g- - j * Cy V J * , r i \ IH01111 1 j?ij Another Or 5St g ^ai Kf Ton know our prices, yo a piano arvliile to see h I U0CAL.3. ?It pays to advertise-try it. ?Look after your premise*. ?Let advertising help v-u err on your business. ?Hie many friends will ' < ?! > to learn that Harold Holmes is tin proving. ?The sanitary officer may get yo if you don't clean your premises. ?If yoa don't take the Dimes, don fail to get it at once. You can't ia agine what you are missing until a ler yoa bare tried it. ?The Sterling Gotten Mills ah down on Monday for one uionth, f the purpose.of over-hauling maebi ery, cleaning and repairing tl '' " MUM. ^Wh'lc at Muiehead City t Franklinton lall team (most whom belong to the military co pany) defeated Morehead Cit; strong team by a acme of 7 to 2. ?John Henry, the five monl old infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Bi ant Frazier, who died at Walte F eat Thursday, was burned in I at d o'elook, Rev. W. W. Rose, ei dacting the services. . ?There has been three game* ball arranged between Franklin and JLouisburg for this week. 'I of these will be played on the k diamond?one on Wednesday one on Friday, aad one of the 111 inuuny. 5 ?Company F. rfii'rncd from ? * 'ilieir encampment at Morehead City j v " last Wednesday niejlit. All tke j boys were well tanned but declare I ^ u they had a big time^ Ths Com- \ j pany showed an improrement of t over xuo per cent on the rule range , l- over laat year. The boys had plerv- ! f- ty of hard work and plenty some' I thing good to eat, and all seemed j ut to enjoy themselves while there. j or j ?Sonday night at 8 o'clock Miss Frankie Wheeler and Mr. Wiley Al!la len were manied at the home of the bride's grand-father, Mr. T. F. Bowen on Cotton Mill street, Keqaiee- 0{ J. E. Nicholson, officiating. The m_ marriage was a anrpnae to everybody and onle 1 few of their moet intimate fries.Is witnessed the ceiemoay. The brido is the daughter of Mr. Henry Wheeler, and the groom ie a r?" son of Mr. K. Q Allen. We extend or congratulations. the .. . . ^ Personal ~ 5n~ B. T. Crete spent Friday in Raleigh. '' Miss Francis Winston is on a visit 10,1 to ?iew York. 'wo j . Beo. Crews, of Middlesex is vinit. t iag his people here, and ge. | A. S. Joyner and wite left yesterj day for Morehead City. Dick Conway, of Franklin, Va., Mr ^ T'"',lnK his people hert. A S. Kearnev. of Raleitrh. soenl ere, " ' ? i -rs? fall- Thursday and Friday here. ight Mr* Carlton, of iWareaw, >i/?ni off Sunday at Sopt. K. B.'White's, lied Walter Parker) of New York', ii I. visiting hia cousin, W. J. Ballard, rard W- H. Weater and family, o i 0f Henderaon, are viailing relativaa ii died tawD. toon L H. Cutler, Jr., of Newberne, i train visiting hia aiater, Mrs. Dr. Win . . -Wiv '' ; '. ., . i V ,v ' S? " s ^ ? I N T ON J WEDNESDAY, JUL FURNITU! I SEN1> TN" A.K1) G pp \ TY FAN \Vhv is it tliat ? ? n OT?ds than ever I \vV?th?' while some " T.YngLrire and tighth. at t?e helm attendii liusimess. W e have ti?u*\the world, t devil \o contend wi tselliuA more goods than atn* house in t moderate Vrice Ku tally mckiujr "chairs, *" all thnes to Bmt fut Pay tor it anyVdd ti l Solid /L :r-*' AVe boast off (wing / ped coftius and ca?4 V in tfie eountv, a?fc r ?ant to use booght here how our prices ari., we i m. / fellows price,,w? wt f able profit. / , ' jSWORTI too. # I Mite Mary Kearney, who had been L initing in OxJord returned home Mite Eleanor Cooke, of I-roaisuurg, ixU pent Friday with her grand-parents a town. Mine Oza ami Pearl Taylor, of >aford, are risiting Mies ' Mary ^ ikearoev. - j w iiuuMiss Alice Card and (Tempi* wm Strickland are * pending the week at The it" ' j tt \ ^ oq & Wanaen. ' , bers J. F. Mitchell and wife, of Bal- h,. ^ eigh, are visiting hia people near termtown this week- iilv' ?<%? Mrs. Hosa Barton and children, of j^v Wilson, and Mis- Mattie Powell, of oris Philadelphia, are visiting at Mr. E. Nss H. Evans. wi(i Col. IVr ~L~ Mediae, wife-?andr^^ daughter, left,for Morehead City, ?? Tuesday, where the Colonel goes to eooantp with the second regiment. ^ Littl^ Willie and Minnie Jib wall, who are making their Home ate the Methodist Orphanage, Raleigh, are spending their vacation with, their | mother. County Convention The Repnblican County Convau- ,4 tion will meet in Loufsburg.N. C, j on Monday, August 1, at 12 o'clock, M. The township primaries for the selection of delegates to this Convention will he held on Hatsrday July 30th,at the usual voting places, 1 at such hour as mav be fixed by the various township committees. By older of the Executive Coin mittfce. t VV. H. Y abbobouoh, J?., Chairman I . . . I I We PW Cash * 1 ?nd highest mtrW^F^eB for Lire ^ ' f1? r' -/* rr^- rXf^*3:: >r^v" v pi? ~ , . ' . "i ?? ^E-f=^A R ' Y 20 1P10 RE AND fKT A PRETFUEE r*- Ke.Hiu? more ef'-ra. vhis l\??t S vt-'tUs urc **f?t j| g w> a rfe # . . iir own -ft? tln? cv>tiN^Ki i-n * ,bo Fle^? h?V4. t-' f th l?ut we are S f??i ibo monev Jt ' wil. jf? *. lltinw down on i H s'loet w^ere 1-hare a nice) e t minute i}r- ttboop'i i iiUUr S^ggt^ ?fc A n%f% tad plMMria? ^H^reafbt^ | ' *' ^ 'f^. ' ' ' ! * I mmmmm i l?USE I 1 \ IT r M E N T . zsBmmmm MUSIC H a?bmc??chbb?? uisburg, | STOCK - XMUS1 /IS Owing ^ the fact that oiq /|\ , on the northern marktl ^ large fall stock of gnottffi ak have got t>o get ritl J v 2? make room for It. Jyw I 2? get a bargain. Comito will put a fasting aiiile 01 9 T 4 ? / # / t - / 4 = / * The Peopfcs Cli /.(V Louisburg, f EVERYTHING E ~T CANNING T ^ m BALL FRUIT JARS. ] FRUIT JARS, JAli Jj X~" TOPS *nd SUGAR N. C I WMmmm. ' . moveI; r buyer is now y buying up a kli or,this store, we Jja rhaV we have to 3! is your time to Hr see ii^ and we 7) a your face. vv \ <&. \ -I \ f " \ - V?/ ?. *? OR THE J T -v SEASON | rot/l patent a ATMERS, JAR A' ? X ^ i. H^ks | : ; y.t.,' >... ox ... ..j CO .