< . HUlMfU}. '.- * - \ ?- ' / N Professional Card jQR. ARTilUR HYNES FLEMING, 8urg?uii Dentiit, ^Offlcc^in Ford Building. Main and Naah etreet, ^HouraT#'Phone Xo.*40. 1 'PHYSICIAN* . Louisburtf. It C.' ' Phone,No. *150 TOKANKLldrQN HOTEL ffranklintou. N. C.J k R. AV Speed, Proprietor. r Quodudrerv in connection JJIt. C H. BANKS / . t ?nEHTU. sniafcoN L';in?t>urg, K. C. Office in HicksBuildiiwf, Mt.in Street. p H. CpUKEl / ^ATTORKEljpXf-LAWJ Louiwvg, N. C.' Orer Cooper ft PlAMante Store. Prompt attention Riven all wal business entrusted to ru? ' ~ |JR., J. E. MAL^E GROq We have a nice fresh stcck of G: hare you examine before making yo money on anything in our line. Let Us Show You a > We also earr/1 General Merchfitnd When in town give us a cap. we' h / visit pie geo./h. > 'r'f "- ' 'd'tfiaT , % Cook inS? Comfort Here is a stove that gives no 4a concentrated at the burners. A either white or red Ma thrown up heat is utilized in cooking ? nan JKeyJBte "OliCro entirely removes the discomfort c immediately the stove is ready, j jected upwards against the pot, on is no surrounding heat /: Standard Ol frlacorpo WIl^L < Has just rechivec ,:.Sam this week at thp B member ej/erj at "Wholes TATE MAC ANER1 Wheat Separators, Cotton Gins, Saws, &c. Eclipse Engines and Saw Mills car stock. Write for catalogue, pricee and riMSHHRjytRSRHRSSRSRSj NO NEED AT AL\FOR YOI ...SCOG x WAY&^E and well stocked with thre best i the look-good, taafe-good d thing you nee^^nd the ore twf QfynnniM r PHYSICIMS and SURGEON" Lomabau, N. r. Oil! -4.il) rear of BeanleV-Alston Drug Store. |^R. 8. P. ifoftT V PHYSlftAN atnAsi RGEON jttouisburg, i.'C. Office over tf. S. A K. H. Allen's Store ?Jit. R. F./ YARBOROUaH PHYll' lAN and SURGEON I Louishnrg, N. CI Office in Yirborough & Bicl&rt building. Night calls answered f om T. JV Rirketts residence, pnone 74. \ B. MASSES BURG V kTTORXEY AT LA.A / Louisburg, N. C. \ Will prajioe in all the courts ot the State tlffice in Egerton Building ^ M./HVYWOOD RUFFLN I / ATTORNEY AT LAW \ / I Lo?isburg, N. C. \ Will prac<ice in all courts of Frank in and adj-i'ujiijir comities als3 in the S ipretnc Court/and in the United States Di tr ct and Oircufc Court. Office* oyer First Ji .tiooal Bang. . A fjn Jb. ^wilder ' ATTORNEY AT LAW , Louisburg, N. C. ^ Office on Mftin street in Cooper building. gPRUILL 4 BOLDEN* ; ATTpRNEia \T LAW LMiaborf.in. C. Will attend thevcourts < Franklin, Vance, Granville, Warrlj.. and jWak>*'ounties, also the Supreme Cout t Of North Carolina. Prompt atteotioh given to eollectious Office in Sprnill building. I \ r T. W. UU-kctt. \ I R. B. Whits LouisLurg, y Franklinton, N. C. JglCKETT A. WHOTE LAWYERS ~ LouiiburV. N C. The settlement o'festotda for executors,'Administrators andJOuard\ans is made a specialty,,au<' *?ehornds retired by law can be secured in nb qpffice. \ Office in Yaroorough dA Bickett bnfldiug Main, street j \ yy M. PERSON \ ATTORNEY AT UAW lUonisburg. N. C.\ Practice in afl courts. Office oiaMain Street ^yy H. YARBOROUGH, Jr. \ ATTORNEY AT LAW \ I Louisburg, N. C. \ All legal business intrusted to mi i'areive ui-omut intention. Offiee] in ^Egerton Bnildi"g. 1 \ m ' hK V tXMTRACTOEK and* BUILDER t Lou inborn, N. C. Tradioirpgent for nil kind* of building ?uppliea. >irpst.i': Mailt l?a and Tilna. Arckitectiir.il dHfifrn* submitted. 0 R FO R D DENTIST. Franklinton, N. -C., Sale otTown Lot. By virtue of the {lower contained in a certain agreement executed" by Oeorge Hart and wife to J. Wr King, and recorded in the of! ceofyOie Register of Deeds for I ranUlin county book 156, page 471, I w Ilyon Monday, the 20th. day-eMui of 1910, at the honr ot-tiwelve o'clock noon, sell at public auction at the fa irt house door FnXouisbiug, N. Cfr c\ the highest hfttJer fhr cash, a nri-ta nUot or parcel "ft land situated ir^he < oufcty of^rrriri/klin, State of Nffrth ( trotiot/T and Th / the town of hopisbural off the River / road, boundap aa fd?6*s. towit:-Qn I the north by/he lo^af (V. W. Ford, on \ the East by/he Ceforefl Cemetary lot on ' Vthe South/tprrne RWer road and on she -W?Vffy the lot jpt Henry Portia, add ctJlfUnining onpjhalf an acre, mo-e or leas./ This thff U9th day or May, 1910. / / Xf. King, Trustees W. H.Vjfsrbjjrdugh.Wr., Att'y. , , 7T . . J ' ?-ia fJ: . i no longer need wear yourOut with the weakening of an intensely hot kitchYou can cook in comfort. > outside heat. All its heat n intense bide flame (hotter than wards but not around. AU the h. *? ' T?r/ection. stove . /cooking. Apply a fnatch and Instantly an intense heat is pron, kettle or boiler, and yet there no smell ?no smoke. Why j. Because The New Perfection "Oil Cook-Stove la scientifically and practically perfect. You cannot use wo much wick ? it is .automatically Controlled. You getthe maximum heat ?no smoke. The burner is aimple. One .vipe with a cloth cleans it?consequently there is no smell. The New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove is wonderful for year-round use, but especuUly in summer. Its heat operates upward to pan, pot, or kettle, but hot beyVnd or around. It is useless for heating a room. It has Cabinet Top with shell for keepingyplates and food l}ot. It has long turquoise-blue enamel chimneys. Tvie nickel finish, with the -bright blue oXthe chimneys, makes the stove ornafucntal and attractive. Made with 1, 2 and 3 burners; the 2 and 3-burner stoves can be had with or without Cabinet. \ Every dealer everjrwliere jsif not at your*. write (or DeecrlpUre Circular to the V*1** *??nc7 of the 1 Company rated) DOOKE i /a, new line oi pies.:. largkin Store. ReA 1 ~ Tiling ie sold lale Casn> r & SUPPLY CO. Maxiliinery >ar n. c. We have the following aecb ond hand machinery for sale: I 1 40 h p Ettinger engine $200 1 40 h p Erie City Boiler 200 1 50 li p Stationary Boiler k$ almost new 330 j 1 35 h p Geiser Portable boiler, good 260 ~ 1 16 hp Eclipse Engine and SK\ and boiler 300 Bftjc 1 12 hp Talbot Engine and boiler 150 1 Eclipse Saw Mill Wo. 0 150 Sik// 1 Eclipse Saw Mill No. 0 100 1 Talbot Saw Mill 45 \ 1 Chisel Tooth Saw, 44 ? "Hoe" Beltins, j Solid Disston Saw, 39 >-,{15 ned in IPTS* terms.- - J TOIWO^RY, BECAUSE P0TINT1TN IS U,W COOL | ind tbeshest drinks. We serve rinks, \Phone us for anyler will bdMiromply fijled )RUG COMPANY * -' nnnnnnn . t* si be glad to I an nave you :h You Fruits i make your ER I t / -V,. . . : . ' . . *? * - i 5? THE SUNDRY SCHOOL! ______ Lesson II.?Third Quarter, For" .July 10, 1910. ^ THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. 4 4 Text of the Lesson,v Comprehensive Quarterly Review?Golden Text, John %v|, 63?Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns.?: At the close of the first quarter we tool* the Easier lesson Instead of the review, so that we have had no review this year^.until now. We will give flie. loss6u titles and Golden Texts oT Ilie second quarter and ttH'n~onflpirr- _ or to suiinr.:;.ri/.e the lessons of the year to date: ?' 1.?-The l'owtr of Faith." Matt. Ix, . 18-34; Golden Text. Mark ix, 23. I 2.?"The Mission of the Twelve." t Matt. Ix. 35, to x. 15,* 40-42; Golden Text, Matt. x. 8. k 3.?"The Question of John the Baptist," Matt. xi. 1-19: Golden Text, John v. 3d. A 4.?"Warning and Invitation," Matt, xl, 20-30; Golden Text, Mutt. ,xi, 28. n 5.?"Two Sabbath Incident*?'-, Matt. ' xll, 1-14; Goideu Text, Matt, xii, 7. 0.?"Temperance Lesson," Prov. xxiii, 29-35; Golden Text. Prov. xxiii. 32. 7.?"Growing Hatred to Jesus," Matt, xll. 22-42; Goideu Text, Matt. xii. 30. 8-~=.'J>?atli of Johu the Baptist,A ' Matt, xlv, t-12; Golden Text, Prov. xvl, 32. / f 9.?"The Multitudes Fed," Matt, xlv, . 13-21; xv, 29-39; Goideu Text. John vi. 83. "I 10.-t-"Jesur. -Walks on the Sea.' J Mutt, xlv, 22-30; Goideu Text, Matt. . .xlv, 33. ( Cauaanitlsh Woman,"' Matt, xv, 2T2?Mlfiiaen Text, Matt, f *v, 28rs^y 12.?"Parable of the Sower." "Matt, xili, 1-9, 18-23; Golden Text, Jus. i, 21. 13.?"Paruble of the Tares," Matt, xlll. 24-30, 30-43; Golden Text. Matt. xlU. 43. Third Quarter, No. 1.?"Pictures of the Kingdom." Matt, xlll, 31-33, 4452; Goideu Text, Horn, xlv, 17. A simple outline of the book thus ~ far would be according to chapters: i?iuc geueuiogy nua DLl'lU or the Kiug; II?The visit of the wise men and the flight Into Egypt; iii?-Testimony of John the Baptist and of God the Father at the baptism; Iv?The King and the devil, the King's call to repentance liud His call to the first disciples; v-vil?The laws of the kingdom ;-v!Il and ix?The King s credentials; vx?The mission of the twelve; xi?The King's rejection by the people; xii?The King's rejection *by tie* rulers and His estimation of them; xili?The seven parables covering the present age, or the mystery of the kingdom; y!v?John beheaded, 5.000 fed, Jesus walkiug oh the'sea; xv? Necessity of heart worship, the great faith of a voman, 4,000 fed. The Old Testament is full of testl- ^ mony concerning a kingdom of peace and righteousness for all nations with Israel as the center and an Immortal % man as King on the throne of David, as literally a kingdom on this earth as were Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Borne, the kingdoms of this world having become the kingdom of our LonF and of His Christ (Rev. xi, lib. Great violence has been done to tbe plain teaching of Scripture by assert- j ing that there is no future fdr Israel as a nation, that the church J* now the^true Israel, that the kingdom of God Is within us and that Christ will not have a kingdom on this earth. In. .. reply to these four false and unscrip- ^ tural assertions see Jer. xxxill. Note 1 that He said God's kingdom is among * you or in the midst of you (not within you), for He was speaking to unbelievers who were ready to kill Him (Luke xvii, 20, 21. margin), and, as to His saying "My kingdom is not of thi? (.Toiin gflfc see In the same verse His explanation in the words. "My kingdom is not from . hence." Believers arc born from I above and are uot of the world, but they are in the world, so Ills king- I dom will be on the earth, but not by I earthly power. It will coiue from honvpil with Him TT'n * ,.???.t ? His glory. As believers wo are joint heirs with IDm of this kingdom, kings ~ antl priests nmto God. and w<? shall reign on the oarth (l*on>. viil. Hi. 17; Kev. v. 9. 10). That we may wnl.c worthy of His kingdom and glory let us understand the promises to David and Abraham, believing fully the supernatural birth of the Messiah (Matt. i. 1. 20-23). Let us worship Him as did the wise men and be as obedient as Joseph and Mary (Matt. II, 11, 13-15)". Let us continually give all honor to Him whom the Father and the Spirit so honored (Matt, ill, 1(J, 17). Let us overcome the devil by the word of God. as Jesus did. and become HI" faithful followers (Matt, iv, 4. 7. 10. 20. 22). Being heirs of such a kingdom, let us manifest the spirit of it and make the hastening of it our first business always (MiJTt. v, 10; vj, 33). Being of good cheer hecause of sing forgiven, let us be filled with the Spirit and go about doing good as He did (Matt, ix, 2, 22: Acta x. 38). As His witnesses wc must dop&nd 1 upon the Spirit always and fear nothing. not even death ,(Mntt. x. 20. 2830). Wholly submitted to God, we may know and make it manifest that His yoke Is ?*nsy and His burden light (Matt. xl. 25-30). Having become to Him as brother, sister, mother, "bnr hearts may be so full of Hini that Si oat of the abundance of peace and joy whleb He will give as we shall always speak His praises (Matt, xll, 34). "V " \ V ' 3 > . .. ? ' ) ..... -;r J5_?. 1 . . . USED UNIV WHEN Corti^ght Metal^hmgles wc |jf0) you had some ex^fse fit being , If you are sceptical ?can ot\y be b facts in the case. ? X They arc used todaf from the Vktlanti of Buildings, undejf all condition. They are fireprodf* stormproof; never building itself wthout needing rnairs Faf further detailed info - H. F. HOUCK, lV Specialties When You Drink C Drink the, i h aw;i There are no better^ Blue Ribbon,/ Mai Darajar, So/iety j Try one can/ and be B d > PHONE N A BIG LO N%w Fur ~ ~V ~ -?ANDSewing M< JUST l^EC .nd we caujmake the prices right Cbr we have andr be corf We AreJSelling thej niturejfor^tne Moi Can Buy in t also carry a nice and obraplete line of glad to serve|tho?ar who may be in me a call/when in town or i in my lit iV. E. White Furnii _ Specials _ ' ATTHi Racket \ ew line of WhileVioods.Jfiinghaniis, Perailf stock Of ? ; Laces and We call espeaial atten American Beat lis best on tlie market. Calljaufl see them. baby^aj)s just received. It will be tc MRS. A IV SPEND YOUR V AT rHE VIRGII OCEAN VI? (Mid way ^between Noriwk ySd 01 The meat popular Sum m^/Rotel HEJtPQUAWTCWS roit won irf Bathing, Fishing, - Boating, MuaiV Da Bowling Alleys and Other Amdsemenik. , For Rate^hndH^urther fVfc JNO. H. TUCKB ?? ' : , ' ' i'li'i'lj . ' ' ,1 ERSAL L.V tTSSfSg^ ''J rc first introduced (24 years sceptical: ccause you do rot know the / ' , ,vV; ic to the Pacific for all kinds, leak and last as long as the rmation apply to Hsburg/jN*^- ' ? * ' ? in Coffee / offee Why Nt> 'Best? . \ E IT brands than the i^attan 31end, and Toxaway. convinced. flCKS o 100 ' T OF niture / r- ' achines EIVED r ue to see us and look at what rinced that Very Best Furle^That You he Sftate. undertakers supplies and will be Deed of my services. Give n need of aiiythi^e 10. ' . ture Company ialcs ; r / store 5, ^Madras. Souiting and a pretty . ibroideries ^on to the L_ - itiy Corsets, Samples line Jof ladies. hats ? your interest to see them. j HALL ^ VACATION - T -/ >flA BAY d Point Comfort, Y%L . on the Virginia Coast ' tTM CAWO-t-INIAN? ' i?-t noing, fTheatres, Seenio Railways ^mgr.

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