp'e i t their homes, as I~sKould So n^uch like to do, to solicit their support in my behalf, and am compelled^ i_rely upon my friends to look afte: .my interests at the Democratic prii ikries. By my friend#, I mean the whole body of Dcujwtnliu twlcio, f.iXiljcj have shown their friendi hip tW the past, and I believe will continue it in the future, for I a a unconscious of having done augb to forfeit the confidence of any former friehd. I have endeavored i r> show my ttppreciation of ihe.fi vera shown me^Ky strict aMentftm to the duties of my office, and bv con tesv and accomo ttiwu tv ail, It U IUCHH WIta it, and if re-elect* d, T shall continue to devote mv 1 est efforts to the servioe of the pnq pie. With deep gratitude for past favors, with the kir dest of feelings towards all, and with a determination to always faithfully discharge every ttust confided to me, I submit my claims to the people of Frankiin county. Respectfully, * J. J. BARROW. ..ANNOUNCEMENT.. I wish toSuinounce to the public generally ahd especially to isnaya. burg that l\ave three go^J harbers and nmyeady toawrve my costomers a .d Mrianddrjoick and up-to-date. We y^eejr tharp razors clean towels and tWevery way gl^e the most polite/mtd satisfactory service possibly YoWwill find my shop on conr^meet. \ Youfs to senreA OS(AR T. 8TEGALL jsie ^"V ' * sfAbS - - * > ANNOllNCFMCNTr To the Yoters of Ftanklial County I hereby innonnoi m/self as a candidal. for the Democratic nomination for Treasurer! the ac tion of the Democratic Convention. I will appreciate any help from my friends W'H. MACON. A CARD To Tbe Democratic / Voraaa or Fmsaus dhnkry: / I hereby annannceanyaetf a candidate lor the offlfce Jt Register of Deeds of Franklin^Ciunty, subject to the DemooraticNb>rimary' and Convention. Ver\truly S.'l>. BOONE. ANNOUNCEMENT To the Democratic Vote of Franklin County:, - Z I hereby announce inyaJlf a candidate for the llouae of Reveaentatives from Franklin county aubjonf to the action ' of the Democratic Pricfciea and Convention, I am -mot a raWlidate urged by my friends to runjbut^m running because I want the oflce ?u\lf the party will honor me witj the nomination I will serve them ynlf the StaOilo the beat of my ability RopectfaUy^ A CARD To The DimocraticI Voters or I herewith announce myself a candidateT&a-the oflffce of Register of Deeds of Fr^kliu County, subject to the actioi^fAhe Demoeratio primaries and conWntion. If nominated and elected promise the people of the CouiAyNjfoithfal and accurate serrice.J Thawing you iii auT&uce ior may do in ii?y behalf rain Respectfully, ^ R. P." TAYLOR A CARD To The Democratic Voters of franklin County: With the.kindest of feelings toward every man in Franklin county and with no criticism to make of any one^i'wish to announce myself a candidate for Clerk of SuperioA Court ofiMTranklln County subject tcA the action of the Democratic Primal and convention. I will state that I anyon no qombine with any other condipate or candidates because when I as^/yVu to support me I have gone aa far is Vropriety will ali low and I know^you areNas capable of selecting the/other nominees of the party as I ani X Should *"Gai ssejit tq nominate me I shall endeavor t;..r' . -irV.. . 1 f\I IViy ^CdDIC! y v* _ 4 And For Sale on Goo< ?or For Cash at A Come to see them before they are picked, &i don't want to bay, an I wiTTgoar an tee yoa 1 A one pen. ^Come and take a loofes^^^ i K. P. x,'~ those $1.50 pants ] Oxfords received am style and size now. We have a full line of everething in o S anything- that we carry. Coke in and I see what we"hav? abd what ch^p prii may need. Thanking you for paW fin P. s; 4-W f horses' a t ? * f 50 young, sound and f from 800 to 11 4 40 young, sound and 4 Ai II i i r ' ? ~ rrr ^ $5 SUITS I :ain at Our Store ;jjjj; ( ^ " ~~ 1 :. ? , , iwo hundred real good suits worth from >ing to close\>ut regardless of cost. All, 3ome quick and get your choice f?r *5 be/ i > I . V-? . " . ' \ k ivo hundred pairs of left. New K)t, ladies 1 we can gi^e you any ur ling anfl will make the price right On I eee in/ Always glad forour customers to I :es war have to make you on anything you ftJ rors/we are - ' 77- [Ex 1 Jr*? truly, jW t^LLEffS I i aaaaaassasaaaal ND MULES? broke Mules weighing T .00 pounds each J I broke Horses, all now j " V ' I s at Louisburg. t J ,?