1 - " . -r *?' Professional Card TNR.'ARTUUn HYNES FLEMING, 8urseon Dentist, Office in Ford Buildin*. Main and Nesh street. Lou is bur jr. N. C. , Hours: 9 to 4:30. Phone No. 40. . I\R. H. A. NEWELL, NU \ 'BHTSICUN Louisburg. N. C. Phone No. 156 -pKANKLINT< N HOTEL Fr inkliuton. N. C. R. A. Speed, Proprietor. Goody <iverv in connection JjiLC. H. BANKS DENTAL SURGEON? L\li?bnr?, N. C. Office in Hieu Building. Muin Streeb. P H. COOKE| ATTOkNEY-AT LAWJ / Lowborg, N C.' Over Cooper & Pleasants Store. Prompt attention giren al legal bi sinees entrusted to n* JJBT Jr E. MAU)NE PHYSICI^Saod 81 IRQ EON Louispurg, N I.'. Offl in rear of Bessley-Ali ton Drug Store. WYAR. 8. P. BURT * PHYSlCtANland SURGEON ILoulsblrg, ft'.C. Office over P. 8. AlK. K. Allen's Store gR. R. F. YARBOROUGH PHYSI'lAN aid FBI ROEON LouiabuAa N.C. * 'Office in Yarborough Bickett building. Night calls answered f.pm T. W Rirkett s residence, phone 74. 1 g B. MASSES BUR? * attorney At la a Lonlsbuife, 1. C. Will practice in all th$ courts oi the State Office in EgertonA Boildii^ Wu HVYW()OD|RUFriX ATTORNEY ATI LAW Lonisb^rg, N. IC Will practice In all ^onrts ol Franklin and adjoining couutiea also in the Supreme Court and in rlie United Stalks Di trict and Circuit Court. Office oyer First National Rank. fjl B. WILDER \ ATTORJ^EY AT LlW ^ Lonialbrg, N. C.\ Office on Main etrpet in Coopet building. jjtVRCILL A HODDEN / T ATTORNEYS AT LAm ^\LoolnbbfE. N. C. \ Will attend the.courts ol/Franklin, Vance, OranYille, Warr*.. and Wake'ounties, also the Supreme CouiV of North Carolina. Prompt attention givea/to collections Office in Rprvlll building. / T. W. Bickett. / R. B. White Louisburg, N.JC, ^ / Fi*nkllntojK/X>Q^ Bickett white J LAWYERS Louisblrg, N C. Ths settlement o? reputes for ?xnu tors, I Administrator! sod Usardians is made a specialty, and hetVpndB required by law can be secured in as ottre. Office in Yarbodotrgh 4 .Bickstt building Mai ii "street \ yy M. PERSON ATTORNK^AT LAW LfruisburA N. C. ^ Practice in all sourts. Office on Main Street H. Yi^OROUGH.Vr. ATTORNEY AT LAW I Louisburg, N. C.\ Ail legal bulines* intrusted to ml l*r-?ceive Bromot attention. Offl-eJ in\ .Egerton uilding I \ F. JoU'.K 7 \ CONTRACTU I asd^BCILDER Louisb rg/N. C. , \ Trailing agent for al blurts of building supplies. artistic Mantl< r and Tiles. Architectural designs submit ?d. ^ D R/ rO R D / DENTIST. * F/anklinton. -N. 0., Sale otTown lot* By virtue if the power/ contained in a certain agreement /executed by George Hart and Wife tb/JTJWV King, and recorded1 in tl? office/of, the Register ofDeeda for Franklin county book 166, page 471, I will/ on Monday, the 20th. day of June/ 1910, at the hour of twelve o'clodk, /noon, sell at public auctioi\at the ceuft loan door in Louisbnsg, N. C., VI the highest bidder for cash, a certain lot or parcel of land situated in the Odunty of Franklin, State of North Ciffplina, and In the tekn of Loulsbuig. I ip the River road, bounded as foltiito towit:-On the north by the lot of S. w. Ford, on , the East by the Colored CemVtarv lot on the South bv the Rivfcr roid and on the West by the lot oflHeniV Portia, add conUnining one half an acre, mo-e or laaa. This the 19trf day of May, 1M0. - J. W.flwo, Trustees W. H. Yarborough, JitlAtt'y. .?,?r . . r. . - ' *L ' _ 1 ornvjv^i " We have a nice fresh stock of Gro have you examine before making your money on anything in our line. Let Us Show You ai "We also earry a i General Merchandi When in town give us a call, we wil viait pi oif GEO. H./ fi'vr, i ' n ./-v -? ;?*1 ' V I ... .. A Good E "1 am a good example," v McAlester, Okla., "of what Cai women. "1 suffered with my.head am I and although 1 triod everythini thing to do me any good, until I "Cardui has surelV helped r I am so thankful that 1 navfc four I me good. I feel so muc\ stroni I in a long time." \ / It is well to make: upXycyjr I what medicine you will take v AYou will be gla<yto take It erable and when life seems a I new thoughts into ycur head, fre If not sick now, at least but I of your memory, st that when I for It without thinJclng. It sick or wepk, get a bott Write to: Ladles' Advisory Dept. Chsttancx I fur Special Instruction*, and 64-pafe book, "Horn WIL.Lt Has just receive^ .:.Samc this week at the B* member everyl at Wholes* TATE MACHINERY Dealers in TA \jITTLET<*> Wheat Separators, Cotton Cans, Saws, Bi &c. Eclipse Engines and Slw Mills carri Steele. /Write (or catalogue! prices and t We Have Just The BLUE SER< Making this largest lot of blue suits we are being sold rather buskiy. Owing t these first class garments at a cheaper able to buy. >. , \ We have also4lspihe ve, stylish k We are just closing out our lrdiesXapd for our fall shoes which are soon t?ari able price in the shoe line don't nAlee You should not Ml r An immense lotfif them. All s/rts ol cheop? Weill We should say so cheaj of one. I UTe have ia vemr n Voil, Panama, Mohair, Whit J Duck an t'o-date style. They are cheaper than AARON DEITZ, Lt > - . . , v .,>; .< ?. . T writes Mrs. R. L Bell, of I . dui will do for suffering H L< d baokf for over six years, _H_ 5, I/never could get any- H b?gan to take Cardui. B 11 tie and built me up and I }G something that will do H 7t er and better than I have mind before you are sick I , rhen you are sick. RDUll i's Tonic I "r \ when you are tired, mis- in weary grind. It will put H r? tshtcourage into your mind. H in rn Oardui on to the pages H tu you tare sick you will ask' H ev \ HS le today. At all druggists. Hj l|s ?* Medidnc^Co.. Cfcattannooga. Taw., ou e Treatment for Women," sent free. ^B vc Pa tb iOOKE A new line of ? Yi _ . f " UPS FVvo irgain Store. Re- 2 thing is sold 2 ileNCash. t ^la & SUPPLY CO. I fochinery " I. N. C. ,y/ tB k/ w 1/ We have the following sec- 12 y I ond hand machinery for sals: eT / 1 40 h p Ettinger engine $200 I 1 40 h p Erie City Boiler 200 1 50 h p Stationary Boiler ?e $ | almost new frf. 330 *? H 1115 h p Oeiser Portable of boiler, good 250 re I * ' 1 15 hp Eclipse Engine and tu K\ and boiler 300 1* ; 1 12 hp Talbot Engine and SO ~ boiler 150 "l ?j/ 1 Eclipse Saw Hill No. 0 150 te fJ\ 1 Eclipse Saw Mill No. 0 100 10 \ 1 Talbot Saw Mill 45 b< 1.1 Chisel Tooth Saw, 44 <1< \ "Hoe" T*45 de siting i Solid Disston Saw, 39 15 <n ed in ... >)? ' erms. 10 as ' . ~ dl Balance of Oar w 3E SUITS I .A bl i have ever had at oae time. They l-*S o the fact that we are able to sell | to pace than onr competitors arwT~,v r ' 1 / " JL T sa ry pretty Gray and jolors J' ' rri at th men low cat slioea.iP make room " ive. If you wa"nt a very reason- w it to cnli on ns. - 1K or cr p see our Trousers Al \ Wl \ , ~ ' tb f grades ond colors. Are they vi: p tnfct you will buy 2 pair instead t* \ " er \ us ice \)t of Skirts u \ " ' I sh \ pr d others puVup in handsome up- < r you can buv the cloth. su - ;\ juisburg, IN. C. ? CO ERIES | ceries Ulat we woulc^ be glad to Viurcliases. We can save you hn \' rut LdrTalk With You lieL Ime of - to I \ w< se \and Fruits ?< I \ ' rue 1 do our\ntmost to make your lant ^ " ? -? - ,e? COOPER I HE SUNDAY SCHOOL.! iisan I.?Third Quarter, For July 3, T910. rIE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. .xt of (io Lesson, Matt. xiii, 31-33, I4-C2?Memory- Verse, 44? Golden I Tu;:t, Rom. xlv, 17?Commentary i Prapcrec! by Rov. D. M. Stoarne. [laving considered two of these sevparubles, we are asked in thi3 lesn to take up the remaining five. We verse 53 that -all the ren formed out? discourse, spoken at e time, four publicly and three, with e explanation of the second, more , ivately to the disciples only (verse i. We-must remember thuf He is the whole discourse describing difrent phases of this present age from Is rejection until ills coiulug again, e mysteries of the kingdom. Whatcl* symbol or figure lie explains mds good for the ~\vhoie discourse? , for example, "the field is the .>rld,M the birds represeut the wicked le. the enemy is the devil, the barest is the end of the age. In the first ruble only perhaps a fourth part of e seed bears fruit, at least only a ift without suylug how much. In e second the children of God aud the wicked one continue side by le throughout the whole age. lu the ird there is the unnatural growth oni the leest of all seeds, not only of t herb, but of a tree, in the branches which the birds of the air lodge. Ln the fourth, the parable of the iven, a womgn is seen leavening, or miptiiigj/tier food, for from Ex. xll. here thd houses had to he searched id a)l leaveu put uway, all through e Bible leaven is without except io^ Symbol of evil. Our Lord taught to ware of the leaven of the Pharisees id of the Sadducees (xvi, 0), and Paul ught to put awaj* the leaven of alice and wickedness and use the lleaveued bread* of sincerity and uth (I Cor. v, 8). Tlie rule iu al! the orifices was "burn no leaven nor ly honey" (Lev. it. 11), but tbere was le exception made ln reference to a anksglving offering, uud leaven was mniumled to represent the evil that as in their tbanlugtiiqg (Lev. vil. :, 13, and Amos iv, 5). This* woman ideutly represents the professing mreh thoroughly corrupting her aching, and it is even now, as was retold in II Tim. ill, 3; iv, 3, a form godliness denying the power and.a fusal to endure sound doctrine. UniriAuism and inlidelity ure in many a llpit where only the pure gospc' ight to be preached. Sarah did betr when she took three measures of eal and baked unleavened cakes for ?r visitors (Uethv xviil, On With the fvll catching away the seed or binding the fruit, sowing tares, enterg the church, causing false doctrine be taught, it does not look encour;lng. but we are glad that He Is not scouraged and that He has told us hat to expect (Isa. xlli, 4). Let us hear the other parables spo>u in the house to the disciples. Irst there is a Held with treasure dden in it which a man buys, hav- i g sold all that be had in order to ly :ft (verse 44). This cannot reprenf the sinner obtaining salvation, r salvation cannot be bought It Is holly and only of free grace. Neither oney nor good works can obtain it. ad where Is there even a hint that lvatlon is to be hidden?| Is it not ther to be proclaimed to gll people? >t us hold fast the teaching of the evious parables and all will be clear id eusy. The field is the world, and ere is only one who can buy it, and is writ tea of Him that, though He | as rich, for our sakes He become | or. Why^should He need to buy it i redeem, it? Because, although be j eated it. He gave it to Adam, .and j jam mortgaged it to the devil, who os bold enough to say to our Lord at he owned it (Matt, iv, 8. 9). Rom. ! li. 21; Rev. xxii, 3. and other texts ach that It shall yet be fully de'iv- 1 ed. I'Xv. xlx, 5, and referent es teach j that the treasure is Israel, through ! bom He will yet bless all nations. [ to the present, through all this age, I e Is a hidden treasure, and few i out liers make any reference to her j look for nn.r future ft r iter, but I ch should give heed to .let*, xxxiil, j 2d: ill. 17; Isa. 1x1. _j_ Ln the parable of the pearl it must j the same man who gave up all that | had In order to obtain It. As petit*!3 me from tbe sen, this p?:irl tmi.it present the church gathered from e son of imihuis und in due time to ( a glorious church, not having spot wrinkle or any such tiling, holy and thout blemish (Eph. v. 27)?11 per- 1 ?t pearl, but perfect only because ! ited to Illfu who pur. hrt. cd her. He id of Israel. "Thy beauty was per?t through my comeliness which I d put up.ui thee" (Ezek. xvi, 14). iVheti the., time of tlie mystery has f used the pearl?the church?shall feel mlfestly one with Him. and Israel nil be uurlfe/tly His treasure in tbe es of all nations. While the parnblr t the net may have some reference the gathering at the end of the a get 1 must nuiL'mbet thai lie said to ne of His first followers, "Follow !,. and 1 will matte yoir fishers of ?n" (Matt. Iv. 10). Through all the 9 the net has been gntherin^jfood fl bad*, not taklnar.aH the Sab In the t and not gathering only tbe good ( ?, but gathering of every kind, a ?t separation to take place at tb? 1 of tbe age. Some consider verse* and 52 an additional parable. v " " - o ' - 1. > V I . . ? ; . - v. ' * ' ' * ? . .. USED UNIVE CORTR^W \V HEN Cortright Metal Sh^gl? were ago) you had some excuseyfor bung sc< I f you are sceptical it ca/ only b\ bcca facts in the case. / \ They are used today frcjfn the AtlaVtic t of buildings, under all Conditions. \ They are fireproof, stormproof; nevet le building itself withouy needing repairi For further detailed itifofkn; M. F. HOUCK,'. | |Louist Specialties ir aaaaaaa, WTT WW V W i ' X When You Drinks Co; Drink the I I HAVE There are no better b; Blue Ribbon, Mani Carajar, Society ai Try one can and be c B. G/ H PHONE NO a big lot New furn ;4-and?: Sewing\Ma just r?ce And we caa^make the prices rigUt. Qome > we have ana be sanvin We Are Selling theJV niturejforjtbe Mon\ Can Buy in th I ales carry a nioe and eomplete line { one triad to serve those who may be in net me a oall^wlien in town or in i - 1 in my Jine. Ef, White furniti Special Sc AT THE Racked New line of White^Goods, Ginghams. Ye/cale, J] stoStf of Laces and Etat We call espe/ial atte^tioi Amorihon Worn# M*MVA AVMU Uk/V/CiU^ Tha best on the market. Call*an<J see them. Sai baby caps just received. /It will be to yo < MRS. A M SPEND YOUR VA AT THE VIRG Ity OCEAN VIEty (Midwavjbetween Norfolk %nA Old F The moat popular Summer Motel on HEADQUARTERS FOFy NORTH barf Bathing, Fnihing, Boating, Mdfic, Daneir Bowling Allejra and Othar Aoanaafaentt. Am Tot Rate* and Farther Inform JNO. A /TUCKER, . , - * ' ? 4*** .-.^v RSAL-LV TMETAL 1 SHINGLES first introduced (24 years optical: ? use you do not know the 0 the Pacific for all kinds" ak and last as long as the StiQiT apply .to * ?rg,;N. c. 1 Coffee fr fife? Why No rest? - - ? . . ..i ,T vrands than the ~ lattan Blend, id Toxaway. jonyinced. . iAkc IWI w 100 OF liture 4 chines IVED - V te Bee us and loek at what ced that rery Best Fur>y That You e State. lertakete supplies and will be id olm servioes. Give ised of anything ire Company lies Store v Madras. ^ouitinflr and a pretty s iroideries i to the y Corsets pie line of tidies hats VlALL rION BAY |^| i(rjfrhe?tr*B, Boenie R*ilw?y? erie*^and European Pino. . ^

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