~ THE HOME CIF Pleasant Evening Reve; oatetfto Tired Mtit the 'Home^tfircle ? CRUDE THOUGHTS FROM A well born man ie always a, mother's boy, ,?I\d all (great men have rut been afraid' to be called 'mother's boy.*' * * There is a charity which consists in withholding word*, in abstaining from speech if to speak is to. con- ^ demo. Such oharity hears The tale > of slander, but dois not repeat it; I liafpriR in' Hilanrp. tint fnrlMnrg cnm. men); theu looks the unpleasant se- ; oret up in the very depths of the heart. Silence cau still rumors. It i? speech that keeps a storv alive and lends vigor to it. 4 .The poor man imagines that 1100000 would make bira a man without j annoyance for the balance of his ( life, and the man with three or four | millions suicides because of the loss ( of one million. Your misery is mostly in your mind. Remember that the picture appears very much according to the glass through which j you see it, and yet the lines of the picture are fixed and the modifying power of the glass is limited as compared to your control over your emotions. Re circumstanced as . you may, there will he enough ragged edges ii: your life to keep you in a perpetual fret and fume if you so will it. Within limited-bounds it is .not what you hav.-, or lack, it is not -what you are or would like to be, that inakts you cheerful and a source of happiness to those who [ must he with you. It is the way you take things; a power within yourself almost independent of alj external affairs and surroundings. There is no position and bo station iD life in which many men and wo. men would not be thoroughly miserable. The foundation of society rests on I its home. The success of the home rests on the wives. Therefore, first 1 of all teach our girts how to be sue-1 cessful wives. Begin early to train ; their character. Teach them that i jealousy is ab immorality aDd gossip | advice. Train them to keep the | smallest promise sacredly and to ] peak of people only a? they would j apeak to them. Teach them to look I (or the best qualities in everyone j they meet, and to notice other peo-1 ' pie's faults only to avoid them. | Train them to do small things well | and to delight in helping others, j that sacrifice made for other's pleas-j ures is a means of soul development. Once f^iven a firm foundation , of I character like this, which the poorest j as well' as the richest parents can i give to their girls, and no matter^ what necessity arises thev will be able to rise above it. * fr The mother who brings her children Op in truthfulness and sobriety to | useful spheres, and who looketh well to the ways of her household when j the passing of time has left the; frosts of winter in her hair, and the beauty .of youth is Had, then , is she worthy of all honor. To our mind, no' nobler- epitaph to .a woman's memory could be written than that le has been a good wife and mother.' . ^ * l > "The sanctity of the marriage re.1 lation must not bi~ brfifceo by divorce," says seedv sentiment, no matter though the ever-present specter of bruises, wound*, perhaps of a fearful death, may haeg over the bead of the victim, she would walk unswervingly by the side of the despiiebie brute whose btawny hand nerved by runt or refwonlens passion may at any tuae strike down her frail term. The man who lay*-bis hand upon e woman, save the way bat eternal banishment from ber very .presence. Tempers ars queer things anyway. ? . ^ l'*~ 1 {CLE COLUMN , pfds. A Goliimn Dcdi- ; hers as They Join at Evening Tide . THE -EDITORIAL PEN We snap, and growv, and scold, anil funic, and fret for no cause under [ the sun that we know of and when i trouble reullv comes we smile and take it as unconcernedly as though < it was the most common place affair. \ We will sulk for a week over a slight that was all in our imatlna tion and grow all the madder because we know that the whole matter is an invention of our own. The 1 fact is, when we feel good, a cyclone ! can't spoil our equanimity, but if we chance to be out of sorts and hare : the blues, we are going to get mad : and stay mad and if we don't find c any provocation we will make one. j The man who gets the blues?and'! who is there who doesn't get them?] is a most unfortuuate creatuje. Ten j intnuus after the attack begins hell has concluded that he is the most]I . I J ? - - - ' - I - ainineu man on me lace or tbe earth. Every person in tbe town is working igainet him?he knows it and it is no use to deny the fact. I( the unfortunate man is married, he wreaks his disgust upon his wife,' the baby and the cow. , r V Cheerfulness! How sweet in infancy, how lovely in youth, how J saintly ib old age! There are a few j noble natuies whose very presence| carries sunshine with them wherever they go; a sunshine means pitv for the poor, sympathy for the suffering, ' Help for the unfortunate, and benignity toward all. How such a face i enlivens every other face it meets, and carries into everv company vivbcitv and joy and gladness! But j the scowl and from, begotten in a selfish heart, and manifesting itse f in dairy, almost hourlv frxtfulness, complaining, fault finding, angry criticisms, spiteful comments, on the motives and actions of others, how i they thin the cheek, shrivel the face, | sour and sadden the countenance! I No joy in the heart, nobility in the I soul, no generosity in the nature, tbe | whole character as cold aa an ice-1 burg, as hard as an Alpine rock, as arid as the waste of Sahara! Head j er, which of these countenances are i you cultivating? BIN GHAM | THE BTHOHkll ftBMLAsbevttK H. ( SCHOCHLvJJiStectl *** casjuaI^ s^frs' 1*1 1793 1910 ' * A Cteah Man Outside cleanliness is than half thi scrub himself a dozen tiroes a day, and i health- means cleanliness nofvonly outside a clean stomach, clean boweNyiclean bl new, clean, healthy tissues. Tbhyman v will look it and act it. He will work clean, clear, healthy thoughts. He will never be troubled with liver/1 disorders. Dyspepsia and indigestion ori achs. Blood diseases are fhund where Consumption end bronchitis mean uncles far. Pierce's Golden prevents these diseases* It i and healthy. It cleans th^di clean blood, and clean, Jfeait It restores tone to the nervals syste prostration. It contains no aleChol or ht Constipation is the mos^mclean unci lets cure it. They nevprgHpe. Easy I X MY LINE OF } X COMPLETE ANE And 1 earn itre ; A what you have t< ? in town call on n T line, I will ?ak< bowiajr you wh also carry a X SEWING M\CHI Remember I wil ? you want on ess; me call 0 ? ^ D r w A Complete Line of Unda / ' : , f ; ? ? * " ' ? kor^ALE ; o A good young mile* cow, 4} years I 5 old, is adveitisea-jhesale. If interest- < \ sd address this pfflfcq. j \ S 1 \ On the^tli of iuly inNLouisburg or |? between LouisbuHj^ auc^The Hullard J home $22, two $10 bntaAjid two silver I ? dollars. The tinder jfil/please return 1 J same to this uthceroyS\i.ceive a liberal | \ / H. cW Gupton. j (t NOTICE JP CREDITORS Having quiritfed as executor of the Cjj estate of MraJBairo C- Edwards, late of Franklin cronW, this iarto notify i j all persons havingAclaimar against tne ' ? estate, of said deced\pt y exhibit the same to the undersinedr on or before i j tlie 22nd day of JulW; 1911, or thitf notice will be plead i/V>*r 0* their re- ?. covery. All persoiuf lVdebted to said ? rotate will please njfke immediate pay- V ment. TliiiJuJhr find* 1*0. * ^ Wm. H.yRUFFlN,>Executor. Photographs. I have formjM a partnership with Mr. J. D. Brink ley,\f Oxford; N. C.. and will be in a poainpn to w>rk Louisburg Franklinton and Toungrville regularly now. All work will brf finished in the very latest styles gallery at Oxford. Will be in boasborg July 21 to August 1; Frank lintaK AugUBt 2 to 18; youngsviile August^5Yo 20. We will do developing and /nisHlng and carry a full line of hand tamW. amateur supplies, etc. /Enlargements from original negatives at fl \ C F. WASHINGTON STEGAll & DRAKE BAHBERS I nllKRHDE .North f.eolin. MWMwnu) ?*vi vui VIIIIH. 4 We have recently /ormed a copartnership in thAJSarber Business in order that fe e may more closely look after/tV? interest of our customers. We nil continue C business at the on S legal I shop K on Court street AvherXjrou will fi always find everything clean, n neat and up-ti-date. \e will X run three chars from hv on ? that you mav wot have to wteit so |! long to be waned on. Git\ us V STEGALL & DRAKE ? 1 i D. E. MltlERI *r/ | Louisburgw/N. C. g With a nice weiufselected ? slock of Jewelry^ am in position to saiisfV most _ any one desiring anything _ in my line. I: A I Also Do Repairing 1 of WATCHES and JE\\\ EERY and will give you\ the very beft of work \ Very truly \ P E /MILLER Km yrwpwrwd Boy* kiM la for 117 Tllll^Sally a from d*y. Orytmttna MILTTAET f?^5lSC!PUHE. 1 1 still be unclean. Good >, but inside. It mesntf ood, a clean liver, and rbo is clean in thi&*vay ff with energy and/think ' l^T'nt siomacK or blood gih Wto-date t fouipwAy on A >buv./when A le ind/ieMmy X j ' , i ) pleAure\in it ilunc. H T sre &> (Aigans Z d yon wh*t V . piwifjMi^jOlfU'UP'-ftllU IIHLi ' '7v*v-ry^J^?7 '."* " \ **> " " * ' I " / Immmmmzmmm %z < = Summer =twn= ? Summer The good old sumnierliiifV is here Ami ? wants in cool weerinKfappsrel Anything' Men, Ymith a OutIv. Vlot Lisle, Nainsook, Madras a/d Knit UuaWr' ierv in all shades. An unexcelled line of^ The Largest Stock of Summer Shoes, Slip ^nd Sandals -^Adjjg'Lot of Trnnke^ Snit Cases and Club yoUour best sejpvice and prises a_d d I P.S/&K.K. ! I zmmmmmtmmm m P BUGGIES \ BUGG i v ^ Some men learn the value of the truth by ~dom Sunday School. Some mm pay cash ?ot Buggies, i special" difference and if any, i believe the man *ho , Now it is comfort and pleasure to ride in a new stWij A girl or the other fellows girl and the whole neigbbm won't say anything bad. ? I I 100 Buggies, All Kinds' and Robes Free With To Matfth, Yes Fine /Hai . Space and oi Of course every faraaer and eon who/reads tins w date buggy and I invite all readers oi the Times incl i middle, baseball cranks and near beer artists, just s< look. You ghant be hart and all will bJ welcome, v i K P i A. / . [, -' ' ' > BgB88888888affi888^8|: Goods | Prices y . I ? ; *;',?? 0 are prepared to supply your from head to foot. nd Boys Want in hing. wear. Ladies and Qente Hosisckwear, Collars, Beltu, Etc- \ Lkdies and Mens pens, Oxfords T ' V * " k';?#jC Bags to stlqctfrom. Will give _ lo our utmoj^c^pleasc you. 1 . ALLEN'S J IES ! I 1 f BUGGIES | f buaineM w^th liarg, others going to?*~ sjfhfrs buy on time, it doesn't make anv /Tides before be pays is. the lucky one. ? ih and up to date Buggy. Take your rhood will talk about you, ami the girl A atad Styles, Whips 5 . Every Buggy. Y y mess, yn Time on X a Tick.X advertisement, wafats a new style up to uding boys who part their hair ih the w > you are farmiag tAoome and take a X rhether vo? buy or n01. W < ' ' ' \ \ A HILL_\ ^