' I Distribut< I Cakes, Ci i?AAA wwwwwwwwwwwww r BUGGI HACKNEY BUGG BABCOCK B DURHAI The EDWA Drops From Cypress Creek. This part of Franklin ia not heard from ofleD, yet it is stiJ I in this ring, althoagh some of the farmers ot this section look as it they are about to drop out on account of 4ry weather. Master Linwood Perry spent Sat ! urday and Sunday with hia grand- i -mother, Mrs. Sue P. Alford. W. H. Creekmore ana it .as Sadie | *' "Wilder paid Spring Hope a flying -visit Sunday. Sorry to note that Mrs. C. C. Williams is on the sick lilt this week. Troy Pierce and Foster Hill were visitors in the Pine Ridge section Saturday and Sunday. W. D. Alford, who is now assistant postmaster at Spring Hope, was with his people Sunday. Jiliesee Pearl aud Sallie Hollingsworth, accompanied by Miss Lizzie /vitnrii were visitors at during Hope Saturday and Sunday. Miss Annie Culpepper has been n. v isiting her sister, Idole.ie,. who ia ^\8topping a few days in Nashville with her aunt on her return from - Johnddopkins hospital. We are glad to lehrn she ia much improved. Best wishesteUie Timks and its readers. TllEI.il A. -I These items were intended for last week's issue, but were ri?*eived too late?KmroB.] n. j Castalia B. F. D- No- 1. Items. \ Bight-many of onr young men \ seem to be very busy trying to lay by their crops so they can sport their ftew buggies. Miss Patience Davis is spending this week wjth her friend, Miss An* nie Swanson. . Mra. Hoggie Stalling*, who bae been at Rex Hospital the pa?t few weeks, is rapidly improving. Her many friends hope the will return home soon. Two of the Miseee Pittinsn, of Louieburg, are spending thie week with kjiae Lilliu Leonard. , llias Maggie Laneaeter. of Rod Bad, and Mr. Waiter Blackwell, of Oeslalia, were qaietly married at ?v '' rwr* "" r / "p.""/ = f * ors For The rackers, Ca Everything the I AAAAAAAAAAAA^ lW WWW WWW WWW WW* , Wl KirS |ies, Lar uggies * < ; ^ ' We j i buggies o Riversid iRDS. FORD tbe home ot the bride'* mother, Mrs. At. J. Lancaster, Sander afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. There were, not many present, only the intimate friend* of the bride and groom. On Monday erenieg, July 18th, Miss Annie Swanson gave, at her h >n>e, a patty in honor of ber guest Mies Patience Davie. .Many of her friend* were irvited and leveral games were played. The parlor was beantitnlly decorated with green and white.- Many instrqmental and rocal selections added much te the evening's enjoyment. Abdut 9:30 o'clock the goests were invited into the dining room where dainty refreshments were served. The dining room was decorated with toees and ferns. Those present., were Misses Patience Davis, Annie Pearce, Cornelia Griffin, Ziffie Pearce and Annie Swanson, Meerr-. Nsrman Smith, Boddie l*p chwrolt, Fred Leoerrd, W. P. Lsoiu. ard and Walter Griffin. About eleven o'clock the guests repaired to their homes wishing Miss Swanson many too. - such occasions. Alligator. In Loving Memory We regret to note the death of our beloved annt Marv Bartholo mew, who after a long end tedinne illues*, paHdd r :from?among?us?trr join the realms above, v Aunt Mary was seventy years olmvhad been a meniLor o ohurcn-for man; years, and waa living an aprignbChrietian life. She always did her duty aqd was willing to lend a helping hand w*kpn ever she was called npon. She leWyes three sitters and loaf childrehsto mourn tbeir loea. She was married three timet and died a widow. She was always jolly and wore * pleasant face and carried sunshine lyith her whsroveaehe went. ^Her funeral sr rrioes wtt conducted by ftfev, John Sledge and her remains were laH to rest in the old Fulgham burryitig^ ground near Cedar Book Church. Aunt Mary will be greatl^uiMaed in bar home and oomraunity. F. H. fZ hty-i ' i t : r*T . j',_.. Z.''' R E /HOLESAl LOUise< : Diamon&l indies,^an ietitil Mcrrhaiyp Need*. Let us F AAAA-ZA AA A AAA J HAR1 gest, Best xanci harness i we going tp?sell th r terma^o come firs y'' e Inc . . / " ]For monjjtv TOMBSTONES;/ FENCING Write Suffolk MapNe W x . Watch BARGAINS IN _ EVERY D I make and repair mattresaeaUny anteed. l^rici I Also Reboi Back The/. I rto upholstering of all kiuA.?ft work. Mj shop is at the Ad oolo Louisbure, N. C. / Q/E. MC sale: an I have decided tn roe again skSaU Serve the public with ' \ First^X Class Will be ffiad to ha TO a teams and polite and accommodating \ _ \ '> " * " AVIS -E QROCER 7~ / JRG.IN. c. Match Co., G rt^d Goods c igare \ViVh Yon ou Deliversd Piio^s^\Vt ./ ' I Cheapest Stock fer Louisburg e aboye\??gaidless of p >t artd takeNyour choice leoendehi = 1 iekttss :URBIKG and IRON to I wKs. - Suffolk, Va. i ThiK.Ad 11 1 r MATTRESSES OF ESCRIPTION ; /rad?/r quality Warjuaanship guartoVuit the people . ? / ' 5 lom Chairs and * With Cane. ire me an opportunity?to?yn.nr icix v.niV reuows nan, mam rstreet, )RRIS, JR. DL1VERY r -^7---: >J '^Livery Stable and am prepared to t A' mis At All Times. patrori^eatidtoeiant??atlaft?tUyi. Oaf* uu-^SH COM Pj s . 9 irload Ball Fi rf Every Des Save the Freight. ' 9 5 ' ^ Of WHITE HICEj " yS q lice GATE CIT1 V ^ -- - Ware LOU1SBURG, r iTou pay out your mom +he best\ Take Insy pany thAt pays a*mi THE MbtUAL .IFE INS/RANCI /of NEWARK, Ti^i.s passed the eVpe SAMBEHrPARjl \V#? Have Just The Ba .00K FOR Tl mm id you will Ret the ideel drmk, one\ that 1 arx pleasitiRUo the I BottleV By Louisburg Bottli P. 8.?A few more empty barrels an , .... ; -** t ' * > * ' - V 1 ' ^ ] ^AAAAAAAA A a A I ANY I *uit Jars 4' cription-4?? ? ? v GONH . ' . ' i .. ' ORY WAGONS ?L : x x XX X WAGONS chouse 4. C. ? BY/, why not fretv i-auce in a cora-^ aal?dividends I ' \\ BENEFIT * do : COMPANY N. J.? > " ' *" V ' _ f . riraental stage AM, Agent lance of Our ?????i IIS LABLE T . . ' ^ <4*^ . \ I . ~ x E* t - ; ' "K ff s non-alcoholic but Aelioioua v U?te, . ' / ' i _ -err -i UK W OIKS d keg? for iala cheap. ? I s,i - m