pppfi 'ij_ WWW WWW WW WWW WW* THE I Distribute | Cakes, Cr ' i r?? HI TC^Cm HACKNEY BUGG] BABCOCK BI . / DURHAM ' The I . EDWA . From Franklin ton. "* The items below came too late I for oar Franklinton Department. Next weeks base ball program will be Tuesday and Wednesday* with Boykin Va , Friday and Saturday with Roanoke Rapids Va., Ad-! .< . mission will be 25 oents and you will receive your moneys worth. ^ The.Henderson came for lost Mon-1 day was postponed. ?Last Monday ni^bt a commute* 1 of the Library (or betterment Asso- t elation) was held consisting of the (iJlnivinff \f-u R R Wklu ^ . n ... ? . .T UIW, Mrs. A. S. Jovner, and Mirs Frances , Winstoh appeared before commissioners of the town in regard to the 1 beautifying and cleaning .up of the . town as well as .looking after the ' sanitary condition. Thev wete represented by Mr. R. B. White who I - ' presented their plea in a very e]o- j rs For T^c ackers, Ca ^^^^verjthing tj/l BSL " |" IS, Lar We [ BUGGIES o /*i Riversitl RDS. FORD List Your I Tafxcs I aiu uuw eady to lake your tax ists and you are urded , to attend o the same i t oncey I will be a the Allowing places in the dates lamefl: tlickory II >cky Academy, Wedlesday June toy, 1910. Maplevillealpursday, June 16th, .910. y ?' Louisburg.JL'onrt House, all othei lays daring tie month of June. W. E rZZELL \ Tax List Taker Tax Books a^eXopen in Cour House. List yoi\ taxes "Today' ind avoid the rush! ? w. e\ uzzeli., .'ax Taker for Township. R. O. BISSETT. , 1 NO NEED AT ALL FOR Yl ...scot I* SEW UWTO-DA^ Wk: ittd well stocked witfc the besi the look-good,/^aete-good thing you^seed and the o THE SCOGGIN ^ - * - . '. * \ ^ ??. /* "... ^ ' r*RE/ /HOLESAL , l/ouisbu : Diamond \ mlk's, Canr tdtail Merchants Needs, Let us h'igu ? ????? ????! HART gcst, Best and /\ harness ir are aoing to sell the r tenns, so come first c^lnd< We Pay Cash and highest market prices for Lire Pool try Nfcggs, Etc. EMPIRE J. P. Winston HassMoved to His Newy / Brick [_ BtdUiiig 4 , 11 mi n??Ii 53 to rent t j out the Spru/l buildVier, will rent . cheap until 'Kmas. I have op hand clothing, hats, shirts, ^underwear, matting, shoe lasts and shoes and lots of o'her | thing< too numerous to mention Remember I am now on Nash stieet just below where the dispensary ' was ? fr-Pr WINSTON.? iuaiMlrd>s&d>drdMbslM&slMiHDtuui<>v^ DU TO WORRY, BECAUSE 3GINS... ! FOUNTAIN IS ALEPTCOOL .. % b and freshest drinkt- We serve drinks. P.ione us for anyrder will be promply filled " V-' ' ' ' -1 drug:company ! maaipyiiBi ?. i /" ' *. I . '< , V .. e. . \ ' V e J -. V ' j ' ?f ' ' * i H _ > wis E GROC r RG, N. C. latch Co. led Goo< iye With You on Delivered F k I Cheapest S i Louisburg above regard les and take your | ependt HUNDRED > Make This \ Of Course There is a \ Reason For It A man will always seek his best interests. From . January to December we constantly study the wants of our customers. Our motto has heen ' The best goods at the lowest possible price" The demand for strictly Rummer wearables is iihgiLon?tliin- elntljes for men, thin underwear, thin hosiery, in fact ev- ' ervtbing summery you will, find here in most complete assortments of ^ big summer lines **** . Odd Par You Will Pin Here Just Wh< You Want * Economically Priced |S LOTJISBTJRG < i- t * r ' : 'COMF ERS 4 . Carload Ball 1 is of Every Dc 'rices, We Save the Freight. >s; sa tOCk Of WHITE H1C / >\ . ?t ' i s of price choice. GATE CI >nt War >. LOUISBURG OF FRANKLIN BEST CITIZENS a * r P?*iha|)8Aou will lntfT an extra pair of panfaf to run yoik ifiroutflt the ( Mruson./ Yon will tlWl an extra , atroufz/line of pant* friVp . ? w. WHE CLOTHIER ? t fix*"* ;,r* ' ' UL -r: vJ il a) '' ANY I " fruit Jars || ascription |l XOOTSTRr ' I IKORY WAGONS 1 f / TY WAGONS , chousc , N . C , r J' O COUNTY'S \ rading Place SWELL SUITS B ARE j SOLD HERE j We carry a line of the I swellest up to date suits ^Ba to 1>? found anywhere, ^ j The boys in the town ^Bi and the boys -on the firm have found out that oentee! clothes are a great help in business -as well as social affairs and they are buying better clothes than ever I I before. ? 1 $1.25 o $5 F?? =l Come to See Me Wh?n in . j x Town. Make Me | Hnoflni | licauqudliers. sssrssisiisistsEsssssssssssssss LESS -oijisbxjhg, N". c. ,1^-. . "' r.. I < , * *. ''&+1 * ' 1 1 ' ' ( | ...... ,.. , 1 jf &? ja?*?"