I FAR IV s The When in town w a aUrX WE AND YOU CI P. S. .We ham ? / " N - < . . Letter Prom Fowler, GaL Oar rainy season is about over.. We had a sand storm this tfteraooo. They usually come from the west and are in the. afterabpn. The sun will look red aad the horizon looks "" as tf a cloud is rising. If the sun is low in a bad storm it will get so you cannet see it. I have seem one se bad that you could not Bee a man twenty yards away, and there are few houeeeth^t are tight enough to keep out the dhat. Generally you can write your naraerwi the furniture but you will not gettTet Do you love olivea? YVe^have them here and they are fine (?) to" p eat. Tbey are gathered in the fall and are put in briae aad chaage I ! Mvarnl timM Th? tr?? ! ?""? i green, and piow? something like a willew. Would voa think that a house j could he built with one-fourtb aa | ' much framing as is need in the eset? i The foundation and raftera is about all the scantling that ia. used here. Twelve inch boards are put up and -? down and makes what is know as a box room and when this is papered it makes a pretty good room. No bouses are plastered out here unless it is a costly sue. All the box heusea seem to stand up allright. What de you knew about Uperliptia trees? This is a tree for quick growth. The seed eame from Australia. It is an evergreen and grows _ . tall. They have been knewn to .grow twenty feet in one year. This is the tree that sheds its bark instead of its leaves.. The leaven-fall all >tbe year ronad. I was glad te see the interest yea """Franklin peple are taking is corn. There ia no deubt in my mind but that everyone will be amply rewarded for thifir efforts. The prises that are effered is but a litte, compared -with the infermaties yen young mea will ressive by being a member of the cern elnb. I knew tome ef them, and acme of yon will have to huitle. I hepe to hear good recalls from the boy*. With bast wishes tor the' Tinas end my eastera friends. J. J. ?dvum. April 19, 1910. Herbert Boone For Register ?*? Of Deeds. Every Rood citizen should be interested in the kind of men selected to Oil the ?aliens offices in the gift of the people, because in this way alone, can the beet (nvernmsntyiM secured. We -whose names are undueeath, desire to say a word in behal?A\ one of the>can-< dictates for ReRiswU Jeeds We believe all Wbe aiyrudnin fNare Rood men, hot we wfch tc/ipeak es jccially in behalf of tfrTHnbert/Ro* le for the following ne>dr?: Ffrst, we believe him to be taoVcrtiRhlv cobijytent to fill the office ditnr credit ur-fiimaalf and with safety to the people. Second, we believe him tb be (honest, sober and a If amr mafi is to be elected because he neeWytbei office, we do net know of ' ally one who needs It mors than him, because of his haying lost one of his Uj limbs and thereby disabled to work on the farm. ? Without any wish or purpose to injure any on# else ire are thus publicly wiving oor reasons why we are asking ' ; ) the people of Franklin county to give him their support' for Register of Doods. Respectfully submitted. Py*u' ^jl^n. W. y ay? - * ' 1ERS we want e Rivcrsic "to have you with u? whether you 1 One car of White Hi have/ ln get your lie m^t^rials for ^ from t / i ANsfcifflMENT I hereby annoufta/ myself a candi date for the nommi^ion of Constabl for Louisburg tovrtfship^subject to th action of the J^mocrmic priinarie and convention^ W. F. Davis. \CAKf I hereby announce/myself a candi [ fnp tha rtffiadr*# A7??l-* T\?-J I ? ? ?? viuv^M/jtcgiawi ui I'cta of Franklin countVVsubject to the a< tion of the Democratic primaries an* convention. - -/\\ V- r fJYb.~YARBOBOUGU? ' AXNOt^iCEiENT 1 hereby announce myself a candi | date for the nominatihA of Treasurer o | Franklin county to Succeed myself subject to the action R. B. WHITE, EX. NOTICE, A V Having qualified as ^xecutor unde the will of j.\2. Harris/this is to noti fy all persons Nholdinar claims again s his estate to prekent uiern to me on o before April 2l8t,\lfll0, or this aotict will be plead in barSm their recovery All persons owing safiNqstate will comi forward and make immediate payment This April 21st. 19m. |UKSR w M PERsbtf, Extr. IM^>RTANT I will be in Xeouisbu/g about th? 10th or 12th of\ Maj^ for the pur pore of raotmtinfharfHiono or anj other ve'rti.iarv sdnripe. Parties desiring u?y cert ieew wit. write me al Brinklewille, li.X?,; \nd I will |gc to their homes./ \ S. LVDvkb, VyS. & D. SEWER BIDS Scaled bids will bW received by th< Board of Aldermen a thafr next fa est rag for putting in .of aV>? six hundred feet of sewer pipe. Pus and specifl cations can txrseen at Jfce office sf till Clerk. Certified ehecif nr 10 per csnl of the bid must seolmpany the bid The right is reserredAoraiect any oi all bids. IE*? Jko. B. YijiiBOKOuAa, Mayor R. O. Biwprr. Clerk 1 Stkwart Fayih, Engineer. _ A CARD "T To the Voterstol Franklin'County: Whereas, I bare announced mysel a candidate forVhe offiofe of Sheriff o Franklin countJL subject to the actioi of the l>??'"uy uuytjfinfc u? whether you hrtMw clory^W a^ons,and one c*1"" Glte (Ity AN EXPE HARNESS REPj the Farmers Unioi l Union Guano Con S. C. HOLDEN FOR REGISTER l> OF DEEDS To thai DaITI nArttirt Pni?t u r\t T0_?-o n U s lin CouatyA The Democracy of Youngsville - township presMits to the pertr of Franklin count* the name of Sidj ney C. Helden is their choice for | i. the nomination mr the Democratic 1 convention end Vrimary. to the office of Register ok Deeds of Frank. | - lin county for thA following chief ' " reasons, viz: \ f ' - j 1 He js able anH willing, capaj hie and conscientious,' strong and j > clean. y ' c '1 By rekson of Jnis conned ion as Deputy Register il Deeds he is j thoroughly familiar with the du- ' ties of the office, tpidlhis unfailing < courtesy, untiring patience and ' c manly beariag huwon the confi- j I demee of those who have business ' j with this office. I e 3 He comes from J section, of i the county wheK the -great trndi- 11 tiens of the Democratia party are I _ held above sell' or pela and yet, ' this section hu not bee* represent- I ed in the official family of the | \ court house far many years. x Now we fail that we are entitled 1 r to some recognition and that we I s are not demanding teo much when ] we ask yoerf support in (his behalf. I Throug-jiut the eoanth- there hts j been bat /one objection - raised I against Holden ana that we - J believe wis raised three hundred j years ago against the greltaat prime I miaister tF.agl&nd ever (produced, ' Mr. Pitt J "The atrociousf crime of J beings oungsaaa." To this thera J i? but 01 e reply, God givk as more I rueh yo ng men. / 7^ I . " For t less rassoss we lave pre- . seated is name ler yoar loasider- I ation. Reepeetfully submitted. ' J W 1 insten C CJ Winston 1 J H Ti uberlake Janes Capk JAW I isms R C Wnqerwood I EPilltn G O PattUs-n' ' , J B. ft ry S E Wisston C H W lliams J R Pearls j I J B P? irce J W Wbodlief \ " M A A ford LGJordab 1 ; I W li LtcheU J TWilsol ] . B G A len C H Strickland I ' D W ^pivey J A Williams, Jr 1 ' J S Lampkins R N Willi*"" J E Winston. | NOTICE TO CRE^We?8 j Raving qualified as adrpinistratrix of the estate of Chirles K. Al- | f ford, deceased, late at Franklin ' j couuty, this isMo notif/ all persons . having claims against /aid estate to i present the sam^to.tjps. undersignf ed on or before thAfith day of April 1 1911, or this noticefVill be plead in ? bar of their reco?r\ All persons 1 1 indebted to said Aistatk will . please i I make immediate payment. This j ? 8th day of Apr/, 1910. \ ? Mks. Loi iy A. Bai.i., ldm., ir of Charles R.Vklford. ? Wm. H. Knfffn, Attorney. e 1 ?. All kinds of dry .goodsand notions at ^ Alston Co's new store. a 1 SRATE THE - CITIZE , \ HENDERSI y > ' \ March 291 g \ BESOU Loaas and discomita Overdrafts....... ? Stocks and bonds . \. J. j Banking hauae and fixtures"/ T Insurance DepartmeaA ..J... II Cash on hand and In othe/lcsnl li. - . Total IS ? Capital etlock paid ^ Surplus and ondlvMad preftt?\ m" Due to banks/ a Dip salts . . . J i?i ?r '~=r % '?*?EcrTT. *? ^t We want you 1 mV fii in I, i^fiBfa/fii tr: 'r? " " V tIERS f MAKE HIS HEADQUARTERS ependcnt "Wagons. Also ilTe best and largest stock of Harness In RT^HARNESS MRED HERE OR A SET a of Franklin County. A1 ipany of Winston, N. C. i | WY g |t f. W. WHELES Notke AAA AAAAi HavingXnualified as administrator of E. J. Cannady, deceased; this is to - rjf notify all \ersons 1m ding claims f \ against his estate to ye sent them to V, ^ V_,J | the undersign eon or/iefore Aprlb-Mth 1911 or this noticVnml be plead In bar of their recovery. Jftll persons owing his estate will corat fcrward and make immediate settlement-VThis April 14th 1910. '' T. L. t'AlsanY. Adih. I PonltfJ Pood, Oyster Shells, chick- I I BPi en Fountains at li. P. Hicks. | | MCNT? . :ns x^ank Now ( 3N. H.yt, of cof .1 A *480.247 19 ' I - . f * 8o.'?6iffi Gome an .;... 10,782 78 * . 8,848 U ' ? ss., 206,129 14 $788.222 28 J a|a0 hare tha Shipi rm* $100,000 00 gan oome ?sd buy o .'. .1'.'.'.'.' 71,627 74 as ?ell ae your neig \. ...... . . . 6'f it Customer. < f; ' . 4^,1, ARMERS ?- . *v -\" iy Buggies, Durham Biggies, Babeock Baggies. * town. ?: : ? ?-??l MAKER MADE TO SUIT YOU so ready mixed guano gg NTLEMEN3 mZ . Should Get Their ** ' Clothea^hd Furn J " ishings From Us. ^ Wo lumdle only the best goods made)(y the veiy beu makers. ' * *d sell them at reasonable prict\ e with every purchase. 1 J \V e go still further?After your . j A purohase has been made, ne mat J \ ter how long?tomorrow, next day \ or next week?We stand back of \ every garment sold?if not right or | \ ' not as represented we will iustantly \ - \ rectify any error without eost of \ quibbTb'. That's why you should JP \come to us for your clothrs nnd ' CA- yirnishings. V C othes For *4 Voung Men. |f We's^howing some smart and V- ? 1 snappy Ylothes for young men. P' \ Clothes that are fairly bristling |A. S, wito hew stkle. ' Drop in and see X Y what a smart, stylish suit or coat I L and trousers\ou can get here for mP A. ?5, $10, I12.5A or $1500. |L Kfife We are showing this season the S biggest line of nats ever brought to |A Louisburg. Jusneee our $1 Straw PW Q Louisburg's Clothier J UAAAA AA-.A A A . ^ FINS, CASKETS \ AND / injturet ientleroenA Iynave a complete line tine and owlceta which I will nail iT/COST * 1 ^uoox at My Lines Before ^Buying. iiajp ORGANS tak sale. If you wanV a good orl'i no your chTTdAn can learn to aing In the ehoir hbors. Do?'t let t\era be benoh membera all their ^wtrbea io towi^^^e Diapenaary building. aaaaaaaaaaaaa r#rr'"r "IIS" *' *? ," * ^ ^ V - I . ', < :k -v'. i " i.