"* ; * ^ _ JProfesaional Card J^R. ARTHUR 1^*ES FLEMING, ~~ i Surafon Dentlat, / Office is Ford Building. Main and .'Nash ltreet, Loukbuit Nt-C. / Hour*^9 to 4:30. Phone No. 40. / ?JR. H. A. NEWELL, / PHYHlClAiy Louitb C.? Pbone No. 156 J*KA> ICLINTON HOTE^ Friifcllotoy. K. . ? U. A. speed. Hropristor. rGood LWerr i? connection JJIt. C. H. BANKS / DfiNTAL ASUROEON - l/;ui*bijnt. N. C. i. 0?m in.Hicln Bailqinn, Muln Street. p, H. COOKE -f ATTOU?EY-ATLA\V| Looilbnrg, N. C.' Over Cooper A Pleasants Store. Prompt at ten tiom given all legal buninets entrusted to me \ I yn. J. E. MAtONE PHYSICALS and SURGEON \ Loaksburic, N. I'. 4>fl*e ju real of huaslev-Alston Drug Store. YAH. 'S. PI HURT u II. PHTiIkXAN and'StBGEON lL&utHburg, N.JC. Office over PI S. 4, K. K. Allen's Store mi. R. F.jfYARBO ROUGH PHYSflAN and SURGEON, JLouisbnrc, N. C. Office in Van orough A Dicker! building. Night calls aft we red f.om T. W Hiekett s . residence, phot e 74. g D. UAV 2N BUBG ATT -RVEY AT LA * !L( uisbufg, X. C. Wsll pi-ioticejio ill the courts ot the State Offide i i Egerton Building WU. Hlfcw|)OD RCFFLN ATTORNEY AT LAW I Louieburg, N. C Will prnc'ioe tu all courts ol Franklin and adjoining jcn tin ties, al?"> in the Supreme Court and In thelUnited States Di'trict and Circuit Court. Office over First National Bank. I < . B. VylLDEl IATTORNEY AT LAW I Loai burg, N. C. Office on Main at 'eot in Cooper building. gPRUljL A Ht LUEN j ATTORJ EY3 AT LAW Louis iurg, N. C. Will attend the cot Pf* of Franklin, Vance, Graavilln^Yarre.. i nd Wake -'ountie!. alio the Suvnrne Com t of North Carolina. Prompt* *t tent ion K Te? to eollectioun Office la Sprawl building. t. wj Bickrtt. i R. B. WhlU Louisburg, N.'C. Franklinton. N. TglCKETT A, WHI TE LA 7YERS Lou'sbt rg, N C. The settlement o< est tee for exeeuboru.lAd* minisuratoru and Gue rdiaue is made a specialty. kn'' ^ebonds equired by law can be securqft in ae office.) *~ Offife in Tarboronih A .Bickett bnflding Maiii Jstreet PERSON 1 ATTORNEYS AT LAW Louisburg. N. C. ' \Pra tice iu<ell courts, toffleo on Main Street I ^ H^^ARBOROIJQH, Jr. attcJrxey Wt law SLouisbnr^i^. C. All Keg il business iatrust&d TlKni i 1 r ceive rnpnor attention. OraoeJ in 'Egerton uidi' C Jy F HOUCK 1 CONTRACTOR aodlBUILDER Louisburg, NL C. Ti iditig ageut for all kindstof building-uppl 98. artistic Mantle*and iTiles. Architectu nL.'lexignw guinDlttsdK^^^^ 4- 1 v s* j DR ^R D ^^JEfanklinton, N. ?., k- NOTICE / TEe State of North Carolina to Ricky Burrows and Dallas Byrows, Jenie Puller and Perry Huller greeting: You and each of you art hereby sum moned to spmat befory the undersign ed Clerk of Superior Cpurt of Franklin county, at the dpurt Muse in Louisburg on the 19th of Augurf, 1910 and answer the petition Vifft m. H. Edwards and others filed iA/hia court asking for the sale "of Isrul devise.!- by H. Wiley Edwards to f\a heirs at law, for petition between tAeVour livinr brothers and the children \f three d -ceased sisters and one deceased brother And let said Rickey iBurroys and Dallas Burrows, Jeniy. Fuller and Perry Fuller take noace thatVf they fail to answer the petition above mentioned within the time! above mentioned t,he petitions will tlen apply to\the court tor the relief dftmanded in th?\netition. Herein fall noli Qiven under tlte hand of the clerk and seal of the t\peri or court of Franklin county. ThiA July > 19th, 1910 p. a, Barrow, C. 8\C. T. T. Hicks, fc.tty. for Petitioners.^ . ? i : -V / : J MEN \ and I Are First Juclg] AS? ATTRACT ATrENTwk? neat and ypu can ti leVe; have written. Tlikra i\ letters written onfefneA written on an old tJachi a gentleman well Jressei You Can't Git I * Your Letters I THE VICTOR TYPHWRIT to nny business; It is tl tlie neatest workfwith th ease. Suppose sou wt and general t_v]Awriter RAMOS TYMlWRH lit Market Pone 11.14 \ I :"t wilVqngtoi -FORS One family horse, perfect)vY?it,l 1 Tyson and Jones rubber tiak b WILL/ C ; a Z&WPPPFFPPPFFFFFFW <9y ' We Have Just Receiv REXALL Rl \ AND TOI LET\/> OF AOi K This brand of goods is highly adireruee *~ ^SW-UI JMHteed in Aery p CALL IN AND /LOG . Oar Prescription Department i< THE SCOGG/N DF GROGJI We have a nice fresh stock of Gro have you examine before making you* money on anything in our line. Let Us Show You azi 1 We also earr/ a i General Merchaiidi AVhen in town give us a calif we will visit pleat GEO. H. emi-Annual Paymer The regular semi-Annual interest fti depo this bank will be credited on our books July or for entry on pass book* Friday July 1st. ded to principal and bearinteresythe same These Are^rosi: But they may pass. Whei1 paaV how hai you have spent all you earned. Then make through the lean years whiA the fuKre ma which otherwise might bars pent eareflwsly. it will not only be absolutely sa'e but lor w Four Per dent Inte eA Semi-A Citizens Rank, - . v / - - \ .; II ^ ] Jtters 1 Jd by Their , t % ance ? ri With ? letter that is tl it a man in what you ,1 aa much difference in N ^ i typewriter and thoee ^ lie aa there is between . - b J land a ragged tramp. ,1 -Results Unless I _x)ok\Good. I \ e KB is a valuable asset a in machimk that does n le greatest V>eed and u ite for the Vitalogue h information. ? 'er company n Street " P. 0. Box 64 ? T <fi N. C. | I 0 pALE I , ( * o e and will work anywhere. " ng{?y and harness cheap. u 1 s taoKE - |; ' r: t yvyyvvyyywvvy^g ^ t p ed a Big Lot of n 5MEDIES C kRTICLES \ INDS I 0 >d and recommended aud guaran- S .'. . . ^ F ^rticular. .>TD." d53 I.?! e >K\THEM OVER : b alwrja kept up to date. a RUGOOMPANY I 1 ERIES ! ceric^hat we would ^be glad to v pytch&sea. We can save von t d\Talk With You 8 lice link of J' se W Fruits I l do our unnost to Jmake vour lant \ n COOPER I ?????????_ s it of Interest? SI sits in the Savings Pepartmant of n 1st. It will he ready for payment, ij Interest not withdrawn will be ad- v as original deposit. tl >orous Times. S ' X re they profited you. Not at all If |] i there prosperous years carry you g v bring by placing spare money, . ' in our 9nvings Department, where J* hich we wdTgay you rest Compound-1 nnually. ? HenjIersonrN. C." / 7 4?-. iiffsSoL etson VI.?Third Quarter, For Aug. 7, 1910. HE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. ext of th* Lesson, Matt, xix, 1, 2. 1326-?'Memory Verses. 13-15?Golden Text, Matt, xlx, 14?Commentary Prepared by Re^. D. M. Stearns. We Have but one lesson in this furracking chapter which also looks o:i > the kingdom. when the twelve H|n?r. er, shall sit on twelve thrones Judrrluji le twelve .tribes of Israel (verse ?>*. .ccordlng to the harmony, there liould come lu the sequeuce of events etween the last* lesson and this on." !je whole of I.uke x to xvll and John 11 to si. but the opening verses of our hupter give a*suggestive summary if iken in connection with Mark*, x. 1. r.reat multitudes followed Hlw. and le healed thetu there; and as He was rout lie taught them again." He was ver teaching them of the kingdom nd showing thetu by His healing all janner of disease something of the uture of a kingdom in which the In abltant shall not any. I am sick, and he people that dwell therein' shall be orglven their iniquity (Isa. x.vxili. 24;. Ihristendom of toddy, however, has o more use for kingdom teaching than t lins for our Lord's teaching on dlorce Irenes 3-12), and can this be rendered at when from so many puiits It Is declared that there never was literal Adam and Eve. completely etting aside the Adam and Eve facts s stated by our Lord in verses 4. 5. Vhy profess to houor Jesus even as a ood man and set aside His plain caching as if He knew nothing? Suref this evil ago must be fast drnwiug o a close, and the kingdom must be rawing nigh. Will you be there? . From the story of' the little children nward tbis lesson is also found in lark x and Luke xvlii, and It Is tlife rst lessou since that on the trausflgration which is recorded by the three 'o see the force of this we must couIder what we have Just noted conerulng the large portion recorded only >y Luke and John. In a very recent ssson'we had some teaching concern ag the children, but now we have n on trust In the little children and the Ich young ruler between such us eu er the kingdom and such as cannot, 'hey brought these little ones?In .uke they are culled Infants?that He light put flis bands on them and ray. The apostles ure so out of bar jony with the mind of Christ thai hey actually rebuke those wb? rought them. Jesus was much diseased and uttered the memorable fords which have ever since been a omfort to multitudes of mothers' earts. "Suffer the little children to ome unto ine and forbid them not, for f such is the kingdom of God." "Am' le took them up in His arms, put His ands upon them and blessed them" Mark x. 14. 10). I like to associate rith this act and these words of Ills he words of Zectu vlil. 5. "The streets f the city shall be full of boys and iris playing in the streets thereof."' 'or. while that refers to Jerusalem on arth whea it shall have become a ioly city, is it not true that all true arthly joy is but a faint suggestion f the Joys of the kingdom? Receive lis word, receive Himself, as siinply nd unquestioningly as a little child. Now mark the contrast. Here is a ouug man. a ruler, very rich, having Teat possessions, morally very good or he thought he had kept the com oandments from his youth up. and ertainly very earnest, for btr came unulng and kneeled to Jesus with his question. "Good Master, what good hlng shall 1 do that I may have etoral life?" That he might see hims 1 ' nd his real need 'lie Lord set befnt-iitn the commandments, for the inten Ion of the law Is to Tiring us all U. iilltv hoftiro fitiri i?? \\\ in. t'-- ]' re. seeing our grill ? hr helpless ess. may be willing in be just J Ilea reely by His grace. The as a k'bole not seeming to affect. |Wn. f? * i 1|M$ self righteousness bo-Tonf-le'd r< uu kept ail. our Lord brought hi' ice to face with the^lirst. one. "Tli . halt have no other gods before M.-' y suggesting that he give all thai nd to the poor and thus transfer I.Is [ ensure to heaven, then die t?? s-.r nd follow Jesus, for. as one ha* sai?\ lie who bears Ids cross is on his \vn; ) his execution." That ended ibe !: jrvlew, and be went away sorrowfulHe was unconsciously au Idolater; is wealth and Ids morality and prop, bly his standing among men \v? lore to him than Jesus Christ and hi fpriull* lienri* <?nr I nr.l'i . hat It was uext to Impossible for > enter the kingdom. Rich pc? ].;? ueh as Abraham. David. ZaoHa-n j lid others have l/veu saved, so t,lateral .-poverty Is-not essential to snsat ion. but poverty of spirit, a rlousiiess of guilt and -helplessness nd not hi lioness before ?Jod vert a int i (lsa. Ixvl. 2: Luke xvili. 1ft. H: Mali. . 3: Tit. Hi. R. Oi. Tills stirs n qnes ion in Peter's mind: "Heboid. we ha.v Drsakeu all and followed Thee. What ball we have, therefore?" (Verse ? 'hen comes our Lord's reply "concern )g the kingdom with which we begun tie lesson ^ojnpare His words -I;. ,uke xxll. 25-30, "Ye are they wli ave continued with Me in My tompin Ions. And 1 appoint unto you a king om, as My Father bath appoints! nto Mo; that ye may eat and drink a [y table Id My kingdom and ?lt on irones Judging the twelve tribes of iraH " The promise for us Is In Rev I 21. i. ' -* ' ' ~C " N/ ?N ? .r " . '? . ?**-< . - ".? ? " ^40^ . . ? RIGHT OVER WOOD cn can be laid without (om ? bother right o^r the ol top of your building ineamtly from a fire cosher t will laat oelong as the KiDding Itaelf and neV^r ne For fuYtacr detailed information^ p M. f. HOUCK, Louis tmrnimmmm LOOK FOR It And you will Ret the ideal/ drink, one that 1 /and pleasing to the / Bottled By Louisbjurg Bottli P. S.?A fewLnore empty barrels an A BIG LOT New Furi \ AND-? . Sewing Ma JUSTVRECE And we can?mako the pricee rfgli\ Come we have/and to convii We AreJSelli^g tne^ niture]for^rhe Moni Can Buy in tc I alss carry a nice aud aomplet* line ef un s?lad to serva|tkose/who may be in De me a call f hen in town or in in my line. W. E. White Eurniti Special S< _ ' \AT THE Racket j New liDe of Whitei<joods,[Ginjrhams. Perltue, | stock qk Laces and Elm] We call especial attentic American #eau1 Ths best on the market. Call[and jpe them. Si baby caps just received, ft will be to y MRS- A M SPEND YOUR V/ AT THE VIRGIN ' OCEAN V/EV (Midway* between XorfolkiindY>ld The most popular Summyr Hotk o: HEADQUAWTCWg NOOT Surf Bathing, Fiahingr Boating, Antic, Dike Bowling Alleys and Other Am/sements. An For Rates anyFurther Infok JNO. tf TUCKEW HP" . I ITMEXSL X ASHINGLES d wood shtafflc*. changing the o A FIREPROOF ROOF that ed^repair*. - . rices, etc., apply to iburg, N.C. , -7 i IIS LABLE . K/SI Its' non-alcoholic but delicioug taste, ~ ng\W orks d kegs for sale cheap. liture ichines [IVED to see us and look at what iced that Tery Best Fur$y That You ie State. aVrtakeM supplies and will be V ed\of my serrioes. Give neeX of anything ireCompany lies 7 Store [Madras, Souitinj? and st pretty broideries h to the ;y Corsets imprb line "of Lulies hats our interest to see them: HALL ;:V, \CATION 11A BAY v, va . Point Comfort, Va.) n the Virginia Coast H CAROLINIANS 3 t ;' < ?*? ing, (Theatres, Scenic Railways ' nerican and European Plan, nation, Write , .1 >. < V ,'\ '

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