- - ' gg JPro/essionaZ Card JJR. ARTfflTu HYNE8 FLEMING, Itirgvon Dvntlit, Office in Fori Buildin*. Mqfa*rad Nash a treat. Looiibuif,. - N| C. ' Hour*: I to CM. Phone No. 40. JQR V. A.LNEWE'.L, F I :PHY8IC1AN/ Louleburg, 61C, fPhoos No. 166 jpmvg'iHITON HOTEL PranklintoK N. I'. . R. 1- Sp?od, woprietor. \ OooB LiVe'rv li connwlIon JJI1. 0 H. HANKS I' demtal/soboeon Uawtirc, N. C. : _ Offloo in HiaLi qnildiPK. Mt>in Street. p H. COOK^J ATTOMNEY-AT-LA W J r~~ tollbwi, ll? Ci'?: ?? Over Cooper ?PVa?anU Store. Prompt Attention given pllloffal buaineaa entrusted r to mo ~ fl 1 . I *- 1 JJR. J. E. ft&LOWE PHYS^jlANknd SURQEOX i "jpiiiNrK, N. I.'. Offl ? to rear 4j Beaamy-Aleton Drug 8tore. ? * jJR. 8. P. &URTI pnnAiAW Aii aunoBQN * LraiaboL, N.:C. Office nrer F. 8.4 I. K. Allen's Store j^R. R. T YARBokoUGH PHY I'UAN auclSURGEONJ jNv LottUUnntl N. G. Otflce in Ye bofoneh AiBieWett building. Night calls a iswehMtf-'OftrT. W Birkett a real dene*, phpne 74. ^ B. MAsj^ENBURG V ATTORNEY ATVLA /f Aouisburg, N.IC. ?Will practice lAallthe eoarn ot the State Office fti Egerton Aiilding VTM. HlYWtOD RUFF In' AT L'OwNEYi AT RAW Locisbarg, N. (t Will pracice In all courts of Fraokfin and ndj tinwnc counties ale^ in the Supreme ? O'if-t. mil in the United Stated Di trict and Circuit -Caurt. Office oyer^Fwet, National -Bank;' ^ I ' fjl B. WILDER ATTORNEY AT LAW /*V Louieburg, N. C. \ . Office on Main atreet in Cooper muildiog. gPRUILLy* HOLDEN \ - ATTORNEYS AT LAW \ l\oifburr, N. C. V Will attend theVourt* ol FrnnkUuX Vance, Granville, vVarrA. and Wake couatid*. alao the Supr* ne . Cjjui t of North. CaVolina. Prompt attentloiiWivao to collections Office in Spruill building.Y " T. W. Blekefct, \ R/B. White Louieburg, N. *C. \ FraakUnton. N. C. JgiCKETT 4>WHnk LAWlERST" ?-?, . ?- LouiebarA N./c. The settlement o? eet*tel for erase bore, | Administrators and Geardimna to made a apeeialtj, and ?>e bonds required by law can be scared iu ne office. V Office in Yarborough M. Blckett bufldtng \faiii"streef A M. PER80N / X 'ATTORNEY/ATVAW Louiaburr. N.V, Practice in all eourte. j Office ton Main Street "^y H. YARBOROUGH, JIV ATTOR^BT ATLM ? LoaifburgA_M, C.l All lea:*1 bueineMintruefeed to A? ^recslre promot attention. OfficeJ iiA^Egerton ponging. Y | F. HOUl* ' \ CONTRiUTOR ??d|BUILDE(L ; Louisburg, N. C. \ Trading Agent for all kinds of bulldinAeuppliee, artistic Mantlee and Tllee. Arclmtectnral design* submitted. . m \ " f Dft K0RD Franklinto?. N. 0., Choice and fresh Cut-flowers % V Of amatlona, Hoses, Violets, etc. Floral designs *ifl Flowers for all occa-' aiona. Potted fofe and all Ictada of pot and Out flair holding plants. Vegetable plants I In ae^on. All ojitfara promptly filial \ ? . , Jalalafc. N. C. / You pay^ out your "the best. Take _p%jay jthaTpays .?r THE MHTl LIFE INSURA of NEW Has passed /he SAMUEL J. I HTCREAS Tr. ' ' M . INCREASE For top Oats, Corn, Cotton, Tmck an _ CEFji Bearing our trade mark. ?on* 1 LITE" at leas cost per tonAhams | per acre, giyeg equally asfcoodAi ... * dERI is packed in 200 pould bags, in stiffen the land, and ioes not evi Cerealite and full information re McMNNEE Or Home Fertilizi Sole Owners GROG We have a nice fresh stock < have you examine' before mating money on anything in our lina Let Us Show Yojj -?v- We alsiyca General Merdna When in tow* gite ue a JbaII, * f visi ?GEO. /H. ~ ' I MAP LOUISE For ~yKJN\jjb TOMBSTONESW FENCING Wfitfe Suffolk Marble J rfto-r 'fijyi. V-- l.i.V V r * . .- ? v .. . ' - ' * ' f*. / 1 r - " V X - ... x !/y.tv^lsl . I money, why not get Insurance in a comannual dividends \ 1 J AH BENEFIT NGE COMPANY A.RK, N. J. experimental stage Agent i >ED YIELDS ? leans ? y ED PROFITS / uressing dr General Crops, us* only genuine J :alite DRESSING t>e missed by imitations. "CEREAJ oda, using the same number of pounds f not better, results than soda. Ealite goLd mechanical condition, does not ipowte. The crop gets it all. for gar&ng it, apply to : BROTHERS sr and Chemical Co. and Manufacturers. ERIES: af Groceries that we would be glad to } yopr purchases. We can save you L and Talk With You try a nice line -of ndise and Fruits re 'will dp our utmost to make your t pleasant yuuPtR r BTBBEr 3URG, N. C. gg?^SL- * CURBING andllRON to - -^r(orks, - Suffolk, Va. A This Ad --v.-"K . l/i t.*N - f - >*. - jm SUNDAY SCHOOL, Loc:on VII.?Second Quarter, For May 15, 1910. THE 'INTERNATIONAL SERIES. ^ext of th? Lrtton. Matt. xli. 22-32, 38<2?Mtmory V?rse. 41?Golden Toxt, Mitt. *11, 30?CommsQJtary Prepared Oy Rsv. P. M. -lUHirnii " ~ We have ttday the option of the . i.~r|nr lexwiii or n special lesson ot? 'hi* Fl?ily spirit. but as the lesson for the dn.v give* opportunity for a study ?f the llol.v Spirit we will "continue egulnrly I'lrxt' we s$e IIlui hspliug i demon possessed man WI19 was both blind and dumb, and the,man both >p?ke and saw. The people were amazed and said, "la not this the sou of . David?" perhnps recalling life words of lsu. xxzv. 5. 0. 'Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened ai d the ears of the- deaf shall be unstoppel; then shall the lame man leap us nu bort and the tongue of, the dumb alng^^^sgeceutly we sawAlm heal a demon poSne^Hed dumb/man (lx. ?:i. S3i. Cut lu this case the afflicted nu:n was blind as well as dumb. .But nothing Is too hard for the Lord. Can we Imagine a kingdom without sickness or infirmity or suffering of any kind? Yet that Is whatiwe expect and shall surely see In Ilia time (lsa. xxxlll. 24; Rev. xxl. 1-4). The blind Pharisees madly accuse Him of casting out demons by the power of the devil himself, as If Satan nrnii 1/1 itsul a?? On ??* ? --1 against himself. How foolishly the devil does e iu*e people to talk: Tlu\v talk uiucb more foolishly today when they say and teach that there Is u<? devil at all and no bell. It would seem from verse 27 that unbelievers .were permitted by their ruler to do some .wonderful things, even as the magicians of Egypt counterfeited the mil acles of Moses up to a certain point. We know from II Tbess. 11. 0: Rev sill. 11-15. tbut at the end of this ngc the devil will specially, deceive 'many by bis miracles and signs and lying wonders. Our Lord Jesus said thai If It were possible they would deceive the very elect (Matt. xxlv'. '24). so we must not be deceived by the wonders wrought by the adversary In the name of spiritualism. Christian Science ant), other false teaching of our times These things will continue and Increase until the devil, the strong "man of verse 29. shall have.been bound, and shuj up lu tbe bottomless pit for 1.C00 years (Rev. xx. 1-3). The truth of Go<j, Just as it stands In His word. Is the only power that will set us free from all delusions (John vliC32. 30). We are either with Christ or against Him; either taught by the spirit of God or the devil (verses 28. 30). If people resist the Holy Spirit and listen to the teaching of demons it Is. us Jesus said. Impossible to escape the damnation of hell (Matt, xxiil, 33). -.As I understand It the unpardonable sin of verses 31. 32. and I John v. 10. is the persistent turning from the Holy Spirit to the devil and attributing to the latter the works of the Spirit. Lot It comfort and encourage au.v who fear they have committed t be Am par douable sin to remember that the verj fact that they have a fear of such guilt is evidence that the Holy Spirit has not left them. and. however far they may have wandered, if they wlli only turn to the Lord the word stands. "Him that couieth unto me I will In nowise cast out" (John vi, 37). That words are an evidence of the condition of the heart (verse 34) should make us covet to have the word of God dwelling in us richly In order that our words may savor of Christ It would be we' to be like Elibu in Job xxxil, 18-2u. and that would be the case If our experience was that of Job xxiil, 12; Jer. xv, 10. If we kept I verse 36 of our lessou In mind It l would make us more careful In view of Rom. xlv. 10, 12. In verse 38 see these blind nnd foot lsh Pharisees asking for a sign after He bad already wrought In their pres ence all the signs which the prophet' had said would be ^lone by the M essiah. No wonder that He called tlieni an evil and adulterous ttdol worship lng. world conformedi generation (verse 30). a generation of vipers (verse 34; xxlll, 33). of their father the devi; (John vlll, 44). for He knew them wr! and knew what was In then). > See In verses 40, 41, His ludorsejjxl^i of the story of Jonah and the gre:: fish and Nineveh and her yeJrentanT' and no doubt He looked ohward to the tithe when Israel,^wit up on- thei) snores by me nations, wnuld Perot, truly penitent at -His appearance It. glory and'OniTj- His message not t - one but to all aattons for thaigood See In verse 42 HJs Indorse , -Inent of the story of Ale queen of Sheba nnd the wisdom of Solomoh. nnd doubtless He looked onward to the fulfillment of Isa. lx. Is be to us if greater than Jonah or Solomon or Moses or Aaron? Do we say, with great gratitude apd gladness. "We have such an High driest" (HeBTvlli. 1; vll, 26; Iv, 15). and have we as be llevers entered Into rest? (Heb. lv. 3.i Those who profess to be His frlerd > and yet talk down the things that He believed are no friends of His, hut rather belong to the company repre sented by the Pharisees of His day. Being rejected by the nation.- whose ralers had determined to kill Him (verse 14). He Is led. by a visit fr'cm His mother and His brethren, to declare; "Whosoever shall do the will of my Father, which Is In heaven, the same Is my brother and sister and mother" (verse 00). Compare Luke Till. 21. ' ' *' 1 ^ vf; 4 ' HPHEY will not burn. Win not aklit or Will not crack and roll ok like slate. \ like plain tin. Neither will they rattle d They neyer need repairs add last as lokg a _ of all, they make the handiomest roof and Specialties if ? aaaaaAAAAAAA When You Drinl^\Obj Drink tnfe E I HAVE There are no better Blue Ribbon/ Man! Oarajar, Society ar Try one canJ and be c B. Q. H PHONE NO A BIG LOT New Furr V? AND / SewingMa _ JUST RECE Aud we sail make the prices rijihL ffioai we have end b* caaviii We Are Selling the W niture[for*the Mon^ Can Buy An tin I alec earry a sice and eomplefo line ?f end c;lad to serve those who ifaj/f)e in nee me a call when A/town or-in n . ,. /fi+ my line. W. E. WMtcf urnitu >< -?Special Sa . \- AT THE \ Niw linejof White Goods, Ginghams, Peres e, 1 stock of Laces and Ent U We oall especial atu itiot 7 American Bea it Ths best on the market. Call and see them. Sei baby caps just received. It will b< I > yo a AAA > h i wwwwwwww MRS. A IVI < , ' ' \\% '' ( s . . t - 'V ' , , 4r? ' 'S&ik carl like wood shingles. I ViU not rip At the seems tiring high wind storms. 3 the building. And last are not expensive. / #L 1 *. .? . v'* *s? * ' ' F vjSwl urg, N. C. i Coffee :? See Why No lest? IT rands than the lattan Blend,. I Id T ox a way. ionvinced. ioks 100 OF Wturc rhlnoc V>l III ICJ IVED i ? / to ise ?s and' look at what csd that / 9 ery Best Fury That You $ State. IsrtAkers supplies and will be d of D^r ssrriees. Giro ised of anything ire Company lies Store r .1 0 fadras. Souitins: and a pretty . iroideries ^ i to the \ y Coreets nple line of I.Vj uti ur Interest to see rhem.

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