wm**rrr ":~ \ . ~ r- ' ' ' ,vy . - X . , ,, , , | 11 | | | , rf hi E FT X \ ! Distributors For "I | Cakes, Crackers, i Evervtk I BT TGUIES V ? HACKNEY BUGGIES, BABCOCK BUGGIES < .. ' ."I DURHAM BUGGIES t , The Riven EDWARDS. FOI Resolutions Tfnf ?? We publish below resolutions in ^ *" mesaory of the late I'rof. W'ngate Underhill, handed us by the North ~]\ /?" I Carolina Teachers Assembly, which V. was recently in session at Asherille:- ^ Whereas, since the last meeting of \ the North Carolina Teachers' As- \ aembly death has removed from our! T0MBST0N1 ranks one of oar members, Mr, W in I - < ... gate Uaderhill; and FENCING Whereas,we recognized in bim a i J teacher of the first rank, a loyal i / member of the Assembly, a zealous C||ff/\|lf U~_L ide / lnd( RD * ? ^ ? . iS, CURBING and IRON rite to le Woiks, Suffolk, Va. Patch This Ad i ' IN MATTRESSES OF ^DESCRIPTION ?*es ati\ or quality Workmanship guarid. Prioey to suit the people -ebo^tqm Chairs and TVictm With Pono I M f? A VAX VU/UVl [inift. Give me aV opportunity to do your b JTd colored Odd Fellows Hall, Main Street, I. MORRIS, JR. ~ '? '*1 AND LIVERV igaln^a^Sal^J. ^Livery^StatHe and mm prepared to Teams ^ Times. **1 ahare of petronaie and gua^ntee aatiafaction. Safe mmodating driytTtf rjagfaw,*,a 1 > With You on Delivered Prices, We Save the I AAA AAA AAAAAAAAA Ai WWWWWWWWWW ? 1 IESS Cheapest Stock of Louisburg 9HK above regardless of price 1 . - ana take vo?r choice. >pendent ^ LOi RESOLVED* ~ COPymCHT !?' fevj THt BWSTE* The straw hat daycare here in all ot thei and you will feel that wheat was made t with bread. Panamas lootc ao cool and r hair. Yonr head will be cool ind you t better than yours. Summer Suits too, and * .VsHE - ik H. ,B. STURTEY with the handsomest and r "and domestic Monday and yues< 1r :?4?? F. "Yy ' IXYUISBTJRO GLOT^EIIE] ... - -'MS* . - ; * , f - - ? DM*PA NYI ad Ball Fruit Jars-i very Description | ? ,, , WHITE HICKORY WAGONS I . " q q i GATE CITY'" WAGONS I I . ? 1 mm Warehouse I J1SBURG, N. C. I STRAW HATS I iND Loo.sE,COOL lOTHE-S NciT ONLY OOK.BUT FEEL ooD This weather. , buster brown it hjrat and glor^. Peep at our display of siratr-^hate o g^n\fbr .something else than merely furnishinK^ns nnke y&ti so oomfortahlp la? low the roots ol your vant haVe to worry because .'somebody's hat. looks /ieglige?Ashirts and light weight underwear. * cqxmztstgANT, You Know Him nosf extensive display of ForoQn : woolens evett- shown. Jay, July \tth and 12th J. I R / LOUI8I3XJRG, IST. CI