1 " ? ??????? ??M | HA1 |; -ELECTION i 5? i The latest definite reports ar 1 ting fire and broiling oyer b< ing out of prices, we have d ^that have been prevailing in put where some of the oandi | " -w ; Sewing J. WJ to^^do yen $rite to Hew much does tl^e's:^ail order n ? house give you teward keepincj up * sidewalks or paying / the minister's i? - , salary? / < lj Whee you were sick hew many P nights did the mail order house sit up with yeu? I o When you had ttj raise money to * pay your gas bill, difl"you get it from * the mail order house or a home merchant or contractor? a When your leved ones wer| burled, was it yeur home merchant whe Hmniied the tear of sympathy aud ---rr? , . uttered the aheering word, or was it the mail ofder bouse??W ilming- h ton Star. ^-/ ^ o HIDpEN DANGERS. Nature drives Timely. Warn- ? ings That! No LoUisburg Cit- ? izen Can', Aford To Ig- Ba . ] no/e. , Danger signal No. 1 comas from e #the kidney ^Mdretions. - They will s warn you whln/tha ki<kneys are siak. T-- Well kidneysUtcrete a clear, amber . fluid. Siok kidneys send out a thin, pale and foam, cri thick, red, ill- j, ~ emailing urine,ltnll of sediment and S irregular af paAage. ' i Danger signal No. 2 comes from 1 the back. . Balk pains, dull and J heavy, or Jharpland aeuts, tell you t of sick kidueys And warn you of the < a-|>roaoh (l *?beta and { 11 sight's diseaaA Deans kidney J pit's cure^ sick kidneys and care [ rr ^ ^ ^ 4 I . .: Bhmh /. H H|MB v ^oucai J RETURNS e that our oompeditors are spit scause we bare knocked the fill, etermined that the high priors Louiaburg for a while shall be dates were. .j Machines / ' 9? S f iOLLINC ie^polmaneetiy. /Hero i? ureeb-^ i AH etakiiueaT of a nearby realMrn.^^ff?nii| Waldea, 30S S. 'eiaou Strftot^ialeigh, X. C., says: Dixrti]' kirkfuoy pills brought ma toraaj relief when I vat aufferiog ad WtberdToM girea me pleaiuro to mom mend thou. I bothorod dgreat dell by Mull, nagging back bKh^hUuL pain* in mj^-kidneja. Hrtioni* eeciationa wore an adjjjkpWr< o of discomfort, being too MRgghn In panyt. I read so I SW^S aver ef Dean's kidney pills | >w(l\ v at induee<4 to try them kdj^pc trad a euppV. They beuchtsjfjf" ID every wiVl disposing of i* bick iche and andVktdney weakess. I < la new stteadl te my bouse ork wi h out the least inconveuinee ah 1 I attribute ml aure entirer to tk? the Die of Dekn'e kidney ills." ^ Foi sg\e by all dealen. Prioe &0 snU. Foeter-hfilbaro Co., Buffalo, lew Yolk, aole agents for the IJaitd States. * ? _ Remember the name?Doan's? nd take tie other. w Ojilnii J n i i; at 5 i-** y local applications ac t/f j cannot reoeh fie diseased portion of Jhe ear There eu nly one way to ewe deepness, and that in II y coostitutiounl ycnw'dips. Deufnees is I used by an ioflnnisd /audition of the mi ous lining of the Euwtchlun rube, W hen 1 his tube is inflamed mm hare a rumbling tuind or imperfeet h/iYing uod when it is atirel Hosed, D*aUet4 in the result' and Dims the iiiflamatftn :kn be taken out and his tube restored Jo itsyiorroa) condition earing will be d^royedVorsver; nine cases ut of ten am cajped by OatArrah, which is othiog hut an wflan.ed erudition of the iucous surface#. . \ We will giro #ne HundreADollars for any ne of Deafness (caused by\catarrh) that annot be cn?d by Hall's Catarrh Cure, end for clrdolarwr^ree. \ F/J CHENEY & C&. Toledo O. 8old by fruggists, 75c. / The tender leave? of a harmless lung lealing mountainoin snrifb, giye to Dr. >hoop s Cough Renwdy Its marvelous curative properties. 'Sg^i, tickling, or I listressing cough, qulSk.l yield to the lealing, soothing actiokilf his splendid S jreacription?Dr. Shoojft Coiigh Rem- ai dy. And it is so safe ami good for chil- ]i Iren, as well. Contaiang.no opium, hloroform, or other l)*roful drugs, nothers should in safetA always aenand Dr. Shoop's. Iff otHkr remedies ire offered, tell them wot Efe your own udge! Sold by F. Keid Pleasdfats, Louis- A miftX. C- Joy ner^-Frank linf^n \ * . i " ' f '' ? j fS :. 7^ * s a it to better advantage after yuu have seen i look better after you have used onjiarof our_p plandid anccete selling Hanoi) and rmu?, makes at tight prices, we will sell cheap j>h n you buy of us you have 'he typoriunity t a^Hhce, we can point you to hundreds of i oining oqunties, write for catalogues.: wm % Mm 4 JM iSWORTH yp" i _ "^SSS. fou pay out youi- money the~be^^Tuke Insure pany th aVpayk^annun THE MUtUAtl -IFE INSURANCE/ of NEWARK, /n Has passed the ex/eri |i | SAMUEL J. PARHA1 COFFINS, CA Nand furnW ? Now Gentlemen, I haivjf a_ < of coftiuH and casket? Which 'AT CO ]!ome and Look ki Before Buy also have the Shiptnan ORGANS for saUy an oome and buy one, so yiur ehildren can I well as your neighbors. Don't left them I yes. Come to see me vvhai in town, at the - J. yD. HI A-ia A. A Al>! AAA rWWWWWWWWWWWW www ^ ' I ?r _ /: ; " CG ?.?r l>< Htitiful furoiiauo? or organs. W? inos ami high grade of our 12 years exratiatied-caatomersin^^^^^ one ?t. x iinf c jaaii icueiVtJU ? HIlUIBiP illie Ol Hats from 50c to #4. A simple li ^ Hata and lots of other th nan I oa A oome and see for yourself \ J *w. B. 20C \ .. t " ' VY~ J \ - . . : ? 1 v in ^n i n -.n i n -. n ln ->!-> B89883S&?8888ffi8B )MME 10 $3 MATTRESSES . f-i . who wish oue of these fall site $3 cotton for any size bed can secure one for : _'' .. / rovided you send yoi for it by 1st day of - -a %"--. ? " " * mattresses will be sold later nor before Jt or Only those who send in orders before as we have only one hundred to be sold a \Ca?h Onl \ uisburg, P1 If one of Viicsc experirt 8PectQC'C3 on '-\ cow and M^ajSaRnKG^ wos that it dldn'\ matter w was fed; The questions of not entered into hikcalculat ' ^ an experiment with aVow./ self regardless of digestion and nutrition, tie Ji ings for all the good he gets out of hi* foocL ; 1 grows "wqak" the action of the organs^of digest end the mtfn suffers the miseries of dyspepsi JUx To strengthen the stomach, restofe\ Hans ot digestion and nutrition mod use Dr. Pierce's Golden MedlcamDh falling remedy, and has the conpdet well as the praise pi thousands iftalc In the strictest sense "Golden Medical Disco cine. It contains neither intoxicants nor nafcotu as from opium, cocaine and other dangefou^drug its outside wrapper. "" | . Don't let a. dealer delude you for his ow l pro; stomfch, liver and blood "just as good" as f'Gol ATE MACHINERY & Dealers in Macl LITTLETON, N. vat Separators, Cotton (Jin*.' Saus. IMhnfc* Eclipse Engines ami Saw Mills carried in j ick. Write for catalogue,'prices and terms, j ^ *-a(*'es T^i^me , Loi mmmrnm , why not, get nee in a com\\ dividends benefit Company \ T tuentaK stage M, Agent \ ^tkets 1 ' t UREP VI Ac stc mmplete line ^ I will Hull ST b My Lines ing. , :? i If jou want a good ox- " iVenru to *ing in the ohoif lAbenoh members all tlleir s Viapensary building. LL ^ aaaaaaaaaa 'i ' -J ' At"e have tho following aecand hand machinery for sale: ft 40 h p Ettinger engine $200 1 40 h p Erie City Boiler 2CO 1 5-> !i p Stationary ^oilei" almost new 330 d 35 h p Meiser Portable \ boiler, good 250 l\5 hp Eclipse Engine and luid boiler 80O 1 la hp Talblit. Engine and boUer* 160 1 Eclipse Saw Mill No. 0 150 1 Eclipke Saw Mill No. 0 100 1 TalboVSaw Mill 45 1 CbiseNTooth Saw, 44 i "H?a" \' 45 T Solid Dissron Saw, 39 15 d hats. | ! Ladies Trimmed A r tie Shoee. Straw . n't mention. So W >KE : " oJ ' ?** - , j - ? , ? - I nMHi ' mm ?-? Mr ?p- 1 lT i'm jbl ' " . -.. ?; :--?^ r M fiK a-I 3 For $3 |g^ * . jsil i top jtfattresafi* fin ^50 " C? ir order || June g > " ' Ml V ine 1st at tbat band can secure an t that price. fijj KSt -** ly I I. c J vfoot Farmer ico'tal farmers, who .put green fei her shavings. His theory wt the cow ate so long as she aigestion and nourishment had ions. ' former that would try such , But many a farmer feeds himlight almost as well eat shav*he result is that the stomach ion and nutrition are impaired id the agonies of nervousness* , ? 'he activity of the or- x x trace up the nerves, ic^very. It Is mn an* icAof physicians as d hklts use. very"\s a temperance medi*, and \ as free from aloohol. u ? S. All ingredients printed on fit. There iVno medicine for den Medical Discovery." SUPPLY CO. V I linery

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