^ < ' F RAN KLIN TIMES" A. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Managtr Fkjuay, June 10 1010. to k*w iolvartlhlsent. H E. A. Roger*?Tinner. el Ben. T. Holden?A Curd. ' ??- ? 'IVH. Dickens?Notice. " Callaway and Owyn ? White Sulphur in Springs. h -TAB DROPS. ^ {th ?The People's Clothing Store te has a change,"of advertisement in di this issue. - Si ?The attention of the readers is ta called to the change of advertise-, , ment of L. P. Hicks. ' la ?Ohiet of Polioe High and Mayor M Yarborough have been making it I" warn for the crap shooters and va- ^ grants the past two weeks. ?There were several automobile ^ parties in town Friday from Raleigh, ^ among them l>eing Messrs. J. C Winder and H. D. Wolcott driving a * Jackson oar. The cars were all very popular while here ancPmany of our people eujoyed their stay. _ . .. : , ^ 01 ?41r. W. Leon Hall, of Norfolk, . Ill Va., apent several days in Louishurg ^ this week. He represents several' Norfolk jeal estate concerns and we understand that several of the "Bova" can get on their own l'Urit." ^ now when they go down and chose ^ J. 01 to do ao. - ai ?It does not cost so very mnch C ^ to own a home in our city. Lots, splendidly located and of ample size, p ? can be purchased for little money, el while building lots "sell at le?a than M value. Building material is as rea- ai sonable here as at other points. Able bi architects and contractors are ready to to satisfy every demand, hence to own a homelies within the range of ^ possibility, no matter how meager the salary or limited the means. If a man is honest,- upright, and displays a willingness te help himself, ^ there are people here many who will 111 give him whatever help is needed, re so long as it be witlun the bounds of lr reason. P' - ?We like to work and we like to 8< ~ y) see others work, but we just arise to remark that when we get to be worth ? as muoh Aioney as some we know, ^ work with us will cease. We could never discover why men sixty and 81 seventy years of age and worth from ^ ferty to one hundred thousand dol- ^ lare should oontinue to toil from ear lv until late and in all kinds of 81 (t weather. We like to see a man pro- . 19 vide something for their family after ^ they are gtme, bui the average boy ^ is better off if not lett too much property. Yon who have labured 8' your three score years should stop work, and enjoy life the few short years you have left to remain with _ ? ; F ?We have tried in all possible . . i i oi ways to show our appreciation of the . liberal patronage given utT'eince the ' firat day of our coming to this city. ^ In tb? columns of our .paper we have fought for our town to thv best of nnr ahitifv Wtt if .in 1.1 nnl tin nirn. P' ? .... ? st tietical, but believe that by using this p< paper as a weapon we have been en abled to render sopae assistance to S' the enterprise and growth of our ' little city. If our paper has pleased you we are fully repaid for the hard promise our readers that in the future it will be far superior to the ^ past, as we have decided to give ^ more attention and work to the local ^ field, realizing our readers appreciate ^ a spicy local page. p ?There are bui few editors in ,, b oar state who have Dot made a vig- ^ orous and continuous fight against ^ the oity mail order house. This has ^ been done in the interest of the home ^ . merohant, and without money and j B without price. If the editors of the (j land had received regular advertising M rates for all they have said against P these enemies <Jf the ooan'ry merchant they could now be wearing j" diamonds. Now the department j> store man appreciates advertising oi spaoe and is willing to take ' all the average country editor has for sale, ?' and at a ?ood priced What other elaaa of bueiness or professional men . would refuse business to help their friends, especially as many of said , . friend* never aoem in the least die- R poaed to return the compliment or " ; aven appreeiate It. , : ^ p Pain cgn be ehs/iy and quickly Stop"7 ed. Pink Pain'fablets ?Dr. Snoop's \ op Headache, Awomanly paips, any j sin anywhere, is JO minutes sure. For- c lula on the 25c/ bo\r Ask your druggist r doctor aboutihis\formula?it'e fine f old by F. Reidf Pleasants, Louisburg; j C. Joyner, lyanklinrap. List of LettersRemaining in tho Post Office at I ouisburg uncalled for. N. C., /{ Miss Gennie Alston, Mrs. MarW * laob, Mi s. J. J. Barry, Mrs. Annii J Town, Mrs. Resa Ella Branch, Midef * tiss Nannie Dixson, Mrs. Anne -5 'avies. Miss Roeer Fisher, Mrs Anna c oster, Miss Rie Foster, Mr. B./G. r reen, Mi88 Nenie Grail, Mrs. John a [orton, Mr. William Harris, /Mrs ? nnie Jones, Mr, Sam Johnson ' tr Junie Johnson Miss Annitf Jef- g irson, Mrs. Bettie King, Miss Fannie 8 eaff, Mr. John K. Laharis, Mrs. t laiia Mitchell, Mr. Will Newion, s tr. Mfillis Patterson, Mrs. lfebeooa 8 erry, Miss Lula B. Perry, Miss jj tary l.ula Perry, Annie LeolStriok,n<l, Mrs- Florenoe Tharingjon, Mr. C orey Williams, Misa Milie [Young, h astor of the Luthera Churchy Pastor | f the Congregational Church. J", Persons oalling lor any of the 1 Jore letters will please say they saw j| lem advertised. 1 M. W- YARBOROUOB.jP. M. "J A tickling or 'dgyco?gh can be quick- n loosened with Shoop'a Cough o eniedy. No opiuS, no chloroform, >thing unsafe or harsh. Sold by F sid Pleasants, Loijlshurg; T. C. Joyir, Franklintoo. J V ^ : ~ ~ IV 77' f-*-. /. . , - ' . ' _ _! ? "" ' ' . ? ? eating of Graded School Trustees The trustees of Louisburg Graded j ? iliools held their annual meeting ou y onday in fhe office of Mr. ~Win.io uffiu, owing to the sickness of the I f lairman Mr. F. N, Egerton, Mr. ? 'm. Bailey |>reeiaed over the meet- ~g 8Supt Mille presented?(nrotement r the eohool conditions along with I me timelv suggestions, in regard to 5 e future of the school. The True- "tj es upon an examination, and full ? scasaion ot the state of the Graded Q shool funds decided to reduce the j| x from 45 U> 40 .cents, this reduotU of tax following a like one made g st y ar speaks well for the Trustees, ? td is one we feel eure that every t irson in the District, will appreoialejt rof. W. R. Mills re elected Supt and B rof. E. L. Best, Principal to sucoeed lemselves. rs. Roeamond H. Ragsdale. Miss eorgia Joyner and Miss Mary Best * ere reelected to their same posi- t one, and Mr. G, S. Baker was elecd to take charge of Grade form- t ly taught by Misa Mary Yarbor lgh. One of Supt iills reocom edation Was for an extra teacher, le board decided to adopt the reo- i irtunendation "and the position as j ttra teacher was tendered Miss s dith Yarbotough. It was ordered j 7 the Board that Suot Mills keen . , --- - r . -r - ? ? V * i band all books used in the school * ? c id sell to the children at cost for ash: ?? *'' - . Prof. E.N. T en' was elected Princiil of Colored schools his assistants ected are Lilia II iwkina Lillian [alone and Josephine Lane. ter transactions ot setne routine asineas, and ordering the fall term i begin Sept Oth; Board adjourned- , oulsburg Normal And Indus- ' trial Training- school, Colored. ' To the editor:- I am fully satisfied lat there is no institution, of its ature, in this section, that appeals 1 ore strongly to our. people, both j i encouragement and finanoia1 sup- 1 ort, than the above mentioned j shool, The success of this school f ould be especially benefioia| and j ratifying to the people' of Louis- < urg and Franklin county. I learn j iat oarpentery, bricklaying, black- < nything, painting and agriculture ( 'ill not only be taught bat, pushed. < 'he girls will be taught oooking, J mndrying-and above all neatness 1 rid cleanliness. I am also informed ] iat dairying will be one of the spec- ? 1 features of this ^igaljiution. j hese trained men and women will I 9 very lielptul to us, in fact, inde- j aensable, and we should put forth ; ar best efforts to make this -school j success. It is most heartily endofs*. i J by Supt. Joyner and many of the c est and most influential men in i rankljn county. I sinoerely hope j ar people will become interested a i this institution and cause jt to ? rosper. ^ c _C. W. Rainey. I Base Ball Notes. Captain Ford's line ap am intruetiona to his men for the Youngs ille game shows that numeroua tber duties enumerated Ity bimsell r some of the "Fannetts" in t't Irand Stand haa dot made I'-im for81 what ii tak.* "to win a game. At a meeting of the Beard of Di colors one day this week Capt. L i. Joyner was elected Umpire and Ir. J. L. Palmer official scorei foi lie season. Both of these gentle ten are "base ball cranks'' and w? re sure no mistake has been made a the selection. ? * I'itnber is being put on th? ;rounds for the fence and grand taud and manager McKinne m>] is depended upon to get in a posi inn In gather in the sbeckles it hurt order, weather permitting. A CARD In response fti -recent inquirie roin different -sections of the 7tl Senatorial District jbeg to annouDCi o the public tbat I Will be a oandi late before tho DeniWcratio Conveu ien for reuornination ro tbe Senate jBbh. Holdk*. Having this day qualified as admin strator of Prescilla Hani, r, deceased ate of Franklin Count yf this is to noti r all persons holaing/claims agains aid estate to present /hem on or be ore June 8th, 1011, ha this notice wil >e plead in bar of thjsr recovery. A1 til persons indebtetyl\ said estat.- wil ome forward and mid settlement a lace. This June 8fh. 1110 T. H fclCMENS, Admr E. A. ROGERS Tinwortfer Louisburgi/N. C. kVill make estiiuMies on any jol iVork Guaranteed^ 1 Cpll ?r writ, vheninne d of/amything in m; ine. / \ Hommisioner's Sale of Tim ber and Town Lots. - By virtue of an order of sale mad >y the Superior \ Court of Franklii _x>unty in that special proceedings en ;itled J. P, Timberfeke, Exr. and Mrs Mary E. Timberhttre, E.u.?of- * E Timberlake, deed. Vs. M. E. Timber ake, et al, heirs it law, the under ugned commissioner will, on tin fourth day of July. U910, it being th iret Monday in July! at about the hou >f noon, at the Court House door, ii Louisburg, N. C-, oner for sa'e to th. lighest bidder at public auction, fo rash. First,?All the timber now standinj >r otherwise of and above jthe size o sight inches in diamefl r. * the stum] vhen cut, together with jill necessar rights of ingress and ebreis for the cut ing and removing of at.id timber, pro /ided the same shall bfccut and remov ?d within a period of jfive vears fron tnd after the date of .the de^d to o< nade for the same, ui>pn the followinj lescribed tract of land situated in th< .ounty of Franklin akd the ?tate o *iorth Carolina, defined! and describe* is follows: that tract ldf land vrhict yas allotted to saja C. IE. Timberlaki n tlip Hirifiinn nfAho ool?fo VDWW VI HIS il?111 ir, J. P. Timberjake, as lame appears o ecord in the^ office lof the Clerl rfv the Superior Court! cf Franklii ountY in Book No. 16 of Ordert ind Deor^ea' at pages) 142 et. seq. ind ther&jk^describecl as follows vnown as DotX*^ 1 of the King land md bounded as follows:) Beginning a i rock, Mjb". ~~O. E. Timberlake's an* I. If. ConeJ corner, thedee N. 87 j legrees Sf. "*52 poles tb a rdek anc >ointer%f corner for Lila T. Harris rife oiVx. J. H. Harris, fcence Soutl 21 poys 9 links to a stakp and point YiggZs' line; thence 8. 8lF 1-2 degreei ?. ST poles to a dead Red<mkt Wiggins ornir; thence X. 2 1-2 d grees E. 2' >o 1? 20 links to an old st imp; thenci <J. Jl-2 E.* 128 poles to th old run o )dtis Greek, Ash poini srs; thenci l?vn said creek as it i leanders 7i ?#leR to a pine stump, Mrs. Man Ting's dower corner; thenc N. 2 do Trees E. 164 poles to a pine tump, Mrs, fary Kings do"Wer corner; ;hence N. 5 -2 degrees E. 94 ^poles 11 links to i lock, corner for Mrs. ?f.~P7 Tiznberlakl ract in Mrs. C. E. Timbe lake's line henceX. 87 degrees W. 22 poles I inks to the beginning, co itaining 381 ores, more or less. Second,?A lot in the Town ol TongBville now considered :>ne lot bu1 iriginally composed of two lots describ d_as follows. ' .?at A lot adjoing the lands o J. A. Greer ,nd T. L. Moss and others, and bound d as follows: Commencir j at ^ hlte ak root near Hillsboro I oad, thenc* Cast along Ilillsbooro Roi 1 forty on* ,nd one half yards t( a stake 5. k. pearce's corner; thenc* South along I. JB.Penrce'B line fifty eigl tyards to f, L. Green's line; thenoe We it along J. A ireen's line thirty eight y; rds to T. L, loss' line; thence North along T. L. do9s' line to the beginnin, '? containing letween one fourth and one half an ere, more or less. A lot adjoining the lai ds of J. A, Ireen, T. L. Moss and others and ounded as follows: Beg nning at a take, J. A. Green's eorne in College itreet thence West along , uA* Green's ine thirty-eight (38) yard to C. E. 'imberlake's corner in J. A. Green's ine; theace North alohg 0. E. Timberike's line fifty-eight (58) y irds to the arboro Road; theace Eao along the arboro Road forty-one ani one hall 41 1-2) yards to Cbltage ^trtot; thence forth With College afreet to, the begining? containing between one fourth and ne naif an aero, mofe or lets. Terrhs of Sale?Cash. 1 < > This Jane 8fd, 1910. J. P. Timbbri.ake, Commissioner. 7m. H. Ruffin, Atty. nr. clo,c I A The officers of Our ban)t i - m ?.the details of ttcbwHiiMf I J business of our customers an correct and acceptable' mann ' . the best banking service, and J FIRST NA1 | LOUISE j J UNDER SUPERVISION i ?_______ ! I Summer 9 F y iff ' = * 9 r '*< V ft * I ? Hammocks, \ ! " i \ r|r ?- ?Fly *Pape if 7 All Farmim e f 7*. j ^ Globe and Ironage Cultivators, Plows, Qastin, \l Forks R< i mj Lowest Price on Flour, Meal, Sh 6 z f ? Get My Price i f M> ? i | Clifton - Corner | 1 ? >? ? ? b if I FOR T The Brick Store Z " ? J. W. ^olli f L. P. X ON THE CORNER PHC J % ' '" '. . - .... *.V *> >', * ' % ? ' . ' , -V gfep >E - TOUCH I -are always in close touch with all ' jfc rV.a arc thus enabled to tmnille the d friends, in the most expeditious, Y er. We are prepared to furnish we invite you to make use of it. Y' TIONAL BANK f 3URG.N.C * OF U. S. GOVERNMENT . Goods | i. y ?# tee Cream Freezers * r Fruit Jars t r I* I Implements jj g, Etc., Grain Cradles, Cotton and Tobacco Hoes. J ikes Shovels \ ' . ipstuff, Oats, Corn, Hay, Meat and Lard. a- J" s Before Buying. * =^=? * TERRELL X Louisburg, N. C. | . ^ ? WW Y* = ? Z ,9 sale.:. i / v Now Occupied by : ngsworth, Esq. , /X. hicks! i >NE 4-2. LOUISBURQ.N. C. jjj ? m J

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