Quaker Oats is the worhdre food Eaten in Aevery " country; eptmi by infants, athlettes, young and ovd. 0 Recognised a* \be great Itrength \ , bialder. \ ! Delicious aid economical. -j Packed in regular alzb packages, and in hermetically sealed tins lor hot climates. S2 , < r, f Manager Vifenk J. Shaughnessy, of thi .Virginia League Champions, V found Noah's ? Liniment beat for Sore Muscles bruises, scratches, stiffness. One trialnvillVeonvir.ea you. Noah '8 LJnimff-.. penctrrltcs. Requires but litt^ :i.,.!jing. Herels the Proof "I have haq occasion to use Noah's Liniment on tAvo of mv players' arms, and the result was nkoBt gratifying. Both were Immediately ielleved of soreness and able/to resume! throwing: with their- former fcpeed. Have also used It myself, and consider It 1 the best liniment I ever tried. It Is fme for bruises, cratches,.. alffness, etb. Frank f^hauRhnessy, Manager, Rbanoko Champions, Roanoko, Vtt,"" V* ?-* < Koah's LlilttMit M thfi best remedy for Rheumailshti Hel&tica, Lame Back, Stiff - Joints Jkhd Muscles, &>k-e Throat, Colds* Btralhs, Sprains, CotB, Bruises, Coll* C r aJm p a , ./ aAiLlC*raw Nerve, Bone and * ^Mus^e Actios and ^Hllnc has TNoah's BSME59$>feiil wArk on everv *** package. 25 cts. Sold by dealers In 11 |V'l medicine. Sam- I IVIM |m pie by mall lree* AdMhAfaKHi Noah Remedy Co., lit I lu 13k I Richmond, Va, UkliUlUlU IF SICK-WHY PAY Unless Health First Returns. Heralds what should and can bp dono 1 Now You would not wllllnglvpay for food that was w Vt hi es,s?would you? 1 Then why pay for medicine op til that modi, cine first prohras to yon its actual worth? Positively knowing what Dr. fihoop's Restorative can do (or the sick, I sap to all "don't pay unless health first returns". fArd I back my Restorativo with a signed and sealed 80 day 'No kelp. No pay" contract. j I positively pledge to the/ tick everywhere that "Dr. tshovp's Restorative if absolutely free if it juil8n. Let others do the same? or else pass thelrtoroscripUonrffcr,- , Ix you need\more strength, nJOre -vitality, more vigor or mote vim. usf my Restorativo a few days tnd notetho immediate improvement. When the Stdpiach. Hffrt. or Kidneys go i , dose Sie Stomach nVr stlmu?totbe Heart or Kidneys. for that Is wromg. Yea* ago I castaway that mistaken Idea in me