'; v "'' v r- j? t '? - * - *r r 4 i the" I i/pu luum I Cakes, Cr H I TC1C1T1 HACKNEY BUGG] BABCOCK Bt ? f >s DURHAM The ~ ? EDWA #V a Items From Near Flat Rook. < Wehaventseen anv news from I here, so we will let you all know we 1 are living. Mrs. R T. Harris, of Royal, spent part of last week, with iter mother) Mrs. H, J. Cnnyers. 1 H, O. Hill, and family spent SunT _ day with their mother, on Poverty '' Street i . Little Clifford Hill has been real sick the past week. We are glad to say he is improved. vMise Mary Ohamberlin, of Durham, was a welcome visitor in our neighborhood last week, guest of Miss Foy Wiggins. Mrs. R. J. Conyers, gave an ice cream supper to her scholars at Flat f Jiock aohool house Thursday night. A large crowd, plenty of cream and a One time was the result. [* Kit. Pain can be easily 4**d quickly stopped. Pink Pain Tablets ?Dr. Snoop'sstop Headache, womanly pains, any pain anywhere, in 10 minutes sure. Formula on the 25c. bW Ask your druggist or doctor about thi^f formula?it's fine Sold by P. Reid FlAasanta, Louiaburg; T C. Joyner, Franlfiyton. ~ A HELPlifCx HAND, Is Gladly ^Extended by a Louisburg CitiZan. Ther* are many enthusiastic citizens in Lonisbard prepared to tell their experience for the public good. Testimony from staph .a source is the best of evidence, aid /will prove a "helping hand" to saones of readers, j Read the following Mtement*. Mrs. A. B. Alteaf Main Street, I Louitbarg, N, C.,/Vsays: "I can reeemmend DoanM 'Kidney Pills in return for the gre/t betisfit I derived from their use. t suffered from kid S~ nay and blad ierftroubls for a long i?? ibe tidncn secretions beinir an natural aad captaining aliment. Mr back ached Constantly land I had pains aeroaa/riy kidney*. \ Although I tried raaiw remedies, I dsi not fcoiv oeed in fiMing relief until \l finally procured A)oan's Kidney Pills. It requireiythe use of but one! box to relieve/ie and make me feel better m eve|y way. I shall be blad to ^ , .. ' ><* . * r *r~ - """"? P. A Wi rs For The j ackers, Can Everything the Reti h:R = p [ES, Larg TGGIES ? Weai [ BUGGIES or Riversid* RD S. FORD uonfirin what d havy said for publication to any peison/vbo may call upon lie," \T Foi aale by Mr dealers. Price 50 cents. FosteiAlilburn Co , Buffalo, New York, smeiagents for the UnitBd States. '/ \ Rememb/r thb name?Doan's? and take ub other! Why th/Boys Bjiat Men-Balslngr Corn. Why is it that the boys who" join the corn olubs make such large yields while the average corn yields of the South remain so low? No doubt these boys have the advantage of good land, but tbey beat tne men on the Bame sort of land. " The answer to the question is not ' hard to find. These boys employ modern ideas, up-to-date information, and approved methods of cultivation. They know nothing of corn growing to begin with, and know that they do not. Many of the men know noth iog of corn growing, but don't know it. The boys have nothing to unlearn and all to learn. They go about their tasks ready to learn, and read and study the literature of the question with minds open to instrno-' tion. In short, they learn, and practice modern, scientific methods of corn growing, and consequently succeed. The men must follow the same course to produce large yields. The fact that these boys are more open to instruction, that they learn more readily beoause of no prejudi- \ ces to overcotho and no long-formed habits to ohange, brings hopie to us . the importance of agricultural instruction in_the rural sohools. To tit the leaohing of our schools to the life of the pupils is necessary before j the gospel of good farming oan reach ' the hearts of all the people. When will our rural school authorities wake up tc this fact v>d attain the courage to aot?? Raleigh (N. C.) Progressive Farmer and Gazette. A tickling or dWcough can be quickly loosened (with WW. Shoop's Cough Remedy. No opftim, no chloroform, nothing unsafe oiAarsh. Sold by F ReCd Pleasants, Lokisburg; T. C, Joyner, Franklinto/^ Y ' i? ,x7.; --- .""ire as HOLESALE < " A *WLOlilSBURG, Diamond Mat< idies, j^nned lil Merchant* Needs, Let uV Figure With [est, Best ana^Qt Harness\ \uf Lc re going to sail the\ abo> terms, so comae first \and 2 Indep / . ' f7 "fc" Woman's Power Over Mi Woman's most glorious endowment is the pow< to awaken and hold the pure and honest love oL worthy man. When she loses it on<mstill loves A no one in the wide world can know the heart ran she endures. The woman who suffer* from weal ness and derangement of her special womanly o ganism soon loses the power to sway the Heart a man. Her general health suffers aoane los her good looks, her attractiveness, her Ynniabili and her power and prestige as a woman, fir. R.V thousands of women. He has devisofl^ a iucce meats. It is known as Dr. Pierce's/ravorite specific for the weaknesses and disoi/ers pecMia lates, strengthens and boats. Medline dealers advise you to accept a substitute ivorder to mU IT MAKES WEAK WOB SICK WOMEN \ Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant Pellets regulate and strength TATE MACHINERY & Wheat Separators, Cotton Gins, Saws, Belting fee. Eclipse Engines and Saw Mills carried in itcck. Write for catalogue, prices and terms. WILL ^CC Has just receivech a .:.Sampl< this week at the member eve/ythi! at Wholesale " |/ .' "TTTj WwWWWWWwWWW^ ns < 3ROCERS . r 1 1 1 , N. G. ~ ch Co., Cai Goods o1 Yon on Delivered Prices, We Sf Us ^apest Stock >uisburg re regardless pi [ take your choice. pendent , + 1* rw i*, i s - mmr I ty . Pierce, of Buffalo, N.Y., with prescribed for and cured many ssful remedy for woman's ailPrescription. It is a positive r to women. It purifies, regusell it. No honest dealer will Ice a little larger profit. i. _ _ IEN STRONG. EnRTiTi. en ^tonwcfc, Liver and Bowel*. ^ SUPPLY CO. hinery i / U. as \v We have the following. second hand machinery for sale: 1 40 h p E'.tineer engine $200 . 1 40 h p Erie Gity Boiler 200 ^ ' 1 60 U p Stationary Boiler almost new 330 L 1 35 h p Geiaer Portable " boiler, good 260 -wV 15 hp Eclipse Engine and X \ and boiler 300 1Y12 hp Talbot Engine and Viler ' 160 1 %lipse Saw nil] Mo. 0 150 1 Ellipse Saw Mill \o. 0 100 1 Talbot Saw Mill 45 1 Chisel Tooth Saw. 44 "Hoe" 45 1 Solid Disston Saw, 3!) , ]J> )OKE i , hew line of Co rain Store. Rehg is sold Cash. \ . % >* - ' ' - T VV. " :? ' :oMPi 5 u rload Ball f i F Every Des ive the Freight. ) of WHITE mci 'ice GATE CIT Wan LOUISBURG> COFFINS, C and "URN r Now Gentlemen^^ have of coffins an<y caskets 1 Ay c< Jome and / Look Before also have the Shipman ORGANS f<* in oorae and buy itne, so your childrt well as your neighbors. Don't let t, res. Come to see me when in town, i J. D- h > ??? ?> ^u^pay^out^your rao: the best. Take\lns pany that pays\ani THE MUTUAl JFE INSURANC of NEWARK, Has passed/the exp SAMlELJ. PAR ?. * - J. icription J jC^OTnTH :ORT WAGONS \ Y WAGONS ' * >house v- - N. C. _ . ? ? ^ :as^ET^<v rURE! a complete line d'hich T will rm.1I OST * * at My Lines iuying. sale. If you want a good or?n can learn to sing in the choir Bern be bench members all their Mt the Dispensary building. iILL ' j WWWWWWWWWWWW 19 ney, why not get urance in a comr? 11 nl u uai, ui viucuuo / 7 L BENEFIT f COMPANY \ N. J; ? V " >eHmental stage 1 \ 1 ... * ^ HAM, Agent - . i .

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