? - - . . * 'I < * %h * Whsi . / ?? !i_ J THE WORLD 1*11 tell you a story my gt And the story 1 tell yo There is not a power on i * So strong is the power Hold 6rm to the beautiful Learn both to work an< Let holiness have its roya And the world is youre ? The power pf right is mo The weakest arms are i When they reach about t And goodness conquer; __ " The ages in passing have Have brought things g But time unfo]>Hng has le Like tha^mf it has left For y?U my girl who mor Jrfay hold a royal graci - ' the windserpe charius And-power of goodnesi '/S' .. For hearts are breaking a 'y''\ There are lives to brigl There's hope in the touch And a smile may dry a And remember your right - Is gaining a wtfrld fron In strengthening manhoot Is womanhood's crown Then strive my girl for al Ana seen tor. nil that s Be thoughtful and loving For the world needs y< FRANKLIN TIMES K. F. JOHNSON. Editor and Manager Friday, July 15 1910. IXDBX "V1 BRV ADV*RTtS*MJHIT8 Bank of Youngsvillle?Statement. W. H. Yarborough, Jr.,?Republican Convention. TAR DROPS. ?J. P. Winston left Monday for the northern markets to purchase nis fall stock of goods. ?Holden Drake, colored, of Spring Hope, has taken a position with Osoar Stegall, barber. 1 ?Old uncle Jake Evans, colored, who is well known to our people in the capacity of shoemaker, died Saturday. i ..a. ?The representatives of the Tailoring houses have been keeping' the boys busy the past week, purchasing their winter suits. ?Willie Green, a little 14 year old colored bov, was drowned on Tuesday morning at the old bathing hole iust abovu the dam, while in bathing. ?His many friends were glad to see Mr. F. N. Egerton out driving Sunday. His condition is much improved and we hope to see him down the streets soon. ?The attention ptjpur readers is directed to the change of advertise ment of L. P. Hicks in this issie. He has something to say abont the many good thingB he carries in stock ?Buy of your home merchants ?-amt-you Itieraaiiinfl ffitT ylftiie of . your property. This is a fact, the better the town, the more demand there will be for property. linvn Hasan lnfnrmnti that n number of the young boys of Louisburg have become engaged in fightng chickens for amusement. We would remind them that this is strict.!y aga'""' the State laws and they had better give it- up before they are caught by the ofiioers. >>?. - ?-Good roads will lead to the gen eral improvement of the countryside. The farmer who drives to and from town over a spacious, smooth, wellcared for road will udoonscioualy come to effect oorresponding improvements in the management and operation of the farm. ^ ^ ?As you move through lite let W your influence be felt und yoar voice raised in behalf of dnmb animals. They suffer like you, they huDger and thnrst and wish for kinder treatment. They are Ijelpless in the hands of man. God gave as dominion over antirials: that we might protect them and be aided and made happy them.?Be a lover of animals and h?tp to protect them. ?A lady of our city baa tonnd a sure oure for broken dishes. If the dish to be mended oan be tired together with a stont string, then plaee ,1 In boiling milk and left one hour. ' ?. - V]- V. tfjiii 'j. ' . tJ / , 4?'&SS?? Jv-itforisW?jy*.? loi-iL NEEDS YOU. rl to-day, ^. . ^ a is true; , garth" to win, in you. / I tbinga in life, '' i to pray, . il place, /, l to sway. re than might, strong,// 0 the'njmd of love. kWrong. garnered their store, ood andlrue; tt no gift, ^ -for you. e than queen, of beauty. 1 and grace, nd souls are sad, (iten and cheer, I of a kindly hand, tear. . of doing my girt, > i sin, i's noblest arm's, to win, II that's pure, true. gentle andkind, >H. ? Written for the Times by E. J. < you can never tell the dish had bee | nrosen ana it can afterwards be pi in boiling water without the -pieci coining apart. This experiment ha been tried and proven and many ai the broken dishes which wei thought to be useless which arjp-no as good as new. ?Now is the time to take glance over your-backyards and di vise some plan to ostracize the fru cans and rubbish which have accun ulaled since the last installment wt removed. Yon can generally judg of the occupants of a house by th Condition in which the front an back yards are kept. In a generi sense we all pride ourselves on bein cleanly and tidy dome and itsaui ronndings above all places in th world should be scrupously guarde against contaminating influences. ?Why not make the best ( things as they come to us? Thet are certain ones in this town Wh have been complaining of bard time ever sinoe we knew them. The oould not enjoy the last few week c a warm winter for fear the fruit buc wonld start and then be killed They know that crops will be a fai ure this year. There is alway aom< thing disastrous going to happei It is just as cheap and you arc wort more to your family and the town you will look on the aunny side < life. ?The editor who can pleal everyone is not suited for this eart! but is entitled to wings. Hums nature is so constituted that some < our readers would like to have i them, while others would kill us n n fiill Tf ia a ' KW X >U Al. AO l? WIU1UI kliuugl to the editor to know that the Loi himself did not please everyoi while on earth. We labor hard entertain and please our subsoribei but that we should Qccasionally fi imtu be expected; but you will a ways find us willing to be forgi* en. ?It is not easy to learn to keep household account Dook all at one A young husband gave his wife neat little account book prettf bound and designed to be inviting appearance. He also gave, her fifl dollars, and sail: "I want you to pi down what I give you on this sit and on the other write down tl yt#x it goes, and in two weeks I w give you another supply. Tw weeks later be asked fer the boo ' Oh, I have kept that account," sa the young matron: "here it is , And on one page was inscribe "Received from Fred fifty dollar* : and on the opposite was this sut mary "spent it all." ?The man who wrestles with tl cow and learns the calves to sue i who oaata the eorn before the swic i is now in the greatest luok, for bt ter's on the upper grade, veal's big i er than a kite; pork is climbing i the aoale and beef is out. of sigt . jMhiAili'iiiriii mhiitiiiiiB _ w. egg# be gather* every day from hie Poland ohieken coop are almost worth their neigtit in gold and we are in the aoup. Hi# corn bring# him a fancy prioe, it's raising every . day and he rakes in all kinds of men for a half'.load oT bav. The farmer in in-the saddle and when He" comes to town the rest of oa .by I right should go way back and# sit I down - tj You with yotir brig tit angel throng. I can't tell how muat^I miss you, W Everf where, in every way, Not a spot about the home place, That does no-, tell me you're away, For neariymine joyous months, J" Like a sweet ifream you cheered me. It Then flitted away to angel land, To d veil forever care free. .. lg Now, although mv heart is aching,--.. For a glimpse of your dear form; . And 1 long for your sweet present' , 16 To cheer me through lifes storm, d Yet from heaven I would not take you, j For God has honored you darling, And taken y u from innocent life, . KEre you lelt the sting of earthly strife. 8o rest iu heaven my darling, ie With never a tear or scare, ? And by and by God willing. ~ I'll come to live with you there. Ob Father. I do not murmur, )f Though my heart may oft-times ache. That you saw tit in your wisdom. My precious babe to take. 10 , For you will guide her t-uderly, And taach her dear little feet, tj Along through the endless ages, * To walk on the golden street. Mam I. , County Convention P'opntv Convenlouisburg.N. 0., 1, at 12 o'clock, irifnariia for the is to this Conid on Saturday al voting places, be fixed by the amittees, Executive CoraI 'W. H^VajiiiOKeuiiB, Jr., Chairman CHICHESTER $ PILLS 1B OtAMONO BRAND to ?> a"'1-*, ui 00 Srnr ^ . LADIW! 1- Ask yssr ******* fo/CHACHF.S-TKR'R A DIAMOND BRAND #H,LS>n RTD sod/j\ V- Gold metallic box*. scale\ v. ith Blae\A>> Ribbon. Taicxs no A vdeb. ?ry?a? \y Br.wrUe mI sole /.i> cni.CftKtUTF.Bfl V IAMexr BBAVU PI LI. a. Tor twentr-ffv3 a pars regarded ma )*st, Safest, A ways Reliable. c SOLO BYiLL-DBOCGiSIS. time cuhrywufrf worth A TRIE- tl[|n I If nene TESTED ? r~ I Pv Windnn -- v

e. Come on and get a suit cHip. I it- have lota of bargains too \umerous to mention. 7 Come down on Nssh stieet vrhewa I have a\ni?e " wide room to / show you mese tl goods. I \ (. -frrti^r I THE MA> A growing bank account ia tl things worth while?the man wb X man behind the improvements ai ?the man who is-asked to take a A vestments. Why don t you get A You can do it. No matter how t X to have your account at the J"7" FIRST /NATI /.OUISBl UNDER SUPERVISION O f TOBACO | LANT jTHERMC W The tobacco curing season now he'e am^Cbm terns and thermometers/ Let i A Full Line of heavy When you want the best price on corn, oats, mea at - J make yoi U ? / g | Clifton - Corner \ jl f ./ I p~ I NICE . A TT* TIT , 11 i--- Ct? . L rt _x ror wen pr oick jrt Cream of wheat small honiny, the be ^ saving right much but try in and you 1 A _ Toasties, New Quaker Oats In Tin Cai ? Nuts, . apioca, Loaf Bread, Iyrg Bread biseos. Cheese Sandwiches, cLltines/l Zwieback for children and DwpepWce GOOD Chase and Sanbourn Tms are t onthecorJier phoV --1 - - ' ~7' ' # v I"" "beh!nd"| li% man wjfo accomplishes the icAsigns tf/e salary checks?the # nfllding of the community Y? , starein the money iiakmg in- ? bernxuT a . growing bank account 4^ imalytne start we shal1 be glad ONAl\ BANK | ?F U. S. ^ GOVERNMENT 0 TWINE ) / ~ . H r * ERNS v j METERSj '' J* . e\on hand ft gooi stocky of tobacco twine, lan- & raVguote you prices on same and Fancy Groceries 5 1, Shipsttiff and hay call to~nee me and I will 1 8atisfied\ ^ ,T ? ' . !# ^ TERREEI X Louisburg, N. C. | ? \ ? J ^ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa A A A A THINGS * j oplc These Hot Days 4 at of rice that can be grown. This is A vilf be convinced. Corn Flakes, Post ^ y Shredded Wheat Biscuits, 4?rape f. Uneeda Crackers. Lunch Bincnit? Mn )inner Biscuits, Royal Lunch, Toasted and Butter ^Jhins. DRINK th.e beet for hot or cold drinks. HICKS, { IE 4.2 LOUtSBURG9 N. C 7 V ' " .? Ijjl - - * -V mm, ..