mmmp" ? ?' _ gg-L J. \ j HtHLtW ?Tile ladies ot tit? tfiwji rave a t very enjoyable lawn party /Tuesday ' tl night for the benefit of the ball j h from start to finish if yoa ot>me oat Friday night to "The / District Scbeol" at the tiraded School. <a ?The joint Methodist and Bap- | tifct 8 ondiy-School eicdtisioti will be * run to Pollen's Park, Kaletgh, on August llth, whtre th>4w</- schools will have their annual pie nid.*- ; ?The first cotton bloom 'of ihs ^ ? season was exhibited in front Of the q Poet Office, Sfdnday.- Julv 4th, by w Isaac Wilder. It was raised by him g * on the lands ot Mr. C. $. Williams. ."S'XWIII-. Ill -i P ..III j i . r-i'Ibohtg .lot ?f poultry that is be- it ing shipped away fi?in here right A uoiaii^Wt ?ndAhe pyjqea/ that are 5 .rl0 , theing paid shonUJ iodpca oor farmers raipe more on tbnir form?, * ?gBMikhiXotw.MOnift th>? week ape I 10 wit ahort on aoenunt ot the Frank- J I111 Uioion aoet-eapoodent btlongiojz to siln tha local nailitary company and bav -nil' 1 ing to >leaven-for Morehead Oitjr 1 Wadncnday iiCi'aUatoo btoay.u- hunt up Ota news.: v<mn'I *_> > u* nji 'id t ?Mtsa Delia raldus died at 'Hei1 "to Atijutii'joitnouiJji |ii) . bu-vl ? . noma on .Main (treat last Monday x ; f! night at O-.tO o'clock gftar an 'ill*** ' I :'ftL'WW ^ Mates i . d iiarroTTftj f ? . 1 jd^fnth 31*4J J?fit ilxxy. '* j "it; d toll 7; ?1110,1 - </ '"** ? vi'-. 1 j'j Jiilll . !! ",! 1 ?ict^ ,'IHO MHB|r ^Ul+J idtfjfijL.?tJxd~Ul . ftitliAax |_ J. w. LOCALS. ?Don't forget "the Destrict School" Friday night. . ^ ?Little William Staler Cheatham who has been very sick is improv- |j inB- . "| ?A special tram was run from i _ ILonisburg to the ball g ... ? i.?i? 0 -Friday. g ->-A large number of our people f, attended the 4th of July garye of. > ball in Louisburg Mondiiy. > a ?Roy J.M. Cole of the Methodist n Ophanage, Raleigh, will fill Rev. W. it W. Rosa, appointment whtle/he is'off I at camp,. , ;l/ v Iattie Mitobell, Mr*. H. T. High nd Mrs. John Mitchell. His re tains were buried at the old Mitch ler grave yard Tuesday evening lev. M. Stamps conducting the aer ices. ' J_"The District School" one o he very best plays ever seen heri iV local talent will be presented ii he anditenuui of the Graded Schoo 'riday night at 8JO o'cluck, lor t'n enefit of the Methodist Uhurct rgan fand. : The scene repreaenti village school years ago, and thi illowint: H SOnie of thy old stari 'ho take ;;rj>minent parts as schol rs, 6te.(, Minnie Morris, Mrs [. a Pek rody Capt. E. J. Cheatham Wi Wliedbos and .etthera. Thi lanagement request us to say tha aejlioket* will be 'on sale at thi -reseent Drug Gm, and alter 40( Bats are sold no mora will be allow d in the house, so some nerly an< urchase tickets or you might re^re . as it will besWelt worth the , price tdmiasion 25 cents, reserved seati 0 cents. 11' >? I . // Personal ' ' 1 i t a,' ' t-J. Mrs. B. T Green spent Monday ii ft 0^-1 Byliary' 7ifept to Raleigl rburmUy,. , ^ ^ ,iB-B. jWftile. 16,11,, fpr. New, Ybr ;jty Ian. week.. Ill . 41 , *>ll!(,! * ?'>. Howard riopkine, of'Kelaigh, i 'iaitiag hn*p?opl? here. imlv. -I" Charlie "rilcbirfi, of T*6itamobU i VMttiffg friend* end rOMtirM her< ";X: S. WHO hWbhbri visit '"MM tb If'T ?To1?w .^I^Uh. ZM **m? yrtrtp- v/n.l. Jhj itf 4401* sit* il*lrds _____ - - m ""*" ' """"""""" - RANK IGSWORT -V 1 An instrument tion. To any c words will suttu one year than tl liwnt miliar nnf institution they two hundred an : pr?l> e than "diet mendous strain colleges using o HOLLIN erviees were conducted by her pu or Rev. W. W. Rose Tuesday aftel oon. Tne burying was at Planl 'happel. She was sister of Mrs. ] >. Staunton, with wbera she ha tgs > red for several vesrs ?l?l ly Miichvl' died at his hom ear town on Sunday night at 10:11 'ylock afier a long illness. He wa 0 years eld and leaves a wife am our children, Mrs. Florence an< i AlTN T ON WEDNESDAY r FBRHtT ..'A HE STVRF RICHMOI which has met this ujost/xactinr demaiu. onversant with college life "the iminands i :e. Briefly it ineaua eight to teti houn lie home piajo rcceivfa in a lite tsne. I only be able to withAand this n?v?e usaj represent. For y^trs the Starr p*^no# h ?a uiij [jtminuggi yiiopiH are numi?#re<l i *7 The ??*liAUstiv/lests prior to paYeha* iftv the notion c ur?:?t he met by h chwtnly ur pianos can l/* i*a?k at our at >re. \ / / f GSW0R1 * I- week. Capt. D. F. Byrum, ot Kaleigh, ^ | spent Sunday with hie father. .Mr. ! ! W. H. Byrum. 8 Miss Jervey Fisher, who haa been ' visitiDg Mies Grace Ward, returned 1 e j heme Monday. ?M C. T. Nicholson and B. J. Blackler. ! attended the R. F. D. Carriers-CoaI | ' ( I rention in Raleigh Monday. | Harry Strother and son, Furney, j i of Arkansas, are visitiog his father, ( J. P. Strother, Sr.,near. Franklinton. , " v r ' Miss Eleanor Vano left for Con- < cord this week, where she noes to be < one of a house pary, guest of -Miss, ( j ; ruitn uoliarne. j, , | Col. W. L. McGhee Commissary" ! j | General N. C> Jf; G., left Saturday j for Cani|>, at Morehead City . to pnrchase field and travel supplies _ f... the aiihaiatoneo nt tlu? Worm | s Carolina^ Brigade encampment *in 1 siJ?ly and August. Col. .>JcGha4??,j,c j long experience in the military ar}<! mercantile Business in this State! qualities him tvell for the office' he 8 holds and we feel sure that he will (. ,! do this work satisfactory to the War (1 Department ami all concerned. ) Leaves Fop Camp. Company F., Franklinton Guard, I under command of Capt f. H. Keart ney leaves tonight at 7:50 o'clock, via. S.-'A. L special for an eight j day encampment and work on the rifle range at Morehead City. The officers and men composing the company wete as follows: Capt I. H. Kearney; Lieuts. E. A. Long, R. M. i Broom; Setgts K. M. IMwardn, VV. , Cooke, Geo. L. Gmrlwy- J? K. I, Hight, a. R. Holmes, 11. L. Striokland; Corporals, L. B. May, G. G. ^ Cooler, J. R. Cooke, B. B. Pruitt, C, J. Barrow; Musicians C. C, Kearney, B. H. May; cooks R. L Conim. m :jatCi..i. _ jer?, K. J. Bailey; privilea H. Ayea- 1 co^f. A'yelwe, P. 8. Alford," O. < k 'h n'M. ff. n b"nl- J > Ter, J. K, Faailtner, E. 8. Far'guraon, ' t- W. H FUher, D. W. Fowler, A. ' ?IF. ?owM? K. "W.V'O. G. and H. J. ' r(< -fln il#? ki w-" . rf#->" ??J 1ls<fj ll '<3i i! :r. ut> \ltt .v ** - " 4- 1 _ / ' ?* . ' ' ' "' ' . v. : -' _ * t ' . ' K %' D ERA F JULY 6 1910; URE ANt ? PIANO C ND, IND. ?, iiY a. manner tluit lias won for Heelf upon the studio piano are well known u??t* if ail y tor perhaps nine months e? n fact the demand is double in its n $h, hut must, thru the students reflect ave succ s-tfullv met these most exact n the list of Starr ?mr?hu?nM ??-i ? - ? |<H>viiuooiPt auu iit? ? ?rip, the* necessity for pure full tonal ? e*iut)tructe<l instrument. A partial W T< \ mmzmmzm Ilolmes, Olivx Harris. J. H. Harris, | D. B. Kjeamsy, I.arabert.|H. W.,.j W. L. and F_ C. Mar, I. A. MoGhee, C. F. Nowell, A. T. O'neal, C. H. and F. C. Proitt, R. T. Pernell, J. B. Pearce, E. H. Sharron, VV. G. W ilder, R. W. Woodlief, Arthur Wright, M. E. Watkins, P. D. Winston,. E. W. Yoang. The ;.,mpanT's Chaiplain, Re*. W. W. Rose, also accompanied them, friends or relatives wishing to write ;he hoys while at camp can direct heir letter or card to Morehead 3itv, N. C., care of Co. F., 3rd, X. . 2. X. Nothing makes a soldier eel better while off at cainp than to eceive a letter from home, ^ letting lim know he is remembered. Base Ball. Durina the paat week tile :follow- , ng games were played on the local liamond here. KOAXOKK RAPIDS. Last Wednesday Roanoke Rapids' ind Franklinton played here with ' he result of 6 to 0 in Franklintons avor. McKeithan. twirled for J tranklintop in this game-and at no I, ime daring the game did Roanoke | vapios nave ine slightest chance to core. Mclteithan allowed 1 hit 1 md struck out 12 men. Moore for toanoke Bapida allowed 4 hits and , truck out two men. Harm fine top on aecond wan tile star play of hia game. Battery; for Frankiinton, Mcleithan and Stuari; for Roanoke iapids, M fwtro and Atkinson. I'm- tire, A O. ferry. In the game Thursday between ioanoke Rapids and Frpnklinton here was hardly any interest at all nail Tested. "The result was II to 1 n Franklisto i's favor. Underwood !pr Franklinton pitched excellent tall allowing 6 hits bat so well scatered the visiters could not cross'the ubber but one time, while Howard, For Reanoke Rapids was hit hard tnd his liberality of tree passes gave , is the game. Ia this game the I"" .'* \V ' * - -> J -1* ... . . .... - ' ' - -e r m E n i rmtistf i ? .. ' v . ;o. universal -admiraU To other a few eh year?more in . attire, the instrut credit upon tlm ing denuiuds. Over one is more loud in [jualitv and the trelist of schools and r > )uisburg mmmmsm whole team played excellent ball. Battery lor Franklinton, Und-rwoed and Winston; ?for Roanoke ltnplds,' Howard and Atkinson. Umpire McKeithan, GAJtftB OF GIANTS. The game with Louisburg Friday was one of the beet exhibitions of ball ever seen here. Louisburg ana Franklinton both have very strong teams and knowing fhis about 500 witnessed the game. It resulted in the score of I to 0 in Louisburg's favor and out for two . rrors in the first inning oy Franklinton which gave I-onisliurg their run after two men were down, it would have taken a good manv more innings than nine to have decided it. Hedgepath for -krortstmrg and "McKeithan for Franklinton l*>th were at their best and both teams placed excellent ball-?Hsdjaiielb pil?led hirnaetf mp ?t what looked like a very had hole in the eighth witli three Frank'inton m?ii on bases and no om down, liy retiring the side without allowing a soorse . Winston B's hit to ;enter labeled for three I>a?e8, with no one down wan a perch and Franklinton would, have scored in I this inning hut he ehd over Srd base ind waa put out.- Hedge; eth slowed 3^4nt* and MoKeitban 5. lledgepeth elruck out 8 and - McKeithan 3 Batter); for Louisburg lledgepeth and Boole; for Franklinion MoKeithan and Stuart. Umnre, John Cadell. Time of game L 3-4 hours. ? ? . ' * fc - - ; DIAMOND BRihD W-Wias$ 3BS?. EVERYWHERE T T1? -. if ,. . ,. ? . r r * # HOUSE I !>. , N. C I pPan can be easify and quickh sto ped. Pink Pain Tablets ?Dr. Shonp s stop HeadacheV womanly pains, any pain anywhere, 1WA20 minutes sure. Formula on the 25e. lox Ask your druggist * or doctor about tp\ formula?it's fine Sold by F. Heid J Pleasants ,. Louisburg; T. C. Joyner, Fpuikluhpn.^. PQR&AlJF " One'full blood .Tersy^Cdw, three years olcMrith young calf. jtppLy to if\ MOORE, Lojisyrg, C., No. 4 notlck Having Qualified as expcutor of the estate of H. H. GilliamXdeceaaed, latJfe of Franklin cdtaty, thfs is to notify all persons holding Ylai mi against said estite will present Cke lame to me on or before June 16th. lsttCor this notice will be plead ia bar of wteir recovery. All j, , persons owning ham estate will please come forward and fnakl^mmediate settlement. This June 16tn\1910. w. E. GilHam Extr. THE SQRJty CAROLINA COLLEGE, Of AGRICULTURE and MECHANIC The States apljfege for training industrial worelrs. Courses in Agriculture, Inptieulture, Animal Husbandry andlDairyng; in Cfylt, Electrical and A Mechanical 'Engineering,^ in do\ten Milling and Dyeing, "i Industrial Chemistry and in AgriculturM teaching. Entrance examinitionH at each county seat on the l^th of July. -sjth H. "ILL, President. West Raleigh, X. C. TCirurnc " - -? icauicio - INSTITUTE The summer sihool for I'rankJln county teachers soft he held at Lo/isburg fortwo weeks begfomnc j ___ Monday, July 18th For white teaeheWthe /tercises will he conducted in the MJrad/d School build- ~ i/ur For colored ieactfers in the court house. \ J Teachers Who Exp\a to Teach in Franklin County. Nus Attend This or ?_ Some SinAar School ? All'teat hers suovld bring the text books use ! in l>iA>li<A?chools, especially (list, second and flilrd readers. In addition study Arjll hamarle with other reading, helpsAvhich kill be on sale at the institute. I \ R. B. WHITE, County Supt. v v t\ ; r t *' 4 :y - ~"i*s J - - *, . V: c j v'.v.

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