^ : ' ; ? ' _H v ' THE HOME Cii Pleasant Evening Reyei Gated to Tired Mot the Home Circle CRUDE THOUGHTS FROM .* * >? WHIT TO DO wTtH BAD TKSIPKKi I Starve ir. Give it nothing to feed I on. When something tempts you 1 to grow angry, do not yield to ' temptation. It may for a minute or two be difficult to control yourself ' to ilo nothing, to say nothing, and ? the rising temper will be?obliged to A go down because it has nothing to 1 hold it up. The person who can ' and does control tongue, hand, ' heart, iu face of great, provocations, 1 - is a hero. The world may not own ' him or her as suoh, bat God does. The Bible says that *'he that ruleth his spirit is better than he that t*ketb a city." What it gained by , yielding to temper* For a minute r there is a feeling of relief; \>it soon j cornea a scene ot sorrow tnd shame, j * with a wish that the temper had t been controlled. Friends are sep- c erated by a bad temper, trouble is 8 caused by it, and pain is given to } ..L aa a. Id WL _ uuitni u wen as 10 Hit. i lie pain, t too, often lasts for day*, eren years" ( ?something for life. Aa outburst , of temper is like the burst of a steam , boiler, it is impossible to tell beforehand what will be the result. The evil may never be remedied. Starve your temper. It is not worth keeping alive. Starve it. . t WOMAN'S VOICE ^ ' Women claim that they ought to have a voice in everything. If there is anything on earth woman's 1 voice does not penetrate it can safely be set down that it is impervious ' to sound. Woman's .vpice reaches to the aky, descends to the deepest 1 cavities of earth, penetrates the \ kitohen, cellar, garTet and seven 1 bed rooms, reaches across the street and disturbs the neighbors. She 1 already has a voice in politics, science, art, religion, business, aid j in domesubwffairs it is the supreme 1 law of the lahrl^ Did you ever hear j Mrs. Lease? Igodk^you help your- > self if she was in yonr township? Is there a civilized community oa the , earth that haa not heard Spaas B. Anthony? If so aatne it andxit is yours. What more do they want? | Give them the ballot and they'll "1 never he satiched without the box and poll books. Gpd Created matTand then woman. The last job was the beat. \Voman is the salt of tq? earth, and sugar and cream and. strawberries. Without her all is, vanity. Man is her voluntary slave. f ur Her he delves and toils and j tight* the ballfe* of the country and | legislates in congress and stands op | in the street ears, and runs in debt, | and finally dies a miserable death ! from eating restaurant hash while she is at the sewing circle, the elu'u, I er out detecting money for foreign 4> squalor at heme. 'It is no use to give women advice; she won't hear vou. The beginning of the 20th, century finds women combining in a | grand plot to take the earth and j. fence it off for their own exclusive I benefit. Womans kingdom . has| come and man who ' has ever j . hf?n hor biin.hU servant it spurned = with oontempt from the foot Tof the throne. He may cry alond for deliverance, bnt the hollow, echo from the Where*: clnb room is the only answer. Men and brethem, this is tough. ? * USB YbUR OUBBT-VOICB. The advio3 I, ere given is easier understood than taken. Hut by diligent praatioe and a kind temper? and a strong sense of duty?one may form the habit of. talking every day at home in the tones oqe usee when "company" comes: Yoa often bear boya and girls say words when they are vexed, that U)Md ? 11 made .up of a snarl, a whine and a bark. Such a voice often expresses mote than the heart . feels. Often even in mirth oae gate a ^'""- yoMse or tone that is sharp and it 1 * ' ' . \ . ^ ? - ? ICLE COLUMN. Mbs ? R GolUmn Dedihers as They Join at Evening Tide i THE EDITORIAL PEN iticks to hira through ' life. Such p.rsons get a sharp voice for home use, and keep their best voice for those they meet elsewhere. We would say all bovs and girls 'Use yopr best voice ?t home." Wateh it by day, as a pearl of great price, far it will be worth mere to you than the best pearl in the sea. K kind voice is a lark's song to a tiearth aad home,,. Tram it to sweet tones now and it will keep in tune through life. 4 * CIUBiCV. We applied the celibacy of a raelilude of women, who, rather fban nake unfit selection of a husbanwn culture and refinement and ind their exalted idea of what a lusbaad ought to be, have caused heir, declinature. They have seen io many somen marry imbeciles, or uffians, er incipient sots, lifetime insapables, or magnificient nothings, >r men who before marriage were tngelic and afterward diabolical, that they have been alarmed and uckkI back, They say eo many aoata go into the maelstrom that they steered into other waters. Better for a woman to live alone, though ihe lives a thousand years, than to be annexed, to one of these masculine failures with which society is surfeited. The patron saint of almost every woman, and among all the families of family circle is some such unmarried women, and among all the families of cousins she moves around, and her earning in each bouse is the morning, and her going tway is the night. A tickling or di\couf h can be quickly loosened with Dr. /Shoop's Cough Remedy. No opiumj no chloroform, lothing unsafe or hank. Sold by F I?id Pleasants, Loui/bWrg; T. C. Joyler, Franklinton. -/ \ . Try a tin ca%of i"rMich Opera Tea and Coffee/^^k it on earth at f W. Kings'. BINGHAM 1 SCHOOL CUIUQ^ 11733 mo Ti?iin Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pi Is the best of ulk^me^icines for the disorders and weaknesses peculiar to only preparation of its feigHt devised by ted physician?an experienced and si the diseases of women. \ j It is a safe medicine in aayedqditio THE OPiE REMEDY whUt caul end no injurious habit-fomqpt di creates no craving, for su/h itimui THE OKg REMEDY sJ gook ti ere not afraid to prin/ its evdr each outside bottle - swapper an< truthfulness of the iX" " It ?B ?uld by medicine/calers everyv get it. Don't take a substitute of unk known composition. ni counterfeit is who says something else is "just as go oris trying to deceive you for his own i trusted. He is trifling with your mo ay be your life itself. Set that you g -175 1 COMPLETE ? And I can aarc - what too have in town call on 7 ling. I will tal boating yon w alio carry a 2 SEWlKft M4CH] Remambar I ?j r yon want on ea i J VD 1 A Complete Ltne of U ni rat?r %ik* './ , . X ?*1? ?-?-?- r '?7 ? ' - - ?? -? i ? NOTICE. / Having thin day qualified a* admi istrator of I'reaciUa Hurstr, deveasa late of Franklin County^ this is to no fr all rcrsona hokling claims ajtain amid estate to present. them on or b ! fore June 8th. lVll.Jt thia notice w ! be plead in bar of thtolc recovery. i | All persons indebted to said estate w ome forward and make "settlement i once. This June f*h. 19Mkf~ *? T. ly DICKERS, Ailmr. NOTICE Having uualitfkl as executor of t | estate of H. Hj^illiaui, defeased, la | of Franklin couWy. thia i/ to notify i i persons holding: claims ajptinst said < j tate will present tile same to mcon j before Juue 16th. l'Al of this notice w i be plead ia bar of tVo*1 recovery. A persons owning- saidVstate will plea .come forward and uJte immediate s< tlement. .This Juno/l61h, 1910. . ? wyk. Q^lliam Kxtr. Notice Licence TaA Payer 1 All i>ereaits liable for ^.isense Ti | under Revenue Laws/ of Non Carolina are hereby notified to pr ; cure the same and saw the penal The attention of ^gigtrates, Co stables and bonded'-Afficers is direc ed to the provision^ Wf their law r quiring Peddlers al l other dealers procure a license. / \ I urge upon officers tW assist i executing the lay. - \ ' H. C.Jveakvev, Sheriff. Louishurg, N.-ft June 1st, 1910. THE NORTH CAROLINA COLLEGE of AGR1CUL TIRE and MECHANIC \ARTS./ The Stat^sVollege /for tratnin industrial workers. ( Courses i Agriettlture, Hortietnture, Anim Husbandry and Dairying; in Cir Electrical and JtMchanical Eng neering, in -Cott-fk. Milling ait Dyeing, tn Induurtal Chemisti and in Agricultural teaching. Ei trance examinations at etch coun seat on the 14th If July.\ D. H. HIML, PreBid^it. Welt Raleigh. SL C. r\ c / mi irfc \J. L. I IVIILLLI L \ JEWELER Louisburg/ N. C. With a mce w/ll selected stock of Uewenry I am in position ? > fatisfv most any one dasiang anything in my tine\ I : : : I Also Do Rcpairin of WATCMBB and JEW EERY anfl give you the very Jpest of work D I MILLER C.. kai yrwpvwd Boy* to bm TUBS. IdaaUy Wa fr?M d*y. OtpaMbUBTilT for D1SCIFLOT. escripti(nrT"B> t cure of diseases, women. the a regularly gradutilled specialist in ? E dof tae system. sins no alcohol rugs and which Units. S2===SP^ bat its makers ~~ ~~ fl*' r ingredient on fattest to the rhere, and any dealer who hasn't it con nown composition for this medicine OP as good as the genuine and the druggist od as Dr. Pierce's" is either mistaken telfish benefit. Such a man is not to be st priceless possession?your health? et u>hai you ask for. i AAAAAAAAAA WWWWWWWWWWW r^URPj I FURNITURE IS X fj UP-TO-DATE t bu money on ' >\mvf When X je hod see my # ^ t..J, ^L" 9 pleasure in *1 I have. 1 nice Vie of NE>S "AORGANS X i sell yon whi\ f termi. Cii?A Hupplie* ChAp. S ? ' s . '* ?' ' ' ' '._J; '_ " JSC * x st 8S X' >e- JtjBf \. '? fV 1 ?? Ml CM ill ?K J Summet >n ffi! * N? ?5 _ ? : AI ?r tw ~~ E fig c V> I Summei |X ~~~ The ^good old BUffl&ef time is hen ? th wants in cool* vrtfiring\a] o- " V n- Anything Men, ?ouq I Outer I t0 - / Lisle, Nainsook, Madras and Kmt I xtry in all shades. An utfexeallJa lii The Largest Sto/k < 7 Summer Shtfes, ! ancy San< ig A. big lot of Trunks, Suit AJaaes and in _ _ you our bast service mud priaes I I P. S. L K. <| 111; - " r mB * nt... ^BUGGIES ' j | BUG1 | ^ Some nrejtrleam the value of th^Vuth bi ^ Sunday School. Some men pay cagh fer Bra gapeeial diffemucu ami if any. 1 hBliavaiiha tfn "Now it is comfort and pleasure to ride in a wv girl or the other fellows girl and the whofof ne won't say anytbiog bad. A 100 Buggies, All Hil i and Robes Free VJ To Match, Yes Fine ] v Spice anc _j X'"? i*~nrg? rrery fwnr amp eon who reai A date buggy and I invite all readers of 'be Tim X middle, baseball cronhs and ntar beer artists, w look. Yon sbant be hart and/all will be welo WlMMlLfiM ' ^ ' -U T ^5* j- ?? ? 1 -j - ; ; 7r r =* Goods I * /Prices |#i ind iJo are prepared to aupply your pp&nl from head to toot. m and Boys Want in Jllothing. Jnaerwear. La die? and Gents Hoaae c* neckwear, Collara, Belts, Etc. 3f ^Ladies and Mens Slipfters, Oxfords Sals, YEtc. Clab Bigsuo select from. Will give a^d do ouruitmoBt to please you. I ' - '-4 ? WBW #nW ighborhood will talk about you, and the girl ds and,Styles, Whips ^ith Every Buggy. slESS! x aarness, On Time on J", i omTick. ^ X 1b this adArtigemetit, want* a new style up iea including boys jrho part their hair in the' 4 just so you\re farmisg to oome and take a T ome, whethea you buy or not. A A ** H iVu j fcirr - UMLaaii