J'lPPPiiPi'v111 . - * .5 j . y - =- Professional Card J^R ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING, buriiMMi Deutlst, ) Office in Ford Bi Idinir, Main and Naih Atreet. '^Hourl 'to4:S0. Phone So. <0. j JJR. P. A. >E "E?-L, J ;i JYSICIAN f Louieburtf. N. C. Phona No. ir>6 JjIRANKLINTO HOTEL j n n . Quod Li ere To connection * JJH. C H. BAN1 8 j DENT, L SURGEON - L.mibyf, ' N. rr~ Office in Hioka Building, Main Street. p COOKE j ATTOR EY-AV-LAWJ Loiii >org, I. C.*, Over Cooper & PI aianta Store. Prompt Attention given all agal f)uaioe?a eutrusted to me |v pR. J. E. MALONE; PHYSICIAN and 8URQE0N~~ - Lomcbifr. N. C. . j \ ai i_ . _# rt ft A I?& T\ a? vi* * iu renr ui u?BMT'annju l/rug oiun*. JJB. 8. P. BtJRTv PHYSICIAN aid SURGEON LouHbar*, N^C. Office over P. BJA K. K. Allen's Store DK B- F- YiBB4D0H ~ PHYSI'IAN and BURGEON Ltnlilnm.n. U. Office ia Yarborough A Bickett building. Night calls anafeered f;om T. W. Biokett's residence, phone 74. g B. t HASTEN BURG ATTORNEY AT,LA If Louisburg, N. C. Will practice in all tbeeoortsol the State Offlqp in Egerton Building HAYWOOD RCFFW ATTORNEY AT LAW Lonisbnrg, N. C ' ' Will practice In all courts of . Franklin and adi-Hnunr s' co iufien also in'the Supreme Oonrt and in r.Ue United States Di trict and Circuit Chart. Office oyer First National . Bank. | b~ wilder * v f I 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW j Louisburg, N. C. I Office on Main street in Coope^ building. gPRU*LL A HOLDEN ' ATTORNEYS AT LA V ' Louisburg, N. C. j Will attend the courte of Franklin, Vance, OraneiHe, Warre.. and vVake onntiee. also the Supreme Couit of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections Office in Spruill building. T. Wf. Bickett. R. B. Vfiiltt, Louisburg, N.*C. FrankHnton, N. 0. JglCEETT WHITE J^AWYEHB j | Louiebucg. N O. . The settlement ot estates for exesators,'Administrators aod Guardians \?W?_ specealtj.iand ^ebonds required by, law can be secured in as office. Offife in ^Yarborough A .Bickett building Main, street 'HpM. PERSON ATTORNEY AT LAW \ Louisburg. N. C. Practice in all courts. Office on Main Street yy H. YARBOROUQH, Jr. ( T-r^rrUKNET AT Ly r H/Ouieburg, N. 0( All legal business intruefced hb mi 1'receive prootDt attention. Office! la .Egerton BUlldlng. JV T F. HOUCK \j CONTRACTOR d(d|BUILDER Lome bur/,^f. C. Trading ageQt for all liudrof building sopplies. artistic Mantis# aod Tllse. Arcbitectorsi designs submitted. \ _ DR /FOF?p /aamsT. V Frjtoklinton. N. C., Sale otTown Lot. ^K>y virtue of Ybe power contained ^ b certain agreement executed bv oeorge HartandWifejto J. W. King, and recorded in thy ofjce of the Register of Deeds for Franklin county book 156, page 47f.\I frill, on Monday, the 40th. day of^Une,; 1910, at the hoar of twelve o*21okk, noon, sell at public auction at the^opurt house door in Loulshuog, N. Gf\V> the highest bid Jer for cash, a certain lot or parcel of land situated in tie Cdunty of Franklin, State of Norfi Carolina, and in the towp of Louisfutv, oh the River road, bounded as followk towit:-On the north by" he Idt of dim Ford, on the East by the Colored Odmetary lot on the South by the "River rpaAand on h assise MSra W. H. Yarborough, Jr.,Att'y. - The Secret Do you ever wonder hov why other women older than yi The^gecret can be put i your health, and you will pre! By "health" We mean nc nerve healthy _as^sometiraes, women are nervous wrecla. But whether you are ?v< you need a tonic, and the Bes It builds strength for the* It helps put flesh on your bone isrcs ^ The "My mother," writ^fe Mi ville, Tenn., "is 44 years oli change of life. / She was irreguly and My father stepped oyer to tli of Cardui, which she/ took act she is up, able to dp her ho like a new.woman.'/ Try Ca Writ* to: Ladlea1 Adaiatrr Dept.. Chai lor Spotlal Instructions, and ii-pate book. ~ WILL Has just receive .:.Sam this week at the 1 member everj at Wholfti TATE MACHINER Dealersln LITTLE^ V'heot Separators, Cotton Gins, Saws. &c. Eclipse Engines and Saw Mills ca stcck. Write for catalogue, prices and DON'T sbj j And look over my\ful of Clothing, Sho^ ings, and a ? BIG BAI I _ am Off It will be your own fault if you do i ity to sat C.A. I riM 1 I have a r.ice line of extra pant* forj . I am gelling cheap AARON DEITZ, I grog; We have a nice fresh steck of C have you examine before making yi money on anything in our line. Let Us Show You t i . ,We also carry General Merchant e '9 When in town give us a oall. wm < GEO. H. o^Youtl^^^l r you can remain young, or I ou, look younger than you do? I n a few words: "Preserve H serve your youjh." ~ H. >T alone physical health, but I magnificently Strong-looking M _ :ak physically or nervously, I it toniyfor you is CarduL I jhysioil and nervous systems. I t ana vitality into your nerves. mm ian'V Tonic s. Z. V. Adcock, of Smith- I I and i> passing through the I bloated Vnd suffered terribly. I le store knd got her a bottle I :ording toXdirections and now I usework And says she feels H rdui in your own case. ttaaooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga. Ttan., I Hone Treatment for Women." tent free. COQKE d a/new line of tergain Store. Rck fthmg is sold V rtippt v rn W V A A ? -# A VV* Machinery T \/ | We have the following aecU \ ond hand machinery for sale: n |\1 40 h p E'.tinger engine $200 I S. 40 h p Erie City Boiler 200 I nSo h p Stationary Boiler d I Elmost new 380 I 1 3{Eh p Geiser Portable / | bo|Vr,-gnod 250 BS/ 1 15 hpcEclipse Engine and Mm and nWier 300 Otb\ 1 12 hp Talbot Engine and boiler \ - 150 gPO 1 Eclipse Srfv Mill No. 0 150 u 1 Eclipse Sav^ilill No. 0 100 n a 1 Talbot Saw Hill 45 ' 1 Chisel Tooth^Saw, 44 "Hoe" 45 B< lting i Solid Disston Saw, 39 15 mi d in I ti rma. * ' STOP COM E II apd up-to-date line and Mens Furnishlea see the WGAINS ernn^t You low take advantage of this opportunre /money \ PANT^v man and boyi. fnrymmur waar that _ ,f Come io.KS mef : " Louisburg, N. C. SERIES SrraeriM that we would be ftlad to jurXpiJrchasea. We can save vou ina\Talk With You nice I we of . iise \aud Fruits trill do ouA utmost to mike your < easant \ COPPER ; VfJJ -.--T- - / THE SUM SCHOOL j Lesson XII.?Second Quarter,} For June 19, 1910. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of tho Lesson, Matt, xiii, 1-9, 1823 ?Memory Verse, 23?Golden Text, Jss. i, 21?Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. of events to taue up this nud the next two lessons on tho "Mysteries "of the Kingdom/' but perhups it does not matter much how we step if only waft tep Into the light und keep step with our blessed Lord in Ills thoughts and purposes. Although verses 10 to IT ' ft re pot Included In our lesson we ~ must look at them, us there we flf.d the reasou why lie taught In parable*. The rulers having determined to kill Him (xii, 14? our lesson chapter opens with the statement that the same da; He went out of the house, and sat by the seaside. A simple statement of n fact, but very suggestive of anotber fact?that He was about to go out from the house of Israel and beglu in gather torn the seu of nations anothci , people duriug this age~wbo will reigtf' with Him In the next or klncjKmi age (Matt xxiil, 37-39; Acts xVj/M-18). \yhen the disciples asked Him why He taught in parables, Hl^reply was. "Because It is given uu^you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, buf to them itJa not given." And then he quoted from IsU. vl the prophecy concerning this blindness. Tsy kingdom yrCt-d, or of heaven, vno mysfo#y, for it was plainly revenlc.;. in all/fue Old Testament.- The zuCr" lngs'and glory of the Messiah were nK ^tnly revealed, but that there should be-a long period between the sufTcr iugs* and the glory, that the klngd.* would be at hand aud then postpcr: for a whole age, thisvwas not revealc until by the Lord in these parables, and later to and by Paul. A concordance will enable any one to see t'-. l the word "mystery" is used of C?cd In Christ, Christ In His people, the blindness of Israel, the resurrection of the just, the development of Iniquity, the end of this age. This whole age between the rejection "of Christ aci His coming again in gloty is the tin of the mysteries of the kingdom whim uur ujru sets iortu in mew seven parables of this chapter. Mark and Luke each give the first one?the parable of the sower?the understanding of which seems all important, for our Lord suid wheu asked for its significance, "Know ye not this parable? And how, then, will ye know nil parables?" (Marti iv.) Ifroni our next lesson we learn that the field Is the world (verse 38), and w'e must bear lu mind that it is a world lying in the wicked one and that he is the god of it. It is au evil age and ever growing worse as far as the fear of God is concerned (I Johif v, 10; II Cor. iv. 4; Gal. i. 4; Rom. xii, 1, 2; II Tim. Ill, 1-5). Alongside of unparalleled progress on many ^lnes there is unparalleled iniquity, unbelief, rejection of the Bible as the word of God and of the deity of Christ and of His atonement for sin. We are nowhere taught to expect any improve ment in these matters during this age. but we are faithfully to bow the seed of the word of God everywhere and expect Just what we are taught in this parable. Some set their hearts on certain results and say we must have this or that, we must have flft^ or a hundred conversions, we must have a revival, the town must be taken for God. etc. Happier are those who arc in harmony with the Lord and who rest on His assurance that His word will accomp'lsh that which He pleases (Isa. Iv, 11). It is incorruptible sec*!, the word of life, and He has promised to watch over it (I Fet. i, 23; Acts v. 20; Jer. 1, 12, R. V.). The hearts of men are the soiJ._ andjsome are beaten so hard by the going to-and fro of the things of thLs life that the seed can scarce find eutrauce. and the devil Is always watching to catch It away lest they should believe and be saved. Other hearts are hard within, rocky hearts, but with enough soft soil to receive the seed. Such appear to enjoy the word; they say it does tbcai good^' they receive it gladly, but they ^tfre; In others the soli is godd enough to | grow thorns and the^eed does find n . lodging, and it gj?ws, but the thorn* grow so fost^t^at there is no fruit. The cares.and pleasures of this life, the deceit fulness of riches, the lusts of other things, choke the word, and no fruit is brought to perfection. In 1 the first two kiuds of soil tliere. Is ti'o Indication i>f salvation. I am Inclined | to believe t int this thlix^Jdnd of soil Indicates n possibility of salvation, but saved as by lire (I Cor. HI.M4. 15). The fourth kind of soli Is' good by the grace of God. There Is mi honest re- ? ceptlon of the-truth. They hear It atod understand It and keep it ami bring forth, fruit with patience, even to thirty, sixty or u hundred fold: All through this age this la what we are to expect and only this. It Is ourt- to bow the sejd, the pure seed of r.be word of God, everywhere nnd at a'' times, with confidence' In Him thai He will accomplish His pleasure by 1. ilways. Blessed. Is that servant wboi ^ bin DON WMB Hi cometh shall ?o doing. Who can estimate tbeXmc?f being a laborer* with Cted? Who would not say. "Here nm^Ksend me!" c But we must be surp^fhat we preach )nly the preacbiiyrwblcb He bids us. that we carrj><rf?ly -His message. ^ ' - * . ** ' EI J" ' USED UNIV " ORTRI? WHEN CortHght Metal Sw/glei * ago) you had some excus^^or briui If you are sceptical it flftn only pe facts in the cas^ ^ I? * They are used todayyrom the Atlar of buildings, underA conditions.! They^ are_ fireprooystormproof; nev> building itself wimout needing repai Foi^further detailed ird Specialties; When You Driii^: C Drink the There are no better Blue Ribbon, Ma Carajar, Society Try one can and be b. g. y PHONE IN A BIG LC New Fui AND Sewing M JUST RE* And we can make the prices right. / Cc we have and be co We Are Selling/the niture for the Mo Can Buy in I also oarry a nice and complete line ?l glad to serve those Who may be in me a oalljwhen in town or / in my 1 W. E. White Furni > Special: AT TH Racket Xvw line of White Goods, GinffhamB. Perm ftpflf oi Laces and Ei We call especial atu American Bea Tha beat on tlie market. Called see them, baby caps just receive^. It will be i < MFfS. A. I\ spend your THE VIRGL ocean vh (Midwayjbetween Norfolk/add ( The moat popular Summer Hate HEADQUARTER* RDft r4o Jurf Bathing, Fishing, Boating,/Music, D * Bowling Alleys and Other Amfasements.) For Rataa and Further Is MO. A. TUCKI \ / N , ' , + ^ V Store si. ije, "Mtdras. Souiting and a pretty nbroideries uty\Corsets Sample line of ladies hats to your interest to see them. /I HALL vacation r - ? ' NIA BAY :w. va . \ n )ld~Point Comfort, Va.) ,oi 1 on the Virginia Coast RTH CAROLINIANS ancinsr, (Theatres, Seeala Railways European Plan . ^ ...... .. ^ _ ' -? - if? 'I rERSALLY LITMETAL til SHINGLES re re first introduced (24 years g sceptical: ^ because you^Tiiot know the itic to the^acific for all kinds er Iwrx and last as long as the v r%/^ dfrpiation apply to 4 Iflififtygijir - wowm ?5 . " in Coffee ! / > A* )offee Why No > Best? E IT brands than the *nV*o v* >juuia>iiuau JJXCiiU, tend Toxaway. j\ convinced. flCKS IP 100 )t of 'niture . ?i / lachines Reived \ ime\ to see us and look at what nvinteed that i Very, Best Furney That You f the \state. [ andertalrore supplies and will be > need of nto services. Cmre ' in need ofVnythiDjf/ ine. iture Company Sales / \ . ie / - .

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