fr4 ' " ; '. "* - "? .", *.* $ I / . -" r?83g3838288 IHOLL j|? Another O: ? Ca So Yon kniSWour prices, v a piano awhile to see jTw. jgggggggggggggg uecAU. ?Let advertising drum your bus ness. , ?Lets everybody pnll togethi to upbuild our town. ?Things have been very quiet i in base hall the past week. ?W. W. Cooke at assisting in tt Citizens bank during the absence i Geo. L. Cooke,, who is attendic 1 I camp, ?Owing to the fact that raoet i our young men went off to capi ' ?:?v. .1? ' nihu im miliary c ompany we ftti been having rather a dull time tl past week. ?Oar city fathers will do well I have the sanitary laws stingily M ber that an uoance of preventative worth a pound of care." ?Horald Holmes, a member ( / our local military company and wh has been off at camp, was brougt home Menday night. It is though he has typhoid fever, contracte while oh encampment. ?Hiss Grace Ward is givinghouse party at her home near tow in honor of ber coOein Mire Jea Ward. Those at a distance attend ing the party are Misses Lin a Cole traine, of Gibson, and Ida Williami , of Elm Cttv. Several of the voun ladies and gentlemen from town ar enjoying the occasion. ?The road torcee are going righ ahead with their work and Franklin ton township can soon boast of bat ing just as good roads as any town ship in North Carolina, especial! T /when the. cost of t bnilding them i considered. Those citizens wh have charge ot this work are to b congratulated upon their exoeller management and fbe splendid Wor ??- th?y are haeiag done. ... J ?The joint Sunday School excui ion will bo run from Iiere to RaJ %?> on Thurify, August, llrt i?* The oommiUee on arrangemenu in lorm ue that they expect to bav I-*- . ^ ' - t- t. ; -i / ' V'* '? K * ^.* . t " * ? FRANK IHGSWORl rder Just Given fo: r Load of Pianos ffu knon oargoods, you know us, if how you would like one just write us rv * i nULLIPN j this train ran from aa far up tl _ I road as they can set tame to, an j_! that they are trying to get arrange | menta perfect go that a match gan | of ball can be played between Loui ' hup* and Franklintnii in the ba i park ai Riluig.i on that day. Th ln! final result* of this committi alii be puuliabed later, le __________ 5' . Personal ? .T. R. Frye left Mondar night f< a visit to Ashville. ' Misg.Marv Justice, of Benson, P visiting at E. M. Speed'a. ? ? B ! L. C. Pirie and wife left Monda le i for Ashville for a short visit. Rev. P. II. Pinnell, of Rockim to!. ...... . ham is visiting big people near tow] " i Mrs. J. O. P.mte 3rd children. i jg j Clayt-in, are visiting at E. -V. Mo ris.' I Edwin Speed left laat week for visit to Niagara Falls and other no lt thern points, t Misses Hie and Nena Parker, < d Warrenton, are visiting the home < B. W. Ballard. W.J Ballard returned Sunda n from a visit to relatives in Ne York. He was accompanied on If i return by Walter Parker, who wi spend some isms-with him, I, Rev. Raymond Browning, of Li g tleton, is visiting friends in tn?i e He occupied the pulpit at the Bai tiat Church on Sunday night an ^ preached an excellent aermon to targe and appreciative, audienoe. Installation of Officers. y At a regular meeting ot Franl * linton Lodge No. 128, A F. & A 0 'M., on Friday night, (he followin * officers were installed: 11 D. E. Berkley, W M. ^ R. I. Gupton, S. W. A. O. Perry, J. W. B. A. White, Sec., 1- B. F. Cooke, Treaa. i. K. W. Morris, 8. D. _ w O. R. Moye J. D. e JfL-Boykios, Tiler. >* L I N T ON WEDNESDAY j. H F1IRNI SEND IN IT Why is it goods thai wentlm* w iug lire nil at the lietli business, tiou, the devil to cu Hcllintv mo than any 1) Our flooi moderate iallj- rock 11 all times t<: Pay loir it! per ^ I * r a Solid / * / It We boast ? ped coffins , , / in the conni yon Vant to use bought he. ?our prices a i a earn. fellows pric able profit. II 1GSW0R 11 when Mise Maude Dickens was we ,e to Mr. Winfield Allen, of.. Yoangi ie | ville, Rev, G. T. Harrell, pastor c | the Baptist Cbarch, performing th I ceremony. The news only leake | out about an hour or two befor >r | theiime of the occasion and only af-o intimate friends were present. Bot I the contracting parties are very pep | ular and were the recipients of l/naii; j congratulations. They left on Ni '41 ?>r so extended trip to wester J North Carolina. -|4 Sad Death.- r1?The deatli f,t Mr*. B. J. Blaekley v. hicl? occurred at her home here 01 Monday afternoon, brought sadnea to our entire town. Mrs. Blackleg was formerly Miss Lei a Blanks, o Y'luogaville, and lnave^, beside i number of friends and relatives, ,i husband and live child ten* She wai about thirty-eight warn of age y Ht-r^remaiiin were entered at thi * Kearney grave yard near her homi is on Tuesday afterno ?o a- id a nuin II her of friends who had gathered t4 j I ay their last sad tribute, KetC W t. j W. Rose, pastor of the Method is ,, cflorob, conducting the services. The pall bearers were H. E ,1! Pierce, B. M. Brawn, W. P. Ed a wards, H. I. Gupton, B. "TXGreen J. D. Speeded. S. 'Morris, F. R TliarrihgtdnJ?; S. Moss, J. 8. Yar borough. !" GOOD NEWS. 8 Many Loiftejlurjf Reader! Have Heani It And Profited Ahereby. K,o<>d newsirdrels fast," and th< thousands of Vad Wok sufferers it Loaisburg ase gldd to lesrn tnal prompt reliefns vtittkn their reaoh Many a lame/ weak aVd aching back is bad no inore,- thanks to Doan'i ? . P ? VK: \'V '?;' D E P A I JULY 6 181Q. w&MS&mmm tore m AND \oET A PRET Y FAN \ FREE / that we are selling more jr \ ever before this hot JT liile some kR are eat , I . d fiolitiiijA mad we are/ n nttendinjA to our o\yA \ We have the comuftt- J World, the\ Fleslj# and ntend with VuURc nip? re goods fcw VOtfe mi.uev .? ouse in tow iWT CUAIBF \ r is fuUrof pretty and |}' price Xuri-imrA efqiecig citrus. The uiue of i bu* furniture U now. in# old-time; \ v^HER/W l\ if having the best equip- \ ami casket department \ ty, ask people that have \ :e hotv much cheaper \ irte we at half the other \ e, we want only reason Th, L< ? i j Kidney Pills.' Thousands upon ). thousands of people are telling the ). good news of their experience with k the Old Qnakeij Remedy, mere is e an example wofth reading! (} . Mrs. ffenry Polatun, U'2 Howily. ton Street, Henderson, M C., says: ,t "I used Doan'el Kidue/ Pills with e such great benefit that/1 do pot besrl itate to speak in! theirJ favor. Dull, e nagging baokaohfea ami pains in ray r kidneys annoyed kpeffor a long time I, and I wag also both/red by too fre_,quent passages of Ue. kidney secrev. tions. I always fat tired and lani. guid and had not little energy., a reading abontDians Kidney Pills, j I procured a boxf ann I had used j tlieni only a short time before the j backache and kiliney weakness tverej ' disposed of. I jgoon Wgained iriy-j ^ strength and I flow f. ^ better raj 1 every way." f r j F6r sale by aH dealersX Price SO j cents. Foster-Milburn Co\ Buffalo, t New York, sole agents for (lie Units ed fSktes. .V # Remember the name?Dean's? and take lib other * $ 9 Try a tin oho JotI French Opera ft-ff-V/ ? ' nun vuuew neat on earth at , J w. Ki?8?/\. ; TEACHERS - INSTITUTE \ JCJtje summer gwool tor Franklin county i^-leacliets wiH 1j% lteUy at Uluigburg foi ? two weeks begifhnng ^ { ? MondcyVjuly 18th Hor white teaehertkhe exercises will be con books used In Vublic schools, aspeoiall ly first, seconclsnd third reedenk In I Addition stud J will be made with\ther reeding, helpI which will be on ssi^et J the institute. I i R. B. WIITE, County Supt\ "J", . * --- vs. RT M E N T mmmmzmm r wusig Tuisburg, j I^CniLDREN^ \\ i I FOR SUMMI aL We heve a nice line oY Jl i Summer that we ca/1 /IS We Also Carry J N A mer Wear Fo/ V and extend to Jrery p< Qy ailji^nintr cmintiJs n spe< r|\ and nee our linem. Heme /|\ ??trl that wo caA save you iiiBist on you ljuying. | / ? jjjs The Peoples C A . Louisburg, : f THIS *H0T* t:ok Ct I a' BotVJe o; 'ft ashing, ItivU [ealthful am/ ILL O ROC IF W EXAr .. ? , HOUSE fr ^ " *1* , N. C. VASH SUIT?! ^ WEAR I ildrens wash suKs for lave you money on 5JT v' Ice Lot of Sum- w len and Ladies *var?n in Franklin and i ial invitation to call W j mtrr that unless you 'w rolney we . will not Joming Store % N. C S ? *? WFCTTHPO t -.MIA x 11 Li II 10I / Dripks t Our ramouH wW$/ I ' Wwr' .,1 [orating. Exhilorating, ^ I Y SUIT^THE TASTE T I V L "r > .