r V lT -f f&fc ':* '' ' i .' * ^ ..... . . - / - ,' Having qualified aSTexscntor "under the will of Mrs. J. H. NenJIy, deceased, late of Fran lin countAjnia ia to notify all parties having elauna against said estate to present same./dr this notice "will be pleaded ih barXif Ytlteir recovery. Aprtrt2th,'19tOr \' R^B^WI^ite. EX. Having qhahfle/ an executor under the wilf of JV3. Htuma, this is to notify all peraonV holding claims againBt his estate to pVunt them to me on or before April 21k, 1810, or this notice will be plead i/isr of their recovery. All persona ospngWid estate will come forward and JliakeImmediate payment! This April Wat, 19l\ 7 w jl PEhsoN, Extr. ~~t Notice i Having qualified as administrator of a Nl. Cannady, cUeeasad, this is to otify all persons hlb ding claims against his estate tp uesent them to.the undersigned on Srlefore April>4th 1911 or this notice WJl be plead in bar of their" recovery. _?U persons owing his estate will come forward and make immediate settlemedk This April 14th 1910 " TVTf C'AnnanY, Adm. ? 1 1 . Don't Risk even a penny?until health returns. ti And I mean Just exactly that. X ara the one physician whoseystothe nick. "I Will. OUt Of tny OWn tMvllDt. n?kv ?r?r vrsnw W.~4l tripe if it falli to bring > on fialp!*" " And for 20 yoara Dr. Shoop's medicine* have GetHealth been used and recommended in every city and ' ? bmnlfet In AmerUm. They are positively standard in every cfaimnnlty?and everywhere. n Then why pay thi cash. and at your risk, for other un warrants! ami uncertain medicines? Tlnrvim"'1*- "p^" V"?"imndn have in the past ~~ successfully usedBr. B hoop's Restorative. When theSto- Ha niach nerves, or the..Heart Lh mg A ?r Kidney nervea^fail. W W T theseslckones 1 k wow hdw.B 0 quickly Dr. i hoop'a HaFs T storatlve will >rlng_lhe:n back tb Aalth again. But beet of all, they positively takclno jponey rhk Whatever. They know that whel hcilth falls to return Dr. I Shoop will hlniFelf gfcdly pay the drew I at for that teat. And forthaltcfra full SO day treatment Is freely granted! . But write me first for Lwordcr. ? { This will save delay aitf disappointment J All druggists sell Dr. fwjoop'a Restorative and I Dr. 8hoop*aHB1 'I Rheumatic I Remedy, but Usa mm all arn not authorized to ||lE| give the 30 day test. Bo I llu Id d^opmvalintplease?for I w \~ havi-appointed an honest and reaAiftlblo druggist in almost every community .everywhere. to issue my '.'no help, no pay' median edto the aiqk. Tell mo also which tpokVou ncod. The books below w# sural y open up neW and \ helpful ideas to HA I those who are not well. Besides ea| m you are perfectn. ly free to consult |m w0 mo Just as you ^ would your U V home phyBlcIhp. My advice V J and 1110 boob belo^ojro yours-4nd wltAut cost. PerhapsV^ord <ALtwo fram me will clear up . some seriousaUr^mtJ hp*u helped thousand* | upon thousands'ST' my private proscription or | personal advicefplap. Myl best effort ) . surely Afterwards worth yoqralmple request. Co write no\*jvhlle I you nave it iresh In mind. 1kr.-tomorrow nbver i comes. Dr. Bhoop. Box 12. Imclne. Wis. ^ j WtlellMt th&ll X Ski Too? i.. - Ho. 1 On Dyspepsia No. ?or Women No. 2 On the Heart No. 5 For Men No. 8 On the Kidneys No. 6 Rheumatism. f Bargains | \ iiTwTw : : , / T*- . ' - ' I NOT New OpeuingW 1 ing Store,..'wHI Wholes^ ? New and up-to-dato stock of fflol Ladies apd Geuts furnishing goodsy W Btorj^efia many bargains we offer at th Srtm 2<no 30 p* r cent. All good/ mar We Guarantee Y/ou 1 or Xour Hi Bear in mind that thy disposition i this vicinity and each and /very euaton | retail merchant can buy a/thousand. 1 I marked in plain figures, ijpt a single ex / * Yours I PEOPLE'S CLC J Louisbui NO NEED AT ALU FOR Y? ...SCE)( NEW UP-TO-DATE WAYS H and well stocked with the h?' the look-good, taste-gool thing yon Jieed and thi o THE SCOGGIN ^irrannn^^ in HELESS, ' ' tpEl WW w the People's Clothly ell ^Retail at ?e Prices. Ihing, Shoes, lists. Skirts, Shirt Waist a invite you to come and inspect our uev ia opening, it means a saving for yoi kVi in plain figures. ifoiir Money's Worth loney Back > is a revelation to the trading public o: ler can buy One article just as cheap as i '.ach and event article is displayed am pression exaggerated. )THING STORE rg, N;C ????_ VyyTOyVTOVVVWVTOE OU TO WORRY, BECAUSE j fountain is al m cool t anckfreshest drinks. We serve drinkA Phono us for Qnv. rder will be promply filled drug\company?i Clothihg i * ave just returned a the northern Z kets whefje I sue- ^ led in picking up e rare bargains * Clothing and j it's Furnishings. *9 ve yqu an idea of what I can tu in your purchases I can sell ta that retail far $15 for $10 and 1 ts for $12 All others In propor1 have a big lot of straw hats, aA the season for them is now at Sv ?u will do well to_ call and get 1 loice before they are picked ov- J ices and quality are tee interesttures about our ha s. e a uumber of Clergyman coatsd Drabatado Prices ranging 1 .50 to $6, cannot be duplicated * A ly times the price. in and look ov- M ly stock and you ] be convinced ; my store is th<^ e to trade.-1 isburg's Clothfor . . _ . 1 V ^ i. ' THE SUNDAY SCHOOL,' Lesson IX.?Second Quarter, For May 29, 1910.. . - IHE INTEF,NATIONAL SERIES. - T?*t of tht Lesson, Matt, xiv, 13-21; xv, 20-33?Memory Vorsos, 19, 20. Golden ' Text, John vi, 35 ? Commsntany by ftsv. D. M. Stearns* In this lesson we are asked to consider two-prenf miracles, which our Lord speaks of as "the five Loaves of the 5,000 and the seven loavA of the J I.OOO" (Matt. xvl. 0. 10> on one occai xlon when He rebuked the disciples for their lack of faitli. The former is recorded by each of the four evangel- i [ Ists and Is the ooly miracle recorded by the four, while the latter is recorded only by Matthew and Mark. In each case Jesus bud compassion upon . the multitudes because of their hun- ' ger and He abundantly supplied their j need by miraculously Increasing a very small quantity of food. When we consider who it was who did this and how He had fed millions for many years with bread from heaven and had brought water from n rock for them, how He had cared for > Elijah by the ravens and multiplied . the widow's meal and oil and made twenty loaves suffice for 100 men. there Is nothiug remarkable In His doing this great thing, for His very, name Is "Wonderful.** If we consider, _ ^ the Href miracle, the 5.000 fed. We ? shall, I think, cover the other also. The S* apostles bad gathered to Jesus and had told Him all that ttty bad done and taught, and He hud taken them gslrlA in mat nwhlio many coming.'and going that they had ' no leisure even to eat. (1 am considering the lesson with a harmony of . the gospels before me. The student ( of the lesson should do the sarhe.i It Is said by John that the multitudes followed Him because they saw His miracles which He did on them that were dlsensed. Whatever tbelrSgib- < - tive was,' He took advantage of their gathering to speak to them of the kingdom of God and to heal "them that had need of healing (John vl. 2: Luke. Ix. 111. He was ever speaking of the kingdom and setting forth by word und deed the nature of it. If we were ' more like Hfm In this respect It would be better. When rhe day was far spent His disciples urged Him to send the multitudes away that, they might go Into the village? roundabout and buy themselves bread, but He said what must ha ve sot tided very I strange. "They need' not depart; give ye them to eat." I believe that is still His message to all who have the bread ? of life. There Is In church work toJ day an Andrew and Philip brotherhood, and If they are doing as Andrew and Philip did In John 1. bringing men to Jesns, It is well, but in .Toh^yl, in connection with our lesson, we *need >to take warning and not example from Philip and Andrew, for the first figured as to how be thought the thouI sands might be fed. apd A^dfcow seems J almost to ask pardon for mentioning | such a trifle as the presence of a lad I with five loaves and two small fishes. They both seemed,jittedy^ ? forget k who Jesus was. Tb?y Remind us of 1 the mountain, or the rtnv of amall 1 f tilings, of Zocb. l*> V W. ffe?gettlng 4 ? rerse 0 $nd Its tea<?lnfrlp the ?' work of tfie Lord an must be accomplished not by might nor power of man. bat by the Spirit of the Lord. When Jesus heard of the lad'a loaves (and fishes He said. "Bring tbem hither to Me." Kow, that is the one only thing to do always?put ourselves and a Just what we are or have wholly nud P unreservedly into His hands, remeini bering thai He always knows what I He will do, and when His time comes. . " to act we may hear Him say. "Now i ahnlt thou see what 1 will do" ^John i vi*6: Ex. vi. 1). It Is never a question of-gho we are or what we hare or- ^ eanTVlo. but only who Is He. and what 1 can He .do. To say or think "Can God do this?" Is to speak against Htm. Jesus took the loaves and fishes " and gave thanks, looking up to lieax=_ _ I en. and. having blessed the food. lie brake It and gave It to the disciples. . and by them to the .-multitude, and all | did eat as much as they would and P were filled, and' there renmlped over i ::nd above'a^Kthat was needed twelve I baskets full of the fragments, one for " each of the twelve apostles, and the . 5.000 men. besides women and cbll1 drop, had been filled, a moltltude satf is fled and the laborers twelve baskets I richer than when they started. Which I was better?to send them away or i cive them to eat? The disciples had , I tjJtliing to start with, but see the ] " abundance they had at the close. ' Someone has'sald that this particular | miracle wnp the result of one 11JJE** p boy's giving nil he bad tox^TSSus. ["What a storv that lad woutdT hare " tell Ills mother when he returned home Iof the word org wrouglurby Jesus with her loaven.and flsbe^rtnul how strange- 1 l.v Joyful he u\v0[ have felt to see such q mnUltud^su fed and filled with i whnt he tmf given up! Sure'jr he f must have UA*o:ns n devoted fol.ower k of "Jesus. Lfow we would IJke to l-.now t the reSti^Thls story! I believe 1 am i greatly jM^bted to blip for the way I the- l.'Ju graciously used me in ' mtilo M#?a Iinfl mloalnnt f-n- A?or tweuJ year- Alttunigh ftlhad theirt | andiitri guv n f wlta * cominirallvoly. whet ,vo? study this IWrtir- 1 ?h?M I hajpt re??1v?J mid pa*a*4 an to (ntt> l ?lc#n? Id twtaty-ona year* oyer halt I a anllUbii of . \iollars wltbooH ceradoal -v gjbdtatlon from any ana. it i? rh? f v _. >^r 'r^i -V: -r_? CO^GH T^HEY win apt bum/will not split < Will not crack aixLfoll off llkA slate, like plain tin. Neithtr will they Yattle They never need rejhirs and last of long ??? ?f *H, they make tab handsomest rVof an Specialties in ' Laaaaaaaaaaa* VVWWwwwwwwww When You Drtnk Cof iDrinK\the B; I H'AW There are no better W Blue* . Ribbon, / Manl^ Car ajar, Society an Try oho ^an/and be c< B. G. HI PHONE NO i A BIG LOT Ncw?Furn '' \ 5^-AND?> Sewing Ma< JUST" fiecei ind wa til maka tk? priaaa riakt. Cob* t W? klT? a?d b* tOITlMI We Are SeUlnAthe V* niture for themone; Can /Buy in the [ alaa aarry a nicsAad aouplata line\?f and* glad to BerY?/tko*a who may be\n Dead m? L call whin iu town oV in ne ./ in my, lrto#. W. E. White Furnitui *-> * ??. .J**"- *" *?*-% s Special Sal AT tHE ; Racket A line of While Goods, Ginghams* Percale, stock of r Laces and Em/b] . - We call especial attention 1 American Beauty [Jisf best on the market. Call and,sae tJera. Ham] baby caps just received. It wffl be to joui ?>>! >?> * MRS. A M '* C'"' '**" , ,j r-iiA 'MM sry .best Fur7 That You > State. rtaker* supplies and will be of my services. Give ?d of anything re Company les ' . . v _ * . Cr* - ^5 Store iriras, Souiting and a pretty Hoideries r Corsets ^rOjItV rag _ . -mmS 'ROOF >r curl like wood shlnglee. * Will not rljv at the seems during; high wind storms. as the building:. And lest id are not expensive. T [J " rg, N. C. Coffee 1 ;J~ ; ' V;Vj'l fee^Why No ffot? ' V " IT ""~ 7 \ * ; v .." ands than the attan Blend, & Toxaway. Winced. ICKS 100 OF iture s. ' /+ chines Wd o h< us tad loah at wkat id Ait

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