W>r-: FRANKLIN TIMES * t K. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager ' ' >fc v8ak, - t *1.00, 41*. M"N1Jln, - tJ6 -- v. 1 UPtff ny>MTH?, - . S6 > ??=-?, " 1 Friday, June 3 UUO. 1 The Republicans will lioW their '< , : state convention in Greensboro this 11 year. ________ ^The few Democrats who voted the j National Republican ticket in the . last election have every reason to 1 know now that their judgment was tl.it aa triitwl aa tKa n trnrairetu/i imlrr , ment of ihu millions who stuck to the Democratic party and are not J responsible for an administration 1 that millions of inch in the Republi- j t can and Democratic parties now! , heartily condemn. Follow the' j judgment of the majority. Stick I ^ to the party;?Wilmington Star J.^'The above is well spoken and | ^ deserves the cosidcratinn of those ^ Democrats who voted the National Republican Ticket. ? T " L ?- / " Chic ken's will come home to ( roost. Former Governor Rollins. ( < of New Hampshire, a standpatter on the tariff, went abroad some . lime ago. When he returned bo brought with him a raft of stuff on which there was a heavy dutv, all of which was not to his liking, and ho undertook to smuggle the things through and got caught. * . All it cost him was *S,000, besides ' the duty, which was #1,500. They I have great governors in New M imp- j shire?Greensboro Record. If all those who voted for the; high tariff could have the same experience no doubt tbe law would he changed immediately. The present indications are there' will be no opposition to Hon. E. W. 1*011, to succeed himself as candidate for Congress trom the Fourth con- i gressional District. The people of| the District are acting- wisely by. keeping Mr. Pou as their Represen- ' tative. lie has made an able and ' eliicient officer, always keeping "the ' best interests of his people and the 1 country at large in view. Mr. Pon is held in hioli esteem hv- his cot. i 1 leagues in Congress and should the i1 nsxt House be Democratic he wiltf1 hold second place on the most itnpor- I tant committee in the House. He]1 will be in position to render-even j' better services than heretofore. As , long as he continues to serve the peo- j' , pie with the ability and fidelity as has characterized his course in the [ pasty the people can make no mistake !' s. in continuing him in the service.? j Nashville firapjiic. - - 7-v. AVe thoroughly agree with Bro. ]1 Lifrejte in the above And even I - thougn^bfgjosiiion should arise the only wise coiba^for the peoples of] this district to done

. . ' sue ail "established policy" of ship i . snlmidv in any proper sense of the term, do not constitute "every enlightened nation except the United ?? Great Britain, we take it, ia entitled to be olaaaed aa "enlightened,1" . hut ahip aubatdv ia not an "eatabliah iv ? : policy" with thia greatest among t ne maritiiae nationa of the world. - Leaa than 4 per /Stat of the total English shipping receives govern- 1 meat aid in any form, and aach aid \r'm h given ia not aabaidy in any1 Hfcv:" proper aenee of the word, bat is>< ? *" t ^ . ** v I j_ ; __ - \ - . . J _ . \ v jrtmttr.d-HB Compensat-iou for carrying; ( u ii? iuai)h anil other services rervferxt or jto be rendered the British 1 ti government.'| I O.ir North Carolina contemporary .11 vc think, wouTit"liardly call Germany c jnetdighteivdd and yet ship subsidy i Germany than with Great Britain. It I s true that the German government i loes extend a measure of aid to cer- i luin lines operating between home I i orts and points in ivtst Tiutta and ~ Africa, but these lines are essential i to proper communication b;tween I tile mother country and her colonies, 1 i the subventions granted are siuall,[ ?nd in each and every case the gov-^i eminent receives a quid pro quoy 1 The fact ia_lhat, with the/single i i axception of France, ttieyels no na- . t lion on the face of tbsf globe which i irants one red c/trtCof subsidy, sub- * rention or got>rnmeut aid of -any } rind to that kind of shipping which i? constitutes the great bulk of its mer- ' chant and marine and handles the greater part of lis carrying-trade? < the rusty, blunt-nosed tramp steam- ' jrs whoTe keel fin row the wateis of J svery ocean; and the French mer- j chant tonnage is no greatei today than it was twenty years agd when subsidy first became an "established J policy.'' t These United States not onlv do ? not need subsidy "worse than any j other nation," but tiiey do not need ?. it at all. What they do tra^d. is to j unshackle trade by ^traoviog the ' wattrif lligj^/Tariff ana to. bring some measure of" sanity into the country's navigation laws. If such sleps trill not avail to upbuild an j American merchant marine, nothing! will.?Norfolk Virgioiau l'ilol. It seems to 11s that tile, argument U of the l'iiot is indeed sensible?and j1 Joubtv so when it is remembered \ ' that their location is such as to give j them an inside view of the matter. ii 1 JUDGE MANNING SHOULD STAY j ON THE BENCH., There Ins beep more or less tlisLMusion in the press of the Slate for several months regarding the Ass?r* ciate Justiceship of the Supreme Court now held by Judge planning, who was appointed by Gov. Kitchen to till the vacancy occasioned by the resignation^ of .Judge Connor to go pn the Federal bench. The only excuse we can see for discussion, is the laudable ambition of Jiidge William R. Allen and his friends to pat that gentleman on the supreme bench in place of Judge Manning. Of Judge Allen's learning, ability and ' judicial fitness, J lid rrp Mannmrt'o mnot ???? a paltisans will frankly admit. . Bnt an admission of Judge Allen's ability, detracts in no w?v from Judge Manning's standing as a learntd jurist und i talented gentleman. I In has "made good" on the bench, ai^r*has perfectly vjustified Gov. Kitchen in elevating him to this exalted position. Xo sounder nor abler opinions have been written by ember of our strong court. Tbe*{?x>vernor needed no justification for appbk*ting Judge Manning, but it he had needed any, the fact (hat ike Democratic convention of His district nominated him for superor court jndge in Ui94, it seems ,to DON'T I BUT C And look over my full of Clothing, Shoes i ings, and al BIG BAF I am' Offe ft will be your own fault if you do n( ity to la i n?i [ hive a nice line of extra pant* foam I am selling heap. AARON DEITZiL i 1 _ ft " a, in amply sufficient. If .ladge Allen is defeated, it will ti no wise reflect upon him, because le is already holding one of the m?st honorable positions in the gitt >t our people?a seat on the m?i>eror court bench. On the other hand, f Jnd'yn Manning is d^featm^ it will >e a very serious reflection, not only ipon linn, but would also be a slap ti Gov. K iUuUt H |nce, in rejecting lis appointee. ?Wirrepc.n that tlm teau't of this lotninalioii is of small consequence to Judge Alien, but is of the supreuest importance to^udge Manning. Judge Manning is unable, upright ind honorable judge, and has every egitimate claim on the nomination or associate justice, and we believe he honest Democracy of Kprfn Car>liunwill cntirm the/llovefiior's ?ct in ptiiiiug him ojfthe' bench.? doore County News, Mav 17th. NOTICE r I herein announce il^sJf a canlidate for the Ornate fru||i/tbe Seventh Senatorial District, jhubject to he action of the DemoJVtic Prinaries to oe held oni/u\e 25th, .910 W. Prison. notice/ Police is hereby giveti tliat ft petiinu will be presented to the Govirnor of North Caroliny^for the ardon of Hugh Davis/c mvicted it January .term I'JtyJ n of 'A illis Ytnunri convicted it April term 1907 of ^Ffankliu Su>enor C'o"rt of an atteiufct't'o comuit ars.-n and setitencfcL to the ?eutteiltiarv fur seven I en as. This Hu\ 26tb, 1910. W'.kl. pVsox Attoruvt for AVillis Young !t>on't Risk tyn a tenuy?until health returns. Aail I nv.aukjust exactly that. I am the on\ phTse ian it ho says to the slrk. "I trill, out of ihy own p "t. i. jay tor your tuedicine if it fatly to l.rrns > mi help ??f And for - > yAprs Dr. Shoop's mediciSes have Get Health been us*tl and recixnmcndiKi in evfcrr ciiv and namlet in Axftericai They are positively standard in every ooiyninity?IM everywhere. Then why pay the rash. and atf your riay the druggist for that test. And for that lAti full 30 day treatment is freely granted.# \ But write me first for mi orcbr. This will save delay aid di.<^pointment. All druggists ^dlPrKhoop'A Restorative and Dr. \ Rheumatic R. nu-dy. bi:t I la mm all arw not auihori/wl to I S| YH give the 30 day te-?t. So mm IV flropmealine please- for I ? T hawapppint< <1 ati honest and responsible druggist in almost every gee me'. ouisburg, M. C. ' Xx * - - _ - . . ? - "4" ' ~ ' 7 " ' "V " * 1 - " ' '* s 11 AN OLE |-A . Ouc? thor^-Was au T^k ~ said tli>t'fne r''She hail a parrot j^k ^ mnnlrev tlmf A ' a cat that wont out at (A the Old Maid needed A VOl* need one. I "The oid VR A 1 progressive, conuiieicl A along modern, as well A live lines. t The Farmers & x __ LOU ISBUF C B CHEATHAM, President Z UNDER SUPERVISION OF THE.' Z DIRI XT Z T. W. Bickett. C. B. Cheatham, Dr.S. 1'. Tluit F. N. Egerton, W. 11. Pieasahts, ZZ {Now For f r \ 2 Wc Arc Ready and 1 TIME Bl Carrying a full line of General Merc] !# Come and Figure With 2 Make it In A How about your Guano? We handle the Piedmor W goods. None better for tobacco, cotton aiJ | W. P. NEAL & | W P. S. Messis. .T. H. Best ami J. X J)avis are friends come to see tbem. f ?=w J Have not been out of z son and don't 9 | McKINNE BR< || LOUISBURG, f p N(NS3i3?l?MHNIt| # ' ' ? ' ' ? J I MAID^l oldumid who / neeA t6 war- / X t^tlinAiwore, nightsX But / " ^E a HanlX Hiuf / X eliableV I . 1 al, eonkes, J. W. King Businessf Prepared to do a X JSINESS 1 luidmc/ Feed Stuffs,_Guano, Etc. , . Uy We Know We Can ^ iteresting _ . . ., X y, Mt.vUry Co's.and Nayassa Guano Company's Xfc i corn,\n fact special analysis for all crops. Are\ Right .. _ * \ 1 CO. yLouisburg, N. C. X witli us nud will be pleased to have their V expeatUobe. 11 J CO. It jorth Carolina^ j ^ v-t* v K;... 'i%) v-v' ?v" r iiis:*V' vV- ' """V '