The Land of Opportunity?Who I Shall Possess It? ( Recognition of the fact that the South ia a land of wonderful opportunity?indeed, to. the farmer, the land of opportunity?ia becoming general. About a vear ago Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson "old the Hditor df the Progressive Farraet an J Gazette, that with good farming average Southern lands would be worth fclOO an acre in aix f ^ or seven years. We have printed, ''i. Person Attorney foJNyillis You.ig Free Let me Sample /ZO -U of our Remedy , | am anxious to hi 1 Noah's Lin in "V * . * I'V' ST. PETEE CRIED " ! % Matth?w 14:22 .? t" * -. "Then then thou hi little faith, wherefore didst n being ended, the wind ceased. All worship, realizing afresh that be was vlnds and the waves obeyed him. i npstays our steps, commands the waves; nd whispers In our ear, :by didst thou doubt?" eous; no. not one." Some do not realsevertheleas It Is safe to say that all irfect and hence as unworthy the recinnot commend themselves to blm as al. It ls-.wheti this conviction of uhhe realization Is keen that "the wag~h at likely to realize the vajue of life lellverance from darkness, from sin's Vk nil Biifh fho CowIas ? . ? v-v UU'IWI Diauuo ICUUJ TO case. He will not reproach such for and turned to righteousness. KatherT ier? I was quite willing to aid you as tiey should p.cture before the sinner's U. of devils. It seemed to them that In drawing men from sin to righteouseclares that the wages of sin is death, ns i, 9>. But they overdid the matter. Id. It merely tortured the saintly, the it there was probably some mistake experiences that life could persist in with the aid of the modern Bible, s. etc., the people of God are learning e and that It should not be twiBted? life In torture. 5 * sir minds the utter blotting out of exbe fate of those who refuse his every re of a terror to them than life in any las greater terrors undoubtedly is that can and do receive it more earnestly rerlastlng destruction that the Savior /.dam's race from the death penalty? of mfeid and body which are parts of sufficient value to cancel the sins of .? the death penalty with him. Withurrectlon, no future life, thall come forth In the "first resurrecwill come the general uplift of manof the whole world from the sleep of unds to that greater help of the whole > have already become the children of In. were It not for our Lord's helping tIBE TO ;lin times 4E YEAR per? of The Great Pain Remedy, se sample on request. It is good u?e, and is positively guaranteed to sy will be refunded. -rnedy for Rheumatism in all forms, Joints and Muscles, Sdre Throat, (ruises, Colic, Cramps, Toothache, '' ~r and Pains. . -V 5c., 50c., and $1.00 per bottle by l-afca. atk which is used oomrr label and carton lhat the public should note this bet ore purchasing, as appraVjn red ink. Nooe tesmine wMtoMttM fated byV'crvpulocscWlers. Wa will pnondy . Noah RSmady Co.. lac.. Richrnood, Vs. 1, at onceS^ * Vl Liniment. r: MMste-iimMUUk ognition of the gTeat Creator. They cn being worthy of his favor, and life etern worthiness becomes deep-seated; when t of sin is death/* that the heart is mo eternal and to cry onto the Lord for d bondage and from Its death sentence. 1 lend a helping hand, as in St. Peter's i their sins if they have repented of them he will say, "Why did you not come 60011 Boon as you cried." Our forefathers used to think that tl mind an everlasting, torture at the hand such pictures would be more successful I ness than the Scripture penalty which d< "everlasting destruction" (II Tbessalonla Their message failed to convert the worl loving, the Godlike. Men reasoned thi about it. as it Is contrary to all human such untenable torture. Now, however superior translations, marginal reference more and more tliut God's Word is trui that when it says death it does not meun Indeed, some have told us that to thi istence which God has ordained to be tl opportunity and offer of salvation is mot condition would be. One reason that it I it is more rational, and thinking people and give it more weight. It is from e' Btands ready to deliver every member of from the tomb and all the Imperfections death. Jesus' deatft at Calvary was of the first man and of all*those who shar out Christ's death there would be no res A little while and the faithful ones e tion" to be Christ's Joint-heirs. Therv kind, including the awakening of those death. Our Lord's help of Peter correal* world. It also illustrates how Lhose wh< God would be in danger of sinning agal hand. SUBSCF THE FRANK $1.00 Tl/ : Vhy Sufi IV. you broom' a*0)ii.iiM?d witli thr mrjils ivu^ auu wui Willi measure, icna you a m for mas or beaU( asternal and external do all that is cjaimed rar it, or your mom Noah'* Linimenf^a the Best Ri Sciatica, hfcuralgia, Lame Back, Stiff Colds, Stains, Strains, Cuts, shims, B and afl/lerve. Bone and Muscle inches Noah's Liniment is sold ?f\2: all dealers in medicine. > ' /The eal atlhe rioKt U an exact copy of our rtpOered i ofjftw fertnine Noah a Liniment, |? m quite important i aSo the fact that the word* Noah'a Liniment always Jeinniia marks. Everyone shotjld beware of imitation* o y?ra*icaite every infringement of.o?r rilhta. Noah Martin /Cot this Coupon oat and Mai Noah Martin, Richmond, Va. Plaasa Mail ma a Free Sample -f No* _ , I endbee two 2 oent stamps . ? poetaa ~ Jkm . ~Z~" Mtma m |0tr?Tssa W . in - ^ r *> % '1 ' '' ' t j. ^; " / i-r : t ? ??r new BEEF lh TOWN I have opened a BEEF MARKET 1 ? itorenn N??h Street and will bey& with the freshest beef\ y BEEF AT \/L-LA 09 many lines. ; GERTftN