-- ?- - - - - 1 .V Professional Card TQR. AkxaUR HYNES FLEMING, /| 1 Surgeon l)?ntUt, J Office! n Hard Building. Main and Nnnh Street. Loviaburt. w. C. / Hour*: ft tA 4:30. Phone No. 40. / JJB. P. J. VKWCLL. I 1 -'tHYMCiM, / p. Loulabarg, V. C. PhQ*e Ho. 166 J^ttANtttJITON HOTEL j rrajjklintou.K^^ R7X. 8p??dKJ,f6prtitor. -t.. Go ok Llrorr io conAnn ion % 0. H BANKS y . DENTAL SUIJOEON Uiifborc, C. Otflcn iu HlckABuildivK, Muln Birt-*t. p H. COOKE * I ATTO RNteY?AT?LA W j Louiswm, N. C.* Om Cooper A Pleas Ants Store. 1'rompt Attention given nil lenAl buMineis entrusted to roe 1 |jB. J. K. MALON A PHYSICIAN i nlVsUROUON Lonlibt w, V. I'.. <)fB -e in rear of Bens py-aWou Drug Store. jjr. s. p. Burt PHYSICIAN indSLwGEON , ^^Loulsb irg, N.JfA Office over P. S. S K. K. Xlen's Store pu. it. f. yariorough\ PHYSI IAN tad 8UKOEQN, Louisl are, N. C. \ Office In Yarboroni h A Bickett building. Night calls adswerec from T. IV. Bicketre residence, phone 74. - \ g B. MASSEXBl RO V \ ATTORNE Y AT LA W \ ; -\Loulsburg, N. C. \ Will practice in ail the court-sot the Btate Office in RKefton Building . HAYWOOD ftUFFIN * I' ATTORN El^ AT LAW 1 *?-? t Lclsburg, N. C \ Will practice In nil courts of Franklin nd adjoining counties, also in' the Snprtm** Court and in rhe United States Di trict t nd Circuit Court. Office: over First Natio ml Bank. s L B m B. -WILDER * ATTORNEY AT LAW \ Louihburg, N. C. j - Offlcey>n Main street'in Cooper bnildinf . ^^JPRUlW A BULDEN VATTORNEYB AT LAW r Louisbarr, 1^. C. Will attendthe court* "ol Franklin, Vapce, Granville, IVarrei. and Wak- counties, also the Supreme Coat t ' of North Carolina. Prompt attention given to collections OfHce in Rnruill bmlding. I \ ; - J T. W. Biekitt. *~R. B. Whit > Louinborf, Franklintoo. I. C. glCKETT L WHITE V LAWYER^ , LAaUbJrg. N. C.' The settlaoieDt ?rg. N. C J Practice in all couri s.\ Office on Main Street \?f r ^ H YARBOI OCBffi Jr. attor: eyWt law J 1 "nta mrca w. L'. | Ail Icg.kl bdaine^* "h trialed to mi | iWeire p'nmot utteolion /Offioe| in 'Egerton < Building / | F. HOU'Kj CONTR m/Ti R audlfeuil.DKR "*"** L ideal institution far the edueatitin ^of young men ahd I young women, with, twenty years 'df Successful histdry behind it. A high Vrade institution, whose graduates arr^admitted to the graduate department V all the great universities withoit\ examination. Maintain* also Music. Art Elocution, Business, and Prepoiatoy Vepartments. Special Normal Courses fmt Teachers, approved and endorsed by State Superendant Joyner. Tefrns moderate, from 112.00 to $187.00 plf session An Aon' tlM- I !! \ ^ For Catalogue of other information AhOVM I EMMIT L. MOFF1T, Pres. ?r W. A. HARl'Kt Dean. Elon ColN. C. ,-iF; 1? ' , ?_ A. We Have Just R REXALL I ??.?? i TOILET \ OF AI This brand of goods is hXffhlyadv tekjrio eve GALL IN AIQQ L Our Presorimion Depkrtni THE afclOGGiri GROC We have a nice\fresh stcck oi have you examine before making iauney ou nuymng m our una. Let Us Show *ou We also ?un General Merchar When in town give us a call, wd ??vm GEO. I-f emi-Annual Payn .The regular semi-annual interest on thjs bank will be credited on o\r books or for entry on pass books Fridby Jul; ded to principal and bear interest the These Are Pre But they may pass. When past. Md you have spent all you earned. . Tin through the lean v?afs which the Mtui which otherwise might be spent areh it will not only be absolute!'" aa'epiut Four Per Cen/ln ^ed Semi Citizens BankJ ' . - . 5 a ' > yrrjt*. I V - . . ' t r . "'i- ? ' "I am much pleased, ti I you far what Cardui has doi J. OHIiland, ol Siter City, N. "Last Pebn:3\, I had 1 I had shape. BetoreXthat, 1 h ftouble. .for ten veaA, and n< 'At last, 1 bejp\ to tak I three bottles, but it Mu den ^dowors or man any oflter m< Take The Woi For die after-effems of I Grip, Cardui is the bast toni It builds strengtn, stea< I appetite, regulates Vrregulari I natural glow of health. Cardui is yo\ti best frier . Think of the thousaudi I helped! What cduld possibl; Remember Arou cannot I LRgredionts in dhy other med I ia any drug store except in Write to: Udies A4vis?ry Dopt, Ch I for Sptdai Iruinu*>js, Md t4-pa?e book, WILL Has just receivi .i.SaiT this week at ttus member ewei ^ at l^nol< ^ \ ' ' ' ? w" \ i?. ; n t tie Grippe 3 be able to write and thank I lector me// writes Mrs. Sarah I the Oriole, which left me in I ad beqn bothered with female I ) thing Aeemed to cure it e Cydut. 1 have taken only I e roe more good than all the I :dkine I ever took." lRDUII lean's Tonic I a\y serious illness, like the I c ybu can use. H iiesXthe nerves, improves the ties tend helps bring back'the" " s of lmlies whom Cardui has I y preveht it from helpirrv you? I get theXbenefit of the Cardui I Ikine, fei they are not for sale I the Cardki bottle. Try CarduL I itkBHta Meoicioc Co.. Cbtttaoeoo, Teoa., I "Home Treatment tor Women. ' tent tree. COOKE ed /a new_line oi Iples.. Bargain Store. Re-y thing is sold )rb1P r.nflh ^ n/ WWK/Mt '* N eceived a Big Lot of REMEDIES V.ND , ,/ ARTICLES jL KINDS +^r- -' ertised and recommended aud ijuaransrv particular. OOK THEM OVER ient is alwrye kept up ttrdate. DRUG COMPANY kAAAAAAAifyAAAArftiKAiK 3C, s,FRIFft r / m mmb ^ ! Groceries/that we would be glad to your purchases. We can save vou and Talk With You y a/iice line of tflise and Fruits * Will VIo our utmost to Jmake your pmawuiX ?; ?? COPPER iient of Interest depo&Ks in the Savings department of , Julunat. It will be ready for payment, * lstf Interest not withdrawn will be ad- 1 suieas original deposit. fsperous Times. Y w have they profited you? Not at all if j make there prosperous years carry you V may bring by placing spare money, 1 isWy, in our Savings Department, where 1 fo\ which we will pay you i iterest Compound- ; -Annually. Henderson, N. C.' k i ' * \ * ? ' - . \ T .\ ~^CT ? .. [HE SUNDAY SCHOOL Lesson V.?Third Quarter, For July 31, 1910. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Leeton. Matt, xviii, 21-35. Memory Verses, 21, 22?rGolden Text* Matt, vi, 14?Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. Our last two lessons have sot before tlx (tie building of the church and the tuihsoquoui seising up of the kingdom during this age and at the clef of It; it, Is worth remembering that the church Is said to be buiidetl. never set up (Matt. xvl. IS; Eph. li. lb. 22; i Pol. II. 0: Gen II. 22. margin, with Epb. v. 31, 32?. whereas the kingdom Is said to !>? set up. not buhdod (Dau. li. 44i. If we would walk worthy of God who .hatb called us tHHo i-Iis kingdom and glory^' (1 Thess. 11. 12) the two features of today's lesson, fiumliity uud^for^lveiiess. should be specially manlh^i In us. remembering the tlrst words of om' Lord's discourse on the prluclplcx of "tUe kingdom. "Blessv'4 are the poor In spirit. for_Ui?lEs-4?tbe kingdom of bejeveri*\(5Iatt. v. 3i. and also that the oruument-pf a meek and quiet spirit Is In the slgliKof God of great price. d Pot. III. 4i. As we ure to have but one lesson 4u this chapter we uiust consider the first, portion on humility as well as the last on forgiveness. What u trial It must have be*m_i? our Lord, who bad so hunitiled Himself, to see these disciples continually thinking and talking about who should be greatest In His kingdom even up to tile last night before He was crucified und to have the toother of two of them asking for special. places of bouor for her sons (verse. I; xx. 20. 21; Luke Ix. 4G-4S; xxll. 24?.' What uiust He think of the same strife still between denominations and societies and churches and individual believers, whose one aim should be to exult Him. for one pe-' cullar feature of the kingdom will he that the Lord alone shall be exalted (Isa. II. ,11-171. A little child Is His object lesson, first In reference to en Laces and /Eml - , -? ?- ??r/'~' American /Beaut Ths best on the market. Call?a/d see them. Sa baby caps just receive?. It will be to y< . -n MRS. A M SPEND YOUR W ?_ ?AT THE VIFGIN OCEAN WeM (Midwavjbetween Norfoljpind Old 1 -The moat popular Sumoni Hotel 01 HEADQUARTERS/OH\ NORTI Surf Bathing, Tighlng, Boatlntff MuflA Danci Bowling Alleye and OtheryfmnBemenW An For RateaRmd Further Vnforn JNOt A. TUCKER . N\? FHGHTWEB_WO?e lot df them. All sorts hi gri cheop? /well! We should say so cheap thi of one. J \ 1 We/ have !a very nice Voil, Panama, Mohaii, White Duck and ot . to-date style. They are cheaper than you < AARON DEITZ, Lou A BIG LOt New Flurr AND Sewing Ms JUST REC? And we can|make the prices right, JUome we have and lye convii We ArelSelfing/the^ niturejfor^the Mon< Can Butr in th I also carry a nice and complete line of an glad to eervejthose epo may be in te me a call 'wlien in town or in : \ in my line. W. E. White Eurniti Special Sc AT THE Racket | New line of White^Goods, Ginghams, Pdrotle, I terlng the kingdom und theu in reference to greatness in It pwin-po/.Hnn (John xxl. 11? and the 153.000.stranger* of II Chron.. li. 17. The kingdom Is the key to and the fulfilling of many things, and many of our Lord's teachings ran only be understood In the light of the kingdom as distinct from the church. The full forgiveness of the debtor of verses 24-27. like the forgiveness of the two debtors of Luke vii. 41. 42. is illustrative of the full and free forgiveness granted to every bankrupt sinner who eomes to Christ, for of all such It con be truly said. "Justified freely by His grace through the redemption that Is In Christ Jesus" (Rom. 111. 24). Rut this forgiveu one afterward delivered to the tormentors till be should pay lU has Do parallel In salvation by grace. Even the words of Isa. xllll. 25. in reference to transgressions and ilns are "blotted out," "pot remembered." The necessity of freely forgiving atbers If we ourselves would enjoy the forgiveness of God (verse 35) Is ilsoaei forth In vl* H, 15. - ? v - >.' -> V IT metal \ XSHINGLES id wood shingles, changing the ' 0 A FIREPROOF ROOF that eds repairs, rices, etc., apply to burg, N.C. E SUITS e/ffver had at ose time. They 1 fact that we are able to sell e than our competitors are pretty Gray and ors low cat shoes to make room If you want a very reasoncall on us. ee our Trousers ides ond colors. Are they w it you will buy 2 pair instead A " S ! lot of Skirts hets put up in handsome upbuy the oloth. * ? ? - iisburg, IN. L -- of litur^e idiines :ived to see us and look at what loed that tary Best Fur3V That You .e\ State. dertaSen supplies and will be ed of ^ services. Give need ofVnything jrc Company . i, I lies /Store Madras. Souitinpr and a pretty broideries W to tba ;yv Corsets mple\ line Jof Ladies hats >ur in t vest to see them. \ vHALL . (CATION nif, JTh?trs?, Seente Ritfw?y? ; ' 1 :^j lerioan and European Plan.