iWF-. < wmBKm w ;% ^ ' '* " > ' ^ V . '" . j. . THE HOME Clf Plsasant Evsning Rsue catsd to TirBd Mol ths Horns Girds CRUDE THOUGHTS FROS Childish laughter is the echo of heavenly mu$ic. Stirring up bitterness in a nsighbors heart is never-profitable 01 pleasant. ? " V - 'T The person that has wiped won eyes, moistened parched tongue, put a Dew star in the sky of a dark life, added beauty and bloon, the song * of birds and the blossom of flowejs to the lot of another is?whether he be rioh or poor, kuown ot unknowe, bond oj free?one of God's nobility. m e It doeant par to gossip about one's neighbors, let us have only kind ^thoughts and good words .for every one, and be sure to lend a helping hand whenever occasion calls for it. In trying te lighten another's burden, we forget our own; and the kind thoughts we send out come baok to us like echoes. e e * ^ Young man, renieaaber this: ?11 the friends who can gather about you San never make your life a success; neither can your enemies make it a \failure. It rests *ith you to determine whether you shall succeed 01 fail. Just put this thought on your memoranda, and study it carefully. . ' '* 1 am afraid that old people found life ratheKa dell business in the time of King Davi^ and hie rich old subjict and trien<vBarsilai, who, poor man, could not bafe told a teal from a canvas-back, nor enjoyed a symphony concert, if they had had those luxaties in his day. Thsre were no pleasant firesides for there were no chimneys. There were no dail*. newspapers for the old man to read and he could not read if there were, with hie dim eyes, nor hear them read, very probably, with hie dulled eats. Thera was ne tobacco a eooth- 1 ing drug, which in ite various forms is a great solace to many old esen ' aid to some eld women?Carlyle ' tnd his Bother seed to smoke their ' pipes together, you remember. - 1 Old age is mfintely more cheerfal, for intelligent -.people at least ' than it was two or three thousand 1 yeata ago. It is our doty, fco far a* ' we cap, to keep lt.eo. There will always be enough about it that is solemn, apd more than enough, alas 1 that is saddening. Bat. how much , there is in oar times te lighten ijs i hardens. If they that look outst^ j the windows be darkened the optieian is happy to supply them with eyeglasses for ase before the public, and spectacles for their bears of privacy . If the grinders cease because they are few they can be made many ? agsiu by?a?third?dentition, which ' brings no toothacbe in its train. By temperance and good habits of life, proper slothing, weil-wareied, welldrained and w?ll-ventUated dwelling and sufficient, not too mnch exercise, the old man of oar time may keep bis muscular strength in very good oenditiea. . * a e Bow many shiftless idlers there are sighing "If I had but a thousand a year what wonders would I do." There are other tbinga which they need far worse than a thousand a year; it is ambition, atir around, ap>Jt4, ' plication, push and wise economy. Without these capital would unl\! make them spend-thrif^s. With or ' ? Without capital, all who deeerve it cap and do win wealth and character. They are witbin the reach of all. A put majority of our meat toeeeasful men started in life and buaineaa with only the prospect of a "thousand a year." A young uen who cannot by hid own indomitable rr~?~ will mould and dire? the elements about him eo as to wtn tnooees is udThere ie no use standing idly, crying about what you woald do it you bad capital. Providence endowed yon B With oapiUl it yon will only qoe it. I '* ' - i }'' ' V |Hk mh y Ir ^ x ' "x | i * r" ' * ?P* . r ' ' iCLE COLUMN. riBS.?R Column Dediihers as They Join at Evening Tide I THE EDITORIAL PEN Brains and inuscls working together inlisrnieny si wars wiu. It is what * man was endowed with them for. II such uluable cspilat iw loft-to rest and r.<t the poMossotu^ill livoin poverty iuulobocunty as hs Ought to. CVaao whining and go to wnrk. Keep awnv from saloons and gambling houses. Throw aside that cigar and 'remove that horiible quid from your mouth. Abanddtv all useless expenses and no niattfr how small yeur in come, save a certain per cent of it each_year.-aud soon you will have crued, capital and wealth. The road it plain, eaay and -oertaia. Providence haa given you capital ? don't bury it?go forth and "a thouaand a jear" shall bo thine. o o o 4 This is ths best land in the wsrld and a man ie utterly iaoxcusable for being ill-tampersd bers. Look at Growl, Spitfire and Brotksrs,?waspish, croes-graioed, naggy fellows, whom children avoid, customers flee from and everybody dislikes. They frown and snap and snarl through the world until the last drop of milk of human kifidness is frozen at the bottom of tbeir hard hearte and the last spark of human interest is quenched in the ashes of thfireeifidiness. But here are Merrymsn and VV'srmiyeasii w>->no Vxvwj ?. u. .u j,. npj-, jrwui mno ?HBH IHBV come fiom the country, carrying all they ha>l in one small rell, with mothera's gingerbread in their lunebeon and -mothers blepsiug is their ears "Be good boys and mild the boss." They were soon favorites in the s'ore, accommodating and cheerful everywhere, aad when they set up for themselves, everybody flocked to the plaae where even the shelves and counters seem-, ed running over with good cheer. A melancholy musician may cam ptiee a dead march that shall make the organ weep and wail, but he can never touch the chorda that set the sells of joy a-i ingio?. A n elaniholy poet may write of wan spirits ind gloomy demons, but he can lever picture the oeauties of (leaven. A melancholy artist may skstcb death and deep horrors, bat he can never paint the rising sun leaping on ts sapphire bat. Coughs that are tighjt or distressing tickling ceugte; get quick and certain help from Dr.^BhoopV Cough Remedy. On this acroonM)raekista everywhere are favoring Dr.VjhAip's Cough Remedy. The tender leaves of a harmless lung healing moumauioos shrub give to Dr. Shoop's CoegleKemedy its eurative properties. Tboaf raves have the power to calm /the most distressing cough, and to si/the, anmieal the most sensitive breacJbtl . memfihanee: Teat It onae yourself and seel Sold by V. Reid I.lessenLouisburgp^NC. Joyner Franklin ton. \ Deafness Cannot be Cure I by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There en only one way to car* deafness, and that ie by constitutional remedies. Deafness is C' need by an inflamed condition of the mi cone lining of\be En tawiian rube. When this inlis is inflated yog bave a rumbling atinnri r?r imnerfnA hn. ?J ?' * e^tircl rlowtl, la the revolt' and aUna the iDflamattoBCao be taken oat and thia tube reatored to ma normal condition hrariaa arlll be dfatrAd lormr, nine raart out ol ten are eanae*#jT\atnrrab, which la notblog hat eo lata#?d ^nditioa of tba mncoua aorfataa. I V i We will wire One mandrel Bolters for anj aee of Itaafneaa feaAeed hr ^arrh) tbat citnoot be cared be Hall'a Catarrh Core. Send for eirrnlwra, Free. \ , P. J CflllET A CO.. iVdo OSold by DrogaiaW. 75c. \ TRUSTEE'S SALE By alrtaa of w dead qf truat executed by Edwin C. Perry aDdVwife, Bate Perry on the 19th day of llarcEr 1907, and recorded in Register of PegBe office in Franklin county in b<>oi 1*9, page 109, default having been time in tne payment of the note thereiUecured and at the request of the hcfller thereof, 1 shall sell for cash by jnbiie auction to the hlgheet bidder ajrsbc Court House door In Louisbutfc, Prfnklin county On Holiday ,he 2pd lAjfof Hay 1910. at 12 o'clock m, thefRdbwinir described property. Raginiingfet an oak jnst on the edge ot Noble# St feet the comer of Methodist chnrcl#lotJthence along said treet in an euaWrly Idjrection 182 feet te a poat on ssiwstr*t, thence at right angle to aaid fireetf 104 feet to a poet Vie. Feme He Hie gience in a westerly direction paAlel tl first Une 182 feet t a corner in A he hie of the Method ist church lot tfence -fti a d'rect line 104 feet to thai begiafag.' This HanHJOstUl '7 . / R. S. fficCoiN, Trustee. i- * r: ANIMOUNCtMtNT. To the Voters of FrinjiRn Count I hereby hiJoibm' myself as candidal. fpr thed^emosratic nom nation for'TresJttifiL Frankly county, subjects (be action of th Democrstio Oriinarim. J.A)VA>^rHOM AS A CARD /. . To Dsmocr^tic Tonwe I hereby annoutvfce tyyself a oan didate for Register Vy Deeds fo Franklin County, euubct to the at tion of the DemocrdoV Conventior I will appreciate *mj b\lp from 111 frienda W.H.WACON. A CARD To -Tub Pkmomatic Yctum a Franklin Couktw; / :?I hereby announce myself can didate for the offieeNo# Register o Deeds of Franklin subjee to the Demoaratiey Primary ?n< Contention. Vs/v truly /.H. B?^NE. _ AMNOUNCEMENT^ To the Democratic Voters /bt Franklii Coffltyt^ / 1 hereby an'noujncsniyatlf acandidati for the Bouse of RefirgpmlativfS Aon Franklin eounty subjartto the actio] of the Democratic l^ripjarieft and Con vent Ion. 1 am not m candidate urgee by my friends to ns hurt am running because 1 want the^pffice and if the par ty will honor me with the \ominatioi 1 will serve theni/nd the State to thi best of inv ability. Respectfully, *r . J. A. TUR>E!R. A CARD To The Dimochatic Votuhs oi KB A N K 1.1 N COCHTY: . I ksrswith announce /rtyself i candidate for th\office of Registel of Deeds of Franklin C/uaty, sub jsct to the action oralng Derm >srati< primaries and convention. If nnm inated and elected J\promise th< people of the cour^' ytithfui anc accurate service./Tha\ king yot in advance for apythinnyou mat do in my behalf/ am V Respectfully, ^ R. P. TAYLOR A CARD To The Democratic Voters ol Franklin County: With the kindest of feelings toward every man in Franklin eountr and wit! no criticism to make.of any ?ne, I wish to announce mysWf a cwdtdate foi Clerk of Superior \Court Jof Franklin County subject to ?he action of the Democratic PrimarA ana convention. I __ will state that I aia irf no Sombine with any other condidmemr candidates because when 1 ask yoWo support me I have gone as far as propriety will allow and I know you arefae capable of selecting the other nsiaiaees of the party as I am I V Should ' ou ue flt to/nominate me 1 shall endeavor to execute tlW duties ol the office to the best If my ability and shall see that everybody in treated alike. Yonra Respectfully, S/M. P. BODDIE ANNOXJNCfiliENT To my Democratic Friends: I am taking this method of informing my frirVids throughout the county, that I aW a candidate for renomination attthe hands of mv party for my present office of Clerk of the Superior /court. My duties as Clerk, (compel my constant attendance 1st/my office in Louiaburg.for thel pr o per discharge of the business tat the people is | more important Jphan any man's candidacy, and tsay have a right to expect to find nke fc my office when they come to tmwulto. transact bus. incss with thei/lerli T am, therefore, deprived! of (he pleasure ol visiting the wople it their homes, as I should tp much tike to do, to solicit theirlupport m my behalf, and am congpelled to Aelv upon my friends to liok after nfc interests al the Democratic pTlmarteB- By my friends, I mean the whole body of Democrats voters, for \they have shown thsftMriendsliip si the past, and I believe will coutsiue it in Mie futurl, for I am uucouscious of having dpne aught to forfeit the confidents of any former uriend. X have endeavored to show tray apprepiati?i of the favors shown me,by strict atpnlion to the duties of my office, aid bv courtesy and iccomo dation jo all, having ba intks with it, and if re-elected, I shall Continue to divote mv best efforts Vo the serviee Jof the people. With deep gratitude foe past favors, with the kii dest of failings towards all, and with a determination to always faithfully diselurge every trust confided to me, I submit my claims to t)ie people ol Franklin coupty. \ Respectful I v, j. j. Barrow. ..ANNOUNCEMENT.. I wish to anno^lpee /to the public genorally and ?fW>ciially to tioaia burg that I havl Cireu good barbara and an rJU; to eerrr mj coatomera u.d Manda quick and up-to-date. We liaep aharp razora clean towela and flevery way glv< the most polite I ad astiafaetory aery;oe poeaible. (no will find mj ehop on court atrletA loan tf rnV, OSCAR r. STEGAJ.Ti V'. a - - ?' y iiiiiiiiiiHi I II P. S. It K. fHORSES A i 50 young, sound and " from 800 to l: . 40 young, sound an< | At My Stable ! And For Sale on Goj> T or^For Cash t A Come to Me (hem before they are pickati, a don't want to bay, as I will guarantee Lou A one pea. Come and take a look. I K. P. 1 'C" ' V ^ > Tr ' 'a^ ' -i t . - J ' .-v '' . / . f ' ? f ' rjy '' v- i. - ' BB ... .1 1A^; ; .* [THOSE Are on Sale Ai I in this lot thare ue lomWmg ov-r I $ tea to eighteen dollars thtt we are j J > spring weight and real goodY'oloru. . fore they are picked over. We have about V i a thcfee $1^50 pants > I Oxfords received art stvie and size n</v ' I-- / 1 We hare a full Ime of evet&thing in anything that we carry. Come in as i jfif ' . see what we have and waat cheap pi fty 4 may need. Thanking wbu for past fi A . ... ^. 1 broke Horses, all now<J s at toiiisburg. t . d Long and Easy Terms t the Right Price. ? nd buy your ihoice. ^Como to Me them if you A, have never seen 50 astne and young mules in \ f I 'O HILL ^ ^ " iti-' r'T 7 ' \ * - - ' * *kZtz. : ,t L -:.v" * "v ' " - , * -" *tw^| ' *? " ,- 'n 8 8B888t8t88M8H8888Ks _g, $5 SLITS | |L ;ain at Our Store |^. ? ' ' __* . j ^ two hundred real good suits worth from . .">< toing to close out regardless of cost. All .. Come quick and ggtvour choice (or $6 be:? -' avo/hundred pairs of ^f't. New lot ladies ?Kwe oau give you any -rour lin? anctarill make the price right on ace us. Always glad for our customers to ices we have toluake you on anything you ? \ ivors, we are ? Xj ra very truly, 'V\. IMCs K. ALLEN'S J AAA ND MULEST* - A L broke Mules we? ghingj " LOO pounds each < T

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