^ *... . 4? . ? Professional Card pR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING, V BuS*dn Dentllt, Office in Ford Building, Main and Nuh street, Louis bur*. N. Cf Hours: 9 to 4:301 Phorc Ho. 40. hb. p. a. newell, ! yHTBIClAW rf ? Louisburg. N. (1 Phone! No. 156 It AN KLINt4n HOTEL I FrmnkHutoo, N. C. I R. A. Bp?d, PropriettJ Good Liverv in connecflon DK< c fl BAfK8 / DENTAL 8UIlGm)N Offlee in HiclL Building/Mi.in Street, p H. COOKH / / . attorney-At-law | Loliebnrg, N. C.! Over Cooper A Pleasants Store. Prompt Attention given al legal businots entrusted to me, |JR. J. E. MALDHE PHYSICtAfand SURGEON Loqmiiw, N. I!. 0(9 e in rear of Bawley*Alston Drug Store. pR. S'. P. BJRT\ ^ PHYSICIAN Aid SURGEON ;L?]isbn^g, N/.C. Office over Pi S. A li K. Allen's Store IJK. R. F. /YABBORVUQH PHTM''IAN and SURGEON . tLouisbura:, nL C. Office la Yalborough & Bkckett building:. Night calls answered f:om T. W Pickett's residence, j>hpne 74. ^ "g B. MACSEXBURG ? attorney at la.y ILouisburg, N. C. Will pr^cticeui all tb*? courts ot the State Offlca in Egerton Building H\TjWOOD RUFFIN ATffOftNEY AT LAW U,ocishurg, N. C Will praciiceWti all courts of Franklin and adjoining cmintie* also in the Supreme Court and iattli" United States Di trict and Circuit Cour> Office o.yer First National Bank. fjl B. WILDER " I ATTORNEY AT LAW j Loniaburg, N. C. / Office on Main street in Cooper building:. ^I^pruill a aoAden ATTORNEYS AT LAW Lonisbuv, N. C../ Will attend the courtaof Fruyklin, Vance, Granville, Warr*?. and\Wake efrjuutiee. also the Supreme Coat t of North Carolina. Prompt attention gi vert to collections Office in Spmill building. - \\ / " T. W. Bickett.c V7 R. B. White Louis burg, N.'C. Franklinton, N. C. glCKETT A.WHITE A LAWYER8\ Louisburg.- N C. The settlement ot sstuiee for sotesutors/Ad' minittrators and Guardians is \made a specialty, and *>e bonds /required br law can be kjjccured in ne office/ \ H Office in TarborOjOgh A .Bickstt bnfldlng flMain.'street - - ,\ r j-? -\ ' . f m M. person \ ATTORNEY AT LAW \ Louisburg, N. C. \ "? l? nil ainnrlil Hlflna fill \f AJ11 St.PAol. ^ H. YA^gOROUOH, Jr. \ AjrTOJtNEY AT LAW \ 1 Louiaburg, N. C. \ All bi?ine<?4 iufcruafcad to mi I'r-c*iv\ prompt attention. OfflwJ in .Egertoil Building. 7 " 1 F. HOClK ?, t.'TQR aadiBUILDER * .I Loumbura, N. J?. Trading kgent lor all kinds of building ?uppli#M. artistic Mantles and Til**. Architectural doilgn* *nbmitted. ^ dr "Ford" DENTIST. I J Franklinton. N. G., ??gg=- ggSale ofTownf Lot. By virtue of the power contained in a certain agreement executed by ^fleorge Hart anck wife Ito J. W. King, recorded in the oflceof the RegwBler ofDeede nr Franklin county book 168, page 47l\ I fcill, on Monday, the 20th. aay of\j4ne, 1910, at the hour of twelve o'ctpdk, noon, sell at public auction at tharourt house door m Louisbujg, N. Cl to the ' highest bidder for cash, a certain lot or parcel of land situated in tJelCounty of Franklin, State of Nor* Carolina, and in the town of LouiaixiijA on the River road, bounded asl folows, towit:-On the north by the lot of I. w. Ford, on the Ekst by the Copred Oemetarv lot on the South by the! Riveryoad and on the Weat by the lot of Anry Portia, dd Contemning ode half U acre, mo-e or less. This ibJ 19th d?v of May, 1M0. jlw. Kuto, Trustee# W. H. TarborougL Jr., Att'y. rl?:^r j-jcryi-ajt V ????y- ,i, YouCanHavea as cool and white as a da no heat, no dust, INo old-fa Is Jthe^latest^actical, ^^i<jntificco Boils, bakes, or roasts better thai .Extinguished in a second. Kitted v * iff*/ Canttoaary teote: Be sureAf V that ^ M^th? nuna-platl 1 Standard Ol WILL < Has just receive< .:.Sam this week at the I member everi at 'Wholes 1> a mTJ xr a /t^rrxrn ?' IAIL ifLa^?tJ.njljk Gftlcfs m rSHsT--?iH rTlBr Wheat Separators, Cotton Gin/ Suws, &c. Eclipse Engines and SavJ Mills cai I stock. Write (or catalogue, prices and DON'T * BUT J ' * And look over my ful of Clothing, Shoes ^ ings, and a BIG BAI I am Off< \t will be your own fault if you do n \ ' ity to sav EXTRA/ I have a nice line of extra pants for i I am selling oheap. AARON DEITZ, I GROC ' We have a nice fresh stcclnof G have you examine before malting yc money on anything in our line. \ Let Us Show YoiA We also earrf General 'Merchant When in town give us a calif we i /isit P' GEO./H. . i Model Kitchen 1 iry. No smeU, no smoke, j L shioned contrivances. The taction. It k-^tove . ok-stpve. It will cook the most the Ifitchen. * n smy range. Ready in a second. 01 Cabinet Top, with collapsible O'ests, towel rack, and every up-to-date a. feature imaginable. You want it, be- ^ cause it will cook any dinner ard^not ^ heat the room. No beat, no smell, e) no smoke, no coal to bring in, no.ashes t( to carry out. It does away with the drudgery of cooking, and makes it a pleasure., Woqjcn with the light touch _ for pastry especially appreciate it, be- G cause they can immediately have a d quick fire, simply by turning a handle.. el No half-hour preparation. It not only x ia less trouble- than coal, but It cor.ta e] Lless. Absolutely no smell, no smoke; Vnd it doesn't heat the kitchen. \ The nickel finish, with the turquoise - - _^| tque of the enameled chimneys, makes ^ tn% stove ornamental and attractive. * Mdde With 1, 2 and 3 burners; the 2 ancV3-burner stoves ctt be had with P or wthout Cabinet. si Evew dealer everywhere ; if not at youra, ? write tkr Descriptive Circular to the nearest a He^fVlhi pj 1 Company. \ * ??i??) . , ti COOKE I A a/new line of J ales.:. ; lyaiygain Store. Re- J rxn^ng is sold p sale Cash. ? a ? v y & SUPPLY CO. o Machinery! { ^ | We have the following sec- ( If ond hand machinery for aale: 11 40 h p Ettlnger engine $200 *?. 140 h p Erie City Boiler 200 I J 1 50 h p Stationary Boiler * hg almost new 330 e 1 35 h p (Jeiser Portable r boiler, good 250 v 3K X 15 hp Eclipse Engine and 0 HKA and boiler 300 , BftAW I 12 hp Talbet Engine and n HB-j \ boiler 160 , \l Eclipse Saw Mill Mo. 0 150 , \ Eclipse Saw Mill.No. 0 100 11 ; KTalbot Saw Mill 45 i lvChisel Tooth Saw, 44 c ? , . \Ho?" V^45 I Belting i Solid Disston Saw, 39 15 ( rried In - , terms. vSTpP| Some/ i 1 aiid ur/to-date pine ? and Maris Furnishlso sde the * ij =*Q(AINS 1; n idg lApu s lot/ake advanlwrre of this-opportun- ? e/iloney \ n 'PANTS\ =3 nen and lioyi. foi summer wear that a Come.to see ra^. , j -ouisburg, N. C. ; SERIES | foceryaa that we would be glad to 41 lur Purchases. We can save von It /d Talk With You \ ^nice line of p lise and Froits ? silrt do our utmost to make your "3 qOOPER 1 U r ? * t *, r - -> c 1 * v ." ?*' L HE SW SCHOOL, esson XIII.?Second Quarter, For June 26, 1910. HE' INTERNATIONAL SERIES. 4 ext of tho Losion, Matt, xiii, 24-3C, 36-43-?-/V?emory Verses, 37, 38?Golci n Text, Matt, xiii, 43?Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. Id the aecoiiU phase of this present ge, the mysteries of the kingdom ?t forth iu the parable of tho taie.1 r the field, our Lord so plainly states tat both will grow* together until ta.arvest, aud that the harvest is il> ad of the age, that it is lmpwssi.,ic > understand how any one believing [is word cau look for a kingdom tiring thh age in which the* Will ? / lod shall be done on earth us It oue in heaven. The expression "the ud of the world" (verses 3U. 40. -1 ; xiv, 3; xxvlli, 20l. Is literally "the ud of the age" or "the consummate.i f the age" aud is translated by Ue itter phrase iu the fy?v. Ver. The ud of the planet on which we llv> l nowhere foretold, but even Petti*. rho describes In strong language in* unification which will take place, ays, "Nevertheless we, according [is promise, look for new heaveusud a. new earth wherein dwelled Ighteousness." He also tells us that s the world la Noah's day |>eilshoa y water the present world is reerved unto tire (II Pet. Hi, 5-7, 1C?. In this parable the. good seed is not lie word of tied, but those iu wliu-j tie seed of the word has found good oil uud whom our Lord calls "t-c hildren of the kingdom.", In 1 Cm. i, 0, they are called "God's tllht^e.' a John xli, 24, our Lord tuught thai t we would bear fruit we must be onlent to fall into the ground r.:;d ie. It is for liim to say where v;e re to be planted, for the field is His. lthough at present occupied^ by an nemy. The sower of the good elvJ i the Sou of Man; the other sower Is he enemy, the devil, and he sows is own children, professedly religious eople like Cain (John vlli, 44; I John 1. 10-12). Outwardly they look ll.:e rheut and no doubt think that tlic> re wheat, but the story of Cain shows irhere they stand and why he ami ibcl both came to worship God. but nlv AHaI r*nnw? In nnnAl???.; ray, revealed to Adam the way of acrifice (Geu. ill, 21). Cain brought he best he had, but there was no ccnesslon of guilt, no sacrifice, uo a boiling of blood. The multitude of such oday are tores, uot wheat; children f the wicked one, not the children -of Jod. Their end is the furnace of file rhere there shall be walling and gashing of teeth. The language li earful, but lt?ls never used in refernee to the openly wicked, only in eference to those who profess to be vhat they are not. the deceived ones f the devil (Matt viii, 12; xlli, 42V5G: :xil. 13; xxir, 51; xxv. 30; Luke xiii. S). See also what Is written of those vho hear the gosjM?!, but obey it not. a II Thess. 1, 7-9; John ill, 18, 3G. From tln? time when the devil deeived Eve by making ber believe hat he would do better for her than !od, up to the very end . of this ag.\ eheu he will persuade people that- to aake u living they must join the inlon of this or Hint nature, or, in ther words, receive the mark of the eust (Rev. xiii, 17). lfe has been a nost persistent deceiver, destroyer, iar, murderer. See In Rev. xlv, 9-1 It :v, 2-4, the doom of all who worship he beast and the bliss of all who refer death to the prosperity of the levil. Jas. 1, 12; Rev. 11, 10, are good vords of strong consolation. We ram: lot think of the taking away of th? hurcli as the end of the age, for. fo' owing that great event for which th*? ighteous wait or should be waiting, he coming of the Lord to the air fti* lis saints (I Thess, lv, 16-18; I Cor. ;v, 51-53; Tit. H. 13; I Cor. 1. 7: I Thee*. , 10). the man of sin shall be revealed. he Antichrist, with his companion tb? al.se prophet, and the age will run on or some years during the time of the rent tribulation, the time of Jacob'.*, rouble, when the sealed ones of levari hall be preserved ami ? great mul.iado of redeemed gathered from .n!l atimis. Then at the crids of iui.iujt.v. rheti the devil shall luve done "tfl. 11 His saluts for the overthrow o'." 11 His enemies, the couverxl.m c." srael and the establishment of III t ingdom. It Is then that, according d verse 43 of our chapter, "the Ighteous shall shine forth nstho sun i the kingdom of their Father" 'nmnnro Dun tII 1 V.ft>h *!* J.". Tli'ess. HI. IS: II Thesa. 1. 10. Then bail the devil be shut up In the pit or 1.000 years, while bis compaul >ns lie beast and the false prophet shill' o to the lake of fire (Rev, xix and xx), How fearful will be the ending of Ills evil age when the Lord coraeth lit of His place to punish the inhnb-. units of the earth for their Iniquity, ut what a comfort to know that Ills . eoplo shall be hidden safely during ao time of the indignation (Isn. xxvi. 0-21). When we attempt to consider 10 suffering of dur Lord Jesus Chri :t I a. the sinner's substitute, the lude-J bribable agonies of Gethsemnne nildl nlvary. we get some faint Idea o? i tod's hntied of rln, the nature of s!*i nd of the v ;th of God. If we it*? ot truly ehh?.ren of God redeemed y that previous btood. the wrntlr r* tod will be our portion, no hat our religious prv*?8slon may In*. yr It 1? the blood that makcth A touement for the soul, and wlthor io shedding of blood there Is do redsslon (Lev. xvll, 11; Heb. ix. 22). f ~ t . - - -4> * ' usep^uisnvi CORTRlol WHEN Cortright Metal Shinj^es 1 rei ago) you'bad some excuse fprbeii 5 If you arc sceptical it ca^nly be b< facts in- the case. ~r? ~ ' They are used today frafri the Atls iti< of buildings, under allyfonditions. They are fireproof, stfrmproof; ndver building itself withoaft needing repairs, For fu/ther detailed mfoi M. FTtlOUCK, tjuis Specialties ii When You Drinla Co Drink the ] 1 HAV^ There are no better b Blue Ribbon, /man Carajar, Society a Try one can/and be B. G H PHONE NO A BIG LOl New F^ri Sewing Mc JUST ?REC^E And we. ea? make the prioes righa Coaa? we have Mybt convL We Are Selling the > niture for the Mom . Can Buy in tt I alss oarry a mice and oc/mplete line of an glad to serye those Aebo may be in ne me a ealUlwhen in town or in / ia my line. W. E. White Furniti Special S< . AT THE Racket \ New line of White Goods, Ginghams. Efcrcale, | Laces' and Kbal We oall especial atfcantii American Beaty / V Ths best on the market. Calljand see them. Ii baby caps jOst received. It wHl be to 1 MRS- A M SPEND YOUR Vi THE VIRGlIN OCEAN VIEV (Midwav.between Norfgfk ano Old The moat popular Summer Hotel o HEADQUARTERS FOB rioBT Sari Bathing, Fishing, Boyfcg, Music, ?>ane Bowling Alleys and OUir Amusements! Ai For Bates and Further Jnfori /HO. A. TUCKER Si w? . "V* * v7'i?J - sceptical": * V rcaosc you do not know the \ : to the Pacific for all kinds leak and last as long as the mation apply to ? ^ burg, N. C. ~~ " (i Coffee y* >ffe0/Why No ~ ^est? :it . ?' irands than the hattan Blend, nd Toxaway. bonvinced. iVcks ? 100 " OF liture 1 /? ' (chines LIVED to see us sad look at what aced that s.-i Tery Best Furey That You le State. partakers supplies aud will be ieolof my services. Give need of anything urc Company ales _ Store 7" ^Madras. Souitinsr and a pretty broideries on to the by Corsets ample line of Lidies hats our interest to see them. V ... HALL . jfijtVCATION / . "^?*1 IIA BAY V, VA Vv Point Comfort, Va.) * ;/ n tha Virginia Coast M CAROLINIANS TD(r, fTheatres, Seenie Railway* neriean aad European Plan. nation. Write ;

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