FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager. i,' ' Friday, May 20 1910. - 4 *TIII THi my ADyKKTlaRHRVYI* H. Q. Mitahell?For Sale. f| v. H. Yarborougk, Jr.,?For Sale of own Lot, J. it Young?Indepondput Order of St. Luke TAR DROPS. . 1/ L_J ? A n enfntnnhila party from C^at ,^^>lia viated Loaiaburg Una weak. " ' ?Only wind i* needed to spread rumor* but for reliable new* yea mail' . " 7 read year home paper. __ ?The bank* of Louiaburg will be eltaed today on aooeunt of obaerring Deeeration day. ?And its Friday morning aod thia old' world i* going right on aa if nothing had happened. ?The brik work on P. A. Keavia' , large wholeaale building near the de' wot baa been atarted. , 1 : ?.' - ?The raiaing of blooded ohiokeaa / ia now attraoting about as much inierest among farmers aa cattle and ? -The whipping post ahenld be set up in evety oeunty jail ToF ifien^wftp beat their wi>ea. and unmeroitully beat horaea. ?J. 8. Cobb went out to Ingle gasoline incandescent lights in Macon's store. - ?Right many of our people ait up, to,see tbe'Comet Wednesday night, hut from'what we can , learn; were diasappointed. ?The bacalaureate sermon Will be preached at the Methodist church . on Sunday morning, May 22nd, 1910 at 11 o'clock by Rev. GL B, Striokler. ?Allen Bros, have secured the the services of the convicts and are having the mill hill in front ot the depot graded preparatory to erecting a large business block in the near future. ?The Piokwiok Amusement Co., have revived the old Gem theatre and are presenting some very good pictures. We understand the attendance and the performances are both good. ?Rev. A. S. Barnes, of Oxford, will preach at Leah's Chapel on 5th Sunday morning at 11 o'olook and at Prospect in the afternoon at 4 o'clook. The public is cordially invited to attend these services. ?No place else on the globe will you find as big-hearted,generous and noble people as reside in this old town. They are not mhab on dress parade. They do not wear stlk. stockings and silk hats but they have hearts as big and warm as ever pul^ sated in Human breasts. ?The big sale ef F. N. & R. Z. Egerton attracted great erowda ?U day Wednesday. In the morning tor a abort while before they opened' up the atreeta in front .of the store were crowded and when the door was opened it waa who Vsould push the moat got in first. We understand the sales hare been very satisfactory and that the goods are being sold very oheap. 'Read their advertisement on ear last page. ?Work ia a great blessing. Yeu can not see now but some day you will say that you were fortunate in your boyhoml <)gyi because yon- were compelled t (ffltr.Wp. H. Allen's little ohilttrea were in the baggy end were tbreara oat, bpt received only alight Injuries. The last reports from Mr. Janes it that he is getting on nicely. The PfUnary. held oa Saturday and general geod feelings prevailed. A greater interest in the primary than heretofore was evidenced by the many whe attended and took an active port;?The delegates selected to the sounty convention (rem Leaiaburg township were A.'ff. Alston, W. H. Allen, F. N. Ego riot, J. ft. Perry, Alphcn- | so Sherrod, K. P. Hilt, W. M. Per ' son, J. M*. Allee, W. K. Usaell. ( Bleunt Egertee, Frank Ballard, W. , J. Cooper, W, K, Tueker, J. J. Lancaster, W. H. Furgnraea. The ae- , laotion of the delegates from thia , tewnahip waa made by the different , candidates in aooordante with tha vote casrfor them by the people. Badly Hurt. ? i On Friday night while making some repairs an an arolight at the | powar bona# Mr. 3: M. Person 1 came near leoeingHiia ltfw. It seems i as if hq jtad tumed thr current _ng J the lamp and was called off, when returning he forgot about the cur rent being turned on and caught hold of the lamp with hia right band arhl received 220# volta through his right arm.. He was knocked unconscious tor., a while and the ourrent burned his' -band very badly. We are glad to rote however, that |? ..v .t? u^iuini^ TV1J lapiUIK. Franklin Connty Union The next session of Franklin County Union will meet With White Level Churob May 27-29,1910. Rev. 1 M. Stamps wiil preach the introductory sermon Friday night at 8 ; o'clock. 8ATUEDAY 10:00?Deyotional-Jixercises, Bro. i James Fulghura 10:20?Organization. 10:30?"Aral my Brothers Keeper,"Rev. J W Sledge 11:00?The Layman'e Movement, Bro. Tom Sledge and Rev. L W. Swope 1:30?Reports on condition of ohnrches, The Need for Revenue in the Churches and rfow to Seoure it, Rev. G Mh15tfSe Sunday 9:30?Sunday School 11:00?Sermon, Rev. L W Swope 1:80?Discussion of 2nd Timothy 4-3, Rev. M Stamps and Rev. J W Sledge 2:80?State and Association Mission, Rev. G M Duke STATE Independelit Or RKnftoND 1 "r"~- {Condition December 31ai, 1309. Amount of Ledger Assets December 31 o Income from Policyholder $72,817113, Mi Disbursements to Policyholder $48\l59. 9! Benefit Certificates in force December 31 Benefit Certificates written or revivedxdu Claims Incurred during the year; Ho. W Claims paid during the year; No.,443 ' ASS1 Value of Bonbs and Stock owned Deposited in Bank not on interest Printing Pressqs^ ^ TiAk?p -Total '' " . Less assets not admitted Total admitted assets BUSINESS IN NORTH Benefit certificates in force December SI Claims incurred during the year; JJo 9 Claims paid dHring the year; No. 9 Total amount premiums or assessments < the year State of Noith Caro ina. Insurance I 1910. I, James R. Young, Insurance Co above is true and correct abstract of the I St. Luke, a Fraternal Order, of Rlchmoi showing the condition of said Order on tl Witness my hand and official seat the i JAMES 1 You Are Sure of T You Become a let. A State banj^ia ? *2nd. Our capital an insurable give you additional seeuri^ \| 8rd. Unvarying o/trtesyf^n always extended. M A CITIZEN . / HEND: Bo rr--:.-p- ,t.; - . . ' ~- * 'v f*. Fv~v: ?.* ? - I . A ?#? ' . . \ ' a*' " ' _ */ -,r Important. , All the members J of Louisburg ^ Chapter, No. 20, R. . A. U., ore ^ arqed to attend ? special ^ oonrooatidn. au Friday night (to- ^ night), called (or the purpose of ^ adopting the By-Laws for this Cap- ^ J J Bamtow, w.-p. h J. R CoIIte Hade Chairman. < Immediately after the adjourn- < ment ef the'Cuuntv Convention the , Democratic Executive Coeimitieo of < Franklin County met in the OpeYr 4 Reuse. The meeting wae called to 4 crder by Chairman Barrow, wbo 4 listed that owing to hia office work 4 reqairing all of hia rime inuat ha 4 reaign a? Chairman of that Commit- 4 tea. Hia resignation wae accepted < with much regret upon the part of 4 thk members. The Committed then < prooeeded to elect a man to fill this 4 rasancy. Mr. J. R. Collie's naprtf < was placed before them and was 4 aleeted by acclamation. After other ^ mattera had been attended to the 4 Committee adjourned. ' ^ The ealeotion of Mr. J. R. Collie ^ aa'Chairman of the Democratis ex- ^ acutive Committee of . Franklin 4 county wae a wise one, as he is ful- 4 ly Capable of filling this most im- 4 portent position? ~ -4 For S?l$. J \ Good milk cow with youh# calves. . ? II. G jHkrrcHEi.i.., " S^Ie of Town Lot. By virtue, Tf the power contained in a certain agreement execut ed by George Ham and wife to J. W. King, I and recordecfun the office Of the Eeg- i ister ofDeets for Franklin county : book 166, pag?471, I wjll, on Mondav, I the 20th. daAof June, 1910, at the I hpnr of twelve Vclock, noon, sell at : public auction at yie court house door t hi lAiuismug, in . v-., to xne nignest bid ,er forea^h, a certain lot or parcel of land eituatedjn taKCounty of Franklin, State of Nfir|ti yarolina, and in the town of Louisbuigk on the River road, bounded a* foltews, towit:-On the north by the tot of A wS^ord, on the East by the Colored CVnetary lot on the 6outh bv thfc RiverVoad and on the West by the lot of Hinry Portia, add contanimng one half ah acre, mo~e or less. This tie" 19th d\y of May, 1910. " I. W. KiNo,\Tru8te?8 W. H. YarboroUfch, Jr., Att'\ J. P. Winston To The > Front He is not only a m?V niat can sell clothing. shirts, hats aacMapanese Matting at 15 cents per yart? but can build a brick store,', yes two ft them about com pleted and old Nash facet is coming to the front. On JunefasV I will occupy one of the buildiiKS.A I am selling shirts, clothing, hatl, alnkinds of summer underwear, ahois why down below cost and on Juae Ik .1 V will move and put in a brand lew stick ot goods. Come on and get the best bargains before I move. 1 J. P. WINSTON MENT der of St" Luke Va- , / - v i. as Shown Dy/italement Filed i previous vt I $62,076.73 BcellaneouafS,503.09 82,320.92 5; Miscella^ous 33,641.00 76,700.93 i , 1908;' Net 20,151 ,20,161.000 . rfhg yea/ No. 7,314 / 731,400.00 r / h3,059.98 4 > J 43,059.93 ( E \ I 33,730.00 * \J 25,966.72 < x 9,000.000 . A ?2i ,000.0a A / \ 70 696.72 * / \ 11,000.00 < \ 59,696.72 * '. CAROLINA lN 1909 ' ,,fl909. No. 504 \ 50.700.00 4 .T'9l||00 * ibllected or secured akring . \ 1,861.80 1 le-artment, Raleigh, n\c., May 5th, * mmissloner, do hereby cestify that the i itatement of .the Indepetftatpt Order of nd Va.. filed with j??SJtepartment, le 31st day of De < eJHsr, 1999 4 day and date above 9Kli|et>. ' t. young, Insuran&Hpjmmissicner, ' liree Things WliBiri Depositor Here ' p bank?State supervision makes 4 4 I and strong Beard of Directors | 4 d excellent banking facilities are ^ KBANK I * V* ! SAVING :=! Is more important th Injj fiarcTwork in its y dollar, Baring beoomt . watching a bank acci . make the start. Our ^ : FIRST r r a ;??? LO ' UNDER SUPERVISI WAAAAAAAA AAAAA A A ^ f " * Summer ^ . ?t S ^ Hammocks, AH Farm Globe and Ironage Cultivators, PlotVi Forks Lowest Price on Flour M Get My P ?????? * ????***? | Clifton Corner f ~|" .9 %*????????????? WWWWWWWWWWWWWwWI I Grain Irouage Harrows, Carolina y Hoes, Ciillivi I c L .. It ke?ps (lies off cows ami ^U, Spring Hinges, Ply 1 I L- P I ON THE CORNER ; m \ I j ^ ' i , Jljlj MO an harck work and soma people considei elfantil\he Btarl u undi, /After the h a pleasure; there is absolute pleasui >unt grow.\ You can save, nf you will bank offcrsVou every encouragement e are ready tW help you. Will yon alio 4ATIONAl\ B> UISBURG, N.C \ ON OF U S. \c ^ G ^Ice Cream Free Fly Faper ing Implern l Casting,/hitc., Grain Cradles, Cotton Wakes ^Sh \ 'W Cradl i and Farmans ;^ultivatora, Cott&B^an rtor Sweeps Vnrff SteelCotton Pointed OW EASE horses fcSpreydj-s, Screen Doors and r*aper, F|? KillerV Fly Powder, Screen \! 1 l/^ix v n IV^rx PHONE 42 UOUISBURi ' r?. . . / NEY j < ^ \NK i >VERNMENT r \ 1 _V ioods I * ===== * **4 , W i * . \ jzers * / - * ents j ?? and Tobacco Hoes. J ?? /els J t and Lard. ^ - i ' z ' J# uisburg, | j . ajiaaaaa aaa WW Vfftft les " I d Tobacep Windows, J s, I Q, N.C. *. _ J - -'V p La r-, n~rAM Wpfcimir- &if :li ^ ' *1 ^ V.