mm?; p*.- s P"-' ..; / I ' ; FRANKLIN TIMES K. F. JOHNSON, Editor and Managtr . . . , j j)x? yxak, - - - #1.00 | : ' irr-TMtirrtM, ? thbkb months. . 15 j Friday, June 24 1910. ?? List tout taxes before next Thtn-s. d?yThkre will be warm times in Raleigh Saturday. , In Congressman E. W- Pan the fourth Congressional district has as good representation as any other district ean boast of. And the longer he is there the more service he can . .. be to bis distiiot. / , !?i ? i, 1 Senators Simmons arid Overman , have done more for North Carolina ?. in the past few years than any other , two Senators in many years, so far , as getting actual help for the State , trom the government is concerned. ( c Let every Democrat in Franklin j county and the Stat*, who has the , least desire to criticise the past rec- j ord ot the party ask himself the question "have I taken the proper | active interest in the nominations t that I should have?" If you haven't t do so tomoirow. t A Pkksidest of the United States 1 ought to be big enough te treat his 1 ^friends and oritics in a differential ' , manner. In this President Taft is I < lacking. He snubbed Congressman j' Harrison of New York and would J> not see him because he was frank j1 enough to criticise the President.? j' Alamance Gleanor. I' Anyone who feels himself too]1 good to be criticised for his wrong ! doinc is not entitled to be an officer j of the public. The Richmond Times-Dispatch i wants us to "mark the Bpot where 1 the greatest living North Carolinian, I the Hon. Joseph Garfield Cannon, i was born in Guilford." It is truth- i ful enough, however, to propose as i the inscription: "This stone marks < the birth place of Joseph G. Cannon; 1 we wish he were under it." Since i our Virginia friend admires the Speaker so infinitely much more than I - North Carolina does, we are quite i willing to pay him to its order on 1 demand.?Charlotte Observer. i There is no doubt but that the I poorer people of the county would j * be better off if be was somewhere i besides in the legislative halls of the ' nation. * Just think that only about fourtiflhs of the people in Louisbdrg township have listed their taxes. List yours at once that you may not forget it and have to suffer the extra expense and trouble of doing so i later. Usmier Cleveland, the expenses 4 ' from the National Government were I six dollars per capita. ' Under Taft the expenses are twelve dollars per ' capita. Thus, the Republican Na- 1 tional Administration - cost North I' Carolina twelve million dollars more j every year than when the Democrats '' were in power. Do you know Where ' your money goes?yon pay $6 more ! Federal tax through tariff for every i1 member of your family thanyoa paid when the Democrats ran the government.?Newe.and Observer. j1 TWENTY-FIVE GIRLSThe Farmers'Union is doing a great work in emphasizing the need j of reaching agriculture in the publicj schools, antUthey are receiving the hearty co-operation of State Superintendant Joyner and President Hill, ot the Agricultural and Mechanical i College. At this time there are . twenty-five young women teachers who are taking a short course in agrioulture at the A. A M. College,' so as to be prepared to teach rudimentary agriculture in the schools. They an. the pkSBeers of an army of X young women who will equip tbemselves for this practical instruction. President Alexand- r, of the Farmer's Union, who made e fine speech on tbio subject at the A. 4 N, ColX lege yesterday, urged the imporX tanoe of puttinjg some praoticd ag. riiultural trtisles in the reading books used by the children in the public schools to the end that they will become more inteieeted in farming The tendency has been to educate from the farm. The need i? to sdiirate ta the farm. This is US new sort of education that is being encouraged and emphasized, and it will result in better instruction and in making many blades of graa< grow where now?we have only a few,?News-Observer. Tom Watson A Democrat; Renounces Populism. Atlanta, May, 31.?In a bitter personal attack on Congressman, T. W. Hard wick of the Tenth District, who is seeking renomination, Thornis E. \V ataon to-day announoed his return te the Democratic party. In Dirt the erstwhile Populiat leader laid: "To ease the Hardwick mind?-t vhat's left' of it?I will say that ivery energy of my heart and ton! will be consecrated henceforth to loing something for the good of the country through the Democratic >*rty. Stern experience has taught ne that no other method can auccsed n the Sonth. "Asking nothing for myself, t will abor with all ray strength to restore o the common people (he control of heir public affairs; to elevate the >ld Southern ideals of statesmanship; o unfetter the South from the domnation of Republican States in the rational Democratic convention; to iring ante-bellum Democratic prii iiples once more into the creed of he party and the legislation of Confess?thus redeeming the masses rem the abuses ot special privilege ind re-establishing the Jefferson logma of and exact justice for ill men. without special privileges to inv..'?MPniinfw Fourth of July Reylval The revival of the Fourth ot July a a sign of the limesT "All Over the Oroad land the interest in the old1 fashioned, patriutio festival is awaksning anew, and this year every sixible village in the United States relounds to the cracking of the miniature bombs which John Chinaman has taught us to use for expressing cur jay* , A new thrill of national pride is running through the people; and it is followed by a desire to manifest that pride. Fourth of July fnrnish0s exactly the chance to give vent to the feeling of exuberant energy? the mysterious tendency to expansion, and the old self assertive fever. The uncontrollable desire to "hear the eagle scream'' shows that the nation Itaows Its strength and means to use it. We menace nobody, but we mean to "gang our ain gait" without paying modi attention to objections or obstacles, Rupert Mullen Dead. On Wedneslay morning Jane 15, mo, about 9 u'ciock the deaili angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mullen and took there-frjm little Rupert Wesley, 'aged eleven months. Little Rupert was remarkably bright and a lovely baby [lis death brought sorrow to many hearts besides those of his grief Mrioken Barents. Alt that a loving father and mother could do was done in hit behalf, bti) the hand that doeth all things well haa seen beat to take him te a weeter home, aweeter than any earthly father can give. Our lose ia hie eternal gain for we are aura that little Kurort haa gone to reat. Buddod en earth to bloom in heaven. The burial took place in the family burying grounds at Mr. W- A. At alien. Sr., and services were conducted by the "good old" Bro. John Uhsaves, aaeiatedby Mr. S. J. Alford r a fribnd. "pPan can be eaaify and quickly a to ped. p.nk Pain Ttfleta ?Dr. Shoop'i top Headache, wkmanly pains, anj pain anywhere, in ab hinuteseuro. Formula on the 26c. bex Aek your druggist or doctor about thk fdtonula?It's fln? Sold by F. Ketd tfleassnW, Louiabnrg T. C. Joyner, FraaklintonX ' ' F?l>dXl/ Oeo full blood Jetav j;? *4 . -1 >I ^ - \ jTEACHERS - INSTITUTE-, | The summer i^ooljw Franklin county j ( | tetas^icrs will beVhelu at Louisburg for j I two wfeel^s beginsyig I' L MondayX July 18th ] or white teachers the^e^ercises will be ' ' conducted in'lhef C: laded ?bh$>ol build- ' ing. For colored tewhers in tha years with neu' ralRia and ft>aln In na r aide. The pain i I was so sev*e I could not sleep. I tried j Noah's Linfment, and the first &dd1!o&- A non maaeine reel belter than In many W years. I would not b without a bottle < ox Noah s Liniment lr the house. Mrs. Martha AJ See, Rlchi ond, Va." | ? ?"#'?y wif? or several years , with neumlgria ^nd to< thache. She used I about hat a bottle 01 Noah's Liniment ptwr4;r! lek-j-a Fi,her-" | ^sunsss?:' Stiff Jojbta and Musdes, Sore Throat. I grains. Spralt. Cuts. Brulaea. Coltc, Cramps, I _ !_. I Neuralna, Tooth- ,lj *1L CfrgA7v>. ache find all .(7 | Nerve, (Bone and vft Muscle]Aches and | Pains. J The g?en- [1 ulne Has Noah's | Ark qn every ISfd'VFd.aY.r.'ft If JI I (, 1 medicine. Sam- kKV/Ala|k I pie bJ mall gfc'hhJ^^ya.C0- nyiiuu:iq | If SicK : Don't ritk even one tingle penny! And I will tell you why* I say this. } I I y&s %ar* i NO one need rlik eren i ne tingle penny. | Jut think what this m< anl to tho inferlng lekl . 1 I f- No rttk. nn&kuntt. nothing whatever un, leee health ?r#jjfcirn.>or ? (nil dar>. and | withoutthe rWfrafl.^l Vj., penny, you CUM either of my tw9^n|6c?mnedla??g>r. Shoop'i | Restorative orW: WIoowMJ teumatfe Remedy. / VHP why ***,?nee whatever? , < Why purchase an t medicine ichoec maker dart not back ii jiut foe I do by Z thit remarkable offer 9 ? 7 m .j ^ndl^^^lManost ajHSfgh- - | Sboop's RettoAfyTiLlfjoM X& every drug storo 2 In the land. Th JMkhl&ar** tag'aald, ."We take w For twenty years Dr. Bhbofc's medicines have 1 became thoroughly standard! MQ all over America, d , ^Andl bav-^5b^jyt?d and res pons- | tow uruijiia iiiK?p!Tj?ianPW village every- < wher* to the ikk-imTmc entire rii2i mine alone. >1- 1 But write me ftnt far u order. ^ , I hare an agent In m nost every eomroun- 1 Itj?but all druggists ere nhl authorized to grant the 30 day teat. J ' So drop me a line. p|M ie?and thus ?ave all . disappointments and delsfirs ' Beside*, yon are fwt< consult me by letter as you would yonr homtfph slelan. Do so freely 1 and fully?if you desire/ My advtoe and the book . j below are your*?and frith ut cost, Fsrhaps a 1 word or two from me will c ear up some serious I ailment. 1 have helpedflbouj tnds upon thousands j bjr my private presciiptlor or personal advice P Besides, the bofk* wl I open up new and , - helpful ideas to you^They t 11 of my 30 years ex- ' 1 perienee at the hsisira 11 n t oroes and in Hospi, tals. AH phajeVhroiflmejA knd relief are told of I j here. They rtl 6t fwtto fl\< dort "inside nerve" , no larger thagjr slBwnVUwe M feat rites to the I I Heart Its impulse, flow the I tomach and Kidney I each have their Inside or >ower nerve. Hov I j these organs surey father w ten these eontfoHim i | or master nei uyfwWi to fa . How Dr. 8hoop s I i Restorative goewescthL to hese falling nerves, i and rebuilds, sndMtaflle* A restores the loet I tone and powS^Jl ans&i rfceip jwtf It It I within the power ofmedlprt j to do so. My best I I effort Is sorely worthymwtii pie request, do write I now. while it is fresh tw' iind, foe tomorrow, I i never comes. Dr. 8hoop. Bo: 12. Racine, wis/ Which Boot Shell : BmS Toe? I Bo. 1 On Dyspepsia > >. 4 For Women I Bo. 2 On 4he Heart I 3.5 For Men ' Bo. I On the Kidneys )o.?On RhnmwHl, , The Best grade Kotflh Carolioa Rice | ever brought to Louisbun? at L. P. Hicks. j i German Millet Seed Rape Seed Sum- < mer Turnip and Cpllard Seed at L. P. | Hicks. ( t ' Notice. ^ * Having qualified a? executor of the , i estate of H. H. G%m, Aceaaed, late 1 of Pmnklin county\th?* a to notify all i persons holding clail|s atfnnst said et- , - tate will present the Aamf to me oi or 1 before June 16th, 191l\r ftis notice will i be plead is bar of theiWJaeeveDF. -All , persons owning said estfte will .please j' eome forward and makeIfamsdiate set-11 tlement This Jane 16tl. ffilQ. W. E. (m Extr. ' 9 ; | = llffBI \ 1 Is the greatest inc? 1 mqjey. ~ \ 1 thing you feelmore lik ^ Interost, like a muc "woilcs while you slee] i ?^ ? We-^p?y-4?^ | . pound interest < I count from $1. ""* Absolute safety, 1 "our watch-word. j The Farmers & ! ? LOUISfeUF I . OFFK C B CHEATHAM, President. F NffiGER I ? M. 8. CLWTON, / , . I DIRECT T. W. Bickett. C. B. Cheatham, Dr.B. P. Bur F. N. Egerton, W. U. F'leasants, 1 UNDER SUPERVISION OF THE I - ' - * = I Now For^ I ' 11/ s n < yyc /\re rceaay ana time bl I .Carrying a^ulHine'^fOenera^ Merc Come aad Figure With MakM li How about your Guano? We handle ?he Kedmo goods. None better for tobacco, cotton an Our prices w. p. neAl & 1 P. S. Messrs. J. H. Best and J. N. Davis arc I friends come to Bee them. 1JUST RE i i t Large Lot of Supam ^Bankrup) Good Gingham .'7. Beat qushty fast color yard wide Percales Manchester Rep Galatea ??~ , , , Best quality of Croxton Cloth ? Msmritttl Ping" Others Values too Nu Gome Quick Thej * ' . \ . * * McKINNE BR( ^oCisBURGri v &' . v-: " ' ^ ^ yr ' ' ' -* . - . ; ''W!;; * * REST= 'jj sntive tdwards saving ? our is yarning"'apme- w e saving, j h advertised remedy: * pW cent com- X__ _ on saving's ac- - x* ^uerUity and courtesy Merchants Bank I TON, ViL-Pres. R Y McADEN, Cashier 9 Lssistant Cashier. x- ? t, CI P. Harris C. T. Stokes, J. W. King 9 R. Y. McAden, O. S. MacSri. x. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA # RllciM/\no S LfUSII ItSd i | Prepared to do a | JSINESS ' | handise, Feed Stuffs, Guano, Etc. X Us. We Know We Can 4 iteresting X nt, Mt. Airy Co's.and Navaasa Guano Company's B d corn, in fact special analysis for all crops. W Arc Right Z CO. Louisburg, IN. C. J CEIVED.;. 1 er Dress Goods at .# r ^ Prices Y merojus to Mention. X r'll Si^n be gone X r\Tijmr? ^ LFinCI^LU. || ^ortfl Carolina '* ' -; ]if'