"1 . ' % I *" - . FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager. Friday, ' May 61910. lanax to ?w tsTUTMiiinrn R. P. Floyd?A Card. ' T; & Collie?A Card, * P. A. Davis?A Card y R. B. Gamble?Pianos. J. 0. Green?For Sale. A A. Clifton?For Saler Dr. 8. Rapport?Locals. . P. Reavis Co.,?Wholesale. G E. Morris?A Bargain. Aaron Delta?Spring A Sumqiei Gooda. TAR DROPS. ?Quite a number ef~our people . attended the closing exercises of ingle side Academy last Friday night. ?An antemobils party with twe nice machines earns over from Henderson Sunday and paid Louisburg i visit. j . ? ?It is v^ry important that everj democrat iq Franklin county attend the primaries to be held ou Maj / 14th. ... y/ ?Attend the primtries and t*U? an active part in the sftlectian of delegates jbat "you may get yoai choice. J ?Watch for the change of E. S FordVatf next week. He say* h< ' hasdilmoBt anything yon want and /will let you name year terms. / . ?The goed news has leaked em that before many more weeks the work on the M. S. Davis memoria buildinp at the College will be started. ? ?From information received bj os eur manufacturing enterprises are "" being kept pretty busy. Why nol have more?that it fnore in namber but of other kinds. ?A chair faetory or a knitting mill would pay good dividends ii Louisbarg and sot require so verj much Capital. Let some of our ~mon > progressive citizens take hold and start some other interprise in Louisburg. I ? We are requested to state tba the Loaisburg Lodge, No. 413, A a F. & A. M., and all Masons it " Franklin county have been invitee by the Henderson Lodge to attend a meeting of the Orand Lodge whip! will fie held .there on next Tuesday for the purpose of lsying a ooernei stone. ik*?j-The attention of the merohanti ot FrJnklin and adjoining ooantiei is called to the quarter page adver tisemeat of P. A. Beavis Co., on our last page. This Arm is meeting withmuch encouragement from the merchants who have tried them and they are filling a long felt need ii ' this section. Support your hWinstitutions. ?As only one man can be selee ted to fill each office of the county and from the number of good mei running, it ia the duty of every vote! in the county go out .arid see t( it that only the best men are nom , inated. Do this gentlemen and you wilL do yoor dnty, provided you Ittsl to the nominee at th'e eleetion. ?We hare received aeveral Lota of items this week that on accouai of the same being written on betl idea of the paper tnd not havinc the same ot the writer attached tc them we could not publish. W< hope that neae of ear correspendenti ? will get offended el this, but ar. ao cunt of some of them abusing thn privilege we are compelled to enforci this rule.' ?An exoheage says: "When w< see so many young men with thai: hair parted in the middle and hang ine down over their foreheads so ( to obscure every trace of intellect and so many young women with thsii hair all friazly-frowsly pad flapping around over their faoea in fifty dif ferent directions, we are not tar prised that the felloweirs of Darwir are now positively sure_that Bankind deaoended from a monkey." . ?Farmers as a rule are good, kiad hearted and syapathetio aad abuse of the boast* of burden is something rarely witnessed in the country. It the cities are often seen horses, aftei being driven, tied te a post, exposed .? to wintry winds and orually neglected Societies exist for the prevention of ernelty to animals In one form or another and the dntyjef |the village marshal is to hands ahd oars for nag. tooted animals. Our town has staple . . tabling accommodation* and marc a ad good oat* bestowed agon th dumb bratea brings rich returns. '' ?The reral routee.wsre establwl ad far tha benefit of rural homes, c in other worda the farmers. The hkea proven a greater benefit ao bleealeg to the farmer* than was>1 tioipatad by th. moat aanguine. , farmer who has anca enjoyed th advantages of the rural mail aervii would' hardly know how, to lit without it. It did nbt come to th { farmer, however, until he had man timsa earned it. The fariqcrs ai , odr heaviest uxpayera. What pro] , arty they have iain plain sight ar ta taxed, while the oity gent, at lea many of them, who deal* in not< and bonds ia enabled to hide h wealth from1 the aaaeaaor. h or quarter of a century the mail hi been carried to the oity, not on< _ J>ut many times each day. Finall the *>* heart of Uncle Sam hi reached eat to the men-who feed tl '' world. . . , ?Young man}, Yo*f with tt ' peachy dewu under yeur proboaci and luxuriant hair on yeur shape! head; you with the taffy of yeus maidens smearing your sunny oeui teoanee; you with the two-story ce ) lar hugging your swan like neokjyc I with your needle- teed aheea and bi legna akin treuaera; you with tl I odor of oheap cologne and vile c i garettee encircling your fragile fori I like luoenae;?yeu want to be a editor! an editor! 1 aa editor, ei You will-have to shoot the down r 'ataab, ahoot the taffy, draw a bei on the two storv collar, shake tl 1 needle points,knock the eternal da ' light out of the perfnme and t.l weak-kneed smokers, and th n pe ohanoe you mav get a grip en. tl lewer round of fame's ladder, an after yaaia of heartaohe you ma > reach the goal your youth ne r bankers for?a bald head and * I editorial chair at the magnificept ss j ary of seven dollars a week. Prevention?those C'anliy ufoi. -^u Tablets?will safely and Suiukly cbei all colda and the Urip. Trm jfhem on t and see! 48-25c. Sold by F.ifteid Plea ants, Louisburg; T! C. Jwaer, Fran linton. I Dr. S. Rapport will'hjr it\ Looi I burg, at the LoaW>urfr'ilotel, Wei l nesday, May 18, foyone day onl ( Remember tbat youjmy nothing f r tbe examination/of yonr eyes buying glasses Ji b?, and. my cha i ges for glassearare moderate indet A number ef shoats tber^ht size f barbecuiag, ' J. t)C Green, - ^ Franking, N. C. ~ [ A CARD/ , I understand that there is some, ii 1 preasion in the county tnat I am not i candidate for the Hhuselof Represent ' tives, hut I desire toVtite my positii 'iplearly. That is, 1 waJld be glad to 1 returned to thesjlousS of Represent tives subject to the wipes of the pe pie and the Democratic Convention be held May, 16th, atfLouuburg. ' y. II.[P. FD^yd, MD. ' A CAM). r I haye concluded at/this laty date , announce myself \ candidate for Re ister ot Deeds, youJ know me and nominated I wilkio shel people of tl County as much gfxfLak any othet mi I have always givejVtie party acti' ' service by going tahaL Legislature i working in any gem thVr chose to pi me, and if nominmed tl&same will I appreciated. I P. A. Davis. t A CARD, l To Th? VorBBsOr Franklin Count , It is rumored tbat there is oppositu to the old board of Co nmissioners, > parts of the county at least, and th , there is a move on foot to tyirn out tl satire old board and p< t in a new on > I wish to call attention to /lie fact thi . the financial condition of the oounl l also to the fact that fs county wi , heavily in debt wnen t le "old boarc (so termed) took aha *e of affair it i,. . i> *1.. i ' i u.tuoiaiuic, mo imuBVBineHl III U way of roada, bri4g? .etc., are we ! known to the averagtff fien. The ti - rate for the county igfn was low as 1 haa been for many Ji i. except in tl ' districts that have lot a special taxi I for schools or road/. Ne invite an i; vestigation feelingicon ident that whi 1 we claim will be iwore ban vindicate! r It had not keen nfy pi rpose to decla myself a candidaje to re-election bi t being urged by nfy trii ids to do so, ar . being further pr/mpte by a knowledi pf the above set* forth ondltiona in tl ' face of what sefais to he a groundlei I objection to tlrn "Old hoard," I here! aak the Demo/ratic volers of the cou ' ty to nominJe me . one of the board of Comfcisaionefa in tha aomit primary and Convention. T. S. Colli a. i FOK REGISTER OF" DEEDS , To the Vetera of Franklin CountyL ' I take this method of informing m i' friends and the public of my chanidac , for the nominatmn Mr Register < Deeds of Franklin Ikpwnty, eubjoct t the action ef the iVrdocratic ptlmaric I and convention. sysnf announcing m candidacy for this Uee I wish to aa to my friends and another* who are li terested that ham irlno way connects with any other oand||ate and am ;oa! i asking your auppoM for myself, fi which, if you can gty* I will be moi than appreciative. I \ r ' 1 18 LaaiasiJs. r*' W . 7 * ' * iv *? hy buy "a cheap commercial ie Piano" when T?ucen' buy a hif(u grade standard of the world tgf_ a ittle more money than ^ouVwouM hare to pay for V, cheaa^nferior ir make- Stieff Ratios aae endorsed ,j by the best mtmifriiyT irj., -Europe and America. The Ai^wt coneerratorr of music itLftBe world, the New England' sqjtfervatory at Bosih ton, Mae*., ie tvL^AoVer 180 Stieff e Pianos, 41 ia ?Jt aftthe Meredith M College at Rmafgb, A. C., 198 ether high school/dud oollqges are uaihg the Stieff Kanoa almost exclueive" ly. EducJitfe yourself In piano con1 struction/r quality and darability, re then wyesl euro you will buv a p. Stieff Ifcano, the plana With "the 1(J wweolUone, 67 veare aL standard, the JMorld a premium ptiho, made at in ffr own factory at Baltimore, to Mm and sold direct to tne home, is foKcash or on easy payment plan.] , We mamufactnre the Stien, Shaw a| and Stieff it Shaw Player\Pianos. Investigate. R. B. Gambre, Faox tory Salesman, Raleigh, N. .0. IT , . ? .? - ? >S I offer for aaleVin K es/nt $300 piano "* new, direct from ma tor/ It ie now at my house and J inVite/ou to come and see yt. 1 will 'sell u/> big discount, ie payable 1st of October, secured by i good note. If not ytd t rirately it will ' be sold at auctioned tne court house ly on the 16 of^Ma* ,K | B. ByfASSqiiat'RG, Atty. North Carolina, ^ I . Ih Superior Court 1- Franklin OdKnty. ( Before the Clerk. in I. H. Kaamev, Adm'r of ) ' ' Annie M. Fuller deceased i re , I ie Jacob W. Arriagton,. Eli- Notice of : ra urake, JamestDrake | Summons et al heirs at law onAnnie / m M. Fuller-deceasedA J / To Eliza Drake ana James Dn?e, defendants above named: [/ ' r- You and each of you will take notice y that an action entitled a* /above has [d been cemmeuced in the Sumsrior Court of Frankln County, North Carolina, by I. H. Kearney, adminhtrator ofAnnieJ C M. Fuller, deceased. agaAlst you and ie the other hens at law o Lea id Annie *1. r. Fuller, deceased, for license to sell, for the purpose efmakiawlassets to pay , the debts of said Annie JM. Fuller, de" ceased, a certain lot/oil land in the y totrn of Franklinton, reaid Couaty and n State, situated at tha comer of Green n and Franklin Stra/ts in\ said town, . bounded on the North by Vie lands of "" W. L McGhee, on/ the Bast by the ' olored Baptist Church lot, on the South by Green Blxecfand on the West te by Franklin atre/t, containing a bo_"t v | one lourtn or af acre beitoK the lot ' conveyed to Anrfe M. Fullerpy C H. Sandhng, and of which she aled seized f~ and DOS8e8sed. f \ And you wilufurther take notice that you are required to appear bAfore the Clerk <ff the Superior court of Franklin eounty, said state, at his offide in the ceurt house in Louisburg, on me 27th day of June, If 10, and answer ondemur y. to the petition of the plaintiff med in or said action, or the plaintiff williapply to the court for the relief demanded in in said petition. This the 15th day of . April 1910. Y J. J. Babbow, C S. S. id IT. Y. Gulley, \ ? W. H. Yarborough Jr. Att'ya for Plaintiff. or ??^ SALE OF LAND UNDER MORT? GAGE. By virtue of a certain mortgage n" deed executed on the/12th day of September, ^05 by/G. N. Dent >n ana wife to the undersigned and oe duly recordedXn Book 142, page a" 258, the underaiVned {will on Mon^ day the 9tk daV ?f May at 12 o'clock at the couxt house 4eor at Louisburg, axposeV sale at public ~ aaation <o the high at ("bidder for tc cash, the lot convi ^ed by said g- mortgage to <vit: A certain lot in the town of Louisbt rg Vi the north side of Halifax road con\ining one ,e half an acre, being he hon?e place or of the said G. N. 1 ent and wife, d upon which the sai i G. N. Dent built a house, and b ling lot' No. 5 ? in the survey of thi Charles E. Mal?n? land- This MArnh <l1omQiA y. Farmers and Merchants Bank >n Mortgagee' jjj Bickett & White, Atty's I New Points Fpr Old ty I will giveNiew plow points in ** etclinnge for ofti oast/iron of any kind and allow ydu top of the s. market for ypur iron > Bring me all the olByags yon have. 25 cents per 100 IBs, any sort. \ J 1LSP1RE. Waahington Pop Sunday! Edition, n- 5 eta. a copy, send in you\ address J4 now. J j- LOUISBUrf<; NEWS STAND J^pire; Mgr. f. D. E. MILLER JEWELER ? LouisbUrtj, Nr C. _ With u ni h will ^selected stock of J I am in position o i JU.fy most y~ any ofle d sirs V anything in my lint / : ?I Also 1o Repairing y of WAhl lEf andWWa" RLRYAn ,wi give \ou jy ths ysif 1 tst f work \ re /V Ttnly \ U E MILLER . . -w . . V - / ' T A , "v' ^ - I WHEW YOU B You do not turn him loose to gtaze Jala into a field where you knovA th ^ where there is no chance of hisert A ~ Why not follow the same plan wftb With all the protection you cd| house, it is never safe. There afif be discovered. ?There are no hafigi proof. The newspapers are filKd <i ^ iea and destrnetion of cencealaA mc A fences are never secure. Pi?ect j live stock; put it in this banly where ?had any time desired. J?-? | FIRST NATIC V LOUISBUF UNDER SUPERVISION OF fJUST RE * 5 A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF NATIZ ONAL BISCUIT COMPANY'S ft EATABLES ? 1 carry a full assortX ? ment of Sun Beam . "'wrlXI\|j ? brand of Canned Goods \. 7 ? The 1 est in Teas, Cof- /a\\ ? fees, Spices, etc. ^ Flour, Meal, 8hip Swiff, 0 Meat, Lard, MolassesA)ats ft Corn and Hay. / \ 1 call / p hon* ft | Clifton Corner ? "|"| J = I House Keepe Old Dutch Cleanser^chases dirt cleans e nickle plated, windows, sinks, woftd wtu ery. Bonarai, sapolio, eleotrio arlcon. ^l A hand soap will remove ink, grease, dirt, hands and leaves the hands soft and im X glyceiine soap for your bath and you wil X - SHOE FF A Whittemores Gilt Edge, Baby Elite, Rus Pink, Blue, Red, Gun Metal, lavender, Bully shine shoe polish will make old 01 Just received a big stock of flower pots " cuspidors, beans pets and tea pots. I lT P7> X ON THE CORNER PHONE lit -i' irtiSi^Ttiifi'<'ty u t fa ??^-Ww? UT h HORSE f alon the road/^ibu-^put J ? fences are all strong, aitd^ isJfing through and escaping. _ gWevouroaak around the . ? 'S>VS^ ^p? W hiding places that oan not \I sX that are absolutely fire laVy with acooants of robber- , ioeV. In other words your 'ourUnoney as you would your ^ i it a always safe, and oan be * ' )NALV BANK | IG, N. C- | U. S. GOVERNMENT .. IGEIVED \ ^ . .-> . ^ Nabisoo, Ginger Wafers, Fig Newton, Honey Blocks J Chesse Sandwich, Milk Biscuit, Social Teas, Zu Zu, J Lemon Snaps, Graham Wafers, etc. 9 II r A good assortment of 9 \L3 Staple Dry Goods,shoes 1# notions,heavy and shelf 9 |/|nffc hardware, tinware, 9 " '"3 crockery, harness, etc. J# ~ * ^ Calljfor anything you want, and you will 7 "'always get the lowest prices for 9 * fresh clean stufiT* , $ ' jtr 1 E NO. 80 J * \ J errell i Louisburg, N. C. | 9 _TT ,f ' ' " / , rs Friends f ni mel ware,bath tuba, copper, brass '' k floors, oil and rast from machin- W1 , |m bh bricks, Ivory soap. Dutch ' d ?ins, paints, varnish "from your ? o the. Try Lilac Rose transparent II beNpleased!. - ..T UENNDS f t >tt, VelveV Polish, Quick White, X in one 8hW polish Whittemore n eked box caU shoes look ?ew. ? and saucersNpouItry fountains, 111 I _I _I I X c': JJICKS, i 4^ LOUISBURG, N. C. 1 ^ . . . . A A A A A A A A A A A

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