" 'm W I GOOC ?==lf H, WE ARi ( ' \ Free! Free! ? * $15 in Gold Free Every purchase of 25 cents will entitle you to one ticket coupon. T\ ? ?- i? For the Big Bed Signs; L ,. in front of our store. Kijffij.:. J ' _ Every word on them I means untold savings to ^ ... Hnit. l A UCOO ?iXV>?XJt UWUJ/UUO Will WO XlUUlbered in duplicate and the dupli j/ cate numbers kept by us, aud on Saturday, May 28th, at 4 p in., I these duplicate numbers will be, ? ?* put in a box. and ,scare' v fastened r and shatened wall by everyone who desires and three numbers drawn out by some disinterested party or child. The person hold^ ^ ing the first number drawn out will \ rec >Te $"-50 in gold, the person \ holding the second number drawn out will receive $5 tn gold and the , , person holding the third number drawn out will receive $2.50 in gold Absolutely Free. Ask for coupons oh every purchase made and save H _. them. \ TAKE NOTICE No one connected in any way with Egertons Store will be given a single chance in this money. 1 ^ ?. - " Sensational Mifi Each day of this Ten Day Sale we will sell trot heat spool cotton thread at 2k,cts per spool, 4 s 9;45 to 10 a m we will sell yard wide bleaching customer. From 10:15 to 10:45 wt will sell the per yard, 10 yards to a customer, and from 11 the beet grade of calico on earth at 3 cents per There is Something Doii \ ^______ Forced to sacrifice our entire spring, ladies underwear, mens and boys par w At^ L Wcdn< Let nothing keep you away. Everyt ^ in plain figures ' v * ' ' _ ? Look! - Look! Ill '} ? " ' f " -- ,1.. - -J ! * * r~ AS COME, ST : GOING < jlv , ; ^ i Save Thi: Wednesd. -V At The entire 125000 stock of F. N. a \ placed ; N \ American \ To be sold in 10 c F.N\& R. X UUJ And say good bye toVheir thodssnd we say we will no lorirer be / mere our entire stock bordeAon Ime phei iute Sales A. V /Free I n 9:15 to 9:30 a m Coates \ pools to a customer, from / \ at 5e per yard,JiLyards to a / . . \. beat dress gingfcama at Be! J\ fyCSt 1 :16 to 11:30 we jwill sell *A yard, 10 yards to a customer ig AH the Time summer and fall stock consisting of wearin its, raen$ and bXys suits, ladies tailor-made t ess /Than Cosl pur Entire Stock, is at the Me i sauay, n hing amertised will be positively on sale a Come with the crowds and make us prove e A BQXJARE Any article bought during this sale not pro1 ^ represented, F. N. i R. LOU18BURG. . ? ___. 'IJjf " AMERICAN SA _ : HAH ' L . * ' * ?v" rv * 3 Ji ' v t' '* . * . - - .' - i # . ????: FORI ock Must be DUTOF BU: . . _ .?;? s and Wait Until / ay, May/I8th 9 a. m. / nd R. Z. Egertoaf Louisbtrrg, . N. 0.. has been in the hands ofir the Saley Company lays tiinZ at what it will bring. Z. Egerton Have d to Quit Business s of valued customers and friends. It is true when | hant of Louisburg and the prices we have put on lominal and will move it rapidlv. CE WATER |Free 88 , Each day of this 10 days j of our store. ?oom For The Wanton? ... . ] ' - . f - ~ 'xt ' ' I' jv'f' EVER " . -r.: p / ^ - ? -?' .' bb8-1 - -k-' . .. ? r./- . . " ?| Free! Free! ' - ' ' ~~~ "' --Z 5 m? ; ' . g| ' . ' ife To the first 10 women making a purchase of .one cent or more on Wednesday, May 18th, we will give to each of the t?n women a nioe 10 yard dress pattern absolutely Free. To the first ten men we will give a Ifioe dress shirt to fit Free. To the first 10 children we will give 25 cts ^ in cash Free. I r TELL YOUR FRIEND ABOUT IT m - >, GUESSING CONTEST Each day of this 10 days sale we I will have guessing contests in which we will give away Free. VALUABLE PRESENTS Everyone have the same chanee I and it costs you uotb ing. Lots of I fan for everybody. Come Every Day ~ ~ ~ This Will be Very I Interesting t . - I s* - -*:f' 1 lx| lloon Ascension I* sale we will have free Balloon Ascensions in front I . Bring the children and come yourself 4 Wanted! Wanted! I id 10 Bundle Wrappers. ' Apply I This Store at Once. >1 staples, notions, millinery, mens and ery, shirts, Suit cases, etc., to be sold Br,' Material - ?? I 9 a. m. I ess. Our entire stocK will be marKeuit8 and skirts, mens, ladies and boys shoes, hats,.hosi t ]of The Raw 7 ircy of theVPeople for JO Days Gnty^TBeginning flay 18th, ind is bacKed by ouX long and honOTable career in busin very assertion we haw made. No fake, no subterfuge, DEAL\tO ALi ring entirely satisfactory^ or priced as advertised c will be gladly ^exchanged. \ 1 EGERTON NORTH CAROLINA Ul COMPANY IN CHARGE ; r - - . " V. ! , k TJO-" ' *7T.W fcyS " ?71C " '*" V r v