vi-V' . ttt". f I HOLLjj ? XS s yV 1J. w. U0CAL?3. ?L. O. Pin# and family apont Hnndav with Mr. L. C. Mitchiner. ?Ilu the Canaiu Enumerator got ybu yst? * U not ho la looking for J**?Don't forget the Crye el B?ll ?t be Orgded School Fridsy aigi>ir-t>/ the soheol. ?Let advertising help yea do year selfing. Relet een be gotten trom Mr. E. M. Edwards. ?B. H. May the neat week shaking hands witl hia friend* bare. Ha preached a tba Baptiat Chnroh Sunday moroinj and night. ' ? ?Haggle, the lit^e 10 month -?. old girl af Mr. ~ Bad - Oeparcl, die tfadlMWllaj fi niim It the bye c it* grand father, Mr. Walker ~"W ia ten, on Cheatham a treat, after hat inat survived its mother just *tbr? ^?inaalh* Uwaaburied at Papa Chapel laat Tharaday afternoou i 3 e'eloek. ?Quite a nambar of oof peopl erant to Loaiabarg Friday?aoma i witnaaaaa and aoma aa a pacta tar* i ' thaaaae af C. S. illiama again the Kail way Company far the kil *r-? ? iag of hip mother, Mrs Mary j "? V . ' - ' cL.;. jp-'. . I " . " ~ r R A N K L iv? IGSWORTH ? V ' i muci *? a? vjihio. % u Mut Marguerite Mom spent Mon- { in day ia Raleigh to attend the music st recital at Peaoe Iaetitute. 1- Mr. Arah Leonard and' two ehdd1. rea, of Wake Poreet, visited Ma aie*.*->. >., ^ ! HOLLINGS Williams nearly three years ago. t The oaae did not come to trial as a compromise was ailec'ed. B ?The Creseat Drag Co. hare in- p suited one of the latest and meet up a to date soda Fountain*, in use today jia tlh?ir store. The >. ! one need c | by them trill lie installed by B. H. n May A Co. t ?The loeal lodge ef Odd Fellows here celebrated the annivarsitv ot ( the eetabliehraeDt ( the flret lodge ( of Odd Fellows on April 26th, 1810 y in the armory by serving refreshmeats to the lodge and their friends last Tneeday night. The occasion . was enjoyed by all present. Short ' 1 speeches were made by several local j t a embers. : J ?Wo will again eall the attention : l of the people of Fraaklinton to the . ' faet'that in order for this depart- < inept, to be made more interesting it will be neeessary for each one of i yoa to give oar reporter, Mr. K M. t Edwards, all the items of news yon r can gel. It might be remembered that this department is being ran et , ting bo reVenne tberetrem we feel L I bat eaeb person in Franklinton should do all in thair power to help ue advertise their town. ? Personal. a t,eptv I. HjvKearney, went to Oi* ford, 8a?nrday^\_ " 8. O. Holden, of^Loniabarg, was n town Sepddy. * C. R^Blaekley, of Chdww, B.C., . apenfa few daya here this week witb - h-ndrfd- ' Vernon Roberseo, of Burlington, M apent Saturday and Sanday with kit >? people bare. it Capt. D. F. Byrora. an^ wife. of r Henderson apent joeOey with bis ?.eia txr n D-l ^ Washington If on! Snndlgr Edition, /; 5 eta. a copy ./Send in y Jr. Shoop'* Pink PaihfTebieta. See 1 K all formula on 28c. Bo/\ Sold by F. ? ' ieid^Plwaante, Lo^jpirg^. C. Joy- ( 1 New Points For Old | I will gire new plow points in V exchange for ola earn iron of any sr kind and allow yVtiAhe top of the /j market for your irtpi. A, Bring me all the cad rags yon hare. CJ IS pent* nor 100 the Ativ sort 11 ; 't .'.^-7' ' -1, -? El p a r x m e""is - 27 - 19tQ. * - ; - " ; . ? r -*=? ??? JRE AND MUSI i1 s. ' . ' . , Furniture and Mu e take notice, durulR last week we cold 4 of our splendid p week for eellip^friano*, we ask the prospective piano buji ite the piaupirwe are selling and the' terms we sell on. ajl'your attention also to our e which has won for us large right if you want the very - i . rnffinc and C actolc x.wi uiiu v.uan^tk3 ikets, new copper lined metalic broad cloth told by oompeti earse. Black broad cloth made ot bard wood, competitors mpetitors fight us so hard is ods\^t half what that ask foi g to a horn* mcing to sell ft eoflin without beiog?Bent for, 1 is to keep tliemVway from Ilollingsworth, beoaus* its kno "* - - - Louisbi . * Now For_ We Are Ready and Pi TIME gUSi Carrying a full Mae of General Merchandia r^Come and Figu^ With Us. ? - /Make it Inter* i How about your Guano? We handle Uu Piedmont, Mt. i gooda. None better /for tobacco, Xotton and corr ~ X)ur Prices Ar ! w. p/neal &t P. 8. Me?r?. J. H. Best and J. N. Davis are with ^ friend* come townee them. loice and Fresh Cut-Flowers \f | Bucki f arnatione, Ko**j[ VioleU, ate. . HOF loral deaiim* and/fewer* far aliases- : Ota. Potted F?/w Vnd all kinds of ? )t and out rioo/b?d trriTt in It -X I