??S A Stor eket , " A lady came into my store I "'I have been usln^ a New Pe in my apartment. I want one no' these oil stoves are wonderful, comfort they are, they would all have one. 1 spoke about my stov^tohlot of my friends, and they were\ astonished. They thought that thefts was smell and smoke from an oil stovk, and that it heated a room just like any dther stove. 1 tokl them of my experience, and one after another they got one, dnd now, not one of them would give hire up for five timee its coat.*?-- \ _ .The lady who ssid this had thouehi. an oil stove was all right for quickly \ heating milk for a~baby, or boiling a \ kettle of water, or to make coffee ^ quickly in the morning, but the never dreamed of using it for difficult or , heavy cooking. Now?she knows. V Do you mtty-nrmderer-wtTrr ? Wew/ Perfection Oil Cook>etove mesne to you ? Nee more coel to carry, no more coming to tip dinner table so tired out that you cent nap. last light a Perfection Stove and lmcnedlatay the heat from en* Intense blue flame ehqfte up to the bottom of pot, kettle or oven, ftut the room lent heated. There It do smok? no email, no outside heat, no drudgery if the kitchen where ens of these etovea uJbaed. jVewfb; mssm It baa a Cabinet TopWrith a ahalf I nickel finlth, with the brijrht blue of jh? and attractive. Made with 1, 2 anV 3 can be bad with or without Cabinat. m~.. - . ^.-a? ? , . , . a ? tile DUiett' Standard JM / ' , i ' / - * If You are Conside LIFE INI THE MUTU ' LIFE INSURAM Ought appeal to voui company has sto^Jd t is larger and strange ^ its history. I I IMMM I 3E3DE3 f vw SAMUEL J. P/ ri^wywjyyyjwywsH^ NO NEED AT ALL FOR Y< - ...SCQ( NEW UP-TO-DATE ?=- WAYS KJ and well stocked with the basl the look-good, taste-goofl thing you need and tl? o ^ ; . , r THE SCOGGIN For= = 9WL()^XJM ?TOMBSTONES, CI FENCING Write t Suffolk Marble W< - WatJo. - ..t ML . . > ,;7? " /. , 'J r?? ' ? - xij,,-r f . 'V I . "? . 1 r ;per Says: ataly and aaid t . rfcction Oil Cook-Stove all winter ft for my summer home. 1 think If only women knew what a i I j / CditkMry IM?: B? tor if \ f youWat this stovs?%? II ^ thmt\ ths name-plats readsv New Perfection." tt k-istdvo for keeping plates ehd food hot. The chimneys, makes the stove oroameatal burners; the 2 and 3\urner stoves Sara, write for Descriptive Omlar issuer of the 1 Company cski) ring the Matter o SURANCE AL BENEFIT ICE COMPANY i rVood judgment. The ;hV test of 65 years r than ever before ii \RHAM, Agent )U TO WORRY, BECAUSE * 111 III VfOUNTAIN IS AL epWOL - \ ' t and fresn^st drinks. We serv drinks. Pftone us for anyrder will.be promply filled DRUG COMPANY JIBING andilROl >rks, V Suffolk, Va This Ad " s ?,>r. t j" ' ^ ^ ^ :?<*-#? -I ' *.-* "* " ' V... l^S^F '. Poeomok* Item*. Li Mr. Sidney H olden, of Leuisburg, " attended church at .PopO'a Sunday. Sidney i? our candidate fer Register of Deeds. " Li Mra. Phil* Gill, from n*srV Cnuiaborg, is visiting at i'ocomoke. \ Charlie Blackley, who ha* lately moved to South Carolina, waa at Pope's Suuday. Dbpse; 7 $1,500 IN PRIZES FOB FARMER BOYS. Our Paper Oflers Premiums Ag gragatlng This Amount la Addition to^those Offered by National Department of Agriculture The Progreaaive Farmer and Gazette, Raleigh, N. O., oSera $1,600 ia prizes to Southern boya .under 19 who make the biggest eern yield od as aera this year. Tbeae price# are offered partlyjby the publisher# ef The Progreaaive Farmer and Gaxette, and partly by its advertisers, and range all the way" from geld medala and two horse wagon# to Berkshire pigs and Jersy calves. As these offers are open to 'boys in all p'arts of the Snath, the pub iiabera are anxious to interest as many boys as possible among tbe f readers of the Fbankuw Times. Boya tinder 19 who would like to win one ol the prizea should send a postal at toonoe tbe Progressive Farmer and Gazette, Raleigh, N. C. Announcement of other prize# offered boya for best corn yield* may be had bv w rittDg Hon. O. B. Martin, U S. Department of Agrioultare, | Washington, D- C. ICE THE JNT>. / . KING buys every tlhnJand sells everything. Al&lrrO?B?Bt goods, lowest prices,yjuickest delivery in town. U SPECIAL BA1GAINS FOE NEXT 3(A DAYS j IN PLANl BED CLOTH " Speoinl hurram in shoes, mens dress shirts? ami underwear, all kinds of gn-deta seed, all kinds fruit and vegetables, all kinds cereals, such i genuine oat meal in bulks, oat Hikes, pbstuiii, Saratoga chips, grew vanity of canned goods, fish roe, oysrce, June peas, visna sausage, homeVrad* tomatoes and snaps, large clns 10 cents. Fresh Vine of tine caWlies just received. Yours to please, , -JOHN W. \KINC5 IF SICK?WHY'PAY Unless Health First Returns. Bore It whkt 6hnuld and cftu be done! Now Ton sckuld not wllHn*lV-n*vr tar 0 that was worth Jem?would rout Then why pay for medicine until that medicine first proves to or ou Its actual worth? Po<ively krfcwln* what Dr. Stoop's Host? rati vo con do forwhe sick. I aay Uf all "don7* pay unless health flnt returns". And I back my Restorative with a signed and sealed 80 day "No help. No pay" contract. / I positively plewe to the tl<* everywhere that "Dr. Shoop's JUstorativJii absolutely free if it fails".\ljci otW do the Mineor else pass their D|tfuWlkmt tap If yoH need more ytrcnytht more vitality, more vigor or more vim\ use in Reetorativo a few days and note the Immediate Improvement. When the Btomach.YHoaZ, or Kidneys go wrong, then test Dr.BhoopVi fbAtoratlve. I do not doee the Stomach nor stlmdfaMthe Heart or Kld neys. for that Iswrorvg. VaggO least away thai R mistaken idea in medicine. "He books below will lT best toll you how 1 am succeeding. * These books also tell ofV tiny hidden "In Ida nerve." no larger than ff J|?ken thread. They tell how that nerve, until if tills, actually gives to the Heart Its power. Its taneAlts never-ending action or Impulse. / \ These books will opefi up hew and helpful _ Ideas to those who sue not weJlAThey tall now the Stomach, and Kidneysiach have thalx' 'lnsldo" or power nerves. Thfcjr tsil bow Che Restorative was especially made to r+ch and tavltalise these Weak or falling inside nfrvee. All tof these facts tell why I am able to ?j, ' It la Ma If It falls". This is why I say ftake no cyince on ? medicine whose numcer dare rXt hack it just as I do by thii remarkable offer". .. 80. write me tod* J for the order. \ I have appointed honest and rVspoculMe druggists In nearly evefy community tclfssoe my medicines to the sick. I But write me flnifor the order. 1 r All druggists sell KDr. Shoop's Restorative, but all are not authprlfcd to give the 80 be in time. , Just in timet with kidney ills. Means ourinHtbe back Before backache baooaies chronic; J Before serieudt urinary troubles Bet J Down's Kidneyy*il* will do this. Here is teetimonV fo prove 1L J J. R. Upohjfeh, !W6 S. Main ! Street, Raleigh, wi C. , saya: "I do j el hesitate tcf nsak highly of ^ Down's Kidney u there ia no ^ doubt-in my miiid anto their being a reliable remrly for widney trouble. My kidaeya -"fere difcirderad for a' long tima and/ the ae\retiens from these organs caased roeXceniiderable annoyance byf irregul* passages. I alse had dul pains arrets my leins. Upon learnikg of Desk's Kidney Pills, I procuaed a box nd began their use. Thi y regulated Yhe passages of the kidney secretlbns and disposed of tl e backache." \ ^ Foi sale b; all dealer*. Prioh 50 oentfi. Poster-Milburn Co., Buffale, New Yolk, sole agents for the United States. Remember"* the name?-Dunn's? and take no other. ' The family that eats plenty of , t yuaifter Uats is a heaft liy,. rugged j family. / \ lt The j mok popular food iiy the \to>rld because lit doe\ most and costs least.X \ Packed Id regular sice packages, am In hermetically sealed tins lor hat climines. 54 J P ^WINSTON says he is at present building oh Nash Street and take^p mist of his time t looking after tbeVora going on, but if i you want any goocte re will quit the s job as long as vou WKmt to buy clothing1 shoe, matting, ladjls gowns, ladies skirts, coat suits, fxID mens shirts for . 8&e to 81.25, one hq#"hind full of ipis- _ penders. It you tjfrd mV store closed you may know Inm lawr brick on Nash street. / V I .1. P. WINSTON DARNELL4 THOMAS 1 MTJSI(j: USE I Raleigh, C. J Hull hijl PIMsTOS On Veryf Easy Terms and at priJes beloV which no dealer, maraifacturerW mail order home Ivan go, euiality considered. We are anA old estab- II liehcd houle with many years of | ' rep itationlfor equare dealing to oar creditlind when w<\ tell yon we can meet all kinds\of com- 1 petition prices we will da it. ' Sti/d teds/ CaUlegsr, Twi sad 11 I Prices Ad yea will certainly Mrte J I with as. v \ -- < 1 " . J . -1 ' ^ \ your nerves alt gc^te, gEBxtt j Wi bition to forge ahead u H|m [ ?q might as well put a a toft Elffbj+ji you will. Dr. Pierce T| UBttttg 7 h make yoli a different ind] Mmtttf ' V to work. It will set J| j flg your appetite will ?I^J? sumption has almo^tgai lingering oough^ bronchitis, or bleedyfg at cure in 98 per cent, of all oasea. It m a remi of Buffalo, N. Y., whose advice is tffn fro* t< great success has come from his mjAo cxpcrie Don't be wheedled by a pcnnvf grabbing t tutes for Dr. Pierce's medicineaf reoommen Pierce's medicines afe op snoww compositioi on their wrappers. Made .from roots wit! forming drugs. World's Dispensary Medical Thc^^oicest^ My ,tock of. Heavy and Fabcy ( choice and .elect lot I douiA get I lineB 1 carry. When inNdbed o s-e me before buying. K^mem burg atotil glp.wB, the bept m^de C F^LEi * . t NOTl You don't mow me n metal roof until ymi ha out then you selgf ydur* me to cover ][o '^ w 1 fou Feel This Way? D tired out P Do yon aoawdtoM ? can't work" away at your profau- -+ ngerP Dp'Vou hare a poor ape- ??=err' Oat nighM unable to aleebP Are and yycr stomach too ? Has am* the ifrorld left yo?P U eo, you toJour misery. Yqo can do i^f 1-~?. Col den Medical Disco wr ml ' r ' tfdual. It will set your Uzy Urer * %i . M logs right in your sfcMMgli, and " > lack. It will purify your blood. 1 'V a Vour family toward consumption,. ; " destroyer away. Bvm dtfTOOO- r 77 ~ 7 netk a foothold In the form of a tho\ungs, it will bring about a -dv \l pared by Dt.kTV. Pierce, o all ^jo wish to wnte him. His :nco ami varied practice; * dealer \to taking inferior kubsti- ded to \e "just as good." Dr. m. TheiAevery ingredient printed lout alcoUbl. Contain no habitAssociation Buffalo, N. Y. Groceries ? m ^rfes^nries is the most A , as are^all the other f anything in m) line ib?r 1 carry the Lynch - sants i ^ s. \ ... \ . . - . \ CE ?\. y T . 7" \ ' ' ?al value of a ! " . Ny ve-Jjeen burned ? mistake. Get X rnnf wilh * nples, or any : -X iDd lock repair b?"make them trial if not eatinade. ' Thk Tinner ig next to J D Hill . 4 & SUPPLY CO. icfeinery fi.c. A s \ We have the' following second hand machinery for sale: I 1 40 h i> Ettinger engine $200 1 40 h p Erie City Boiler 200 1 5" li p Stationary Boiler almost new 330 1 35 hp Geiser Portable boiler, good 250 1 15 hp Eclipse Engine and i j and boiler 300 n ! 1 12 bp Talbot Engine and A boiler . , 150 |\ 1 Eclipse Saw Mill No. 0 150 _ A\ 1 Eclipse Saw Mill No. 0 100" jx\l Talbot Saw Mill 45 (l Chisel Tooth Saw, 44 ^V'Hoe", 45 1 Solid Disston Saw, 39 15 > in me. led hats \ \ ? i"X. ae of Ladies Trimmed le line Shoes. Straw X I can't mention. So T,KE, -y^ LIVERY Livery Stable and am prepared to At All Times. kge and guarantee satisfaction. Safe \ u E