$*- - * .' W ^ _ y: A. F. JOHNoON, EDITOR AND MA VOL. XL! ^ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 1 i ' -?v?. VET IN RBGULAR SESSION , MONDAY- " 'l 9 * ?^: All Mefbbers Present?No Business of Importance?Good Reports?Several Accounts ] Allowed The Board of County Commissionere met in regular aeeaien on Monday?all members being present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved and the following other business attended to: I.azima Grandy was plaeed on the outside* pauper list at #1.00 per month. Stephen upton was stricken from outside pauper list a*"l allowed te go to the county borne. ^ Report of DryjfE. Malone, Superiotendent ofHealth, was reoeived and filedy 'He repsrta the oounty home and jail in good oohditien. Quills Baker waa allowed $2.00 per month as outside paaper instead of $1.00* as heretofore. Report of E. N. William*, Superintendent ef county heme wee received and filed. He reporta 18 white and 13 eelored inmates. Two , whites, Bob Medlin and son, reoeived sine* last report. ? . ' Nancy Egerton was placed en outside pauper list at $1 per month Violet Clemeat* was plaoed on outside .pauper list "at $1.50 per month. After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjonrned to' meet again on the first Monday in June. Closing of Mountain Grove School. It was the writers pleaaare to attend the closing exercises ef the Mountain Grove school whieh tqsk plaoa a few days ago. Miss Susie Williams at prinoipal' and Letaii Fetter assistant, have done a wonderful work there, as waa shewn by aa entertainment of great merit. The stage was tastily decorated ia , green, with white flowers. The pa j>tla leqmtte* themselves wall, and showed that they bad been aarefally taaghU The reaiutiana were wall selected and ware a credit to both reiohers and pupils. We ware pcrliceliHy impressed by the numoer of good voioee Jw the eehoel, the emging being very good. Several prizes were given, bnt wa failed to get tba namaa af tba winners. ? The committee will be fortunate in aecaring the aerviaea of these i teachers for the next term of Mountain Grove Sokool. Ingleslde Academy ? . The closing axeroiaaa of the Ingle* side Hgh School were held on Friday evening at the - Academy. At ! ? -half past eight o'clock Rev. G. WStarling opened" the exeroisea with prayer.,-v The programme was a fine .one,and we woald give it bat tor lack of apace. ' The stage waa beautiful with rosea , aq^ other spring flowars, which made a pretty setting, for the rose-cheeked faoee of the happy boys and girls, and we Will say here that we -defy any neighborhood to show a mere attractive and well-trained acbool, or a more respectful and attentive audience thaa the Iogleeide neighborhood, and this school is training the boys aad girls with this motto as a crcide: ? "Honor and lame from no eoaditien riee, Act well your part, there all the hener lies." In the latere when an audience ia eompoeed ef Ingleeide'a mthiena? papila trailed in thia aohool, yon t may be m e of an "hUealive ealtured eae. We tire alwaye glad to have kiting friende with aa that they may aee what the echoel m doisr, Terhapa aome might be benefitted <- - $?. ? - , ' : - .. - -t* i RAN NAGER * By oomia j earlier. "A word to tho wiae is (affluent." Seldom h>w ws attended a school sntertainmeat vrkers every resitatioo play, drill, song aad iaitramsntal pisos of masio was rendered without a blunder. They hrere well eboaen aad reflected mnob eredit on tee oh er and pupil, showing eareful training^ on the part of the teacher, and work and talent on part of pupil. Rev. Ceerge Duke made a fine little talk after the exeroisea were over and Rev. Mr. Starling presented several prizes. This closed one of the most successful terms of the school. Miss Edith Yarboroagb, Miaa Alice Hines and Miaa Sallie Young Davis, the teachers hare dene good work and the trustees of the school will do well to re-elect them if possible. Miss Yarberougb,the x'rinsipal.wss called home before the eloeing exeraieea, by the sad death of her father, and many hearts Turned from the joroufTscene to her, in deepest sympathy. Bunn High School Gommsnosment Last Thursday was a great day fer Buna. The greatest ooneeurse f people ever teen at tliia place was here te witness the eloaiDg exercises ef Bonn High Scheol. People were present tretn all parts el Franklin tnd surrounding eounties. The oommsnoemont began Wednesday, night with exercises by the Primary and Intermediate grades. Although the night was unfavorable the Academy, whisk peats several hundred people, was comfortably filled. The ehildreg^showed excellent training and the toaohera, Mispea Cheatham and Mills, deserve great credit. Thursday the High Sohool pupils bad oharge of the program. The merning exercises consisted ef recitations and eevhral exultantly rendered eumhere by the music el ass* The music was a special feat are, the performers showing grest skill and the result of mueh practice and efIsient instigation en the part af their teacher, Miss Pools. suTBi u wtot n?i. mrui presented Dr. W. L. Ptteit, President ( Wake Fereat Collage, who delivered the annual addreaa. It waa ana af the graateat addraaaae aver beard at Bonn. For mote than an hour Dr. Pataat held the large audianaa apall-boaud with hia practical reasoning and keea humer. The aubjeot af the addreaa waa, -'The CeneerTatien of ear - Natural Ra oareta." Hia appeal to young men to atay in tbe country an the farm waa eapecially atrong and tiaaely; and in the eourse of. hie addreaa Dr. Poteat tauebed on the problem of aanitatien and preoaution of diaaaaea with telling effect. In the afterneen there waa a recitation contest, six young ladiea participating. The medal offered in thia eoutaat by Prof. Martin was awarded to Nolia 'Wright, and waa preaentad to the lucky conteatant by Hon. R. A. P. Coelay, of Naslv villa. w? a Thursday night all ayatlable apace waa taksn ia the aeademy ta witaeaa tbe drama. A apeoial train waa run frem Spring Hope. Tbe play waa well piesentad and the audienea waa highly pleased. " Tbe proceeds which araoanted to mere than 170 will be applied te the iaiprove . ?.* I _t mi mput oi.iu? Know, i nt iiotaou* meat by Prof. Martin Thursday night that Mr. R. (J. ^Uea, President of Pint Rational Bank of Louiibarg had made a donation of $16 wo thin eauae brought many ahaera from the andieaee, ahowinjg the hearty appreciation by tha pntrena of the aahaol of thia geaerena aot of aaob a pnblio spirited man. JUaaW. RnK AAI laAn t. ? _ ? __ _ M _ nil* o?no?i n?a oaan very anooeasfa! thin year nod the entire faoolty bare bean employed fer oext term. Prof. Martin aaaonnoad that the aeheol weald epea abeot the v V "-'.'Sir ^ * - - - KLI> THE COUNTY, THE 8' LOUISBUBQ, N. C.. FRIDAY first of September and that cata- "|"j logo? woald be laauad daring lha ? gammer. ? ^ TI Delightful Barbecue. ' Mr. aad Mra. E. 8. Ford gave a delightful barbecue to a aumoer of Tl their lady and geatlemau frieada at Wedaaeday. Tha ooeaaion waa oae ot. great enjovmeat and waa attended by a good'Bomber. ' ' R ?a? I An Inprorament. Superintendent Williams with Ilia read hands are making some vary evident improvements on Nash.street in front of the jail. This pieee of werk will be a great benefit to that ,0 part at town and add more oredit to onr already muoh appreciated Superintendent. w ?? at To Build. We are informed that Allen Bros. v' Co., are planning to have a large eup- bt ply house and stables ereoted en the weat aide of Main street in front of P the depot. This together with the te large wboleaale koese ef P. A. Reavis, whiek is now in coatee of erection will add a great deal to that g, pertien af the t>wn. dm. r ? Mra. Susan Ellia at her hama near Leuisburg on April 25th, 1910. She waa fifty-six yeara old and leavea a haaband and three abildren, and a boat of frienda. In her death ia the paaaing of a good and true wife, a laving mother, aad a true w friend and helpful neighbor. Her ^ remaina were entered at Cooke's ?" Chapel. s ^ To Build Another Store- ~ e, Mr. J. P. Winston iaforma ua hi that be will have hia buildinga on ai Nash street completed within the gt neat twenty daya. He alao aaya that he will begin the erection of aioe brick etore Juat below hia twe new onee, en the let where the m blaokamith ahep now atanda, in a C very tew daye. Thaae new bnldiaga are adding g a great deal te that part of tewa. M -i . W Building: At College- - Wa ara informed that tha briek ai for tha M. 8. Davie ffemorial build- L ing at the College have been order- ni ed and are ezpeeted to arrive within f a few daye wbea thay will be pat en ai the oampaa at onoe. The exeava- ai tion for the fouadatioa will aleo be- ai gin in a few daya. ? R Kev. A. J. Parker requeata na te atate that aa the werk haa atartad it will be neoeesary far them to get in the money that has been subaeribed, and eepeoially that part of it that ^ waa eonditienal upon the beginning ^ of tlie work. He says further that y owing to the faot that he will be out of town right much ef hia time he (r haa arranged with Mr. M. S. Davia j to receive rnd reoeipt tor any oon- g tributiona coming in during hia ab- ^ eeaoe. y Base BallQaite an interesting game of ball ''' waa played by the Jnnior Teams of a Louiaburg and Franklinton on tha w grounds of the farmer, Monday, af- *' tarnoon, in which I louiaburg waa the '.winner by the aoore of 4 to 1. **' Douieburg bad Frankliuton abut-eat until a bad throw to eeoond by Hart r< in the eighth inning allowing Frank- ^ linton to aoore. Thu ia the first ^ timi f ranklinton bis besa baaten " in three y?ar?. Features ef the W game were the all reond playing of Parker, Looitbnrg'a near left fielder M andrthe atep of a hot grounder by ^ Capt, Waddell. He eat down upon the ball with hie back-to it and after atopping it in this manner, threw the ranner oat at flrat. There ? al- ** way* the best of feeling ia tbeae " game and we hope the bays will At keep them ap. v *? The umpiring ef "Bunny" Ceuper " was a little raw in soma eaaaa bat en ? the whole was eatisfaetery. \ L5'" r '' ~ j j^jj '' jj^^ I 1 TATE, THE UNIOH. ,*AT 6, 1910. HE RIVING PEIPLE ' . J iBIlt MOVEMENTS IN AND ! - OUT OF TOWN. lose Who Have Tlalted'Loalsburr the Paet Week?Those Who Have Gone Elsewhere for Business or Pleasure. Senator B. T. Hold en went to aleigh Saturday. U. T T nr.?. -t T?.lfm mi, w, r. n aiBUH, Ul X>B'PI^1, it visitor to Loniabnrg, Mrs. Lacy T. Seoggin.of Warren<5, is vLuting her eons here. J. R>^rnitb, of Durham, ru in ?o Monday in the internet of the >10 censes. ^ -s, Miss Margie Maoon returned this eek from a viait to frienda and relivea in Kaleigh. Mra. W. O. Thomaa, of Kaleigh, aited frienda and relativea in Leuisirg the past week. Hon. K. S. MoCoin and Mr. U. H. Brry, of Henderaon, were vieiters Louiabarg Monday. G. L. Cro well, of Asheville.waa a aiter^to Louiabarg the paat week, teat of D. F. MoKinne. Meadamea W. H. Dale and J, O. [eye, of GreenYille, viaited at Mr. J. Parhama the paat week. Miaa Irene Sledge, who haa been aohing aobool near Littleton, retread to her home near MaploTille ie past weak. I Mr. C. T. Cox, of Winteriillr, ho formerly held a poaition with 10 Farmera A Marohanta Bank hera, ta returned to Louiaburg for a visAarea Deitz returned Wednesday r'ening fiom Baltimore where ha id been to- porohaae the apring id anmnaer stook of goods for hia ore here. See his advertisement. Marriage Licenses. Register of Deoda Boone isaued arriaga lioenaes to the following ouplea during the month of April: Writs?Will G denes and Enla E. litebiner, P H Puckett and Fetia [organ, J N Wood and Annie Edarda, CeLoBBn?W m. Baeheler and Baaa Kearney, Imareon Miohelson and illia Keith, Retcoe Paarca and Anie B Champion, Narm an Foatar and annie Laaaiter, Clarence Bridge* id Jennie Balllripe, Dare Crndap id Queen Hartafield, James Dabaam id Cora Floyd, Wesley Raney and osa Jones. * V Mrs. Hart Entertains Mrs. Hart entertained meat alemtly last Saturday morning by iving a porch party in bdner of !ra. Herbert E>*le?and Mre. Jea oye, af Greenville, N. C. Bridge wbist was the source of nusement. The prize, one of the test narvels was Win by Mrg. X. Ford, and the hostess, Mrs. Hart, -esented both, Mrs. Dale and Mrs. [oye witb a prize. After the game two courses of deoieus refreshments were served and beautiful aolor aoheme of lavenddr as carried out in both decorations id refreshments. Thole being honored were: Meaimes Joe Moya, of Greenville, Hsrirt Dale, ef Greenville, J. J. Bar>w, Sam Parham, Percy White, K. . McAden, Edward Best, James aimer, Sam Boddie, Bennett Perry, ob Allen, Felix Allen, Wm. Bailey, ^avland Wataen, ef. Jacksenville, 10. King, Rebtrt David, Med Ford, iaaea, s Annie Green and Eiaor ook. Social Daring Iks past week there here > ten many aeeial events of iatereat id pleasars in oar town. On Tharety aftornoon Mra. S. J. Parhane en- i rtained in henor ef her Resets eedamea J. C. Moye and Haywood ail, of Greenville. On Friday raor?g Mra. S. 9. Boddie gave a deH&l . -. \_ JfcS ' r -? ' V'-*7. . . > j 1 ' I*' ligbttal Bridge Party in honer of ths tame oharmiog ladie*. On Friday afternoon the Bridge Club ?aa eatertalned by Mr*. K. Q. Allen, and that night the popular viator* to oar town-apent a moat enjoyable evening with Mrs.William Bailey. A beautiful Bridge Luncheon waa given thera by Mrs. Hart on Saturday morning aadla tba afteraoen ef the sans day Mrs. Felix Allan entertained aaesl charmingly at Cards. An enjoyable I.sanoh party, riven by Mr. Karl Allen, was another pleasure that was crowded into this most delightful. Modern Woodmen at Cast&lla Oastalia Camp Ho. 14855 Modern Woodmen of America waa. inatitutea Friday night, April 15tb, by Diatriot Deputy, J. K. Turner, of Louisburg, N. C., with 1'7 charter members. The foliowiag effioers weie elected: Censal?O. Creech. Adviser?D. 1?. Pieree. Banker?J. P. L. Blaeltwell. Clerk?T. W. Bartkelemew. . Escort?W. R. Blackwsll. ' Wstchusan?W. J. Braawell. Sentry?L. Y. Robardt. PbyaieiaD?Dr. T. A. Matthews. Managers?A. T. Conaar, R. R. Taylor and J. M. Shaario. Memorial Day. rn e - x UMIT oi nsxi waex is on* or the annivsraaries that should be dear to every North Carolinian, aaaae' tia the day whioh onr State baa set apart as sacred to the memory of her fallen heroes. The Joe. J. Davis Chapter. U. D. C. will observe the day in the usual: manner by decorating the graves of the Confederate Soldiers who lie buried in oar Cemetery and we will appreciate most eiuoerely the eo-operations ef our citizens in this beautiful oaatoas. We are to aaeet at the Court Hesae at 4 o'clock, p. m. and will drive from there to the Cemetery, and we hope there will be many, who will join us in paying this tribute ef love nod honor to tha brave asen sleeping there. Contributions of wsarths and flowers will be thankfully received, and may be seat to the appointed place and in time for the appointed hour. Any eld Soldiera whs have applied for Cresset, may raaeive the asms if they will be present that day. That night there will beau ice cream Sapper at tha Court House for the beaefit of our monument. We hope to have many sttraotiens to make the evening entertaining, and wa earnestly solicit a liberal patrouaga. | I - == I List of Letters. Remaining in the postoffice at Leniaburg, N. C., uncalled (or: Un. Jennie A.mold, Mrs. Maria Alston, Nanie Branch, Mary E Bucher, Fink Branch, Annie Belle Reddie, Mary Brawn, Janioa Brodie, Laura B. Cooper, Annie Chavie, Amanda Carter, J. L. Coleman, Antslade Duneon, R. W. Fuller, Tollie Fogg, Deoey Gillie, H. Buanie Griffin, "Violet Hariig, Mrs. W. B, Hughes, Millie Jonei, C. A. Jqhnaon, J. H. Lewie, Sala May, (2) Viek Prefountain, Mrs. Sunday Pulliam, J. H. Robeaoa, Jordan Seesiooa, (2) Mrs. Mary Shearin, I.eanie Threnten, Fannie Thomaon, Mrs. Belle "Walker, Elenora Williama. Juaton Williams, Mrs. - Mary Young. Peraone calling (er any of the abeve letters will please say they, saw theaa advertised. Ms BY YpARBORoron, P. M. Sunday May 8tb "Mothar'a Day" L?t every Pastor, Sanday School Superintendent and teacher ia Frank-' 11 n County make meaticn of this day and what it Banana and all wear a white flower ot aome kind in honor of oar mothers. Write her a letter or end her a telegram en this day if you are not with her. , .. TKB ORIGIN or THH DAT As far aa known; the thought of mothers' day originated in the loyel : - * _' - v / ' ' " .~v" - 'X&fc 1 ' ' . 'T- , iDBSCRIPTION $1.00 PER YEAR ... .' > NUMBER 11 Vheart ot Miaa Add* Jar via, ef Phila- / dalphia. It waa the desire to oorn-_ - ' sasraerate the anniversary of her * 22 mother'a death that suggested the idea. She thought it would be a tribute to metherbeed if all obildreu, upon a eartain day, would wear a carnation aa a uaiveraal reoegnitien of their lore aud respect for mother. la two years, the pi am lyrnad nrer North Amariaa and through other landa. The ^tcood Sunday in May was proposed aud generally adapted as the time for this observance. "The white oarnatien for parity; ' ?. ' its form, beafty; its fragraaoe, love; its wide field of growth, oharity; its lasting qualities, faithfulness?all virtues ef true motherhood." Youagsyllle defeats Franklln. . ' tonOn last Friday the Yoangsville hall team want, nwmw ta lTeewVlJn*? and completely walked over the ?t "^ strong team of that place by the core el 14 to 4. It was a regular lugging match for the Youngsville team, they making 18 hita off Underwood's delivery. His twisters were f Very easily solved ibis time by our boy. Frankliaton already havmg won two gamee by a vary narrow margin before. Winston E. pitobed a great , game for Youngsville and bad deeid- ? ? edly the best ef his opponent, he allowed only fear hits and striking ont more men. ' v The featmes of tbe game were the-, pitchibg of Winston E. the catobing . *_l" 1 of Winston H., who sssrht a fine game in regelar league style, and the batting of the whole team, they getting a heme run, four two-base hits and many siifgles. Our teaas has made grsat improvement in the past ~ and oaa pot up a strong game now. There was a large crowd eat to see tbe game, it being tbe ooeasiou of tbe closing of the graded , school at ~ Frankliaton. Seore: R. H. Youngsville 14 II 1 Frankliaton f 4 4 Batteries: Winston E., and Winston, H.; ' Underwood ' and Daniel. Umpire, Dr^W>oaton. W. Th? Editors Paradlso -i" A. Frederick C. Brewer, a well known Cleveland editor, told at a press banquet a newspaper story. / "A Medina editor died," be said, "and was, of course, directed to ' as- , ad to the abode of the juet. Bat daring the asoent the editor'* joor alietie ourosity asserted itself, aid aid: r / " *1* it permitted (er one te hare; a leek at?er?the ether place?' " 'Certainly^' ru the grades* reply, and accordingly a descent te the other was made. Here the editor ^ i (oued much to interest him. He curried aboat, and was soon lost to /\ . 1 TW7. x" "Hi* aagelic eaeort got worried -'at last, and began a systematie search for hi* charge. He fennd hica at last seated before a fSrnaee, fanning himself and ganing at the people in the fire. On the doer of the farnaoe wu a plate eeying. De- 1 linqneat Snbscribers.' " 'Come,' said the angel to the editor, 'we muft be going.' "**>- ?^ " 'You go en,' the editer answered, withoat lifting hie eyee. 'I'm not earning. This ia bearen enough I - . ., tornie.'"?Loaiaville Timet. | 1fF Seven Paths Items. T The farmer* around here have been very busy thia week sewing ??-j? ~ oetteD. Mice Martha Hoes, ef Stoke* eennty, i* visiting her people her*. Miss Mollia Reeves, of Roeky Moent, wen n visitor at Cypreen Snn day. ? ,W. ;'j? Mia* Bra liotn apant a Uw daya tba paat waak at Spring Hop*, whan aha rlaftad fear 4Mb."

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