. *T - A Few Things About Our Homi TownThree year* after the old ltbcrl; bell rung out the glad tiding* of it dependence, the few quaint cottage near the Tar were given the nam they now proudly bear. In yer early time* in French History it w* made a law that women should nc aeeend; the throne in France, what was called the Salic law was I full fOfoe for ages until the' time c the celebrated Maria Theresa < Austria. She was engaged in wi ^Between England and France, town on Cape Breton Islahd call* Louiaburg fall jnto the hands'of th English. This T happened aboi 1746, imt so very long before tl settlement ef this town. The town was chartered by an a of the General Assembly, April 1 1779. One hundred acres1 on tt north side of the river, Taw, as tl Indiana then called it, was obtains in. u.i... ..j ... that the commleeioners reserved foi lota from thia one hondred aeree fi churches and aohoola. Although thia old story haa be* handed dawn for a gee, there another oeneerning the eohool le of wbiah we are Bow ao proe There waa onee a generous gecrt man whe lived here?I know he w; thia by his noble gift^aed onstiata donations to the then atraggiit hamlet?a Colonel Briekie who bi stowed upon the oemmnnity for ei uoational porpoaae only, the t? beautiful groves in the aortbei part of town, oontaiaing elev* acres or more. The manner whioh the land wgs given, aeeur* the possibility for Loulsburg to ha' good schools perpetually in tho noble groves. Whether Colon Briokle really gave the lend, or tl commissioners reserved it, I do n know. - It ie thought by some tb the honor has descended with Cc onel Brickle'a name as he was regi \ ter of deeds at tho time of the pu chase of the land. Ttiehundreth ' I irthday of_ tl town waa eslebrated In 1879. We are all prbudof the fact tb the Firat Confederate Flag was ui ^furled in front of the preskni Coo Vnouae. It was designed and tnai by a Franklin county boy, Mr. < K Smith. The firat Coeterenee . the Methodist Church ever held America, met in the Green H Ilouee to the Southwest of Loui burg, April 20, 1785. The Meth dist Conference was divided in tl residence of Dr. O. L. Ellis. The college, then sailed the Sea nary, was the camp of the Yank soldiers during the Confederate wi and the old Academy to the rear tne Graded School, is cat by bull holes in several places. These we made by the Yankees, in a litt skirmish during their stay hare, is also interesting to know that t Academy is the third school hou built between the chimneys nc standing. And who has not se the pioturesque rocks, a natural ot osity, called "Lovers Leap" beautiful legend is attached to t name. During the French and I dian war, a gallant, aristocratic, R glieh cavalry officer waa passir through here. He mej, a beautil country maiden and was captivat by her rnatic oharraa. Becomii daily more and more in love wi her, he delayed his departure, j last hirduties bade him leave hi knowing* that his higher social poi tion would never allow him to w her, against the wishes ot ber pi elite, who recognized their inferi social rank, the lovers met for a li fend, farewell. After staying aw "for a short while and finds he oou not live without her* the Englishm decided to give up wealth and til for the girl whom he loved. E the parents of the maiden, stem ^^rbade the lover's meeting. At li ^Bowing desperate they planned elandeatige meeting at the roe now oalled "Lovers Leap." Th then and there decided to die togel er, and witE one mad leap they wi dashed to pieces beneath the high< projecting rooks. Their blood, the legend ' goes, has stained t rooks from that day to this. The residence at Mrs. Maria H< ton waa the old home of Patew Milaer. The springe to the rear her hem?j for yean wore known ' ilff"fflli fipflflft.'' jSe< U :v\ \ ' - " ? -.A, fv ... . 1 v g, the Milner Spring* This Mine house in olden time* woe called " hot teWer." It wee four etoriea high, with a round roof. Malted ^ lead waa taken to the top ef it ind poured down, before touching the ground the bit*of lead Were formed a into shot, Thua . the name. The )( Milbrey Dunn,house, oh the summit o of the hillJadyoud the river, ia the - oldeet house in town. The?resif denoa of Mr. John Hayes ia perhapa ^ the neat oldaat. The Dr. Perry ^ plaoe, ia another eld reaidenoe. Year* ago it wee a tavern, and it ia a not new known whet it enmetnt^i ^ reaidenoe. Down near the river on |( Main atreet there were two othei n old baildinga; one oallad the Draws Tavern, the place where the stage ooaoh stopped and mail was distribated by some pfraen on ae elevated ? atand, end the ether a private reei' denoa known (or many yaars ae the * "Sykee pleoe." '* A charter was granted for n mi*. d ed school in 17M. It was eel tea Franklin Academy. Later n school " oallad Female Seminary waa bail' 3r where the college now etanda Tlx praeent collage waa built in 18ST When the eohool started there wen "* no teaebera bet a houseful ef girla ^ and tbey bad to tend around tewi * for teaobera. Same ef the note< e" teaebera were Meseera.. Bobbin, A *R IL Ray, who war noted for his akil in making pupils study with eloaet ** lips, and Matthew Dickeraeo, an un cle of Cyrus W. Field, the invents: ef .tbp Atlantis Cable; and sow 0 noted lady teachers were Mies* rn Ramsey, Weldore, Beeedict ant ? Partridge. Mils PartwdffW nmrrtm hnro 4wr>- r. ' New York and found Mr. Bobbit 'e here, or he came afterwarde and became a teacher in the male aobwel e After awhile he made tbreata tha l* he intended to throw eome corn an( ?' catch that Partridge. He caugh her certain and after staying hen ' " for several terms, they left for Lawere^peville, Vs., where tbey became " White Su|b A practical health and pleaauiI rem 1? Blue Ridge Mountains. Its water is . niced everywhere by the medical pit "cured patients. This aeasox^inder d of and beat moeic hotel haieTfr had, ) n seek Rhst, Health or PleSSjlre write Z GALLAW^Y & No Man is Strong 'I Than HikSt 0f A strong man is strong ail oveA N strong Who is suffering from weak J et consequent indigestion, or from tin _ of the stomach and its associated ar| paits digestion and nutrition. Forlri Le is weak or diseased there is a lom I ti contained in food, which is the mtmroi strength. When a man "doesvt f? be when he doesn't sleep well, ha/ an feeling in the stomach after eatJsg? >* mot, he is losing the nutrition needed >w Sach ff man aboald loam 0Q Discovery. It care* nlaaat organs at dl&eatlon And m II- Invigorates tha Jived, a tret a fAe nerves, and ao (MYES I THE WHOLE BODYJ "e You can't Afford to seoea a ircr, n_ alooholic medicine of inosm compos may thereby make a little ftigjer prof 0- ? 'g li I JUNE S i - * t PEO J: CLOTHIh ??t ~Vr ?y lid All summer goodt, Mens, be an * sold at and below aost to n tie We have a fall stock of Lsdi let Full line of Ladies Musli ily % Come and Get Prices ISt a t? ki y :h- - re r.;' * iii : of V ^ -vy''\v -j . . I doim) teacher*. Some war* after' lhaw they visit-U here, on their way to Kaleigh, where they eventually died. ahould be proud of the fact that we had for. yeara two of the btitea inoat famous teaohera. During the one hundred and i Utirtv two y??re since the charter waa ohtained'evefy part of the town haa grown with the exception of the - river and- wa have rwaaon t>r believe i tjiat the Tar ia about the lame aire 1 it waa when the first each of corq i waa oarriAf to mill, though I have I heard that a very old man lived r here long ago; who claimed to have ? i remetnberedy when it waa nothing ' hut a apring branch and that a herd L,of oowa oould drink it dry. Anath- er old man, familiarly called "old ' ber when the branch flowed up the ^ ' river instead of down. ' VTe are meat proud that educa- D Hon has never held a eeoondary * j nlaae among ear refined eitiaens and . that wa ean present an uatarniahsd . RaMOtebeoa to any inquirer after our 1 ^aat~*literarv pursuits. tjuoh man 1 aa Edwin W. Fuller, Joseph J. * Davis and Matthew S. Davie, show 1 what the educational advantage* for , '' which the little pleee ha* ever beam < I noted ean do. Eaeh year, the etandard of our 1 soheole becomes higher, and at the ' | beginning of eaeh echtol term the ( . building* ean hardly accommodate j r the students who come Eaeh day, a , the advantages ef the cellege, under 1 i the management of Mri. Marv Davie j ] Alien anU the High Sahool ander ProfeoBore W. n Mills and E. L. i Beat are tncrearing. And tuav the t soft, silvery echo of paet fame and . educational pursuits, return to each nAW (VAItOrofinn in fhu Uwlllana t tbe Tar" with this cry., "Oh, Save "* 1 our Land of tils Pint*, from savage t ignorance, ' and may it inatiil in ' i their hearts a desire to work for ed. ocation until they "011 life's waves j i are swept towards eternity." Her Springs ; dry. N. C Ft.' Situated at foot of the beautiful finest within your knowledge. Reeogifeasion>and praised by its hundreds of i jew management, with new amusements < bonuses a big success. Whether you i as about it. | <SWYN, Props. . I omacb fomaoh e other diseaae [an*, which im- ' ten the stomach \l the nutrition j\pf all physical *1 iuft right," vkoomfortable IV3 luUaid, nervous, irritable and despondto odake strength. | Dr. y/sfcs's Gulden Medical ?ee ok the mtommcb and other itrltlob. It enriches the blood, 14thend\tbc kidneys, nourishes IEALTH AND STRENGTH TO ft nostrum as a substitute tor this nooition | not even though the urgent dealer It. Ingredients printed on wrapper. SPECIALS L r the ./- i |i jVstore = it? apd cnildren clothing to be laki room Vor oar fall goods 1 iesI Gents and Children Shoes. * fiYUnderweaX and Shirtwaists. ? Before You Buy Elsewhere s c 1 f \ c * ? ; ? ? rO - . V _ _ ' s M IBt - *.;* . n ; V-". V.'* j ::y ~ - / ... Has passed tne.. expt 1 SAMUEL J. RAM r 1 ^ Big Bar ; 1 at = L F. N. & R. Z. We Are Still Of [\ Entire Sto Shoes, W j x DressAG \J x T\JL At.Ai^ Belo A :Few S] Mens Leonard; Shaw & Denn Oxf< f?r....77 Mens Wluteomb and Godmi for .,7 Ladies Zisfjgler Oxfords $3.SO and Ladies z/egler Oxfords $3.00 for. Ladies Oanse Lisle Hose 25 eta. fo Ladies Gause Lisle Hose 15 cents i ' , ~*p's '' ' ! J , ?? ?'? NEW ? BEEF M> m IN TOWP I have opened a bVef MARKET store on Nash SfreeXand will be with the freshest be)tf. BEEF x\T \ Ay Give me a trial and I win convlfec< orders. Beef delivered alywrfere. J T) \pl I will buy all Cow? fo/Vale at I 1 You pay out your mom the best. Take Insu pany that paysftthni THE MUTUM LIFE INSURANT J of NE^RK]^ - -f-?^T^PfTT4f ~" \ There ijrno problem of increased cost of food if you eat more Y Quaker Oats An ideal food; /felicious; appetizing; strengthening. ComparedWith other foods Quaken. Oats costs almost notpingXand yet it builds the bestA Packed la racalar size packao*. and In bar^etkmllT aealad tins lor hot flimafcea. 62 NOTICE / I hereby announce i.it?It tctnidate for the bettered frem the Seynth Senatorial DiWrict, subject to he action of the^Demooratic Pri3arise to ue head on June 25tb, 8X0 / W. XX. Person. NOTICE. a? Saving this day qualified as admin strator of Preacilia Hsrpfr, deceased, ate of FrankliOvCounty. this is to neti y all persona hdhling churns against aid estate to present them on or beore June 8th, ivil,\ir tyis notice will a plead in bar of thwr/recorery. All til persona Indebted Msaid aetata will ome forward and makA settlement at ilea Thia June Stb./lMO T. H DBCKfoiS, Admr. NOTICE N otic* ig hereby given tbat a petiion will be preeentea to the Gov >roor ef North yCarolina for tht rardon of Hugh\ Davin, c jnvictec it January term 1M9 of Franklii Superior court fori ee< ret assault ind sentenced to Ae penitentiary or 10 years. Tbi J yhty 26th, 1910 I Wut. Person. Attorney fo A11 ugh Davit ETA. ROGERS Tirjworker LouisburgVN. C. Will make estimayesv on anv jol Work Gunrant-ed / cVl or write vben in need of apvtOing in u>3 ine. f. V THE NORTH CAROLINA State Nofmal and Industrial Collegt Maintained by fa State for the Wo ucn of North Carol ma. Four regula! jourses leading io Wrseji. Speeia courses for teacher*. Vail session be fins September U 191(X Those desir ng to enter should apmv as early ai possible. For catalogue\nd other in formation address - ^ JULIUS I FOUST, President. V Greensboro, N. C D. E. MILLER JEWELER r Louisbure, N. C. With a nice wdil selected stock of Jewel r\l nm in position to satiMy most \sny one desiring/liny thing rn^my line. :7 Yj : I Also Do / Repairing of IVATCHl5?an<1 JEWELRY and wilgw* \you the very beBuof workr Very/truly V\--P E MILLE^ ICE THE V^TROIM JXO. W. KING juys everything tod dells everything. MOTTOe?Bast goods, owest pricee, quickest Idelivery in own. \ I I'ECIAL BARGAIN# POll NEXT 30 DA YK IN PLANT BEB CLOTH ipeeial bargain in BUDes, mens Ireaa shirts and /underwear, all [inds of garden Beed, \all kinds ruit and vegetables, all kinds cecals, such as gemiine oat\ meal in >ulks, oat (lakes, fcosta j, Saratoga hips, great variety of \canned ;oods, fish roe, OTsters, Junk peas, ieita sausage, home-mad* tomatoes md snaps, lane cans 10 \cents. i'rash lind of fine candies just re. :eived. Yoirs to please, \ IOHN W. KING t Sy: as??a -S " . > y - " r . ' ' i ^RKET 4 ? next door to my '* glftd to serve you .rL -TIMES > you. Phone your EX< t Highest Prices. ? . . V. - - JL - By, why not?get ~ . v ranee in a comiial^aividends / , BENEFIT : COMPANY r N. J. \ ' ' ' irimental stage lAM, Agent * gains EGERTON'S ' _____ fering Our ck of f V I oods \ illinery w Cost " s . ... pecials >rds, 14 and 14.50 ' .T... *2 98 in Oxfords, Vfi.50 " " X.?1.87 4.00 for..;.\ ?2.48 ;!Wi9 r u\ta ^ or...8 oti^

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