- . T-;? , ; -v--v Shuffle Oft Items. Jimmie Johnsons little infant diet last Friday two weeks ago, arid vrai buried at Popes Chapel. Its parenti hare oiir deepest sympathy. Tom Harriswhile having hia hous. painted had tbe misfortune to havi the old painter fall from tile top o the step ladder in the middle of hi bed Tent; H bucket of?paint whiol entirely ruined the bed clothes. ^ Jerry Champion and wife wer called to Henderson last week on ac count of the illness of their grand son. Bean Thoinas, colored, who ha been employed by S. A. L as brake ^ mail-for many years,-died here Sat ?:- tirday evening. We are very glad to learn tha Mr. J. B. Woodlief who has bed '. very sick at his sons, Mr. L. A Woodlief, ia improviug verv rapidly We are glad to know that Mr. Ec llight, who has been sick, is improv. ing very faat. M. B. - In sickness, if a certain hiditett nervt (toes wrong, then the\ organ mat ^Jhis nerve controls will alsfltsureluf fail It may be a stomach nerve, w it may have given strength an Jlsidfport to the heart or kidneys. It wan/Dr. Shoop that first pointed to this Ivital truth. Dr Shoop's Restorative ?u\ not made to dose the stomach nor/o temporarily stimulate the heart or JEidnas. That old-fashisned method if all wV>ng. Dr. Shoop's Restorative ?oes dvectly to these failing inside /nerves. \The remarkable success of this prescription demonstrates the Wisdom of vesting the actual cause of these failingVrgans And it is indeed way to prove. \ simple five or ten \\afs test will surelVtell. ' ntoonce, tnditel Sold by F. \teid easants. Loujfbnrg; T. C. loner, ankliTrn. / \ Garden Notes. Keep the hoe going in dry weather and you will not need the watering pot often. The wheei line will save many a backache and do the work 01 three hand hoesr Plant the roes all one way?north and south?so tlio sun can stfike. both sides. Do not plant short rows, but let - theru run the whole length of the garden if peed be?why not? Wilrketrawberries have the most delieious flavor. They are easily transplanted to ^be^ardeo. The only really successful garden is the clean garden. Making a good garden is a mac's job. Do not leave' the bard work to the women folks. ? Cauliflower can be grown tnore easily than cabbage. It is always in demand and at good prices. A handful of grain dug into ah ant hill will bring the c k-A.-o u> it , ' and then goodbye to the insects. A plant of Swiss cbard sown ad* " jyinting the poultry yard will supply greens all summer provided the fowls are not allowed to eat it more than an hour a day. Turnips as a second crop mere iban pay the time and work put in on them. Centervllle News. The tanners around our little town are doing good work on their crops since the comet passed over. Mies Annie Wilder, of near Franklinton, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. JohnT. Neal. It was the delight of her many friends to have v herewith us again. A good number of our people attanded the Union at White Level Church last Sunday. .. All report a most pleasant time. , Miss llsttie Neal is spending so.nc time near Rooky Mount visiting tlis Misses Ellen. She will also visit Miss Sallie T-ewis Bridges, of Eln City, before she returns. Mrs. Laura Kenn is very sick We hope for her a speedy recovery Walter Jenkins and wife apen Sunday at Cedar Rook visiting Mn William Parrish. Mini as Mamie and Jsnnia William are at home from school?to?spem their vacation. The formar froi ITarrenton High School, and the lat ^ ar from (ireenville Training Schoo It was the miafortane at Rob Up eh arch to lase n very fins bora Thai Sunday School at Serepta i STSjTof the vicinity will b 1 * "* * . d I done. I Miss Ruby Lancaster, ut .Lout 9 burg, visited Misses-Hhtti" NVnl ar s | Viola Sbearin the past wiels* Little Miss Kuth Parrtsh eelehra a 4wi her thirteenth birthday on tl e 29. Her lir.lc friends **mh for h t many more happy. bigjhdays. > 0 With best wishes for the Tibc ^ and its readers. V e / Tell some deserving Rheumatic si " j ferer, that there \yet one simple wi - to certain relief, Dr. Shqpp's bo< I on Kheumatism antfta free frial tel rhis book will mak& it entirely cle 9 how Rheumatic pains are qftiokly killt by Dr. Shoop*s Rheumatic Remei " liquia or tablets, dcnd Bo money T1 . j test is free. . Surprise some disheartt ! sufferer by first getftngMor hiari tl j book from .Dr. Shogp's, Rkctae, Wi II Sold by F. Reid'P ahsants. f*>uisbur ! T. C. Joyner, Fraaklinton. \ We Pay Cast | and highest market prices for Liy Poultry, Eggs, Etc. yS I. SPIRE A few more bags 14 -per o*?n | Acid Phosphate on band. J. W : King. _JI A D A I I Q *u0rS^al|nDV. SWp unUUr No v?>nmflt,,Do dii tresa. A safe and pleasing ay rup? tM. JJraggisL J. P. Wid^tor Has Moved to His New - /Brick UnililitKT 1 on Nash Strcerand I want to ren | out the SpruiU building, wilt ren cheap until lmii. I have of liaad clothing, hats ! shirts, underwear, matting, sho ' lasts and atoea and lots of othe things torn numaous to mentio'i t Remember I am now on Nash stiee I jost belosv where the dispensar was I J. R WINSTON. ' o Goodby Has beeD genuine, no faki busin pleased. W e have given sfch bar ed in Louisburg. \ This Special Sale cies of the Amtri Company will al< and we want tar present. Remex tickets you may 1 JTfce special minute sale wi\l alsoti i spool cotton will be sold for ii The balloon will and the one brm that goes up Msfit'. ' get a nice prdse And as we/ are g> the bal&nA of th , We -Wift--/ Co ? . Awhih 1 so that those who could lot attsn 1 gains as they will ner?ir jret agnii n will be put en sale f-om/oay to d startling every day. J L WE ARE GIVING GAINS EVEI OFFl - And-we want all of om friends ti and see us. We will | ire pribe* ; F. N! & J2T i" w . (Jefferson Star ~rE JOS. G. BROWN, Pres. \ c.,?\ qo First 4 The strength of surplus to policy-holders?tti of assets to liabilities. \ THE STRONGEST IN THE SOUTH and oue of tlie strongest in America ASSETS \7T. $747, USF i LITIES .. 282, stRPLUSTO POLICYHOLDERS. 404, ' ??? ? ?? ?1 m jr Third / ,The most scientific policy contract ; Jlj containing disability protection, | ie 7 life protection?-no restriction as to ? residence, travel or occupation. * and absolute guarantees in every / I I I " gesture. / r1 . / , \* / THIS LEI Jefferson Stardard LifeTusurouog Co.i Raleigh Gentlemen:?I acknowledge receipt of von X . der the Disability Benefit under vour policy No. jy? the t n installments of $100 ehch, as it gives me M but contracted Pulmonary 'flubercuh sis and rm tainly a godsend to me. J?y one regret is that I t Disability Benetit was doled March 21,.?nd yodr t this matter, Yours very truly ' ^' e V* a -w-s maim a J. A. lUKNLK, Agei 1 I H HUNDR1 Forever^, l.LE / , / _ 1 cm, and oujf customers hare been gains as haJ^fe never before been offer- C0UTS6 Tnei J ^ I Reason Ror undpr the Auspi- Ins best interests. , / _ *. January to Decern LC3.il Special Sales c"n?tantiy Htud . f .wants of our cue1 ise Saturday night -rLw'g0O!r a a , , lowest possible ' ttnousand people The deaaMhfOT / summer wear&h a?er to bring vour now on?thin et the cash whiU- I am Hviu\ Wlie" 1 took m now ab ol?'tel> niin!ili? iber we I y the i I [outers. . > I I been ! at the ' I price." I strictly | I Jea m |B jbweohx ! I fact evjXi 2v?*_rv dollar .yon invest in the Jifers--n Standard om ^ppn Vnnr Mnnpv ai Homo Set .v_|. . Will JI IVIIVJ Ul IUUIV * V The Jefferson S'nndnrd has more usnranoe in foro* in Franklin ioiij ty tlian any other company. Koxboro, N. C\, Mnrch 25, 1910 check is for the first installment un- I rliirh' I could have itone, I eleeted t nt this i??iuv 1 wan in good health, S^S - VB T 'is feature f your policy is car- ? % t i'. Sly application to. vou for the M >1 a.ok miu for tour promotness in IP WILLIE A.SHOTWELL" & Louisburg, N^C. j [I I INS II r Trading Place1 * / t II I SWELL SUITS I | SOLD HERE f 1 We carry a line of the p. IB swallest up to date suits to be found anywhere. I The boys in the town H and the boys on the | H M urm have found out H H_ _?hat genteel clothes ore J fl PL Ha great h6lp in byainesa I H uk well aw social affaire I and they are buying H I j better clothes than eVor I mm I . N. , ' ??? xtrn-poir :$1.25 I $5 I SCome to See ; J Me Wh:n in Ml Make Me 1 ^Headquarters. I i f:i^cbb I LOUI8BURG, N. < I I