-I 1 HO LLN > JS ? ' fH?l PUnty of Merchandise ue VBJ object now, we wuut the I R I When You When the time comes th ?r bvx-ing p ace. If our advantages to buy than i | J. w: U 0CAL.S. ?It looked like an exouriion from Lonubarg last Friday when the baseball team same oyer. ?The Combined Methodist and Baptist Bandar School excursion will be ran to Raleigh some time the latter part ol July. ?"Shore" a Guilford Collage twirier is expected in to take charge of oar twisting department tbil week. Ridgeway and MeKeithao will twirl In* m wnlil ha eryieea ?Mr. Juptr Weathers, formerly with the S. A. L. here aa, operate! bat who aeospted a position will MoOhee Joyner Co., -Attol 1st ^ is attain with the S. A. L.?son tnencing workTbureday. Jane 16th ?Todd Brothers VaodeviU show, under oanvaaa, has been play ing here on the vacant lot by th ? Mayors office all the week to ver good crowds. They have a ver good show. ?Among the large crowd that ai ~~ " ""tended the game of ball bet we Louisbarg and Franklinton at Look burg yesterday were Messrs C. S Williams. T_ C. Jorner. It. t Hicks. ?"Prim" a former Raleigh Re Bird who was released by Raleig Wednesday joined as Thursda playing in the Oaford game Than day. "MoKeithan" also joiaad th team Friday aa pitcher. Tliey ai both "hoatlera." ?Last Wednesday morning wbi gathering snaps in the garden ti the noonday steal Mrs. T F. Bo> ? den bappsued to the miafcrtnne slipping on the wet pros ad si breaking her right arm near tl wrist. Dr A. R. Winston was anr N tnonid immediately and at preset writing she is doing aa wall as eon be expeoted. _ ?Deputy Sheriff, H. A. Kearn, pent about two hours ia our tot Monday aa route to Louisbarg wi Pink ^mge, a yoanw whita maa, w shot and killed Will Barbara, ah he himself ban been tearfully ?lai ed In the taoe and side, at the hot HHjj^? I # ' FRANKC IGSWORTH w and to spare, help us unload for ou: room for new fall goods which are n JRIMITl Want Any thin j Come to SeeJJs at we cant treat you right it will thei 13 years service with you has been a 1 ever. HOLUNi mmmmmm ?????i of a Mr. Tinker Perry near the Wake county line Sanday afternoon about U o'clock. Page after hearing of Barhams death .arrendered himself to the W ske coanty officer* and we* taken to Haleiyk where he ! eras turn.u orer to Sheriff Kearney I Monday^ (: Personal , Joe Oyerton, of Nashville, ie y?it, ing in town. Geo. Crewe, ef Middleaez, i* visitr ing in towD. r C. D. Bntt m spending hie race- I 1 tion at home thia week. > IC. S. Green, of I.ouiabarg, spent - Friday afternoon in town. ' W. H. Byrnra returned from a 8 Visit to Raleigh Friday. Rev. Tilden 8cherer spent Son8 day in Richmo.id, Va. ^ D. F.-Bark ley left for Detroit, ' Mich., Iwt Wednesday. Miss -iC.-1 well, of Macon, ia visiting her sister, Mrs. F. M. Drake. D ' ~ ' ^ Mia? Mary Timberlake, of Younjjs< villa, ia visiting at Dr. J. B. Barns'. r. J. B. Cheatham, of Atlanta, Ga? ia spending his vacation here this d j week. h [ Mr Rodwell, of Macon, spent y Sand ay with hia sistei Mrs. F. M. I Diikt, Misses Rhth and Lillian Taylor, "? of Oxford, are visiting Miss Mary Kearney, ' Mrs. G, R. Fuller, of Pocomoke. ar is spending tke week with hei brother W. H. By rum. Miss Martha Winston, ef Youngaville, who has been visiting in town 8 returned home ef a turd ay. )t Miss Lillian Bleckley, who hai ld been visiting in Cberaw, S. C., re tamed bums Wednesday. tJ Misa^Hattis RaeedeU, who h* ^ Raleigh, returned home Friday. Mrs. R. L Cheatham and "dsrhgh ST tsr, Miss Annie Glenn, of "Norfolk ,h. Va., are visiting at CL L. Wbitield'i bi# Mw. A. W. Akton and ohildrto, o _ .. ig-v v" ^ . ^ % INTO N~ -WEDNESDAY FURHIT r fall goods. Prices 110 special aw bought and will soon arrive. ire Itlegaut Bod R.i.'m Suits \ worth $40, special, price $32 1 Usual easy terms. Chiffoniers?These for ineu who have clothes prices that were as high as $50 are now now $8 to $35. Cecal eai*long terms. Leather* Couches?Prices that were up to $20 to $60 are now $15 to $36 Floor Coverings, Linolin? I This 2'yards wide in pretty / dainty colors, last long time, / the price is right, cold only / on long tin e. / Fine Mattresses?-We ha? all the pr.idea, we have tfce lowest prices end the goed'a are values.. Buy on time at cash prioesN J ? in Our Xiine i be lime enough to punt aiiothielp fcorou ire notv/ffer better jSWORI Looiaburg, spent Sundav in town' whh her sister, Mrs. Q. L. Whit ! held. - ' llis. C. K. Cooke, of Louuburg, spent lusi week at the bsdaide of ber mother, Mrs. H. C. Kearney, who has been very eiuk. Baseball. Oxford on last Thorsday defeated the home team here in a onesided game by the score of 9 to 4. It wae apparent from the start tlrat it was Oxfcrda winning day. One very sensational play was mads by Barnes, for Kranklinton, a catch on. eeond, whioh deserves special mention. Catea for the home team did very well, bat did not receive the support be should have had. Un>derwood pitched winning ball in the I - S- _ ' - uut inar innings, Dot siiswing ins visitors to score on liins. Tuoker pitched s very good game for the visitors allowing eleven kits, Wat tbev wsrs so well scattered he micaeeded in holding his own. "Franklintoe had?the banes fall several times bat failed to score. Batteries for Oxford, Tucker and Csnady; for, Franklin ton; C?tei? Perkins, Underwood and Stuart,. Umpire, Dr. A. B.'Winston. Tims of' game, two and one fonrth hoars. Attendance 150. \ / L Franklioton in an errorless and , very exciting game of ball won from Louisbnrg here last Friday atthr neon. It was a pitchars battle Iron , the start. Credit is also due Under r woed, wbe played first base foi Franklinton, Fvim and Winston B The home team took the lead is th< third, making two runt. Losisbur| tied the score in the fourth, site which it leokad ae if it wouldAaki more than nine innings o decide thi game. Heeever, Prim ess walked made locond .uu HedgspethV ball 1 aid soored on Winaton B., hit t 1 right winning the game. Ttria gam -T .waa ona of tba boat exhibitions o !' the national game ever exhibitei v hare. Every store in town w? I atoaed and a record breaking crow f was oat. Tba aommary waa u tol *'.VN- ' D E P A F JUNE 22 1910. msmmmmz URE AND Pianos, Orga 011110 Schulz Oi F.V rainv years this reliable ft _ be?i making the best cf Organi theAnre better and prettier I wliaA price one you want nl.d you, a pleased with it keep it i: TaAe Our Wo: Prettiest Org \ iu.ai\K< $27.3,0 Up Buv your Organ now, play late] quired, ^tnke voiw time to pav t' has plenty of niolej, we have p m, Li Iowa: Kits ott ffedgepeth 5, ot Ki'J ce war tty (Hedgapeth getting fear ol these.) Bihe given by Hedgepeth Ridgeway 1. Struck out by Hedge pet 11 8, Ilidgeway t. Battery?for Louielnirg, Hedgepeth and Bbata; for Frankliaton, kbdgawav and Stuart. Ciaptre,.A.. Ot Parry. Tiaae of game 1 1-2 boar*. Attend, aacv, 400. THROW OUT TBEi LINE Gtre the Kidneys Help anc i Many Louisburg People" Will be Happier. w' "Throw oat the life Ifne"? . Thit hidnaya need help. They're overwork#^? can't ge the poison Altered out/ofi ihe blood They're getting wome every min ute. \ I Will you hdlp them?: Doan'i Kidney Pifla have brough thousands of kidney/ sufferers bio] from the verge of dtspair. Will cure any form of ktdne> trouble. \ / N. 11. Sposesr^ir, 428 ?. Wil , mington street, Raleigh, N, 0., ssyi , "Kidney trouble nd me in ita gsaa i. fer years and although I tried var: oas remedies, I ?fsg nnabla to. An relief. The kidney secretions de | poeited a a cd intent aid were annul I oral, bat the nscnt Annoying syraj . turn ot mj tioaile was a dull, naj i gins; backache! ' accompanied b . aliarp twinges tbrobgli my bod I whenever I" sU>o|L?l ?rrf lifter Learning ot 1) nl'iKflMy Pilla, \ procured a bo; arid after using thei { l abort-Uihe. I paaaed several grav r turtles. Frori thattimkonl stesr % ily unproved, in til my trouble wi a a thing ot die pact. I have reeon I, mended Doen t Kidney TOle at e k err opporlani y einoe tbcii and ahi e eontinoe to d > so."" \ e For tale b; all dealers. VP rice i t oenta. Foett -Milburn Ce., Ulaffal 1 New Torts, le agents for tile Uni ed States. \ t Remember the name?Deati'a I- and take no ? bnr. rv . \ . ILjj* . ^ t , c ii +7-^1 " c!5y" ?' t ^ ; ? T M E N T . MUSIC I ins and Talking p Starr Piauoa, Trayser Pianos, Kemr Pianos, Chase Pianos, Ifaekley Pianos, Richmond 1 fAll The Above Pie v For Their Owr Sold under an iron bound guarantt terms that you can choose rga"S ictory at Chicago has JiJk^ ?, thev now say that than ever. Write ns vEjjfss* we will deliver It to ^JfiKEaa f not send it baek. ^ rd. its the an on the to $150 Jp? C, no cash payments rehe balance, the factory lenty oPtirne. t;ouisburg, mmmzmmm For ~ TOMBSTONES, CUR FENCING "Write |(o i Suffolk Marble Work Watch Th - / i BARGAINS IN Hi EVERY DES( ' ft make and aepair mattresses any ^ada anteed. Prices t\ f p I Also Rebottoi i Back ThemA t_ 1 do upholstering of all kinds. Gife n work. My shop is at the old colored < ~ Bouiabure, N. C. 7| G. E. MORF i. 1 - You Are Sure oi^i 1 You Become a I itlet. A State bank is a strong ill it%?l . 2nd. Our capital and surplus i >0 gi?? yoo additional security. 8rd. Unvarying courtesy and! ' alt#ys extended. , T CITIZENS BRNDKBtJbl I I ' ? 40 USE 1 Machines |r nington Pianos, Cota Wj Pi anna . Catliale-jffl 'ianos. iffif mos Speak gft/ l Values. >e at prices and vOn ffiy z' iMj for yonrBelf. X Cm N. G 1 BNTS BING and IRON s\- Suffolk, Va. lis Ad v_ STRESSES OF :rip^ion / 4k7? tor quality Workmanship go?rpit the people m b. Chairs and tfith Cane. >e ?n \pportunity to do your *dd Fellows Hall, Main Street, IIS.sJR. v,?-. . #ree Things When Umoslter Here blnk?State supervision makes fad Arong Board of Direotors excellent^banking facilities are *.N.C. r\ v '* , v,..-4; ..... ..'-V.J,