1 , * * ? 9 >>.;: JProfessional Card' = i * 'j 1 .a QR. AF TilUR HYNEfS FLEMING, / Surgeon I)entl?tv ^ / Office in ] ortl Buildins, Main and Nuh strodt. Lookborf. N. C. / Hours: 9 1 >,4:30. Phone No. 40. / pfi' H. , RETELL, / 'PHYSICIAN / . Louiabuigk. U. Phone n/. 156 jmanklinton hotel7 j FraukJintou. N. C. / B a. Speed, Proprietor 1 Qt od Lirerv in couneeiiin tjij. g. h. hanks i RENTAL SUKGEOf lLvui'burst, N. C./ Office in Sicks Building. Mi An 8treet. p H. ..COCKE ' I ? Attorney-at.ua WJ Aouisbnrg, N.h.' Orer Cooper t Pleasants Mtore. Prompt attention Rirennil legal business entrusted to me 1 -- I J^B. J. E. M1LONE I phybictan and/surgeon ^ lmubarj n. c. Offi ? in rear of'BeaslevAlston Drug Store. JJK. 8. P. BABT I PHYSICIAN Jbd SURGEON * . Ihoulib Jrg, IT*C. j Office over P. S?AK. K. Allen's Store jJR. R. F. YAMOROUGH PHYSl'-lAland 8URGEON; ?'? , ' Loumburg, N. C. ' \ Office io Yarborourh A Bickett building. \ Night calls answered from T. W. Bickett s i tjslilanos. pbnnn Ti I . B^1(A88BnibQ : AOTORXHY AT LA W LbAsbuW, N. C. Will practice in All thb courts 61 the State Office ii EgeHon Building ^ M. H AT WOOD feuFFlfos. ATTORNEY! AT LAw\. Uonlibarf, N. C. Will practice ti all courts of Franklin and adjoimug cmunties. also in the Supreme Court and inrin* Unitety States Di trict and Circuit Court. Office oyer First National Bank. _ tji ~b. wiLdeb Jttounet at law I LOuisburg,' N. C. Offiee on Main street it Cooper building. gPRUILt A OoLDEi: ATTORNEYS fiT LAW . | Louisburg, N. C. Will attest the courts of Franklin, Vance, Gruuvillei Warrei. and Wake counties, also the Supreme Coutt of North Carolina. Prompt attention given io collections Office in Spruilljbuilding. T. W. Bickett. t R. B. White Louisbuafi N'.|C. - pranklinton, N. C. glCKEtT At WHITE ? LAWYERS Louisburg. if C. The eettl iment o? estates fir executors, ]Administrators and Ga&rdiatM is made a specialty. an *>e bonds required by law can be necnred i 1 ne office. Office Yarborough A jBickefct bufldtug Vlainrstr *?t ,W~ TEB80N I ATTORNKT ATILAW Louisburg, N jc. Practice in all courts. Offlek on Main Street ?> 1 . yy H YARBOROUGH. fr. j attorney at Law Louisburg, N.?C. " * 111 leal business intrusted to m? ] "receive p?-omft attention. Offliej hi "%J2gerton uBiklrC ^ j F. HOUiK I <:ON>h^OT()R a?i(*iB|;iLr)Eft I LotS^burjr, N.ic. ~ {Awn. nrtistin Tjftifl. . ArrhitVc^nrnl donijrn* autinnltto / DRyf^O^D j /DENTIST.; j ^/TranVlinton. N. 0,, \ -f ELON COIIGE. Delightfully situated in the Will Country. * L'nsurpasseA in hoAlthfalness, Pure water. MoArn in /equipment. Steam heat. Elesttto lights. Baths. Seweoge. With all flhe *ivantages of city life and none of ito disadvantages. An ideal institution tar/the education , of young men - and young women, with twenty years of sdcessnil history behind it. A high gmqe institution, whose graduates are /admitted to the graduate department/of U1 the great universities withoit kcamination. V. Maintains also MuWc. ArA Elocution, : Business, and PrepAatoy Dfcartments. Special Normal Co/rses forYTeachers, approved and end/rsed by suEe Superendant Joyner. Jtrmi moderate, from ' 9112.00 to 1187.0?per session tdb anon- ' , For C'atologuJ or other infodgiation Address J EMJf IT L. MOFFIT, l\es. ; or W. A. HAWPEB, Dean. Klon\Col- \ age, N. C. 1 .. ??;.? ?#^ Lot of tEMEDIES ARTICLES KiiJfas n tised and recommended aud guaranTHEM OVER it is always kept up to d&te. DRUGSCOMPANY k rfw A A rfk rfv A A rfkrfi ffkifv/fk/fv/fvifv :|RIES >unf purchases. We can save vou iVd Talk With You a dim line of lise\ and Fruits will, do oiV utmost to Jmake your easant * COOPER tent /of Interest ipoaitiynn the Savings Department of i aly lifC It will be ready for payment, | *t. Jnterest not withdrawn will be adme4s original deposit. roerous Times. Wave they prgftted you? Not at all if i\e there prosperous years errry you tuVr bring by placing spare money, ly.\n our Savings Department, whefe \vl?h we will pay you erd^t OompotQidknnually. Henderson, N. C. -F ^BM THE SUHOW SCHOOL, Lesson IV.?Third Quarter, For July 24, 1910. the International series. Toxt pf Lesson, Matt, xvii, 1-8, 1420?Me*nory Verses, 1f 2?Golden Text* Matt. xvii, 5?Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. We have but one lesson In this great cb.-ipter which tells us of the transfiguration. rlic conflict udcJ victory following. HI* death and resurrection Hgutn foretold and the little fish which -brought the tribute money The trans- _ figuration, like the lesson of last week. .Is recorded by Matthew. Mark and' Luke and Is lu some respects the most remarkable event lu the humlllntlou of our Lord. The glorj' which here shines forth for a little moment was always . In [XinLkJiift. like the glory over the mercy seat between the cherubim in the holy of holies, was concealed by the veil which was typical of His body and which was rent in twain when He-died on the cross tHeb. x. 20; Matt. xxvIL ftO. r?li As He spoke of Hia sufferings 1n last week's lesson. He said that some of those present would see the glory of His kingdom before they -died. I think I am safe In saying that, while both In the Old and New Testaments the glory Is sometimes spoken of without mentioning the suffering, we never find the suffering? without the glory to encourage us In the suffer Ings This word about seeing the"' kingdom before they died has been un I necessarily perplexing to many. be cause they have not noticed Its conneoi tlon with the account of the trans-' figuration which immediately follows In each of the gospels and In Mark and Luke In close connection. That Peter, one of the favored three, so* understood it seems very clear from II Pet. | I. 16-1S. Dr. Scofield's uote upon this ' Is so simple and yet so full and con[elusive that I quote it here: "The transfiguration scene .contains in mln iature all the elements of the future I kingdom In manifestation - (Ji The Lord, not In humiliation, hut In glory I I verse 2). ?2> Moses, glorified, representative of the redeemed who have passed through death into the kingdom (Matt. Till. 43: c. I. Luke Ix. 30. 31). (3l Elijah, glorified, representative of the redeemed Who havtT entered the klncrtem hr translation (I Cor. xv. 50-K3: ! Tbess Iv. 14-17). (4i Peter. James and John, not glorified, representatives (for the moment) of Israel in tbe flesb In tbe future kingdom (Ezek. xxxvil. 21-27). (5i Tbe multitude at tbe foot of the mountain (verse 20). representative of the nations, who nre to be brought into tbe kingdom after it Is established oyer Israel ilsa. xl. 10-12). etc. Six or eight days after tbe saying of .Matt xvi. 28. Jesus took these three men, who were also with Him when He raised to life the ruler's daughter, and in Gethsemane and. us Luke tells us. went up into a mountain to pray, and it was as He prayed that He was transfigured. The eight days of Luke certainly include the six of Matthew and Mark and give the extreme limit of the time intervening. His appearance reminds us of Rev. 1. 13-10. and of the assurance of I John Hi. 2. that we shall be like Him. The more we consider this the more we shall be like Him ^now; and it is so necessary, for the world needs some manifestation of His life in these mortal bodies (II Cor. I v. 10.11). it is most-interesting to notice that the wdrtf translated "transfigured" is used only in this incident in Mat thew and Mark and in two other places. Rom. xii. 2k^l Cor. 111. 18. In the former being translated "trans formed" and In the latteVx"are chang 1 ed" and both , bearing upon fills vesy : point of likeness to IIim now. Asighl of Moses and Elijah, who had been absent fro.m the earth, one about i years and tpe other about 000. gives [ us a glimpse of tTie reality of the unseen world. The topic of their com er sation (Luke i.\. 311 shows us how great is tbe importune** <>t; tin- death of Christ, the* benefits of whi-h they | had been in it measure eh.5t>ying, ns on j a promissory note, for so u.uuy cen- j turles and by virtue ?>f whb-li nlont j any one from earth can enter heaven I The diseinles were afraid. rheV were I ; also heavy with sleep. Jl"d JVfer rails i ed, not .knowing* what He said, and ! suggested making tabernacles for the Lord .Tesua mid rui Moses a-jft tltljnh Then came the bright cloud aud *nvicr | shadowed thehi. and when it was past I Jesus was found a Tone (Luke Ix, 812-iJBt Out of the cloud came the vole? of the Father, saying for the second time. "This Is my beloved Son. in whom I am well pleased." hut now fie added. "Hear ye Tffm." The disciples, being afraid, fell on their faces, hut Jesus touched them and said. "Arise and be not afraid." In the sleep and fear and foolish talk of the disciples see with what human weakness our Lord bus nlwrty^ to deal, hut Iti His "Be not afraid" sne the loving, compassionate Saviour with- whom we have to do. May we ever remember the words of Mark ix. 8, "They saw no- man any more save Jesus only wlfb-tjhemselves." How very ' hecesnnry it la that we should ulwoys see and hear to orte but 1 "Jesus only." In verses 11-13 our Lord plainly says that the prediction of Main .hi concerning Elijah must be fulfilled. John the Bnptl^ who came in the spirit and powflPof Elijah, being rejected, as was also the Lord Jesus. Elijah must come as the herald of Christ at Hia second coming In glory. From < every mount of privilege we cothe down to some fresh encounter with the great adversary the devil. V p - ? 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Calljfuid see them. ! baby caps just received. It will be to / MRS. A M SPEND YOUR V THE N/IRGir OCEAN iht\ (M idwaylbetween N'oVfoft and Old The most popular Sunyaer Hotel HeADQUARTCRS ACTR NOR' Surf Bathing, Fishing, Boatinof Musfa, Dae Bowling Alleys and Other Amusements.-. A For Ratesyfnd KurtherA^foi J NO/A. TUCKK, / > . .iZLJiii .**{+S:s*\i3Bg9 I'-1 ERSALLY ^Tshingles rcVrst ^introduced* (24 years 1 >ecau^ you do not know the ic to tre Pacific for all kinds r leak ankl last as long as the >rmation at ply to . j ? n Coffer/ (ffee Why No Best? r ix - 1 jrands than the Rattan Blend, Lnd Toxaway. convinced. IICKS > 1QO r of fiiture achines Eivcb '."I ~ "* e te Bee us and look at what inced that Very Best Furkey That You ate State. ndemkeM supplies and will be eed olmj services. Give i need anything ;ure Company ales V Store ! "Madras, ftiuiting and a pretty broideries ion to-the ,ty Corsets V ~ , v Sample line Jof Ladies hats yofvr interest to see them. ~\ ^ X t^ALL X acaVton * ? si IA BAY W.VA 1 Point Comfort, Va.) on the Virginia Coast - /jtgSji TH CAROLINIANS cinst, (Theatres, Soenie < ltailways Ltneriean and European Plan. p, WIGR.