- - . ^ s f ?/ ; * - - ; J, tfp . '*? \ _ I %' r, ' i > ' j ' - ' 1 ^ ' < : I - f ^ 1 "' ' > 1 | '. ? ' First I ' j . ! * y i r Lo 1 ' 1 -. J : ? i : FRAN KLIN TIMES A. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager. . Friday, April 29 1910. 1^???, I * iwdkx to ilw advbrtihxmxnt8 J W Kind?For Sale J] B B Massenburg?For Sale i, Standard Oil Co?S'ovea I' J B Yarborough, Uayor?Impor-i tant Notice . Herbert Boone Endorsed for Regis- j ter of Deeds J Pay your poll tax before the 1sti of May or you' can't vote in the fpoming election. . TAR DROPS. i ??Ws dots with, pleasure that that zjJT~ "' I* ' 1 i mm " 7 *v JgSa-.-w**' '*v;'T . v ' . v. . V " *' >' ************ ****** The/' Ndtiomil uisburg, N. "" v \ is. (arms in thia count? *re developing 1 into a higher stage of ouitivation. rh? young farmers have oertaiplv improved upon the old fogy methods of their fathers aad theAiore modern j way 01 Turning is Gauging mother < Earth to produce her largest and beat oropa. ?Franklin Superior Court ad- , journed on Tuesday merning for the 1 [arm. No oases ef importance were ' ;rie * " *T | A FEW SAL __ Our bank W up-to date in ever thorough ancPcomplete an we kn X ~ Our officers are bbpded, we ca and take ever* precaution U depositor*, A , > X - . In orderto meet all reqjmeme X serve at all times. \ X - x - We make special <" <-\i _ aiuw to nnr aM^-lflW relations with us njCaiant and pi We invite checking accounts, pay 4 per oentinterest aompoun 4^- checks free o^aharge. good anj X money awa^y A In othenrvordij we ofle\ you i A complete A every department an use of afnr many facilities fhtrai X have ifthe banning line. Don't matim, and make this your Van'. I". FIRST NATI I ^ LOUISBl UNDER SUPERVISION O t ^' f JUST Rl "!#* ty the Board of To*4i ant! >y authority of the dharter of the town ol lioninhurg, 1 *111 of Monday, May, '2nd 1910**11 at the Cook IUum door in Loni* >m it the following ?og 17.. M Booue 1 lot Main Street. 8.7$ Merer Davie I lot Hllfax road 8.7? [Vaehington Davis floe Ken more Ave 9.7< fane Davia 1 lot flMlifax 9.07 Hta Davis 1 lot Jhlifax " 5.24 laoi Esefrtoa 1 Jhj Kenmote Ave 1 95 lebrge-Egerlon I lit Timberlake row 7 77 tnstlW Oreendl JbtMIIneral Spring 8.17 Vill Oill 1 lot lallload 7.80 Jeorge'Hart, ljbt fiver road 8.42 lioky Hill 1 lAralioad 7.06 joiina Hill 1 Jot Telboro road 8".90 lenders n Haselwlod 1 lot New k'ort and tme lot Mneral Springs 10.41 fohn Hn*el/ood I lift near river rd 8 60 jfftaj -lu?fl hit pAliB?l dm Kea. i#f 1 lot ElsrtQn 9.27 L T Nee# \ lot Makr st reeidence # " " yv, store # j " " *" Tool* 40.0H ItephoMVetTj 1 lofBslUu 6.41 *?i*o*fRa(Bii 1 lot Slab town 8.75 3qIH? Wllllom* 1 lot, C*d*r St 1 9t / ' D~v. Biqh, Tax Collactor. Mxrcb Slat 1810. i .. 7* ..v l" ' " !' K i ' ^SV>S' ^*r 1 " . i i _ . - i ' /' " ' ?*.. ~Bank i ? r ??_? - '? - ' i v . I V " v i Q--y I qmiMPIMIMMNNMMnP'W 1 Sorth Carolina, I In SuperiorCour Franklin County, f Before the Clerk L H. Kearney, Adm'r of | \nnie M. Fuller deceased i |t? yv J lacob W. ^rrimgton, Ey- [ Notice of a aaiaa^lUHlim L/IM,tr I OUrll IJIU IIS >t afneirs Sit law or Annie I M. Fuller deceased. / J ro Eliza Drake and/James Drake, defendants above named: You and each of sou will take notioi that an action entitled as above ha been commented ip the Superior Cour >f Frankln CoVntf, North Carolina, b; I. H. tfearneyA administrator of Annii M. Fuller, deceased, against you and the otner heirs ai law ofsiid Annie M Fuller, deceased! for license to sell, fo: the purpose eflAaMng assets to pa; she debts of' said Annie M. Fuller, de teased, a certain \pt of land in the town of Franilittciik said County anc state, situated it tire corner of Greet ind Franklin iStrens in said towa bounded on th! Nortn by the lands o 9/t L McGheel on the East by th< olored Baptist Church lot, on thi South by Greet street and on the Wes by Franklin dtreet, containing abo ii one fourth ofl an acre Abeing the lo conveyed to Annie M. Fuuerby C H Bandling, and of which st? died seissc ind possessed, \ And yon will further tak 4 notice thn you are required to -appean befnre thi Slerk of the Superior court hf Franklii lounty, saidfstate, at his cifice in thi teurt house ftn Lonisburg, on the 27tl lay of June! 1910, and answenor demui to the petition of the" plaintiff tiled ii laid action, or the plaintiff will appl; to the court for the relief dematlled it said petition. ThiB the 15th\dayo April 1910. ' J.-J. Bahrow, C S. C. W. Y. Gulley, W. H. Yarborough Jr. Att'ye for Plaintiff. 3ALEOF LAND UNDER MORT GAGE. By virtue of a certain mortgagi leed executed on the 12ih day o: September, \905 by G/"N. Dsn ind wife to the rm.leimgned anc luly recorded yi Book 142, pag< 258, the underakjned will on Mon lay the 9tls day of May at 15 lAtlock at the court iiouse dsor al Louiaburg, oxpogp y> sale at pubiii motion o the hiWest "bidder foi ShSh, the lot (!ui??eyed?by mU mortgage to writ: nh certain lot it the town of LouisHutg on the nortt lide of Halifax roafl, Vm-.aining on< half an acre, beinath^iome place bf the said G. N.lDen\ and wife upon which the slid G\ N. Dem built a house, and/being \pt No, ! in the survey of t|e Charlk E. Ma one land. This M arch- 31k. 1910 Fabmbrb ani)_Mkbcha.?tA Bans Morflgaget Biokett & White, Atly's - - . 5ALE OP JiAND FOB TAXES. i In fmrdaoce withjan or> > J# ' "7i ers Friends | > enamel ware,bath tuba, copper, brass ork^oorB, oit and rest frpw machiu- ^ , bath bricks, Ivory soap. Dutch A. rtf stains, paints, varnish from Tour I nnoothei Try Lilac Rose transparent will berpleased. RIENDS I ^ ussett, Velvet Polish, Quick White, X ir, 2 in oDe shoe polish Whitteinore Ebox calf ahoee look new. saucers, poultry fountains, irKQ i mx\ OUISBURG, N. C. [| j ^ ^ ^ ,^T";-,**3HHt ^s?nfiOH /^ r .'3MA*MKTC"5KflM - ~ - ." "" - - '' ; /y .