J FRANKLIN TIMES I F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manner ^ llll Till, . - - - 01.00 ' HZ MONTHS, -, - .06 J THK1K MONTHS, iNl out, and jtake a part. ? t Ws hope the Wake County 'Democrat < may be able to contrell themselves better in their mass meeting tomorrow than they did some time ^ago. Trk good roads .election ia Yaungsville township wbiob waa held on Wtdoeed'ay of this weec, waa carried in favor of the good roads by an overwhelming majority. Reports aay tha majority was almost five to one. THE PRIMARY Tomorrow (Saturday) ia the day - for the primaries ef Franklin county to be held, and Monday the convention. It is all right for the eandidaUs and their frianda to work fer whom ' , they please, but gentlemen de -this in a manner that when the reeolt is declarea you can feel that.you have said 01 dooe nothing that will- hurt the-feeliag of your opponents er the friendly feeling that has exited between you before. You might csft to mind the indisputable fact that only uae mau can be eelected te fill each office and that there will neces aarilv be someone detested. In thia instance the other man will take his ueirnt iusi iii uaru an youraeii or re julCB over hie victory equally aa much as VOU would. So let your work be si man to a>au and let the best of feellag be in evidence between all. De not allow yourself to entertain feelioga or criticise any person from the fact that be did not auppoit you, bat - keep siUnt and allow each man the privilege of free action. And again we would remind every Democratic voter in Franklin County ef his doty to attend these primaries. How can ~ yos expect yonr choice nominated Tr?- when yon slay at home and the friend of the other man in at work, Tins is a mast important doty and we hope that you will all realize the fact that anleea yon pe ont to the pninarieeyoa will have ao one to blame but yoorself. The candidates want yen to go oat, the party wants yon i .1 ? to go oet sad it is your duty to your ?" , self, your family and your friends tc go out and yssist in the selection el Si, cindidittee to govern the affairs of ; * the County in the next election. Dont let the responeibility rest spot yourself, but go out. * tastalla Items' C. L Muw has eoespitted his aev . rseideuoe on Main street, and ha Moved in. vv \ tome fine seasons the past few davs and'by the end of thia week the bulk of all the crops will be planted. ]-eas tobacco, about the usual amoui t of ootton and enough corn for home will be the aim of our people this i year. X. x Mis* Cleo Strickland, accompanied by Mias Mattie Bowdeb;' are off on a visit to relatives at Bethel. The commencement Here was a tnccess and the nicely arranged pro gramme was well rendered and did credit to both pupils end teachers. Frank Wbetess won the medal in the declamation contest and. Miaa Ruby Bartholomew received the mrdal for the beat recitation. Miss Bessie Roberaon, ef Warren, got the scholarship for the coming year. A large number of people from adjoining Counties Were present to witness the exertnyes. R. G. Allen, of yoor town, and^ who is interested in some noted investments around here, came down last week and drove over to Red Oak over the new railroad line. Dr. T. O. Coppedge who left here recentlv and located in Kenaaevtlle has been elected health officer of Duplin county. From now I shall retire and no more will appear in the local press, bat will always have a keen interest and abidiug faith in the growth, upbuilding and industrial development of my native state and section, x Plain Tom. [That wont do Plain Tom, we cant give you up and you can do more for your aectipn in this wsy than any other you Xniglit take up.? Editor. ] to The Pnbli'e 1 anVOntormed that various and san^dry rumors are being circulated -among the PeraecVatie voters of Franklin County to the effect that it is my declared purpoee\to make an independent tight for ^Sheriff against the party- if defeated in /the Democratic Convention, and I Wke this occasion to say to my frienUg, as well as to the pyblie general*, that such statements or intimations are not only malicious but unqualified falsehoods. It is one of the aqjust ^nd unfair mean* that some of any political enemiea have eeen fit so report to at this late hear in thetrfeealeus! efforts to defeat my normnation, nst I thank God that 1 can xieint wits pride to my put record/and to my breaent actions, which are/firm deaiaa of suob inamotions/Tho Democrats of Franklin eounw, after manytysare of' servioe in / and for principals, known what manner of sun d/sm, and it will raflaira aamatbiaytnort than a mars palieiaus sUte/eat mada by any kaewn enemiea to can vine# tbam I of a flung that nanher I appeals te reas/n nor is auprprtod bar my aotions / am a democrat, hive always bJen one, andyhjipect to (So one. If u cannot /be noiniimted by I mir aicans V wil I not resrwt - to feul lay. I propose te "toatl fair with lmy oppoitmta sad not strike below I the belt, and all I uk of me people | if to see that I get a squ*r|'dul. If nominated i snail deeply ifcpreaeiate it, bat rest assured that dpfeat will neither/ effect my convictions, nor ohangejmy fealty to the faith of the pirty. Kespectfoily, W. M. Booxs. For fine\Pbotogstphs try over P. 8. a k. knaw1 Art panels, spias and cabin A at ^reasenal le prises, Satisfaction Vusrantetd or money refandod/ \ i A light, bine spiled, dog with brown head and ears.jfbout one year old. Any lnformatiaa\nTl be thank, folly received. fi-M- COLLINS R F D No. 1 / CaJ^alia, N. O. ANNOOTCnfiOT I am a candidate tpy the Democratic , nomination to the Hdhse of Repieseutatlvea in the lower Anise of the next ' Legislature. kiIcy H. COOKS. noticejvto^reiItors. 1 Having qualified aa administratrix oi the eatate of j. V. Gmejt. deceaaed, late of Franklin coluit j, Ibis is to notify all persona having 41ai At against, said estate to present thiVAia rc th? undersigned on or beforAfthe 4th day of Hay 1911, or this notl Jlwill be plted in . bar of their recovery / All persons -indebted to said estate IdllVileaae make ga * y. gVkcn I Administratrix of jXt. Grey^. GUARDING WINDSOR. * 1 -N f Famous Caatl* Prataotad at Evtry Point by Soldiara and Polioa. For an unauthorized person to gain an entrance into one of the king's palaces in England is nearly an impossibility. - It h& been done, 1 but the number of times ccfaTd be 1 almost counted oif the fingers of a I hand. I Within the walls of Windsor cas- i tie are treasures of priceless value, , and even if the court is not in resi- , dence ny una gun enter without liia presence being known to the police. ' When the king is in residence at 1 Windsor the guards are doubled. I Instead of onq man marching up | and down with bayonet fixed between sentry box and sentry box there are two. , ' Then there are metropolitan po- i lice men on duty at each gateway, i as well as royal gatekeepers in scarlet and gold livery. In. addition Jo_ j that, there are plain clothes detectives and night watchmen. A lunatic seldom gets farther I than Henry VIII.'s gateway at Windsor. Tfce tittle police office is just inside the gate, and here is officially recorded every day anything of note that takes place within the precincts of the castle, j, A few yards inside the gateway J are also the quarters of the officer < who is in command of the castle guard. Telephones are installed all over the castle, and the different entrances are connected with the main switchboard near the equerries' entrance. If a paper knife were taken ont of the castle today it would be missed tomorrow. Every treasure and 1 piece of furniture in Windsor castie is entered in huge books, and J photographs are kept of all the most valuable articles. d The sentries were always provid- 2 ed with ball cartridge until a T guardsman fired three bullets into J a stone elephant on the east terrace of Windsor castle, which he mis- d "took for a ghost in the mists of the early-rooming. How they have to 9 depend ontheir bayonets. It is very seldom that thefts j take place at royal residences. The police have power ^search all baes m or parcels being conveyed from the A royal palaces. Many, years ago a 2 sentry at Windsor castle managed 1 to hook down a valuable watch and-.J chain from one of the royal apart- 4 ments with his bayonet on the end i of his rifle, but he was quickly ( found out and punished. A night watchman goes on duty inside the castle at Windsor every night and comes off in the morning. In case of fire he would at | once give the alarm, and in a very ( few moments the royal firemen and castle guard would be on the spot and all entrances would be closed 1 and guarded. The same system pre- 1 vails at the chief of the other royal residences. The penalty for a soldier failing to perform his duty when on guard 1 outside royal residences is so severe 1 that there are very few eases indeed I on record of men having to be tak- i j en off their posts.?London Mail. A Tale of Twe Hats. 1 H. M. Pcmberton in. a descriptive I article in the English Art Journal i on Blewbury writes of Morgan ( Jones, a miser whe Was once curate , in charge of that place. He died worth ?50,000, and some curious stories are given of his economy. It Z is said he wTofe his sermons on J pieces of paper torp from the walls t J _Ll! J A- ?- s * * 1 * nuu was oiuigeu to (18 in DC CI Willie | his one shirt was being washed. On | one occasion when walking in the ( fields he saw an old scarecrow having a hat the brim of which was 1 sound. Jones seized the hat and 1 took off the' one he was wearing, replacing it by that of the scare- | crow. His coat, of many tatters, is , still in existence and is kept- in remembrance by/ photographs which are solrfin the neighborhood. I \ ? . 1 What "Mayor' Maana. The word mayor is-an Angeliciza- 1 tion of the Nornpan terra maire. It was introduced as a title for the 1 chief magistrate of a borough-or l city in the reign of Henry II. King < John first granted the citizens erf London the right of electing a mayor annually. The prefix of lord and the style of right honorable 1 were conferred by Edwafrd III. in 1 1354. For a long time thereafter I York was the only other English | city having a lord mayor, but! in recent years the title has -been extended to numerous' provincial cities.?London Scraps. ^ Tha Dark Horae. The phraae dark horab is believed to have originated with Disraeli, who in his novel "The Young 1 Duke" referred to-an exciting race thus: "The first favorite was never haaid_fiis- the second was never seen after the distance post; all the 10 to l'? were in the rear, and a| dark horse which had neveT been ! I thought of rushed past the grand stand in sweeping triumph."?Eondon-Chronicle. | ' , 1 ft ' WMiwmj ~ * 'T * 'i *Yr-' ' , 4 .' ' What \is L. i In The CradleSLa! i - ? < -i P~ Cultivate tfi* Saving Habit in your cb I t in their name. C Teach them to save th man's dollars. A dollar or more start terest compounded quarterly. The Farmers/ & LOUISBU I C B CHEATHAM, President 1 UNDER SUPERVISION OF THE 1[|||||||1 | Now For ? We Are Reddy am TIMfe Bl | Carrying a full line of Genen&l Mfer i Come and Figure Wim Make /it\l l How about your Guano? We handle thJL PiediA I ' goods. None better for tobacco^ cotton a Our Brices | W. P. NEAL & I P. S. Messrs. J. H. Ben and J. N. Davis ai I friends come to see them. / F* . Have not been out o ^ son and don'^ i ' /* - / McKINNE BR | LOUISBURO, . . Learned IJ sts Till ThfB Grave .' ,. - J ildreftWy opening a savings account *? ~^A eir peVnies?a child's pennies are a s'an/arcouut and earns 4 per cent, in- w Merchants Bank f R Y M ok DEN, Cashier Z STATE OF NOR-HH CAROLINA # /Business i i Prepared to do a I ' I/SINESS J chandise, Feed Stuffs, Guano, Etc. Us. We Know Wc Can X q nteresting X put, Mt. Airy Co's.and Navassa Guano Company's A ad corn, in fact special analysis for all crops. V Wc Right 1 CX)# Louisburg, N. C. Z e with us and will be pleatfEd to have their S 'e?il $ Fertilizer tfcis sea- II j OTHERS CO. 11 : / " :'i4i. 7/. ,, / ^ nivr liiM iirvir iHliiiiiini"! til II' " : i