. L-- , i ^ * 4-r ? n - V \ \t ' N _,a . Professional Card I 0Rr^RTHUH KYNES FLEMING. Surgeon UenV it, OAm ir\ Ford Building, Main nil Naah street, LKHo*w?,tto!lJa Phone No. 4 . n* n V Miwirih,- . ^ / p \ "PHYSICIAN LoaUburg, 1*. Ci >bone No. 156 | pKANELn?TON HOTEL tjk mokllBioD, N.r. R. A.\8p?ed, Proprito^.'* Good Uftrr In eoBBctibs jJK. U H. BAR 18 - 1 ? DENIAL 8UttOE?N ( I/:wb?iiJLCr ' ' Office in HtefcelBnUdlng. Hi In Street. 1 i p H. COOKE ATTORNEY-AT-LA T| .'4 Lonlelnrg, N. C. Over Coo pee A PleAsant* Sto e?* Prompt attention given all legal busiae a entrusted to ma/ Y UIV j. E,. MAbwna ^ 1 PHYSICIAN anu 8URQ! ON Louisbunl K. C.\. OA* In rear of BeaaleriAlston Tag Store. gR. S. P. BURT Y PHYSICIAN a ad VBURG ION Louisbarg, B.^C. Office orer P. 8. A K. K. All* i's Store gR. R. F. YARBOROUGH PHYSICIAN and SURGK 3N| Loaielidra, N.IC. ?4 Office in Yarboronch A Blekel t building. . - Nijrht calle answered f om T. V Birkett s residence, phone 74. ^ g B MA8SKNBURQ j .ATTORNEY AT LA ? Loaiabnrg. Ni Cl Will practice in all the courts W the State Office In Eserton Butting HAYWOOD RUFFIlJ ATTORNEYS AT UAw - . Lonisburg, N. V I Will practice in all conrte off Franklin and adjoining comities. also in the Supreme fourt a A in the United Stales bi trict and Oircuit liurt. ^Office orerJFirat. National Bank. I -I / 1 1 . fjl B. WILDER I | ] ATTORNEY AT LAW f Loaisbarg, I. C? Office en.Hain street in Cooper I tuilding. gPRUILL A HOLMS " ATTORNEY3ftT LAW Lonisburgf N. C. j Will attend the courts it Frankli i, Vance, t Granville, Warre?. and/Wake counties. also / the Snpre-ue Conit lr>f North Carolina. Prompt attention giv?i to oollectitus Office in Kprsill bsildiog. T 1 ?t? .. T. W. Bkk.tt, / R. Yhlt? ' Ljuisbnrg, N.,C. j Franklin! on. N? C. glCKBTT A, WHIM j LAWYERS Loulsjjfmrg. N. C. The settlement o? jftwtee for sweaters, f Ad ministrators and ifnardiani Is madd a spee- ialtj, an** r?ebobSa required by lav can be secured In se once. Offlr* ! Tarhnennwh A Rftrkwtt he fl diner Main *tr?t ' * j ? 4-? -f? ' yy 11. PBRfOlt ATT< BHBT AT LAwt / Lc uinbur*. N. C. / \ ?- Practice in all e< urU. Offlca on Jlaia Straafc W H. YAEl ioROPOH, it. " ^ ATTORNEY A^LAW L< utebargjiN. C. ^ ' All le*al bmine * Intraiind to oiKr??ly? J S'oraot attention. In XEfevrton nildlnc. / F. HOU( VLf CONTRA pTOR aad]BUlLDER " 4 % . ;; \Jt iiabnrg, N. 6. y ? Tradida airnglC j< rail kinds of buitdiopr ?upptld*. artUtbf M ? and TUm. Archittc tnral d?\m an unit tad. ^ "] Z" eSR FO R D [ ] ENTIST, '"--V /?- Fran! linton, N. 0., . COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LAND. By rirtue of an order of re-aa!? made by the Superior court of fAnklin ^.county in the apeciai proceeding entltlfled R.A. Moore, Admrr of J./TMonro, ^^dec'd va Mattel Moore and dthere,heirs , at law, the uddaraigned oJmmlaeioner will on MondaVthe 2nd /av of May. - r 1810, it bains tne nrsi Monaay in said * month, at aboutyhe rf>ur of twelve o'eloek, noon, offcr tMc sale at public auction at the CVuft Honae door In t Louie burs. N. C>, tm/ne highest bidder I for cash, a certalc Jract or parcel of land altaated In CyMn Creek town- i (hip, Franklin couftyANorth Carolina, ? adjoining the land# of & W. Moore, I. ' C. MattW MraAS. aT^Mwho, I aad containing t#wity-flv\ acrea, more I or leas. The pi/chaaer wVl bo required to make a/efcposit ol twenty per I eent of 3 bid u a gaoamfttee of good faith (rending jtt oonflrmatVin of the nit / Tbla the lif day of April, 1910. / - - . . ' - . TTK . * ? vn * _ . - % - f " vT You jara Donaideriri THE MUTUAI LIFE INSURANC Dught' appeal to ypur g< company ha^stood tjhe 8 larger and stronger t ts history. . A SAMUEL S. PAR! V INCREASED % ' \ Mean INCREASED A ' For Too Oats, Cora, Cotton, Truck and Gen : cereV TOP DRHft bearing our trade mark. Don't be mil jITE" at less cost per ton than soda, ui ier acre, giyes equally as good, if not A CEREA s packed in 200 pound jmgs, in good itiffen the land, and doe* not evaporatt Herealite and full information regardin MeMNNEE B Or Home Fertilizer i Sole Owners and M GROCE c? V ? f, m 1 x?i mr\L no UATO c? UiUC 11VS11 BliUUft ui wroi lave you examine before making tour >toney oa anything in our line.??V Let Us Show You in - We also carry! a n General Merchant: When in town give us a callyWe will ^wisit pleas GEO/H. MAIN STI LOUISBUR Physicians ^ se of a goodUntive, to Ijjep the bowels ope ^Tbs Utest^roduct of ed^^VELVO Laxat toasdb ^md^bawe&Ti^ ls?< juJ^restest pos ILLlUi Ar "** V ' | ' ? -V." . . ' A *' : : h -?-?????a ig the Matter of RANGE . BENEFIT JpiltoPANY & ??" W ood judgment. The i test of 65 years han ever before in m HAM, Agent i YIELDS . ' ] s * PROFITS Dressing H Rral (Irnna ura. nnlv cranninn ~ r-n J O ? ~ lLI/TE 3ING J ??Q by imitations. "CKREAS rag the same number of pounds ??r, results than soda. lWe mechanickl condfrton, does not ). The crop gets it all. For g it, apply V> ROTHES ind Chemical Co. ianufaoturers. :ries: f :eries that we would Jbe glad to purchases. We onn save vou d Talk With You iceXine of se and Fruits Eour utmost to make your OOPER tEET G, N. C. C n and prevaht the potions of undigested Ive Uy^f Syrup, purely vegetable, gentle, - Ivo efts on the Uver, as well as on the sib^efficacy In constipation, Indlgeetlon, itence, etc. Try VF 1 r\ AYATIVF IVtR SYRUP ?. f_: , " / /" \ , ' *T ' ! *' !'}'! I . V W SUNDJf SCHOOL. Lesson V.?Second Quarter, For '-.- MayJ, 1910. -THE INTERNATIONAL- SERIES. yr ?j * 1 - , .?1? Text of tha Lesson, Matt, xll, 1-14. Ydemory Verses, 11, 12?Qoldsn Tsxt, ~ MatL xii, 7?Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. hyi?ocritlcHl Pharisee* wefe specially diligent 111 rejecting Jesus as their Messiah.? notwithstanding?all Bis- mighty works and gracious words. I binding upon people heavy7' burdens. , grievous to be borne. Jesus tuUght the | -weary burdened ones that In Him they I would And rest. "At that time" (xL 25; xll. 1). when these grace-doubters ^ (as u missionary recently writing from Clilna called these seventh day pek . ple? were making an Idol of their Sab- ' hath, while rejecting the Lord of the Sabbath win* was In their midst. Je ??w ? luror ((vtni wuifcn Ul our lesson today -to teach them that Id their midst was one greater than the temple, greater than SolomoD. greater thnu Jonah 'verses U. 41: 42). When the klugdoui comes the I.ord alone shall be exalted, and all the loftiness and haughtiness of men shall be bowed down (Isa. II. 11, IT). - Earth's mighty ones shall-then hare learned that "those who walk In pride He U able to abase" (Dan. Iv, 37i. , As Jesus and His disciples Walked through the cornfields on a Sabbath day His disciples plucked ears of corn and did eat. nibbing them In their hands (Lake vl? lj. Then the Pharisees accuse Him and His disciples as lawbreakers. evil doers, transgressors. It seems horrible that men should accuse their Maker, but they did not know Him. because they- were blinded by the god of this world, as are all today who talk against God and His word, and there are many. They pretended to be very zealous for the law. so He said: "Have ye not rend what Daviddld?"? "Have ye not read in the law?" (Verses 3, 5.1 Dr. Scofield says "Jesus' action is highly significant." "What David did" refers to the time of His rejection and persecution by Saul (1 Sam. xxl, 6). Jesus here Is not so much the rejected Saviour as the re jecteu King?uence tbe reference to David Jesns continually referred them to their own Scriptures: "Have ye never read?" "Did ye never read In the Scriptures?" (Matt, xl, 16, 42.) Note-that the'Lord Jesus bad full confidence In the authority of Scrip~4pre, the law. the prophets and the Pahiaaa (Luke xxlv, 27, 44). These Pharisee^ professed to believe the1 Scriptures also, yet they fulfilled them In condemning Him. On one occasion Jesus naked not only J'fl(hat is written In the law?" but "How readest thou?" (Luke x, 26.) We do well to consider whether we receive the Scriptures as they are in truth the word of God which effectually worketh in tbem that believe (I Thess. 11, 3). If we are wholly subject to God and to His word Jesus will not only he our Sav lour, but our Lord, whom we will delight to obey, not In order that He may have mercy upon us, but because He has had mercy on us and we have learned something of the meaning of verse 7. Even In the synagogue where the law, the prophets and tbe Psalms were read every Sabbath they sought to accuse Him who had given tbem these Scriptures and who had given to each of tbem life and breath and all things, yet He patiently bore with them and reasoned with them. He reminded them thnt they would not hesitate to save tbe life of a sheep, even on e Sabbath day, and asking. "How much then Is n man better than a sheep?" He asserted. "It ts lawful to do well on the Sabbath days.'* Commanding the man with the withered hand to "rise up and stand forth in the nild9t." He also commanded htm to stretch forth his hand, which he did. and It was restored whole as the other (Luke vi, 8-1. 1). Then were they filled with madness and went out and held a council against Him. how they might destroy Him. Thus they prepare to seal His doom, ns they think, hut they are In reality sealing fnelr own and fulfilling the SerlptureH. which r.a!d. "They rewarded Me evil for good." "Thpy hated Me without a cause"" "They that sit lu the gate "speak against Me.** "Many-bulls have compassed Me?strong bulls of Bnshnn nave beset uie round ilha. xxxv. 12; " lxlx. 4. 12: xxii, 12). i The time had not come for them to j-curry out their murderous thmlghrs. so .it'mm eiiuinj ?nm:n'w irom mem ana "continued to lit'ill the multitudes IV!i I followed Hint?many tfbo bad plagues pressing upon Hint to touch film and unclean spirit* falling down before Ulm and crylnjt. "Thou art the Son of God" (Mark III. 7.12.1 Our lesson chapter says that He belHed tbeui all. but chanted tlTetn that they all oil Id not make Him known (IB. 101. fbla also that the Scripture might be fulfilled as It is written In Isa. *111, 1. 4. That " wC who are His witnesses may apply many Scriptures concerning Httn. at least In some measure to ourselves. t see In Acts *111. 47. rani's nse ofTTSl. *111. <1. That we are His chosen ones see John iv. 10; ftph. 1, 4; I Pet. II. 0. That we are In the world as lights for Him see Matt ?. 14; Phil. U. 15. That we may manifest His Ufa let at ' ever behold Him as the perfect servant In whom the Father la well pleased and trust Him to All us with His Splplt that we tho may be well pleasing to Him. possessing the ornament of a meek and' quiet spirit which is fa the sight of God of great price. fc'kfon&Plft eif-JdintV . V. Jh -,; !) ..* I * V_ T,:> .JH : V >; ?| r. /", . . ' _ f V//"' CORTRK / B IiWIIMml 1' jMjl r StigCanWj^SB^BH A R EFl RE T*HEY will not burn. Will n/ x Will not crack and roll off lljfe like plain tin. Neither will thiy They never need repair* and laat t of aft, they make the handed me* t: M. f. HOUCK, Specialties When You Drink Drink tl There are nn h*fJ ? ?-w? v WWA w MV MVVVl Blue Ribbon, 11 Carajar, Society Try one can ana 1 r- 7 B. G. PHONE A BIG I IV I E i^iew n ' AI Scwiqgl JUST\RI ad w? ean make the prioee ri??t. we have ana be We Are Selling tl niture for the IV Can Buy in I also a air j a nice and complete lin< glad to serve those who may b me a oall when is towi W. E. White Fun * Speda \ ' AT Racket Now line of White GoodsfKiingham8,? P< ttocl Laces andNj We oall eepeciall American Be v. L.ra i.X ___i?x n.irr-Jrr^'A xub iHjai UN (.tie loarrvk. v^aii ?uu BO? BI baby c*pi ju?t ree?ir*d. It wll r MRS- A . . - - \v.. . fe'* y. ? ' t ' r ' * ? i ;: 55HHS5SHHaB5a5H5H5aa5aH: A^OF lata, wtu not rip at the seams la long aa the^uilding. And last Louisburg, N. C. in Coffee V * *. taaAAA " . ^and Toxaway. De oonvmceci. hicks NO 100 LOT OF imiture Machines ECEIVED Jt'"Cch^e to see as and lock at what t> conTiibsd that ie Very Best Furloney That You > the State. ? { undertakers Bupplies and will be ejn seed of my aerrises. Oive i or in need of anything t?list, : *?: r ? f niture Company I Sales THE ~~~T ~~* "T " "~7 - Store srcsye, Madras, Souitinjr and ? pretty f F .... : embroideries LttotHjjmU' the j , iauty Corseter em. HampTe 'tine of tmBn feiM^PPftr interest to Me them. m hai^l: j