r^. ; ' i F + - * / : ' BT JGrGrTT t ~ ? HACKNEY BTJGGI BABCOCK BU \ _ DURHAM The I L EDWAF -' p' X v I We Solic I : ,n an X We Save You 1 LOCALS. >' I ; ? | mi ?"Zip" and it* all over. | gi ?Did it *car? yon, and how did | er the gas (mall. | "i ?Did yoa sa* it vk'n want I threagh? The eoaaeta tail ?? uttu. er f ) ?A party of Antoaaobiliat from w Henderson came over last Sanday. , .? ?The Franklinton Graeery Com- *? paoy have painted the front of their alar*. _ . th ?fwtmujcr W. P. Edward, who 'n ' ha* bean sick for MTeral day*, w* are glad ta note ia abla to be out *' ! agaia. ?I* tbeia BDybody in yaur neighborhood daad as a result of the 10 aesaet? *" ?A large number of oar pfcople . attaaded the Coanty Convention St Loutsbnrg Monday. ?It you are living 75 year* from r< today yon can have the pleasure of fa telling those around yon about it. ^ when Tt is scheduled to sppeat again. ^ '?Two vary impertan~t~ev*ata have transpired this weak and are over, to c| wit: Coing through the camels tail jQ and the County Convention. "Phew" cant yoa rest now. ? ** - -j ?There was mora interMt mani- tj tested in th~e primary bars Saturday ? than has ever bean shewn before, it The tight mainly was with the can- ? ?? Uk?ia o?1-? e r> J >ui unci in, jui L/ofUB | t f CUrk end Constable. There wore j ? '.107 vitM east for thee* office*. ?Next Sunday will be observed at! ? the Baptist and Ifethodiat Saaday j J V Sehoela an "The World'* Sunday ( J School Day" here with a special pre- , R gramme at beth eeheela. The ( World's Sunday Seheol Convention (| : arfllhe in aeaaion in Washington, D. J ?"Staart," the hustling Sooth ( paw that will oatoh for the Franklin T ton baseball JIIKB W* taaann arrived Saturday Jo. basineaa Others are J expected Friday ef this week and c still mora next week. We are anx- ] tammrnwa R A N K l_ -V ES, Lar; ' ') GGIES We t BUGGIES o. ?iversid< RD S. FORD A. F W it The ID CARRY IN Che Freight, the is to interest oat friends this earner'if we den't take soy of the mes. The hoys practice new evv dar at 4 p. m. Come _eut and losirags tlieni. ?H. C. Ray has commenced the rction of hw new home on the sight here the old Female Academy forerly stood. He hepce to hare it imDlsted this smmsr ?R. D. Cnllins aakeut to Fraakliaton last Toesay stopped over in Raleigh and archaaed marriage license for bim li aad Miaa Vanza lieGhee, daugbit-of Mr. Edward MeGhca, of thia laes, an acoduat of whioh appeared i the Evening Times of that day, rhieh waa read by-Mr. MoChee who iramptly interfered, praranting the narriage. ?The following change ef aoheddea en trains panning hefta went into iffeet Baud ay. Nerthbeund traina rfo. 32 formerlr 4m it > s'oliok I. ^ '( TP. ' ) ' \%. ' ' V h . I N T ON wkdnesdav may i Rari \ gest, Best ami harness in / X ire going ter sell the ? r terms, So come first ^ : i S> ^ z lnd? v, k . "* ^ A % f I / HOLESALE louisbo^ Irade ot ~ i stoc/heri Other Fellow Mak la. ahangea la 4:43 a. m; No. 30 Shoo- li Fly, formally due at, 6:0ft p. in. a changed lo 6:55; No. 38 die at 1*2:35 t! p. aa. doea not change. Southbound t| No. 33 formerly due at 3 u'elaok a. F in.. changed to 2:15 a. rn; No. '26 j Shoo Fly, tormarly due at 6:03 chaaged to 9:16; No. 41 duo at 2:57 j, doaa net change, rraina leare for h Loaiabarg at 9:25 a. m. and 3:10 and ? 7 p. m. " ? ?At a raaetiag of the board of i trnateee of the Frankllntcn Graded ri Sebool laat Toeaday afternoon Prof, p E. E. Connor, of Toangarille, waa b ^ ..j a... i a i . j - eieciou oupennu?uu?ui w lacce^a n Frof. Stroma who goes to Fitagerald, t G?. Frof. Connor hit high indole- k men ta and it it id to be a wirthy nccMior Mr. Stmrai who hat condoctid thi sehoel to itioceBaf ally , the put fear jean. The other ' teacheri elected ware at fellowa: Firat grade, Miaa Ella Haria; 5 second and third grade Mim Minnie Merrie, foorth and fifth Mile Ore Wimton, sixth and aerenth Mim Lela Beret, eighth and ninth )fin ? Francis Winaton. ?Mr. J. H. Finlator, the popular I yonng conductor on the S. A. L.! train to Loaiaborg and Miaa Bain ^ Beat, of thia place, were happily married laat Tneaday Morning at the ' heme ef the bridea parenla Mr. and i Tdra W. M. Beat at 10 o'clock, in the J' preaenca of enly a few ot their cloaeat j frienda. The marriage waa a aeeret ' one and the bride and greoro bad left for Kittrell, where tliev took the ' Nertli bound train No 88 befero it was known ia town. lUv. Mr. Bail?y ' of the Louiahurg M. K. Chnreh offi- 1 Claud. The biida ia the aeaomphahed daughter of Mr, W. M. Beat. Thair 1 frienda wiah for them a proeperane aid happy journey through life tegether. t* ?The Townebip Road'CoromitU* ! mej on laat Wad need ay ami elaeted for another term Ui^a^m* exaeatire opmmittee that has aerrad the paat 1 term, oaeeiatmg of Maaaart S. C. 1 T. Green, no J C. ft. Wil- 1 " i?'J?-?~ ?tl , ' ^7.'. "Jr^' * ' ' 1 ' DEP A R S 1910. ?* NESS Cheapest Stock .Lotiisburg -7ibovtN^gardless of and takes^vour ehoic >pendett 5 CO I /GROCER jr IG, N. C. N[he Retc 1 EN^RYTHII es You Pay. I urn*. An auditing committee waa lao elected to take tame work off l>i? committee. Thooo eleoted on iia Mmroittee woro Mesaera B. Wlallard.H. EfVeare, and J. O. Oreen. t was. atated on the atreata by ano a( he regular committee after tha raaetig that about 3* milaa of raad ad been warkad and at a east af bout $769.00 tar reila aad that tha rerat of tha raada had bean worked., ie thinka that tha ramaindar af tbe aad to be worked will coat far leas ar mile than thia aa thoae that have aen worked are moatly the pnnoipal eade and are 30 feet in width while he moat of the remaiader will only ie 10 feet, Personal Mias Sua Rtyater is visiting in >xferd. S. H. Hoi men visited Henderson Inndsy. B.;F, Uritt left for Portsmouth rhandsy. Lieel. E. A. Long, ot Oiford, was n town Friday. ? A. O. Perry and L. C. Pirie spent Puetday in Henderron. - A. S. Powell visited his sister in Vilson last week. Mrs. Preslr Person left Thursday or a visit to Roxboro. Sol B. Allen, of Wake Forest, vaa in town Thursday. J. B. Whitfield and J'.' R. Ooeke rent over te C. reed store yesterday. Mrs. Bailie Whitfield,of Tarboro, t rioitinf friends and relatives hole. Mrs. O. P. Norman and son, Scott etorned front a visit to Littleton' .ha pant wank. Mian Fannie Pritehard, of Porta noath, V?.t riaitad friande and kinlrad hara tha put wank. Ran. W. W. Roan laft lntt W?dleader for Aaharilla to a Hand tb? Saatharn Methodiat Coofereaee. Mr. . 8. 0. Vana, Mi.. Mahla Faan, Mr?. R. B. Whita and Miaa Fannin Ball Allan attandad tha Wonana Miaaianarf Caafaranaa in Roa^aro.tht paat waak. ^ ? *. * ** ? ' _ ** I ~ v':. < k . ! T ME NT t ^?-?w, ; of WHITE Hl( price e. GATE C] t Wai LOUISBURG MPAN IS ill Mcrchc MG HE NEED hone, Write or r noi i" * Yot^ don't know 1 metal roof until yoi 1 out then you see ] 1 ^ me to eover your i slate; metal tilaw tii other metal roof-- ( ing. Repairing old new again . bive r isfied no charges wi E. A. ROGERS Shop in the Strickland n I-- 1 - I' For^^ = MONUM TOMBSTONES, h FENCING Write ti Suffolk Marble Voi Watcjh ' BARGAINS VN 1 EVERrv D? I make and repair mattresBea aby m anteed. Pqjcear I/A^so Reboti -- Back Them 1 do apholateritfkr o( all kinda. 4in work. My shop r* at the old colore LoaUbdro, N. C. V ' " - ... . W-+* t f ' _ K. . J ' ? ? I?..." \C J< .. 3k0ry wagons , & q ? 1 c tTY WAGONS -chousc , n: c. j IY- j int Only i S "" j Come and SeeN|v , "i'CE the\reay^value of a /J i b&v? been burned / ' ronrYmistake. Get / laxtAoof with tin, / i_ BMnVleB, or any iut/anrt lock repairi mbfa-Viake them fjbe tr'ade,f/'^ **' Th^ Tinner I hiding next t<\? DJHill JdHNTfcS II rRBING and IRON II rki - Suffolk, Val I'hisAd I IATTRESSES OF I SCRIPTION 0 Q ftde or quality Workmanship puar*B to suit ihe people ~ om ChairsTTindy i With Cane. I I 9 \j?e an opportunity to < yotfH d Vdd Fellows Hal], MainlStreefcH rr1<% .id i v; / i* I