FRANKLIN TIMES K. F. JOltttJUN, Editor and Manager gmk ttlK, (1.00 SIX MONTHS, ? ~" 36 thbrb months. - .86 Friday, July 8 ltHO. in ths prize tight at Reno Monday Jack Johnson knocked out Jim Jeffrey's in the fifteenth round. At the Judicial Convention in Rocky Mount yesterday Hon. C. M. Cooke was nominated for Judge to succeed himself,~attd Mt. It. G. Allebrook was nominated for Solicitor. ' Hon. E. W- Pon was nominated by acclamation to succeed himself as Congressman from the Foarth Congressional District at a meeting of the Convention in Raleigh Wednesday, This is a wise deeision and the members of the Convention are to be congratulated upon their aotion. The farmers and the people generally, all have a friend in Hon. E. W Pom save those who . trv to impose on the honest, hardworking j man. ' COUNTY CONVENTION. The Democratic County Convention for Franklin county met in the Opera Ilouae on Saturday morning at 12 o'clock. The Convention was called to order by J-. R. Collie, Chairman Democratic Executive Committee, who appointed J. J. Barrow temporary chairman, and A. F. Johnson, temporary Secretary.! . Upon motion of J. A. Turner the] temporary organization was made! permanent. After it was learned from roll call that all townships in the county were represented, the chairman announced that the purpose of the Convention was to select! delegates to^the Senatorial, Judicial, j Congressional and State Conven-1 tions, whereupon the following business was attended to: J. A. Turner moved that B. T.| llolden be nominated \o succeed I himself .to the Senate. yHHotion was carried. A vote was taken for Solicitor in j this county which was as follows: Cooley ?* 20.171 Allsbrook 31.83 j I. H. Kearney moved that .the \ Convention endorse the nomination j of and instruct its delegates "to the Judicial Convention for Judge i Cooke?carried. Delegates were selected for the Congression: 1 Convention and upon' motion of J. R. Collie were instructed to east the vote of Franklin for Hon. E. W. Pou apd thereby show the endorsement of the Convention for him. The Convention endorsed and inst'rncted tor Chief Justice Walter Clarke and Justice Piatt D. Walker. The delegates and alternates for the State Convention were . selected as follows: Delegates?A.A.PerrVj D? E. Harris, C. C. Winston, R. C. T~nderwilml, V?111 Morris, T H Kearney, W. M. Hayes, E. N\ Wil- j liams, W. D. Upchj^reh, T. S. Collie,} * W. B. Coppedge, Clias. Wheless, J. R. Coll.e, J. M. Allen. Alternates? j J. B. Yarborougb, A. B. White, ii. W. Ballard, E. S. Ford, J. S. Shear- 1 in, J. P. Davis, T. H. Dickens, E. S. I IIWl' . w sr w-w ? - - - '? vr liner, J. <1. narrow, J. A. Turner. The Convention then adjourned erne die. , [We do nofc- give the names of the delegates to the Conventions that hold their meeting before we go to press.?Editor.] . Notice License Tax Payers, j All persons liable for Lisense Tax under Kevenue Laws 'of North Carolina are hereby notified to procure the same and save the penalty The attention of Magistrates, Constables and bonded officers is directed to the provisions of their law re quiring Peddlers and other dealers to procure a license. I urge'upon officers to assist in executing the lew. . - ^ q Ksxrxky, Sheriff. Louisburg, N. C. June 1st, 1910. ????? r Try a tin can of French Opera iea ana Coffee. Beet on earth at J. W. Kinga. . i' - / USEFUL HOME GARDENS. Method of Laying One Out and Culti- j vatinQ" It. Many people residing lu rural communities afe anxious to get information whereby they can make the space about their homes useful for gurden purposes. The one great secret lu being sue-1 cessful with the family garden is to ] provilo an abundance of "plant food In | a form readily available to tlifc growing plants. Stable and barnyard manures are the best ferfllhsers at all times. Some of the commercial plant foods are excellent in their place, especially when it is desired to force some of the-early varieties of vegetables, but their usq requires tbat the soli be lu a high state of fertility and that the gardener have an expert kuowledge of their ueeg and functions. i? I Constant cultivation should be the rule, for this will keep the soil in an j ideal physical condition for the roots \ to grow in. besides keeping the weeds in check. Cultivate early and persistently and keep ahead of the weeds. Allowing the'weed Seeds to germinate and then quickly destroying fbem by frequent cultivation early In thfe growing season will save a large amount of i work during the summer. Eliminate all the old fashioned beds and plant everything in long rows so that most of the cultivation can be done with a horse. There need not be an unpleasant amount of hard band work if properly worked with a horse and cultivator. Provide plenty of room at the ends to turn around with th< horse while cultivating. Do not plan a larger garden than you can keep clean and well tilled. A j small garden will supply an abundance j of small vegetables for a large family. After the soil has been well enriched and well fitted we are ready to plant If the plan has been well worked out all that is necessary is to plant each variety at the proper time in its rignt place. The family garden must be planned to suit the needs of the family, and no two families will agree as to the 1 amount and kinds of vegetables tbey | will grow. VALUE OF CLEANING UP. What One Western City Accomplished I by a Co-operative Movement. During a "cleaning up day" held In I a certain western city one-tenth of the ! entire popuiatlou gladly volunteered at the set time, and more dirt was scraped together th^jj 4,WO teams were able te cart away. Men. women aud children were among the workers. From sunrise, when the bugle sounded assembly, until nightfall the work X.M IMPOBTX-ST TTPK OF hTBKfci 8WEKPKK. j [From American City. New York.] never baited for a moment. Every j cnbic yard of dirt meant the riddance I of a menace to health and comfort. The city ordered also a thousand additional waste cans for the sidewalks. The spirit, the unity of action, wan perhaps the greatest success of the day. Such civic spirit canuot but command success In the uplifting and con-1 stant progress of such a city or town. Many towns and cities throughout the United States are doing everything possible to keep their streets neat and attractive. In numerous communities oluls of ovo Mini women are working j In S4 booi yards. cleaning ana neauuiying. putting up fences, sort*, drinking fountains, raising flags. Inking cemeut j calks and setting oqt flower*. Rome lti~* ere installing garbage } and street carts of au lmrr??ved tvpe ? which has a - r Vttmlrvrnt and saves rime. I:;!u:r nvl money. T.d I other tovni rr! 'i:lr faih Into this move and eliminate rhe.t?Ur:ise spo*less town" a:;d ?niisM?til" "spo?li*s. count ry." To End Rat Nuisar.cs. Rystemati * organised dwitrtftlen of rats', in which evciV person In the ; community enters, will always keep | the rat* down in a locality nnd some- j times almost exterminate them. Care In disposal of garbage. Care In protection of foods. Care In providing no entrance for the : rats to the buildings. v L.U., BJ0IVIUUIIV, IDurfnJXQ WOW | lo trapping and poisoning. Careful training of a good rat terrier. Careful removal of alhstraw and hay piles, loose boards and trash. Hew Trade Is Lest. It Is a sad reflection on retailing i that so many cheap and flashy mall or- | der houses can succeed In getting I trade away from local dealers. It Indicates a real laclf either tif good service and good goods at attractive prices or of the knowledge where they can be obtained locally.?Printers* Ink. Move In the Right Direction. The Leavenworth (Ksn.i Ad. club has offered prizes to children .for the beat compositions written upon the ambleet. ''Why It la Beet to Trade at I Home.", . - I 7i'f" - '' . 'T,.-m .* - ? ' | _ . .? - * .- - a ' 0 / ~ . Wirtriii"iriii'Vinr v c? REPORT OF the condition OF f FARMERS AND / MERCHANTS BANK, \ ttt LOUISBURG,^ N. ~C77 v Ht the close of business Jane 30, 1010. a EtOURjCES: Loan* ?\nd discount*. ' $120,010.23 Overdrafts. cn nftid in \ $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund aJidludiviied'profits? lee* current expensi* and " . taxes paid \ 8,482.10 Bill* payable \ 85,000.00 Deposit* subject to check \ 42,280.71 liemand certificate* of depbeit* 10,587.55 Saving* depbsit* \ 11.003.18 Cashier'* check* outstanding 184.25 Ajpcrued interest jue depositor* 50.82 Toial \ $152,605.11 State o/ North Carolina,! \ Counta of b'raukliu, j \ m 1, R. Yj UcAden^ Cashier At tha above named bank do solemnly iwrar that the above statement is trne to the\ beat of my knowledge and belief. F rt. Y. McAdlm, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me. thia 4th dan of Ju'y 1011). J M; 8,-CWton, N. Pi { Attest: ' J w King W. H Pleasaut. C. T. Stokes Directors REPORT OF the condition of tee1' CITZENS BANK OFFRANKENTON, at FRANKLINTON, H. C., at the close of bostuesa June 80, 1010 RESOURCE^. Loans and discount* \ $ 88.146.51 Overdraft* \ 1 926.40 North Carolina State Bbnd* 5,000.00 Furniture and fixtures ) 1.538.80 Due from bank* and bankar* 1,770.16 ! Cash items | 824 47 Gold coin \ 843.00 Silver coin, including all $||i or coin currency j\ 1.654.52 National bank notes and oilier r 8 notes ? / T? 2,919.00 Total. f I $ 98,125.01 LI ABI UTIE$. Capital etock poid in < $ 15,000.00 Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid / \ 6 671 01 Bills payable ,* 9.000.00 Deposit* subject to dheck * 28,312.69 Savings Deposits ; V 37.642.65 Doe to bank* and hankers ^ 1.058.O6 Cashier's check* outstanding ? 330 60 Certified Checks \ llo.00 Total. j " $" 98,125.01 State or North Carolina,I \ i Connty of Franklin. J a*. J, Wm. F. Joynrr, Cashier oftkenbove named banksolemnly swear that th* above statement is tnie to th* bent of tnv knowledge and belief Wm. F. Joynrr. Cashier. Subscribed aad sworn to before in*, thin 5th day of Jn|^ 1910. J. 8. Morris, !f. p. Correct?Attest: Dr. J. H. Harris E J. Cheatham. B. W. Ballard. Directs re. REPORT OF thb condition op this FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ' at LOU ISBURG, N. C., "At the clots 'of business June 30 1010. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts $ 132.508.80 Overdrafts \ 4,134i05 U. 8 Bonds to sacurecircnlation 25,000 00 Premiums o*. U.^ Bonds ' Jj.008.0l Banking house. Vrniture and fixtures x \ 9,69/.80 Due from NationaAbanks (not reserve agents) \ 11,622,62 Due from approvedYeserve agts 6.766.89 Checks and other or Ah items 937 18 Notes of other NutioLni banks 8.000,00 Fractional pauer Vunincy. nickels and cents \ } 516.29 Spscia V 7,687 80 LeaaUxadtiliiotea. \ " ',124/10 Redemption fund witflkL. S. , Treasurer (5 per of circulation ) \ 1.250.60Total. t ?200,22845 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid In [ y $ 25.000.00 Stilus fund | \ 8,000.00 Lndivided profits, less emedkes* ami taxes paid * \ 8,147.11 National bank notes outc laudhiK 25,000.00 Individual deposits sub ret t% check \ 89.810.38 Demand certificates of d posit \ 36.045.7&" Cashier's checks outetar ling ' 288.87 Notes and bills redlscon ted t 5,486.80 Bill payable, including' >rtiflcat?h of depssil for money 1 or rowed U 7,000.00 Tdtal. ?Ao .228.45 Htatk up North Carol na,( Countv of Franklin f s*.^ 1, R.G. Allen.Presiden of the ubovA named bank, do solemnly sw ar that tliA above statement is true to thi beet of my \nr>wl edge and belief. E B 0 Ai.len, Prclkdont Subscrilted snd stvon to before me tVs 6 day of -fulv 1910. '. B.Wilder, H. % Corrset Attest: 4. M All p*. 7. T. Terrell. F If. Allen 18 rotors We Pay Cash and highest marklt prices for Lire Poultry, lL>. Etc. I: S ?U^E ? X ^ THE FARMERS/&. IV UNDER SUPERVISION OF THE Inovv For^ Z We Arc Ready and I TIME BU l^E \ Carrying a full line of General Mercl/n # Come and - Figure WitkVl Make itynil How about your Guano? We handle the Pigment, .goods. None better for tobacco, cotJon and X Our Prices / IW. P. NEA^ & 0 P. S. Messrs. J. H. Best ana >T. N. Davis are v 0 friends come to see them. * v * ?s MiiitiiiiiiiMiM 0 mm ^ we Have Just Kecel J II And we don't intend 6 down any moreN J us when yo 1 II ' ?: . _! I McKINNE BR( I J LOUISBURG, ^ illlllMIMIIIItllBtf \V. ,'1'' .W ... . " . . ''' 1 lujJJnf'J.. ^ nnfflm A Carelessness is the reason ^'why are absolutely safe ^ ? against fire and burcoat-you only 1.50 .' a whole yeai. Then 6jiy/f ^HKgPtrel you can sleep well X k^^^^jBRawSWJ. cr leave home know ing you are safe KKgpp^i against fire and the A IER&HANTS BANK Z 3N, Vice-Pres\ E Y McADEN, flashier listant Cashier. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ? Business! Prepared to do a S * S1NESS I ndise, Feed Stuffs, Guano, Etc. Z Js. We Know We Can ft, eresting X ? \Mt. Airy Co's.and Nayassa Guano Company's. A clirn, in fact special analysis for all crops/ \rfe Right 4 / I co.\ ouisburg, IN. C. X nth us and will be pleased to have their ved Another lot of III X , I Ixr 11 let our stock run J pome to see Z u/ne^d it 1 | )THERSCO? 1 orth _ Carolina ^ |